Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I thought Hope was supposed to tell Thomas whether or not they had a future together?? Another let down episode.

    1. They're probably going to drag it out until Friday. All the storylines are slow, drawn out and boring.

    2. Well at least they' re back to humor if they run in to each other. It does seem anti-climatic at this point. They think they are dragging out suspense, but it's backfiring, actually getting boring.

    3. Boo! Crummy escape for Bill and Poppy. Well at least if Bill goes home Ridge can still watch them have sex in his private peep show room at Bill's house.

    4. She did acknowledge that she told her mom that she needs to accept her and Thomas' relationship. And she also acknowledged that she is still wearing his ring around her neck. And, most importantly, she did not tell Thomas that they have no future together. In that sense, it means that they are not over by a longshot.

    5. I think Hope is just taking a little time to get over the shock and realizes Thomas, knew he could lose her for good by telling her but he's devoted to the relationship.
      Poppy and Luna I'm not sure about. Maybe they are both gold diggers and Li knows alot more than what we are seeing so far.

    6. Elle, true, but Hope didn’t look happy or comfortable with that conversation and said she needed more time. She also mentioned that it brought back the memory of how her daughter was kept secret from her. We are no closer to knowing anything than we were 2 weeks ago.
      I’m ready to check out until something really significant happens on the Thomas / Hope front. It’s just boring boring these days.

    7. Yes Lynn, I noticed her discomfort when Thomas first brought it up but, she also assured him that while she still needed time, it wasn't just about him. She said she wants to focus on all the positive things in her life and what is best for all of them.

      The lesson here is that we should all know by now that spoilers are just misleading most of the time. 😂 😂 😂

    8. I know. I used to never read the spoilers, but started about 4-5 months ago. This one was completely off the mark. Maybe they put it out there so people would watch.

    9. I agree. "All the storylines are slow, drawn out and boring."Exactely! Who writes storylines like that?

  2. OK i am in Deep with Thope Annika and Matt are magic on screen.Writers dont ruin this .Poppy and Bill i am loving together also .

    1. Agree. They are all "magical" together.

    2. Thope 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thomas and Hope do seem to have good chemistry. I just don't know if I were Hope could I get completely over all the stuff from the past. I don't think I could. I think I could forgive him, and be cordial and friendly, I could even work together. But not fall in love with him.

    1. Hope said it best. She prefers not to live in the past but to focus on what she has in the present. It seems it really doesn't matter to her what part Thomas played in her losing Beth. She is probably also looking at it from the perspective that he was not the one that took her baby away in the first place. And his efforts at being a different person than who he was before is not lost on her.

  4. How funny that there were only 20 comments on this blog yesterday! It seems that when there's no Thope, this show is hardly worth talking about. Anyway, yesterday's word of the day was "amazing," and apparently today's is "magical." I'm still not sure about Bill and Poppy as a couple. They just don't have the chemistry of Thomas and Hope. But they might grow on me. But when is either of them going to bring up the possibility of Bill being Luna's father? And what was up with that spoiler about Hope's "decision" that she was supposed to give to Thomas today? The "decision" that she needs more time? Lame spoiler.

    1. I meant Friday's word of the day was "amazing," not yesterday's.

    2. There are definitely characters that people are more invested in than others. Thope, Liam, Steffy, Taylor, Brooke and Ridge. The others are just blah. 😂 😂

  5. I'm so enjoying the Bold, it's a daily dose, like reading a chapter in your favourite book, not a movie. Thks Bob
