Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-31-24 Full episode B&B 31st January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-31-24 Full episode B&B 31st January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Zende, "Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." (Carrie Fisher)

    1. Zende is more than resentful he is jealous of RJ.

    2. I think Zende is both jealous & resentful. Jealous is a feeling or showing of envy of someone or their achievements & advantages. Whereas resentment is a feeling of angry displeasure at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. Zende is both envious & angry that with all his experience as a designer he was by-passed over for RJ who had no experience.

      Zende ought to hook up with Li because they are two peas๐Ÿซ› in a pod! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Two bitter angry people. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Fast forward for the last minutes with disgusting hope and her ted bundy ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ
    She is just pathetic

    1. What is it Zende feels entitled to? Why does he think Brooke and Ridge owe him equal everything?

    2. Totally agree about zende
      Just a jealous brat
      RJ should just kick him out of his house
      Even luna had a disgust look on her face looking at him

    3. Ahahahah her Ted Bundyyy I can't ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    4. Milla ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. ๐Ÿ”ฅ Thope ๐Ÿ”ฅ The way the camera kept going to the ring on her necklace, Hope will be wearing the ring on her finger soon. B & B does not really know how to do *subtle* foreshadowing.

    1. I really hope they solidify the Thope relationship soon. Even I am getting bored with it. Get them together stat! Then they can explore all the opposition and whatnot of Hope wearing Thomas' ring. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Agreed. It's time to move it along.

  4. Charlie is such an annoying busybody. I wish he would shut up.

  5. Thank goodness Hope didn’t accept Thomas’ proposal today! I thought for sure it was coming. And I had my ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ all ready to go!
    But she is still pushing him off. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    Even after his sales job! Lol. “Don’t break my heart, Hope!” Blah blah blah.
    Zende is beyond obnoxious. He’s so obnoxious in fact that I don’t even find him remotely attractive. What a weasel!

    1. Lynn every word they exchanged was just an insult to our intelligence
      It was disgusting but i had to laugh every time he is assuring her that she knows everything about him ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      How he lies look at her face with a straight face is remarkable
      This unrealistic offensive storyline is not empowering
      Its just show how hope is pathetic and pitiful and just desperate
      She is like a teen girl who want to reble and being so gullible and stupid
      I wonder how tommy biy is so good with beth ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ
      And btw check ur messenger

    2. I can't hear anymore about Thomas' "change"... It's getting so boring. Hope will find any excuse to not say yes. Now it's the "timing" and "one day maybe I'll be ready" - gosh that's just embarrassing, so cringe to watch ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ if the roles were reversed - a man was talking like this, we'd all be screaming collectively "drop him already!!". But no when it's Thomas it's "romantic". Not.


    3. And could Zende BE anymore annoying, any more jealous? Dude, you’ve got a job, you can take the initiative to rent your own house, and get your own girlfriend!
      RJ is not privileged more than you are
      Even RJ didn’t take money from his parents once he and ridge mentioned that
      He is making a good money by himself
      And Ridge could care less about Hope as long as his boy gets what he wants.

    4. Totally agree milla
      He just show at her place like every day but hey no pressure then we hear the same manipulation words and lies that she told her everything
      And she even lie to her self which is really pathetic
      She really did say no but he didn’t take a no for an answer
      And HE who put the ring around her neck abd she was at all happy about it
      But now telling her mother like it was her idea and she like it is ridiculous
      Im totally with brook in her opinion no mother would like to see her daughter with ted bundy but i don’t agree with her approach especially with hope being that childish and stupid

    5. Lynn, she was "pushing him off"? That's definitely not what I saw at the end there!

    6. Ren Chen, I was strictly referring to accepting the proposal. I didn’t watch the last 5 minutes of the show. But will later tonight. I know they both in dog in heat mode. Lol
      Just as long as those three words haven’t been said, and that ring stays off her finger I’m somewhat OK.

    7. Mmysh, you are cracking me up! Glad you are back!!!

    8. I figured that was what you meant, Lynn. ๐Ÿ˜Š But I actually don't see Hope "pushing him off" in any sense. I think she is giving Thomas hope in the things she tells him, like when she said "It's not you, it's not us, it's just the timing," and that maybe one day she would wear the ring on her finger. I think she is saying those things deliberately because she also sees a future with Thomas, and she doesn't want him to lose hope, she just wants him to wait until she's ready, which he said he is willing to do. The way I see it, neither of them are playing any games. They're being honest with each other. They're both invested in this relationship, he's just a bit ahead of her at the moment.

    9. Milla, I’m with you! I’m sooooooo sick of the “changed man” speech. Thomas is coming off as pathetic these days. It’s too over the top. Man this is gonna be a one-sided relationship if they do get married.

    10. Indeed lynn and for me i don’t want that to my favorite character to be just a tool
      And im glad im back
      I was busy the last few days i didn’t even read any comments and its too many to read now
      But i missed you ladies ❤️

    11. Mmysh I'm glad you're back. I also missed some eps and fast forwarded through others. It was the most boring time ever. And now just checking if Xander returns or what they plan to do with that from time to time. But don't care about RJ and Zende, don't care about Ridge and Brooke even, Hope and Thomas is the same - a woman can't push the words out of her mouth to save her life (and she might have to, considering the groom).

    12. Agree milla
      Hope is just fooling herself
      She is so desperate to be the only woman, and sorry for the expression and so hot like a cat in February ๐Ÿ˜‚
      And she is no respect for her daughter or pain and how much she suffered or her mother and brother so who is emma to have respect for her
      She is beyond disgusting to me these days

    13. Mmysh, you lost me with the reference to her brother. Are you talking about R.J.? What does he have to do with it?

    14. Ren Chen, I believe Mmysh is referring to the pain Beth and Douglas went through.

    15. The pain that Hope (Beth's mother) and Douglas (Beth's brother) went through, is what I meant to say.

    16. Ren Chen, I don't see Hope pushing Thomas off either. It's like you said, she's ensuring that he doesn't go anywhere while she's taking the time she needs. It's why I said yesterday that she has to be downright diabolical if she's just stringing Thomas along with no real intent of a future with him.

      I also think they need to move things along. It's either Thope are going to be together or not. Tired of this neverending storyline of Hope making up her mind.

    17. So Hope has no respect for her own pain that she went through? I would put it another way: She knows how to forgive. Not saying it's realistic. Not saying I would do the same, if I was in the same ridiculous situation. But it's a soap. Unrealistic character redemption happens. People get forgiven for all kinds of terrible crap. Why is Thomas the one character who is considered unforgivable, unredeemable???

    18. And Elle, I agree, they need to move it along. I'm guessing next week she'll say Yes.

    19. Ren chin no i meant rick and brook and sure we can include douglas
      I wonder how she would feel to know the rest of the things we as viewers know or only his parents
      But anyway i always said sure she can forgive him
      Forgiveness is a good thing
      But bedding him ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ
      And even if its a soap those things and logic are the same to me my dear its not depending on how i feel about the characters

    20. And fir sure this not how redemption works even in drama and tv shows not alone in real life

    21. Oh wow, I completely forgot about Rick, it's been so long since we've seen him. I don't know his history very well, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. But as a grown woman, I would not consider that I need my brother's or my mother's approval for the person I choose to be in a relationship with. I don't think it shows a lack of respect for Rick or Brooke. If anything, Hope has been extremely patient with Brooke.

    22. In not saying she needs their approval
      But she sure is naive and pathetic not powerful at all
      And brook is absolutely right btw i don’t agree with her approach to hope
      And hope is annoyed with brook not not because she thinks that brook’s arguments aren’t not valid, but because she absolutely knows that they are
      And brook is right that what hope is doing is not fair to Thomas and hope knows that but after everything she went through with liam she is just hungry to that one sided love thomas is offering her,

    23. Redemption doesn't have a specific process or "how to." And especially on soaps, redemption can come in many forms.

      You, Mmysh, may not view Thomas as redeemed but, in my opinion, he is the only character who has actually had to go to lengths to prove he's a different person.

      Brooke, Ridge, Stephanie, Bill etc have all done dastardly things but have made zero amends and have done nothing to prove they've changed. They've just been written to mature and make better choices, and that was accepted. Heck, even Sheila fell in love and is now acting like a we'll-adjusted member of society.

      Whatever your reasons are for loathing Thomas the way you do is quite fine, but don't make it as though there is some special or correct way for redemption that Thomas has not fulfilled.

    24. Well elle you have all the right to think this way and have your own opinion
      But that doesn’t change the fact that redemption doesn’t go that way especially with thomas’s misdeeds
      Its not about just behaving good and saving an expensive fashion line
      I saw in real life and fiction how redemption go
      And sorry im not in the mode to discuss every single character you mentioned because it need a day sitting over coffee to finish that talk and they are irrelevant to hope right now
      and no i never liked ( except for brook ) or defend any of them when they did something wrong (in my opinion) or deny it when its indefensible
      Like you always like to imply
      And what the writers is doing with sheila will not change that she is not redeemed or stopped being a psychopath which in your opinion she can’t be changed
      While Thomas is a psychopath but he can change
      My favorite character is hope and i like to discuss the storylines around her
      And that happens to be involved with thomas who hurt her and her family the most
      And yes i discuss the rest of the characters when there is a big storyline around them or its only about them
      But if i dont talk about bill for example and the awful things he did when his all appearance is just renting RJ a house it doesn’t mean i like him or im ok with his doing
      I hope for the last time it’s clear to you
      But sure you are free to feel whatever you want about thomas or any other character and its my right not to agree with you or see things the way you do abd you have the same right about mine

    25. Well one thing I'll agree with you on, Mmysh, is that Brooke's approach with Hope is dead wrong. All this nagging and trying to tell Hope what to do is obviously not working. You would think Brooke would realize that and back off. But she (Brooke) just doesn't seem to get the message. I also wish that Hope would try a different approach with Brooke. Stop trying to get your mother's approval. It's not gonna happen, and you don't need it anyway. Set some boundaries. Say "I know you don't approve, Mom, and you don't have to. You have a right to your opinion. But I've heard everything you've had to say, and I don't need to hear it anymore. If you continue to criticize my relationship with Thomas, I will choose to limit the time you and I spend together. This is necessary because I don't want our relationship to deteriorate." In my opinion she should have said that long ago!

    26. I think the only SL the viewers actually care about is Hope and Thomas. So the writers are gonna milk it and keep us guessing for as long as possible.

      Ren Chen, I’m not sure I agree with your foreshadowing on the close up of the ring hanging from Hope’s necklace. There were lots of other things over the weeks that seemed to indicate a very specific thing was coming, then they would fall away….never to be mentioned again. So we’ll see. I still think Thomas is looking pathetic these days pouring out his heart non-stop to Hope….only to have her say…..”I appreciate it!” Funniest thing ever, if you ask me!

    27. Lynn, that's why I don't get all this hate for Thomas. He's anything but a villain these days. He's like a golden retriever, just happy for any kind of attention he gets from Hope.

    28. Will ren hope is the one at wrong not brook
      Brook’s approach is wrong because you can’t teenager girl like this and that‘s how hope is acting
      Brook is concerned and she has all the right to be
      No mother will be seeing her child in their way to got hurt and leave them to learn a lesson or to tell them i told you so
      If hope is really a grown respectful woman she will not be in that position from the first place
      And hope never sought her mother’s approval
      Hope always do what hope wants
      Being close with her mother and sought her BLESSING is not seeking her approval
      How hypocritical hope is she caught out her father and didn’t give him her approval while they are in the very same situation but now she demands the same from brook to be ok with her relationship with thomas and not to worry
      If she is so annoyed by her mother let her man up and have a principle and move out from her mother’s property
      I think brook is the one who is so patient with hope not the other way around

    29. I totally agree that Hope needs to move out of the cabin and off her mother's property. I don't agree that she's "in the wrong." She is just making choices that her mom doesn't like. But at a certain point, as a parent, you've got to let your grown kids do what they're going to do. You say your piece, sure, and then you move on. Whether you call it seeking her mother's approval or seeking her blessing, either way it's a lost cause and she needs to give it up. Hope has always been one of my favorite characters on this show, but I do wish she was more assertive and better at setting boundaries with Brooke (and Liam, when needed).

    30. Will for me as a parent i will let my daughter be around someone like thomas if she is stupid enough to not do it herself
      And yeah she should put boundaries with liam but sure not brook
      Especially brook we’re always a goid mother to her and always supported her
      And she isn’t even listening or learned any lessons from the past
      Were her mother was proven right like every time
      And yes brook should just leave her and let her be hurt again because brook is just hitting a dead horse
      And she knows that her mother is right but too stubborn and desperate to admit it

    31. Yeah, I wouldn't say that Hope knows her mom is right. Nor would I say that Brooke has always been a great mom. Just reading the Wikipedia summary of her storylines over the years . . . Yikes! But until or unless Hope truly asserts her independence by moving off of her mother's property, any boundaries she does attempt to set will not be fully effective anyway. Unfortunately I don't think this show has the budget for any new sets, and they've probably run out of old sets to reuse.

    32. Ren Chen, what about Mmysh’s point about how Hope won’t even consider letting Deacon around her family as long as Sheila is in the picture? She basically told Deacon he’d have to choose between her (Hope) and Sheila. A bit hypocritical I’d say!!!

    33. I tend to agree with Hope when she said that Thomas is practically a saint compared to Sheila. But yes, I do see your point and Mmysh's point. And I agree that Hope is being a tad hypocritical there. A better strategy would be to tell her dad that she would be willing to give Sheila a chance if he could do the same for Thomas. Just one chance-- "one strike and they're out" kind of deal.

    34. I think Thomas may have his one strike before Sheila. There are predictions that something will happen and Thomas won’t be honest with Hope. And in today’s episode she made it very clear to him that she needs complete honesty. And he committed to that. So if she catches him in a lie going forward, it won’t be good.

    35. I didn’t get the impression that Deacon would disown Hope if she had a relationship with Thomas. I think, just like Brooke, Deacon is just very concerned about his daughter.

    36. I'm so over Sheila as a character, I just don't care what happens with her. I really hope they don't have Thomas revert to his dark ways, because not only would it ruin my favorite couple, but- even worse- it would put Liam and Brooke in the right. I just can't handle a smug Liam and an I-told-you-so Brooke. ๐Ÿคฎ

    37. And I agree, Deacon was just being a concerned dad. But it was also pretty hypocritical of him to act that way, considering his girlfriend literally shot two people, and has committed much more dastardly deeds than Thomas ever did.

    38. Lol. I’m over Liam. But I always enjoy a smug Brooke. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ She is my favorite character. Ever since Hope got into a relationship with Thomas, my respect for Hope has dropped significantly. I liked her better the way she acted with Liam, even though Liam turned out to be a real jerk.
      We haven’t seen much of Sheila. I get bored with her too.

    39. My respect for Hope dropped significantly when she stuck with Liam even after he cheated on her with Steffy after the stupid storyline with the mannequin. She should have divorced him then. That's the moment I started hoping for a Thomas and Hope pairing. They are my two favorite characters, although they're both frustrating at times.

    40. I never saw or i don’t remember brook or liam telling hope i told you so or brag about it
      And we have the CPS storyline recently
      Even hope told liam you can say i told you so
      And the point is thomas never before prove them wrong

      And lynn no need for a new lie
      Thomas is already lying
      So many things he didn’t tell her especially about emma
      And yet he keep repeating that he told her everything and she knows everything about him which is a total BS

    41. Mmysh, I agree there are definitely things Hope doesn’t know. But I got the impression based on what I read that something new will come up. I don’t think we’re ever going to see Thomas tell the whole truth about past deeds. And in his twisted mind, he’s telling the truth about Emma. But we know there was way more to it than he’s letting on.

    42. Ren Chen, I have to admit when Brooke was pressuring Hope to stay with Liam after he slept with Steffy, I was really not liking Brooke at that time! What mother would tell her daughter to stay with a man that cheated?? That was the most annoyed I have ever been with Brooke.
      I’ve missed lots of decades of the show. So I’m sure some of her younger escapades would have been critiqued by me as well.

    43. And i agree hope should have divorced liam back then and focused on herself and the kids
      But look how she became a cheater herself the thing she hates about liam
      And since is good and ok to forgive thomas for the horrific things he did to her and almost each member of her family so forgiving liam back then shouldn’t be a point of losing respect for her in my opinion

    44. Yes lynn brook have hope some bad advices over the years but that‘s doesn’t make her a bad mother

    45. I didn't say anything about Hope forgiving Liam. It was the fact that she stuck with him and stayed in the marriage after he cheated on her that made me lose respect for her. She could have forgiven him but still realized she didn't want to be in a marriage with him any longer.

    46. I wouldn't say Brooke is a bad mother. But I also wouldn't say she's a great mother. Like you said, Lynn, I can't imagine telling my daughter she should stay with a man who cheated on her. Mostly I just think Hope and Brooke need a little healthy distance between them.

    47. Mmysh, regarding your earlier comment about Brooke or Liam not saying "I told you so," yeah you're probably right about that. I just *really* don't want either of them to be given the satisfaction of knowing they were right. That's how much I dislike the characters.

    48. Agree ren she should have divorced him
      Snd brook was wrong to tell her to stay with him just like how she advised her to sleep with him before marriage

      But brook is doing now is the right thing and hope should listen
      But it seems hope only listens to bad advice ๐Ÿ˜‚

    49. Very valid points. And yes in his mind Thomas is telling "everything". He has pushed the rest out of his mind. He is not capable of seeing himself through Hope's eyes if she could see him trying to drug her or standing over dying Emma smiling. If she had been there for any of it, she would have filed a restraining order against Ted Bundy.
      There is a reason why Hope has to make up her *mind* and it's because her *heart* is not saying I love you. She cares, she's impressed, she's grateful, she supports, she hopes for the best... But love is love and you either feel it or not. And it doesn't take decades to realize.
      Lynn I also enjoy a smug Brooke and especially a "tail-between-her-legs" Hope who yet again has been slapped in the face with the truth about Thomas.
      Btw I have the feeling at some point it won't be Thomas disappointing Hope, but her breaking his heart (like he mentioned). Sth along the lines of sleeping with Liam, getting pregnant and having a who's the daddy situation ๐Ÿ˜‚we are due for one.

    50. Oh good Lord no, anything but Hope and Liam getting back together or another "who's the daddy" storyline!

    51. I hope not milla
      Not this ridiculous storyline
      And enough trashing hope‘s character more and more
      She is disgusting enough for now to cheat again it will be disappointing

      And milla im afraid of another stupidity of the writers
      It seems luna is still a virgin
      And since they already like hope trashed zande out of no where
      I hope they will not go with predator going after a virgin female

      Luna has just told us she is a virgin who has been waiting for the right guy, and she feels she has found that guy in RJ. Zende who is consumed with jealousy and resentment toward RJ has leered at Luna in a creepy way that makes your skin crawl.
      He has already tried to make a move on Luna, tricking her into a romantic dinner,
      Now, as Luna and RJ are about to have sex, it is almost guaranteed that the writers will ruin the romantic night they have planned.
      They show her popping breath mints for a reason.
      While Poppy popping anti-anxiety herbal,
      Maybe Luna will take Poppy's pills by mistake, perhaps with wine, and become impaired.
      Then, somehow, predatory Zende will make a move. But sure he will be excused because he "didn't know" she was impaired, as all the predators on this show have been excused.
      And then a new love triangle ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ

    52. And im really tired of these writers and how they have no respect for the viewer’s memory or intelligence
      they are changing storylines that aren't even a year old and making the character look stupid.
      When Luna first showed up she talked about her and Finn growing up and she and Finn climbing trees.
      Now they are saying Finn was in college how many college kids climb trees just to hang out?
      How can Finn remember being in Luna's life then disappearing if he was already in college when she was born? Most importantly he is a doctor and can't subtract the weeks to know around the time Poppy got pregnant?
      Just like they did a few episodes back with beach house

    53. And ren chen i just saw your comment about brook and liam
      Thanks for acknowledging what i said
      And you have all the right to dislike them although in my opinion both of them don’t compared to thomas which I dislike
      For me he is evil and a psychopath who never held accountable for any of his misdeeds
      And him just being whitewashed in this ridiculous way is really stupid

    54. Mmysh even worse - now it's Finn was in college "a year before Luna was born" (I think so that they can establish a paternity suspicion for him and/or Jack)!! This means by the time Luna was able to climb trees... He was way past college ๐Ÿ˜‚ serious wtf.

    55. And if they attempt to go there i will be sure that these writers are sick, disgusting sick
      Just to imply that there was a chance finn slept with his aunt and make it ok because there is no blood sharing between them just like the did over the years and make viewers feel ok about is beyond disgusting to me
      Makes me wonder are we going to see an actual incest and it will be ok and viewers find excuses

    56. I mean, this is B & B we're talking about. For some reason they seem to like these "almost-incest" storylines. But I really don't think they would cross the line into showing actual incest.

    57. Ren I was thinking about your question why the hate for Thomas. And in my case I can say that my negative feelings are towards Hope more than towards Thomas. I don't dislike Thomas as he is now. He's not doing anything wrong. What he does is take what is given to him which is everything - the job, the woman, Douglas' magical forgiveness yet again. He's right to take what falls in his lap. Who wouldn't?
      But Hope is the source of my dismay - after being hit by the truth about him about 59 times and swearing up and down that she won't touch him with a 2 ft stick, she magically is attracted to him and starts a sex relationship. And the reason - because he's the only man she's not worried would go after Steffy. Which is both factually wrong and a terrible message to be that insecure that your step-brother who dragged you through hell is your only choice. She threw her family away for Thomas - a family that she wanted so much with a man who she always loved (never had to think about it or convince herself or look down in discomfort). And if asked even now, she says she will always love. It is the "okay for what?! What is this sl with Thomas supposed to achieve?" for me. And I hope we get to the end of it soon.

    58. Mila, thank you. Finally, an answer to my question of why so much hate for Thomas. Normally the response is just a rundown of all the stuff he did. Which, granted, he has done some terrible things. But to me it doesn't seem to merit this 100% positive assurance that "No, he is evil and he'll always be evil. He will never ever change. It's simply not possible, even within the context of a soap." I wonder if others' hatred for Thomas is also more frustration with Hope and the storyline? Like, if Hope didn't all of a sudden start having feelings for Thomas out of the blue last year, would you all still have such strong feelings against him? I'm just trying to figure out why suspension of disbelief simply does not seem to be possible with this character, while it is for others.

    59. I guess ren chen you wonder about me
      Thomas is present everything i hate in a person
      Being with hope change nothing to me
      It’s changed my respect and admiration for hope herself
      I don’t see he can change just like sheila but at the same i don’t mind see him doing something it can consider as a real redemption thing
      Because so far he did nothing in my opinion
      And if he did some terrible stuff so does shiela
      A man who is happy and relieved a young woman losing her life is evil
      So how come sheila can’t change but thomas can
      For me they are the same but sheila’s victims are more
      And i don’t know were you got the impression since we exchange opinions just recently
      That i believe all the characters has changed or I defend them
      Me not talk about them much does not they have a free pass
      So many times i praised thomas or steffy or Taylor when they deserve it while i dislike them a lot
      But as i told elle the other day
      Hope is my favorite and a like to discuss the storylines around her and most of the time i speak about her behavior

    60. Well for what it's worth, I'm willing to go along with the "Sheila has changed" storyline too. Until or unless the writers give us a reason to believe she hasn't. (I just don't really care about Sheila because she's boring and whiny either way.) I just personally could not get any enjoyment out of watching soaps if I wasn't able to suspend my disbelief over characters changing in unrealistic ways. For me, the ridiculous storylines are just part of the fun. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

    61. I Respect that
      But for me some things are the same fictional or reality
      I really don’t also care about sheila
      But what goes to thomas goes for her
      So yes i not like no way thomas or her could change
      But they the writers are playing it is not the right way to me for someone to be redeemed
      Redemption is like how theon greyjoy redeemed himself in game of thrones
      Or how bucky barnes ( winter soldier) redeemed himself and the list go on
      Even these shows are not compared to stupid soap but its the same to me
      Thomas is not even close

    62. See, I have different standards and expectations for different shows/genres. B & B is not even close to the quality I would expect from Game of Thrones or Captain America. The bar for writing on B & B is so low it's barely off the ground. I just take it for what it is and enjoy it. It's just mindless escapism.

    63. I do agree
      And totally respect how you see it
      But for me principles and values are the same in any show I watch
      I can’t just put my beliefs aside when im watching an actor or character i like
      But still doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy these shows

    64. My mom does not like the fact that I look at this show at all. She always says "you're a Christian watching a show about infidelity and adultery!" The thing is, I look at this show purely for entertainment just like I look at other shows for entertainment. It doesn't mean that my morals and values align with what is being portrayed on these shows. One of my favorite shows is the Blacklist but, it does not mean that I run around with murderers and drug lords. It's as Ren Chen said, sometimes you have to suspend belief to watch these shows. B&B is my escape to another world. Not that my life isn't great but, I love looking at the show for the 19-20 minutes then coming here to discuss it. It's the highlight of my very active, busy and stressful day actually.

    65. Elle, that's funny that you say that, because I was taught growing up that soap operas were "sinful." In fact that was initially part of the appeal for me as a teen watching Days of Our Lives. I too object to the characterization we sometimes encounter, like because we support specific characters, that means that we would have no problem with that behavior in real life. I have no issue at all with separating the two in my head. But everybody's different, and some people just don't compartmentalize like that. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

    66. That's so true. Although I do understand comparing 'reel' to 'real' sometimes, such as Eric's disease recently and his symptoms, or legal matters such as with the Thomas/Emma scenario, but to align the entire fictional show and whatever values they break to real life should not be a given. Like you, I can very much separate the two.

      But then again, I've been watching B&B (with my same mother!) since I was a child so I guess I've just gotten used to it and don't let the unreal stuff bother me.

    67. Ren Chen , Elle, if anyone is to characterise anyone that they must support or be like that in real life , then the whole lot of should be locked in the looney bin, or jailhouse, because there is not a single “moral” character on this show who hasn’t done bad things in some way or another!! So if someone likes the character of Brooke who has a special nickname, does that mean her supporters are like that in real life, or support her actions in real life?? I don’t think so??

    68. Whole lot of *us* ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  6. Poor RJ & Luna can't get 5 minutes alone in their new beach house. People should just keep stopping by until they have gone thru the entire cast.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Deacon & Sheila can surprise them with a pizza from Il Gardino's.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Donna can present them with a beautiful crystal water pitcher.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Hope & "Ted Bundy" can drop by with a house warming gift of a set of kitchen knives! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Charlie can come over and offer to set up security cameras.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Brooke & Ridge can stop buy to make out on the beach.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Steffy & Finn can deliver the fixings for making S'mores in the fire pit.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Li can give them another piece of her mind.
    ๐Ÿ˜‚ Finally, Eric can drop in & remind them that they have his approval & he considers them the future of FC.

    Oh, the possibilities.

    1. Im dying renee ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      Really really good one especially using the ted bundy ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      And about ridge and brook they can step by to show them how its done just like how they showed the office how make out is done ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Mmysh, the nickname you gave Thomas was perfect. He is stuck with it. B&B should just change is name to Ted now. ๐Ÿ˜‚

      Donna has her Honey ๐Ÿฏ Bear ๐Ÿป & Hope has her "Teddy" Bear๐Ÿงธ! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    3. Omg that’s hilarious and a very good one Renee ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. Renee I just can't ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃespecially the set of kitchen knives and the "piece of her mind"

    5. Or, RJ could just lock the door and close the curtains!

    6. None of them lock doors or close curtains - even when they are afraid of Sheila. Yesterday's episode ended with Hope stripping down to her teddy for her "Teddy Bundy". The curtains were wide open & any peeping Tom could have watched their porn show. The cabin is on her Mom's property. Who in their right mind would risk their Mom walking up on them with Hope wearing nothing but her boots? Oh, wait, Brooke has already seen them in action. What about the kids or anyone else who decides to stop by?

  7. Omg get rid of Charlie please he’s so weird and boring

    1. The sad thing about his character is even the other actors make fun of him. Then there’s the viewers making fun of him. He’s just not funny! His character is lame!

  8. Can you please reload January 30 and 31 2024 thanks
