Monday, October 16, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th October 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th October 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Colly you were right! Li is all about the achievements and the classic ways to succeed and Luna‘s mom following a different path and not "giving back to the family" is seen as failure, very typical for Asian families. I'm glad Luna is showing teeth. And she will be succeeding. She and RJ are so sweet. I'm looking forward to see what Li does now.

    Ew Hope that thumb sucking was so disgusting just like the "I need to hear you say it" - even though it confirms what I've been saying all along. You is *needy* and that's what gets your motor revving every.damn.time. Brooke is right with the comparison with Sheila. Both are outrageous and doomed. I both applaud Hope for locking the door and want to puke because she had to. Poor Eric's office. What happened to it?

    🤩🤩 Thomas I've been missing that face!! Finally this show is getting exciting!

    1. These people are way too up in each other's business. Family should be the first people you DON'T tell this stuff. They will have some smart aleck reason the scrape you got into was your fault! RJ is finding out Li doesn't listen. Next time she'll have a little RJ doll full of stick pins when she visits. Reasoning with a voodoo priestess doesn't work. She is probably in the office next door ransacking it for where you guys store the eye of newts, or toes of frogs. Awful seeing Deacon try to justify Sheila to Brooke and Ridge. Tell them to go try to cling to youth somewhere else. Tell Brooke the junior dress shop is having a sale. Anything to get rid of them. After this don't even try to justify anything it's none of their business. Neither the blow-hard nor the eternal ingenue have anything to do.

    2. Hope sucking thing was so gross. Too much information. Big mouth Brooke pounding on the door, "Why is the door locked?" Why don't you take a flying f at the moon nosy beotch.

    3. Hope and tommy boy 🤮🤮🤮🤮
      And she forgot to pay him before he left 😂😂😂😂😂

      Li didn’t let steffy his wife to take care and support him after the shooting so sure she will not let her sister and niece

    4. And hope the comparison is so accurate
      Your dad with a psycho murderer like you do
      But at least sheila never hurt deacon personally like thomas did to you and your family for almost his whole life

    5. Heeey Mmysh you finally returned! 😀🤗 I have been holding about 10 Friends references, so long you've been gone!! How are you?

    6. Ah don't worry about Hope. There's only so long she can be in this "I need someone to make me feel special" box. She is already questioning if that's all she deserves, a man she doesn't love.

    7. And doesn’t your speech to your mother about you and tommy that you are both adults and don’t have to justify your relationship 🤮 to anyone
      How hypocritical because that’s applies also for your dad and shiela
      But at least your dad loves shiela
      And i wonder why didn’t blow up in Finn’s face like she dud with her mother
      She becoming more disgusting by the days

    8. Brooke pounded the door as if a 4 year old girl was getting molested. "Why is this door locked? She demanded to know. Too bad she didn't walk in on the thumb sucking fiasco bletch! I had to look away because i was getting grossed out. Brooke was just there to get splooge samples from the couch to send to the FBI for future use.

    9. Very valid, she only blows up to her mother. I have to admit - I do the same when I know my mom is speaking the truth but I can't admit and feel like she is trying to determine my life for me. Some lessons have to be learned by suffering first hand (no matter how many times you make the same mistakes like in Hope's case), an adult can't teach us. Same with Luna - she has her own path and neither her mom nor her aunt have to walk it, but her.

    10. Oh milla you reminded me when chandler new year resolution was not to tell jokes and how he suffered holding these jokes 😂😂😂

    11. That Hope and Thomas sex scene was so incredibly corny and unnatural!!! Oh my gosh - it reached a whole new barf level today!!! But what didn’t change, and hasn’t changed once, is Hope’s need to “hear the words” from Thomas so that she can ‘get in the mood.’ Brooke is SOOOOOO RIGHT!!! Thomas is a ticking time bomb!! I said that very thing last week. What happens when Hope comes to her senses and dumps him??!! I don’t even want to think about that fallout! It’s gonna be BAD!!!!
      And to all the FF’s - notice Brooke said absolutely NOTHING about Hope pursuing Finn. You ladies were totally jumping the gun berating Brooke for something that ‘might happen.’ Just the same familiar Brooke bashing that is completely uncalled for.
      I am glad Luna pushed back on bitchy Li. Hopefully we find out this big secret soon.
      And I continue to believe that Deacon is IN LOVE with Sheila. This is no rouse. I mentioned in one of my earlier comments that there would be zero reason for Deacon to call in a favor from the judge and get her off on a technicality if he weren’t truly in love with her. The only thing we can hope for is that Sheila royally screws up again, and then Deacon finally sees the light!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
      Did anyone else notice that Wyatt is no longer included in the intro pics ?? If he was included, I missed it. I think Wyatt is perhaps no longer on the show ??? 😔😔😔

    12. Milla, it does seem like it’s all about that, but a couple things made me wonder if that’s all it is?? When Luna brought up Finn, Li’s reaction and statement “Finn knows”, and her panicked facial expression?? Unless it’s just that she knows how sweet Finn is and will stand up for Luna, however, I think it’s way more than that?? I say this because Li’s last words, sounded ominous, “just remember, I gave you a way out, for you and your mother”, so wonder what that was about too??

    13. Oh lynn indeed about brook
      I said like more than a week ago
      She got blamed even if she didn’t appear in the episode 😂😂😂🥱🥱🥱🥱

      And yeah i didn’t see Wyatt
      And the removed quinn also

    14. Agree ladies about the thumb sucking scene.....Colly I also think there is something else going on beside just disgracing the family name. And who is Luna's father?? Mmysh did Brooke ever have to justify her relationships with that same comment, we are both adults and don’t have to justify our relationship 🤮 to anyone? how hypocritical ?and Lynn, the whole FF's and LF's bashing and who gets the gold star is getting a little tiring.

    15. D, yes it’s very 🥱🥱🥱🥱 I might go have a 👵 nap 😴 😴 🤣🤣🤣

    16. Oh D - then all the FF’s should take a nap. Sweet dreams.
      You ladies refer to the LF’s often. Why is it that you only seem to notice when I do it, but don’t seem to notice when any of your peeps do it??!! I find that to be tiring.

    17. What gets tiring is the Brooke bashing. When that stops, I’ll be far less likely to refer to FF’s and LF’s. But you ladies will never stop the Brooke bashing because that’s the favorite pastime on this blog.

    18. Lynn, Lfans bash forresters just as much if not more!! Not only that, none of you comment when you guys do exactly what we are accused of!! Read my post from yesterday, explains it clearly!! One of your mates not only goes on about the forresters CONSTANTLY, but also attacks, ridicules, mocks the fans themselves for posting their opinions no matter what it is, even when they are not responding to that person.. You yourself said the other day when Taylor returned, that u wanted Taylor gone from the show, simply because she gets on your nerves.. First you said she was right, then went on to say that!! Is that not forrester bashing at its finest.. So please, get off your high horse!!

    19. Lynn spot on about Hope and Thomas. And when her mom asked her what's going on to make her act like that the answer was "I don't know!!" 🤣 Brooke at least followed her heart, Hope obviously follows the thumb... 🤢🤢 of a man she doesn't love and knows it and has known it for as long as she has lived.
      Colly about Luna - of course there's more to the story, so far there's been no story so much 😀 still all their secrets will have to come out (the father, the relationship, IF there's anything related to Forresters go make her want the girl out of FC or just general hate of their story). But I firmly believe Luna has a good heart and that she's nothing like that godawful Amber (I don't know who compared) who was an obvious opportunist since the very beginning (and PS even after all she did Brooke accepted her marriage to Rick and helped them fight for custody of the baby... That's how we got the "pleasure" to meet Deacon).

    20. Oh d sweetie next time check what i talked about before you comment
      Its not cool to look like that you know what right ???
      Because that’s not what i meant
      Pay attention next time hun
      Don’t be like a child oh its my chance 😂😂😂 to reply without understanding
      My comment wasn’t about brook’s relationships or with whom she is sleeping
      Its about something lynn mentioned and did before
      You can go back to the last days i commented maybe you will get it
      Or go back to your nap 💤 its more healthy to you
      I will not even bother read the rest 🥱🥱🥱

    21. Oh Mmysh, thank you so much sweetie, for proving MY point!! D understood YOUR point, it seems you are the one who doesnt understand my dear!!🤣🤣🤣 D was asking you a question!! Nothing more hun!! The rest of her comment was referring to Lynn.. Perhaps it’s just cause you’re tired 🥱🥱🥱🤣🤣🤣 you just made yourself look silly and nasty!! Well done dear!! Now that’s cool 🤣🤣🤣 and sweetie save your breath cause I won’t bother reading 🥱🥱🥱

    22. Yes Milla, there is obviously more to it, and we will have to wait and see what that is.. and yes, Luna does seem sweet, but you never know on this show!! Only time will tell!!

    23. Colly, we ALL support our favs and bash the characters we don’t like. But that is not what prompted me to respond to D. She said she’s sick of hearing about the FF’s and LF’s. But as I said, she is only sick of it when the LF’s do it. Maybe she should have just left it alone. I won’t be called out for something that you guys do all the time. So I think I’ll stay on my HIGH HORSE. LOL.

    24. Colly I hope you didn’t take my words as snark; I meant to agree with you that (hopefully!!) there’s more story to come reg Luna and Li.

    25. Haha Lynn your comment about Deacon reminded me that of (any Big bang theory fans?):

      Sheldon: Is there a plot afoot? I'll have no truck with plots!
      Penny: No… you're right. There's no plots, no trucks, no… feet.

    26. Btw I also for a moment thought the same about Bill, that there would be no reason for him to bribe a judge and blackmail Steffy and Taylor but they managed to pull the whole FBI thing out of their a$$. You are most probably right about Deacon (plus I’m always the fist to say that the difference between Bill and Deacon is like day and night), I just hold a 2% hope still that they surprise us. But it will more likely be that Deacon regrets bitterly his stupidity.

    27. Whatever makes you feel better colly
      How pathetic

    28. I don’t read or look at your comments 🥱 unless sure my name is mentioned
      But look how you ladies obsessed with mine 😂😂😂😂

    29. No Milla, not at all love!! I agree, I think there is something really big to come out too?? They are being very cryptic!! Especially where Finn revolves around all this.. He is obviously a big part of the reason Li doesn’t want Luna around, so it will probably b that he is Luna’s father or perhaps brother? I just wish they would spit it out already!! So tired of the dragging it out!!

    30. Mmysh, the question D directed to “you” in her comment when she asked that question, relates to “your” comment that was further up above at 1:54pm, “you” stated, “and doesn’t your speech to your mother about you and tommy that you are both adults and don’t have to justify your relationship 🤮 to anyone, how hypocritical”, is the comment D was referring to when she asked you that question!! Perhaps it is you who needs to look before you comment so that “you” understand, instead of “jumping in like a child for your turn to comment without understanding” cause it’s not cool to try and look like u know what your talking about..” so before you jump in getting all smart ass and nasty, make sure “you” know what your talking about.. go and check above, 1:54, was the comment D was referring!! Who is the silly one now??

    31. Yes Colly exactly I think (hope!) it has something to do with the Forresters too to explain Li's determination that Luna leaves the company. There are theories circulating that Eric would be Luna's dad but I doubt it. That would make Li the worst kind of person ever to have known him so long and kept from him. Either way, as per official "spoilers" she will tell today so 🤞🏼🤞🏼

  2. This storyline is so boring now... Li shut up, Brooke shut up and Hope is taking advantage of Thomas....

  3. I really loved that they didn't even hide that they just had sex, when Brooke walked in 🤣🤣 finally Hope stood up for herself. And yes Brooke, Hope can make her own discions 😃

    1. lol right? Yes I can see how much Hope is repulsed by Thomas 🙄🙄🙄. She can’t get enough and she is so needy. Not acting like a woman who was in a healthy marriage for years where she felt loved, desired, respected etc. She’s so desperate to have a man love only her, says loads about her former life with Liam.

      Brooke seriously, Hope hasn’t begun to do all the nasty things at Forrester that you did with multiple men in the past. Brooke never listened to anyone and did what she wanted. How utterly hypocritical to say anything to Hope about the company she keeps!

      Deacon mate, pull head out your arse and wake up. Sheila already wants Steffy disappeared forever because she blames her for not having a relationship with Finn and Hayes.

      Good on Luna standing up to Li. I’ve seen similar things in my hubby’s family (who ate Asian) his one brother is the disgrace because his isn’t prestigious enough. We are judged harshly for caring more about helping fellow humans than amassing wealth.

      RJ was wise to let Luna speak with her Auntie privately. Li is being horrid. Reminds me of my sister in law who only cares about money and prestige. Unless Luna has some secret criminal past where she was conning people out of their money I don’t see what Li is on about. Although if Brooke treats Luna like she did Amber, RJ better watch out. Funny how his mummy forgot her own humble beginnings and believes all women are gold diggers like she and her sisters were.

    2. Are Asian not ate Asian 🤣🤣

    3. Bbfan, I agree with everything u said!! And yes, I can absolutely see Brooke interfering in RJ and Luna’s relationship.. Especially if Li goes to Brooks and makes Luna out like a gold digger!! Which I can absolutely see happening… in regards to this being all about Asian culture, which is what I initially thought, as I stated above to Milla, I think there is more to it after that conversation?? Li’s reaction when Luna mentioned Finn, she seemed panicked that Finn knew?? Then when she left, her last words to Luna about not forgetting that she gave Luna and her mother a way out, when all this comes crashing down?? I still think you may be right about Finn being Luna’s father.. I don’t think Luna herself is hiding anything.. I think it’s Li and Luna’s mother hiding something, and it has something major to do with Finn.. Every conversation seems to hint it’s something surrounding Finn, and it seems like it’s more than just the fact he is married to Steffy.. I don’t think Luna is hiding anything.. Another theory could be that Luna is Finns sister.. maybe Jack had another affair, with Li’s sister?? But I don’t really think it’s that?

  4. Mmysh, didn't Shiela push Deacon off a cliff a few years ago??

    1. But i can see why you thought so
      Sheila and quinn are almost the same

    2. Sheila tried to kill Quinn with a sniper rifle though when she came back and had that portrait made to hang up in the mansion again. She thought she could be Mrs Eric Forrester again. Remember she was Eric’s nurse after he was so sick.

  5. Li: "Just remember, I gave you the chance to make all of this go away."

    Luna knows exactly why her aunt does not want her at FC. She's hiding something.

    I think Deacon's "plan" is to give Sheila the love she's always wanted so that she doesn't hurt anyone anymore.

    Thomas is soooooo good to look at. 😍😍😍

    1. Elle 🤣🤣🤣 yes he certainly is!! I agree about Deacon!! When he said that, the look Brooke gave him.. I think she has picked that up?? I am not entirely sure if Luna does know the extent of whatever Li is talking about?? I got the impression that look Luna had of concern was more of a “what do u mean by that aunty”?? I don’t think if there was some big secret Luna knows about, that could really blow up in her face, that she would take that risk, especially with her involvement with RJ?? The things she said to Li indicated more so, that Luna is not going to let Li intimidate her and tell her what she can and can’t do anymore like the way she does to her mother… but I could be wrong?? But I definitely think that there is something big surrounding this and Finn??

    2. At some point in their exchange, Li said to Luna "you and I both know why you shouldn't be here (?)" or something along those lines. This is why I said that Luna knows. Li also asked Luna if she expects her to believe that it is a coincidence that she is here, which means that Li thinks Luna came on purpose. However, she is being adamant about staying at FC now that she has found someone (RJ) who will back her up when needed. Remember, Luna was about ready to hand in her resignation and leave. That is until RJ went above and beyond for her. Whatever it is, it will blow up in her face, and it won't be pretty.

    3. I agree ladies . I noticed that both Li and Luna are in the new opening credits which tells that this Luna storyline is going to be longer term and hopefully something unexpected.

    4. I hope it's good, BBFan, after all of this mystery.

    5. Actually Elle, yes, she did say that!! I must have not been paying attention.. well hopefully the big family secret will come out soon.. what is your theory about what it is love??

    6. I really don't know, Col. That's why I've held back on my support of Luna. I don't know enough about her as yet, and I really don't want RJ to be hurt.

      It seems to me though that Luna being here has something to do with the Forresters mainly, and Finn being affected if he finds out. Maybe Luna has stalked the Forresters online and has now decided to take it a step further by ingratiating herself into their lives. And we know how these situations usually turn out. The stalker ends up killing (or trying to) the object of their obsession. But this new info about how Luna and her mom turned Li's life upside down has me stumped.

  6. I really hope Deacon is doing this for a reason and still say he is. Thomas what can I say. When he gets that beady look in his eyes and that devilish grin? 😊☺️🤗 call me sick and pathetic, it won't be the first time.

    1. Well D, then I am sick and pathetic too, and really don’t care!! I can appreciate a good looking man!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. I think many of us see the "beady look in his eyes and that devilish grin" (so well put!) as a sign something good is about to happen 😅👏🏼👏🏼

    3. Count me in! I'm sick and pathetic too! 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Oooh ladies can I join this "Thomasfest" too. Talk about eye candy. 👀 👀 👀. 😂

    5. Yes!! 🤣🤣🤣 And he certainly is!!

  7. Luna and RJ are cute nice to have young love on the show for a change..can't wait for the come out so Li can be put in her place 😤... didn't care for sex scene of Hope andThomas... thank you Bob ❤️

  8. Too much kissing and sex. I don't know what 's wrong with me, but I can't stand kissing no more. It has been always.. It was ok before, why no more 🤔

  9. that story line with Sheila is soooo boring #bleuhhhh

  10. Can anyone tell me why all the videos since Monday up to today have been removed? Haven't been able to see any of them.

  11. I am sooo behind...👀 Catching up tho, slowly but surely 😜 as always thank you Bob 💫⭐🙏🏼
