Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-19-23 Full episode B&B 19th October 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-19-23 Full episode B&B 19th October 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I kind of felt sorry for Sheila when Li smashed her face in the plate of hot pasta. 😳🍝 Li has been so mean lately...

    1. I felt sorry for her too 😁 Li seems to be mean to everybody 😳

    2. Can't stand Li.Shelia is smarter than that crazy Li.

  2. Li is bada**! Are Li and Sheila the new Brooke and Taylor?

    1. I thought it was hilarious. Even the whole segue up to that with the water. Oopsie!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. I enjoyed it. Haven't had such excitement on the show in a while. I think they've struck gold with this Li/Sheila feud. It was fun to watch.

    3. Yeah, I’m thinking so Elle!! 🤣🤣🤣 but seriously, I don’t blame Li.. as much as I really dislike her, after what Sheila did to Finn and Steffy, and to Li also, I can totally understand.. Sheila has burned so many bridges, over decades now, in a very serious ways, I can understand people’s reactions to this.. She should have just left LA, and notice she wouldn’t promise Deacon that she would stay away from Finn!! She has no intention of just keeping away from him for Deacon.. She wouldn’t even do it for Finn himself, the supposed great love of her life, so she ain’t going to do it for Deacon.. she has cried wolf so many times no one is ever going to believe her that she has changed.. no matter what she does, no one will accept her and believe it.. Li is pushing Sheila to react and do something to her to get her back in prison!!

    4. I think the actress that plays Li really enjoyed shoving her head in that plate of pasta 🤣🤣🤣 she looked like she wanted to crack up laughing!! That must have been a hard scene to play because you wouldn’t want to have to do a double take on that one till u got it right!! 🤣🤣🤣

    5. I noticed that too Colly. Matter of fact, the Li actress seemed to have fun doing the entire scene. Lol!

    6. Elle, I know I would have had fun with that!! At least you could have a good laugh afterwards!!! I wonder if they did have to redo that scene?? 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Hahaha now Sheila is really going to feel the hatred of everyone she abused

  4. Li is showing all the grace and personal development of a trashy mean girl. If her goal is to send Sheila to prison by pushing her to murder, she's on the right path.

    1. I think Shelia is going to take the high road which makes Li look mean. Hollis looked horrified.

    2. Yes Sheila will definitely take the high road in the beginning but later... She'll come with all guns blazing. Maybe literally.

    3. I just wanted to laugh at every word came out from hope’s mouth today
      Especially the sentence with she can’t see how her father can have any involvement with sheila after everything she has done to them 😂😂😂😂😂
      The most hypocritical sentence
      Whike it also applies to the psycho you are bedding 🤮🤮🤮

    4. @Milla Hi Milla it has been a while since I have been on here. I was too busy since May taking care if my Father until now, he just passed away on October 9. It seems we got a lot of interesting stories going on B&B.

    5. Oh Elizabeth so so sorry to hear that
      I feel your pain, i lost mine last year
      I miss him every single day
      I hope you will be better soon
      And he may rest in peace

    6. @Mmysh Thank you for your kind words, I really truly miss him. If my dad could have lived 8 more days, my parents would have celebrated their 60th anniversary.

    7. Oh how devastated that would be my dear
      Im sure they are watching over us from heaven
      And sorry for you mom especially
      For losing her love and partner
      I know my mom have us now but its not the same
      My condolences my dear
      No words from anyone can ease the pain or this yearning for him
      I hope you have siblings because talking with them about him it helps a lot

    8. Li is mad ALL THE TIME. She goes from one conversation to the next getting angry with whomever she is talking to. I actually felt sorry Sheila today!
      What happened to the rule….’We have the right to refuse service to anyone.’ ???? Hopefully someone asks Li to leave. That was totally uncalled for. I think Li needs a good romp in the hay!!! 😂😂😂
      Poor Deacon, he is caught in the middle and feeling very stressed. But he had to have known this was gonna happen. Everyone hates Sheila. I hope his business doesn’t take a hit because of this. Sheila should DEFINITELY NOT be working there. That’s just adding fuel to the fire. You fell in love with the wrong person, Deacon. And now that it’s out in the open, things are just gonna get worse and worse for you! 😔😔😔

    9. Li wasn’t like this the first period she started at the show

    10. Milla, it seems that’s what she is trying to do!! @Elizabeth, I am so sorry for your loss sweetheart.. it’s very hard losing a parent.. I pray for you and your mom and family love 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

    11. Mmysh, so true!! She has changed - for the worse!!

    12. Yeah lynn
      What she did with her niece was bad and cruel and none of her business
      But with sheila being how much she hates her and this anger and being mean its understandable and how she should feel,
      Brook should take a lesson or two from her because what thomas did to brook herself and two of her children is the exactly like what sheila did to Li
      But god forbid how dare brook even criticize tommy boy or worry about her daughter with sheila‘s male version

    13. My dear Elizabeth I was wondering where you disappeared ❤️I am sending you strength! I can't imagine what it must be for you but give yourself time! And if our blog and our little silly characters help somehow, do drop by more often 🤗 it has been changing up!

    14. Lynn in a normal situation she definitely shouldn't work there but at least this way Deacon can keep an eye on her. Otherwise who knows who she'll end up terrorizing and definitely will be dropping by Steffy's permanently accessible house, holding Hays and what not. If she can't be in prison someone should hold her leash. I hope Deacon is up for the job, but I doubt it. I also hope he sees Li's disgusting behavior and tells her to never do this again or she's banned from IG.

      Mmysh regarding Brooke she is again voicing her concerns. I had to laugh a little when she said "i wish you weren't *working* so closely" - yeah the working is the problem sure 😅 working doesn't require couch deep cleaning every other day...

    15. Yes Lynn ♥️ I totally agree with you

    16. Elizabeth I’m so sorry for your loss Luv. 🤗

    17. Indeed milla
      She is worried but feel helpless since hope is refusing to listen
      Only to finn 😂😂😂😂

    18. Good point, Milla! You’re right….it will help Deacon keep an eye on her.

  5. Is here anyone else who is a character fan, not the family fan? I don't like any competitions in life and find it sad between Lf and Ff. Like someone here said, the Logan fans can example call Thomas the psycho murderer and Ff's are used to it.. but if you don't like what Brooke did today for example, the Lf's are saying that you're bashing Brooke. Why can Forresters have bashed then? I just wonder why. This makes me not like Logans so much because of the fans think they're better than Ff's. That's why I don't like this blog. Every character makes something I don't like. There are no perfect people in this serie 😁 not even Brooke. I wonder what is the power of her. Why are the fans so much in love with her 🤔 I just don't have some kind of character who I will stand UP for. I love this show but I just can't say who is my favourite character. But please don't make me dislike Brooke with this Lf/Ff stuff. And yes, now I 'm being hated for Logan hate.. But I don't hate Logans. I want to explain but I just can't because I'm not learning english though I want to, my brains are so stupid that I just can't learn 😭

    1. If I think who is the best.. maybe Katie because she is so kind, don't want to hurt anyone.. poor Katie who got to know how Bill also loves Brooke 😪 She is not selfish, she has been ill and deserves love. Maybe she is my fävourite 🤔 But there are many that I like. Almost all. Not their all actions, but the characters

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. And more to your question - I think that's what unites many of us here. I have seen nearly everyone criticize and praise both sides. But there are favorites. It's normal when the show is set up like this and keeps reminding us about the conflicts between them.

    5. That was the other day when someone mentioned this Lf/Ff. But if I reply on yesterdays comments so the commentor will not see it, I think, I'm not sure 🤔 I think that someone could be sad about her favourite been bashed a lot. I'm over sensitive and that's why overthinking and been sorry for someone who isn't self sad for that at all 🤣 Maybe they don't feel sad, it could be just my thoughts that maybe they're sad 🤣

    6. You are right. It can totally happen that someone feels more emotionally invested in a certain character. But I wouldn't worry that someone is too much into a character to feel really sad about criticism. I have supported Brooke since I first saw her when I was 5 😅 but she's the most controversial character and when you support them you should be ready to read very critical things about them.

    7. But I think that in every BB group is the same, there are Lf and Ff, in Finland also. We have one Ff and one Lf who are arguing with each other almost every day 🤣 but now I already know them and I'm sure they're not sad or sorry about that 😁 so no need to be sorry no more. First I felt sorry for them also

    8. Exactly. I personally like the discussions (especially if we have something new to discuss not only what Thomas did 5 and what Brooke did 30 years ago). The Li/Luna thing is new and doesn't (yet) involve the Forresters or Logans.

    9. Milla, did you watch from the day one? 😀 I watched maybe 1991-1997, then had a husband who said which channel we should have and I had anything to say about that... I have no self respect and had always done what others tell me to do. I'm too afraid to say against stronger people. Now more husbands to me!

    10. Yes, Milla, the Li/Luna thing is very interesting 👍

    11. Ohh Patologi don't talk so badly about yourself!! You seem like a really considerate person (and surely have many other great qualities) and that deserves self-respect. I'm glad you stood up for yourself.
      In my country the show came only around 1998 and my mom started watching it in her free time. I was immediately hooked. My mom has long forgotten it but I (sadly) have not 😅 it was also thank God on the only national program at the time so I could watch it at my grandma's in the countryside too and wouldn't miss. They used to air 2 episodes at once. Ah it was a blast.

    12. Patilogi hey girl your English is perfect do say that about yourself
      Most if us English is not our mother language
      So don’t worry if anyone try to put you down about some grammar or words you might write wrong
      Me and some ladies her are brook’s fans but we have the ability to call her out when she screw up
      And we have also the ability to praise the character we don’t like when the do the right thing
      But we don’t have is blame brook for almost everything even things didn’t happened
      Like wanting finn fir her daughter niw 😂😂😂😂😂 that was hilarious
      But anyway brook has a lot a lot of flaws
      But at least she is a caring compassionate and protective person unlike some other characters
      never killed anyone
      And never use people’s past and through it in their faces in every chance she got and she did a lot a lot of good things over the years to people who didn’t deserve it and caused her a lot of pain

    13. Patologi, you have always been one of the sweetest and nicest people on the blog.. Please don’t ever let anyone in your life put you down, ever, or tell you anything negative to make you feel bad in any way… you are a beautiful person and that definitely comes across when you post.. and your English is just fine!! It is difficult to communicate in writing even if your English is good 🤣🤣🤣 but I am happy you are here and I love reading your comments!!

    14. Thank you ladies, you're amazing ♥️ Absolutely beautiful words 😭 ♥️ So I can keep practising my english here 😀 practicing maybe? How to learn right spelling.. before I could say for example Oh no I hate Brooke 🤣 but now I've learnt to say what I meant and that was I hated for Brooke saying What about Liam when she find out that Steffy was his true love, wanted so badly her daughter being with that kind of man. Now I can say that I hate characters actions, not the character. New words to me 😁 Brooke is definitely the most beautiful woman. I could never think she is over 60 years! And that's good that she has no botox in face. Hunter Tylo is not so beautiful anymore

    15. But I felt so sorry for Katie when she heard Bill telling Brooke that he will always love her 😭😭 Brooke is the most wanted woman :in the show. But that can I really understand 👍 She just is sooo beautiful

    16. Brooke has a very confident approach with men combined with ability to find ways to let them play heroes. She is also openly sensual and flirts perfectly. I think that's what makes her so desirable. Of course it doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous 🥰

    17. And of course you can keep practicing your en here ❤️🤗

    18. Indeed
      This KKL is beautiful for her age without botox filler or surgery
      For sure she is took good care with her body and health

    19. Mmysh yes KKL is constantly working out, jogging, riding - she’s very inspiring to me.

  6. Li's behaviour can make Sheila act dangerously when she loses her nerves again! How can they bash Sheila? That's dangerous..

    1. Patologi, I think Li is purposely doing this to Sheila so that Sheila does something bad to her, so that she can get her to go back to prison.. but, yes, you are right, Sheila is very very dangerous..!!

    2. Colly yes Li is definitely provoking Sheila. That's truly silly when she knows first hand what Sheila is capable of. She can do away with her and make it look like an accident, pin it on Luna or many other things... Li is being stupid here.

    3. Milla, with all the enemies Li is making at the moment, Sheila could absolutely do something and pinn it on someone else, but that why Li was smart and did it in a public place for others to witness , so if anything happened the first one they would look at is Sheila!!

    4. She is risking her life though. That's not really smart. And Sheila is a master in crime, plus she has more luck than almost anyone and like a roach can escape through any crack. If she wants, she will eliminate Li like that and the useless police will let her slip through their fingers as always.

  7. Li is a bitter woman. She wants revenge. She has a list: Jack, Shelia, Poppy, Luna,...

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 she is certainly on a war path Renee!!

    2. Renee the new arya stark 😂😂😂😂
      Maybe she repeats their name before falling asleep 😂😂

  8. I like Katie too. I like her with Carter. I hope she never goes back to Bill. I like Wyatt, but I guess he's not really a main character. Donna is okay, but I didn't like when she was sneaking around with Eric. I like her better now. RJ is cute and innocent. I enjoy sharing conversations here, except a few people who I will not name. Making negative or mean comments about the actors. But I won't let those negative people make me stop sharing with other people here. 🧡

    1. I think I don't have to name my favorite character and he (!) is not a Logan 😅❤️

    2. Yes, I like conversations and this is a good way to learn english. But I should have a book of English-Finnish in my hand because all the time comes words that I don't understand. But I'll read this at night in darkness here in my bed.

    3. mean the 👀🍬 someone mentioned? 🥂

    4. Haha D 👀🍬is in the eye of the beholder but OMG yes!!!

    5. Forever 36, I also like Donna now much more. I didn't like sneaking also. But now that they are a happy couple, I like them together. I heard that Wyatt left the show because his character had so little role in the show when Flo left. But what I don't like is Eric's new behaviour. I know that he's not himself now. I hope this doesn't last forever 😪 And I don't like Li. I want Luna and RJ together and that's not Li's business. Waiting for the big secret of Li 👍

    6. Milla, I can't guess.. I thought your favorite character is absolutely Brooke 😳 and dislike is Thomas

    7. Maybe I should be worried about myself because the character I dislike is Li, not Sheila 🤔

    8. Haha Patologi if he was showing up more often you would definitely see my reaction 😂😍😍 it’s Bill Spencer, the most gorgeous, exciting, physically and personally sexy and funny man on the show for me 🥰 it was a long-time dream of me that he reunites with Brooke (and I still have a flicker of hope).

    9. And yes Brooke is my all-time favorite because she is for me the protagonist of the show, the most interesting person, but seeing her doesn’t excite me in the same way as Bill 🤣

  9. Li knows Sheila isnt new woman

  10. Poor Deacon is the only one who believes that Sheila is changed 🙄 She would be nice few months maybe, if people would lie that they believe in her.

  11. Did anyone else get a really odd vibe from Deacon after Sheila walked out the door.

    That wasn’t the look of a man in love. He also looks almost like he was in despair when he was speaking to Hope. I’m starting to think there is something else going on here.

    I think Li is amping up the mean girl act to get Sheila to attack her so she can get her arrested or goad her into doing some she can be arrested for.

    I agree with Finn today, seriously what do they want the poor man to do?

    I was impressed Sheila didn’t lose her temper with Li. She was very gracious all things considered.

    I really like the way they are dressing Hope and doing her hair and makeup. It really suits her.

    1. I was watching getting supper and did catch that part BBFan. Hr looked so relieved when she walked out the door and as you said despairing frustration when talking to Hope. Like he wants to say something. I still say he's up to something. That's my story, I'm sticking to it. 🤞

    2. BB, I think his plan is to keep Sheila from hurting anyone by pretending to be in love with her. He was trying to get through to her today about leaving Finn and Steffy alone but, Sheila is not listening. His actions when Sheila left was one of exasperation.

    3. I agree ladies!!! Surely with his street smarts he can’t be that naive to think she will stay away from Finn just for him.. She won’t even do it for Finn himself, never mind Deacon!!

    4. Yes I think he’s up to something as well 💯%

    5. Yes, Li wants Sheila to attack. And yes, Deacon want's to protect others. But Li makes Sheila to do something behind Deacon's back... I hope it happens soon.. I don't hope anything bad to happen to the others, just Li. Because she is the only one I dislike 🤣

    6. Why Li pressures to Finn by saying on evil voice "Do something " meaning Sheila. She should help her son and together think what to do. Or she could do it herself. Finn is too kind and caring man, he can't harm anyone. He is too sensitive and could never forgive himself. Doing something evil could ruin his life although ever got caught of it. Li is a hard and strong woman and could easily harm someone. That's why it's her Job to do if she loves Finn

    7. Well I see villifying Li to gain sympathy for Sheila sure is working. 🤣

    8. lol Elle right she’s part of the Forrester family by marriage and must be made to be a witch lol

    9. That has zero to do with it. People are starting to dislike Li more and more simply because of her nasty behavior with everyone.
      It didn’t even occur to people that she is a Forrester by an extension of Finn who is married to a Forrester. That’s ridiculous!
      A good example of that (in my case) is my disgust for Liam ever since his hypocrisy and breakup with Hope. I’m no longer a Liam fan.

  12. I think myself that deacon is playing with Sheila , he is just testing her just to see if she really has changed , I don’t think he’s in love with her at all , I bet he’s only testing her , soon will tell, that’s my opinion anyway

    1. If they play it it like this he will be more stupid than bill and ridge

    2. I just think that he really fell in love with Sheila. He truly thinks that his big love could change the evil 😭 And then he gets bashing so stupid and he feels a shamed. Maybe
      But it's just my opinion. We'll see how it goes 👍

    3. Patologi - you are correct! There is no plot, no scheme….just lovesick Deacon who is now completely caught in the middle. And this thing that happened with Li and shoving Sheila’s face in the sauce is just going to make him defend Sheila even more. I think he is definitely in love with Sheila.

  13. How many of you have been watching this show from the beginning? I watched daily -92-97, then had a husband who said which channel we should have.. then sometimes, few times a months.. but now again daily for a few years.

  14. Li Is such a bitter woman....I hope Sheila doesn't lose her cool just yet, it'll be fun to watch Li provoke Sheila until she breaks, them Li will be wishing she didn't 😅....Deacon has a plan... can't wait to see what it is... Thank you Bob 💕❤️😘

    1. You would be too, if someone shot your son, and his wife, and drove u of a bridge, in an exploding car🤣 Sheilla's always gonna be the same (and I love it😀)

  15. Yes and that’s when it all comes out apparently she suppose to be Finn’s biological mother

  16. Maybe Deacon got his mysterious restaurant money from Lauren in exchange for some Sheila deal 🤩 I’d watch that!

  17. Lauren is not Finn’s mother!!! Her son is Fen as in Fenmore and at least 10-15 yrs younger than Finn!

  18. Lauren and Michael’s son Fenmore was raised by them.

  19. Deacon had a big thing for Lauren!! Mayb she comes to stir trouble for Sheila!!

  20. Colly that would be brilliant! Lauren and Sheila had some epic rows back in the day!

  21. Li just took a page out of Stephanie's book. I love it. Both Sheila and Li have the same chemistry 😁😁
