Monday, May 13, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow! Finn really believes Sheila
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  2. if i were the writer: after deacon marries sheila & finn & steffi separate because of his decisions, it will come to light that sheila was the mastermind to kill steffi. she'd been 'meeting with someone'...i suspect sugar & sheila made a plan but no one fore saw steffi killing her. i think sheila wants steffi out of the way & this was a way to do it but not be found out. with sugar dead, she couldn't come back and release sheila. it will show she's still the evil b we all know and they'll dump her for once and for all. btw, why did li never press charges against sheila for trying to kill her?

    1. I totally agree with you. Sheila hasn’t changed and she never paid her debt either. Bill’s scheming and Deacon blackmailing the judge managed to get her off without any consequences at all!!

      She cannot be tried again for the same crimes so she just goes on her merry way.

      Sheila is very devious and Ridge and Steffy are spot on that they only have Sheila’s word for what happened. It’s too convenient and Sheila went off to meet Sugar swearing to kill Steffy.

      Her plan for a long time was to get Steffy out of the way between her and Finn… she just grabbed the opportunity of the failed murder attempt to make pretend she’s now on the side of the angels… knowing full well it cause a huge rift between Steffy and Finn.

      I think Finn will once again sneak around to see Sheila, and Steffy will throw him out once Sheila rubs it in her face like she did before. Finn will probably take Hayes and Kelly to see her and Kelly will tell her mummy about seeing Granny Sheila.

      It won’t end well. Hope is taking the whole forgiveness thing way too far. I’m sorry but when that woman tried to kill her som and daughter in law, she doesn’t get a free pass .

      I think Hope wants this to split Sinn up so she can steal Finn and get her promises revenge on Steffy for sending Thomas away.

      Hope cannot seriously be naive enough to believe Sheila has magically become safe and sane.

      Finn calling Sheila a hero is just ridiculous, the whole story line is idiotic.

    2. Its really funny the comments about hope
      Hope is not steffy to plan to steal finn
      Steffy will do it herself
      And its really hypocritical actually so its was good and wow when she forgive thomas while he hurt her personally and every member of her family but yeah its naive to forgive sheila
      Its just wow how things can be changed when its comes to steffy and thomas 🥱🥱

    3. There's no comparison between Thomas and Sheila. Just my opinion, but carry on.

    4. Well if it a competition yes sheila has more crimes
      Her circumstances are different from a spoiled boy his parents always cover up for him
      But they both are psychopaths
      And for me as a women a guy who is willing to drug/get a women drunk to rape her is more than disgusting and evil even if he didn’t succeeded but he has in him
      This should be enough not to like him not alone adore him 🤮

  3. Steffy. just tell Finn... pack your bags & get out!! Go live with your 'birth Mom"!
    "I am off limits off limits & so are the kids!! Sheila is NOT welcomed in my home"!! ( & mean it)

  4. If Finn really means what he said, he and Steffy need to go TOGETHER to Deacon's place and tell them. Then Sheila and Deacon will know it's Finn's wish, not just Steffy. I'm glad, but surprised Finn made that decision. The wife and children must come first. If Finn is a real man and husband, he won't let Steffy go confront Sheila alone. The real Sheila might get stabbed this time. 🔪🤷‍♂️

    And if I were Hope I would give up trying to argue Finn's case to Ridge and Liam. I would say "hey, don't shoot the messenger, go talk to him". And I'm not defending Sheila, but Hope's comparison about Thomas was valid. Liam is standing there silently pretending like he hasn't been the main one saying Thomas will never change. He didn't want to say that in front of Ridge, with whom he has to maintain a working relationship. And who might be his father-in-law again. 😑

  5. Finn‘s eyebrows in the last seconds will give me nightmares. Proper Sheila spawn 🙈🙈
    Still don't understand why him and Hope just blindly believe Sheila's words that she wanted to save Steffy 😂 that's ridiculous and only an idiot would just take her at her words.
    I like however that Hope made the parallel with Thomas, at least shows that she hasn't forgotten Sheila is not the only person around who has done evil and the other one was her recent bed buddy.

    1. I agree milla
      And its good finn mentioned thomas and now hope
      Its acknowledged how Sheila and thomas are a like
      Sure She can’t be changed
      And its really funny how hope is bad now and naive for considering that sheila can be changed while she us doing the exact same process with thomas
      While thomas hurt her more than Sheila ever did

    2. Milla, it’s obvious that Finn has no intentions of staying away from Sheila. You could see it all over his face. I think Finn’s perception of Sheila is different because she treats him very differently than she treats everyone else. He sees this caring, loving woman. No one else gets that version of Sheila. They just see a nasty, evil witch.
      The fact that Sheila was already scheming about ways to reveal her live self to everyone was old Sheila behavior for sure. She still wants revenge.
      I read that Sheila will do some matchmaking between Finn and Hope. Sheila doesn’t have the same hurdles with Hope that she has with Steffy. So we’ll see if there’s any truth to that prediction.
      I was also happy that Hope brought up the Thomas changing example. And notice Ridge shuts that down instantly. Typical!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      We saw Liam watching what he says about Thomas since he’s looking to join the Forrester family as soon as they’ll take him!! 😂😂😂
      I understand Steffy is upset, but the way she talks to Finn is so demeaning. Her tone, her words, just everything. And Finn never demands anything or raises his voice at Steffy. She sounds like a screechy cat when she yells!

    3. She never learns
      Its her way or the high way
      She got a brother like Sheila
      And a mother who also shot a man in the back and left him for the dead
      She never turned her back on them
      But sure finn doesn’t have the same rights as her‘s

    4. Mmysh, I love this lady’s posts about B&B - she always nails it. This is a comment from her from another blog….
      I had a good laugh when I saw Tridge mafia fans complaining about Hope these days. The same people that wanted her with Thomas are horrified that Hope shows even a bit of understanding to Finn and Deacon where Sheila is concerned. According to them Hope should remember that because of Sheila, Hope almost didn't have a mother. Well if Thomas would have had his way, Hope wouldn't be a mother today. She would still not know that Beth is her daughter. But they thought a relationship with Thomas was more than okay and Hope was dead wrong to not marry the guy... But Hope can't even give Sheila some understanding. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    5. Indeed Ridge shuts down immediately when "his boy" is mentioned. It doesn't have to be 1:1 the same crimes with Sheila's (he doesn't have even half her lifetime, give him time) to be relevant what he has been doing since his late teens. In a normal world he would have done or even still doing jail time just like Sheila.
      Lynn I'm just annoyed how Finn changes his feelings so quickly about everything. And Hope - some weeks ago she cut Deacon completely off because of Sheila. Now she's ready to be her maid of honor (I won't be surprised if she really becomes that!) based only on what Sheila has been saying. Steffy is annoying as usual but at least her behavior is consistent. In the, end like everyone is saying, Finn won't stay away. We saw the promo he'll go to that wedding for sure.

    6. I agree, Milla. The show is just ridiculous. I’m so used to the absurd and unbelievable SL’s, that I don’t even question the 180’s anymore. It started (the biggest 180 since I had been watching the show) with Hope falling for Thomas. And the complete 180’s have continued since then. Nothing seems even close to reality. The show pretty much sucks. 😞

    7. Aww Lynn 🤗🤗 but we still have some things to look forward to in this storyline.
      You're right that since Hope fell for Thomas all the logic went out the window. But at least the lazy, unbelievable writing has a good side that Hope is not pining after Thomas. Literally the day after he left, she was already focused on Finn. Back in the good days of the show it wouldn't be the case.

    8. Yes lynn I always read her posts
      She knows the history very well and she is really good with the words
      I wish she write more often than she does

    9. Mmysh I liked really what you mentioned that Sheila and Thomas' path is definitely not the same considering his crimes were always covered up by his family whereas nobody covered for Sheila's. You're right Hope should be much more careful around him. But you know how it works on this show - it is "in" to demomize some people for certain behavior (Brooke, Sheila) and completely turn the blind eye or cover up for others for the same (Taylor, her kids). Hope follows the herd (with the occasional spark like now mentioning Thomas).

    10. Exactly milla
      Another thing sheila is always do things because she was pushed or provoked ( not an excuse is still evil and bad)
      But thomas did these things because it will got him what he needs and wants
      Which make it worse in my opinion
      If rick died in the like three attempts murder thomas did against him
      Or if he succeeded sleeping with hope in cabo because he and steffy got her so drunk
      Or the second time he had the tome to put the drugs in her drink
      I don’t know what the excuse will be then
      But for me since he has it in him is enough and its a good thing he didn’t succeed except for poor emma
      So no if sheila has much number and successful attempts does not make him better or not the same as her
      So if he is changed so does Sheila
      ( i don’t believe that of course but according to some people‘s logic and this show works )

    11. And is a good thing to me also that hope now mentioning thomas in a comparison with sheila 😂😂😂

    12. Actually Sheila has done many evil things that were not provoked! She wanted other women’s husbands and did terrible things to get them. She stole babies from their mothers and replaced them with dead infants and claimed the live baby as her own! She denied Lauren Fenmore many years with her son!

      Sheila kept people literal prisoners, in a jail cell, she killed a fella with bees that she knew was deathly allergic.

      Sheila is evil through and through. The never being loved thing is a total lie. Eric loved her and treated her like a queen until she got pregnant with another man and tried to pass the child off as his!

      Sheila rationalises everything she does and casts herself as the victim. She never sees her part in things.

      Sheila’s first thought when she is back in town is to torment as many people as possible! How has she changed in any way?

      Finn is being a complete fool to take her at her word.

      By the way, all the ugly words about people who call Hope out in what she’s doing with Finn…. She did everything she could to come between Liam and Steffy when they were married (every time they were married), she never had a problem chasing a married man in the past, trying to convince him to leave his wife.

      The looks she’s been giving Finn since she told Steffy she would get revenge say it all! Not to mention when Finn was crying on her shoulder and she was all understanding and telling him he was right about Sheila, then next minute runs to tell the Forresters how worried she is etc. Now she’s championing Sheila … sorry it feels very contrived. Hope isn’t a saint but heaven forbid we mention that.

      Steffy can be overbearing at times and even act like a diva. However when it comes to Sheila she has very long family and personal history and sees her for who she is!

      Lauren would be telling Finn the same thing Steffy is! She lost years of her son’s life and her husband because of Sheila… she knows first hand how she will try to kill someone who gets in the way of what or who she wants!

    13. That’s quite an essay on Sheila’s evil 😅🙈 not sure what is the point of it since nobody is defending Sheila.

    14. 👏👏👏 BBFan. Points well said. Your comment was no more an essay than all the above posts.
      Hope you're taking care of yourself.
      Milla I don't think the point was just about defending Sheila.

    15. Sorry bbfan i didn’t watch the y&r
      So i don’t know all those and Don’t care about Sheila actually
      Never was a team sheild one day like you at least when her bad deeds were against brook

      What is funny about how you like to mention hope (false) coming between steffy and liam
      You comment like hope and liam weren’t together first and were engaged and then the cheap steffy stole him with disgusting manipulation offering herself
      So no that’s not what happened or how it happened
      But im sure we will keep hearing this twisted version
      And hope is not looking in such way at finn
      Don’t mix her with steffY since you are used to how she operates so you think that everyone is like her
      Going after married men that is steffy‘s specialty not hope
      So no hope didn’t went after liam
      She didn’t need to btw
      Otherwise steffy didn’t have to spend her marriage just lying and a manipulation after another

      but compared to steffy she is an angel 😇
      and sure anyone can criticize hope or any character but big difference between criticism and missing information
      And yes it’s hypocritical that hope was great when she forgave thomas and she was the best when she was with him
      But how could she try to give sheila a chance
      As i always said the minute hope stopped being with psycho thomas she will be back to be a logen women again 🥱🥱🥱

      And the steffy can be overbearing AT TIMES just hilarious 😂

    16. D as usual I was discussing in my thread with people something else and you guys jump into our thread without much relevance. Yes the other point of the essay was about Hope coming between Liam and Steffy - equally irrelevant to what we were are talking about (and wrong).

    17. Wow..ok, so this is your threads, no one else is allowed to jump in with their opinions. Especially if it's irrelevant or against your opinion. I agree with BBFan about Hope coming in between Finn and Liam as retaliation. Pay backs a bitch sometimes. But of course, we are "wrong".

    18. I think it is relevant because Mymysh was being nasty about us saying Hope would deliberately try to take Finn from Steffy. I was pointing out that it wouldn’t be the first time.

      I’m laughing at the Hope had Liam first… so she owns him for all eternity? Hope ended her own engagement, she threw her ring back in Liam’s face so he was FREE to be with anyone he wanted to. He CHOSE to be with Steffy… and over the years Hope threw away her chances with Liam whenever life wasn’t her perfect fairytale. So sorry that doesn’t make her an angel or excuse her trying to destroy a marriage. She did it over and over.

      End of the day, I think a big motive for Hope and her clinging onto Finn is to drive a wedge in Steffy’s marriage. I have a very strong feeling that when Hope finally gets Finn she will visit Steffy in her office and say, “remember when I told you I would get revenge? Guess what ? I slept with your husband so enjoy” .

    19. 😂😂 oh so slutty steffy demanding a make out with an unavailable man engaged to supposedly a family and call it a friendly kisses and meet him in sexy Lingerie in the office is ok with you since steffy is doing it
      And get him with disgusting manipulation
      And you say hypocritical all the time
      So its ok witb you but nasty with me

      Hope doesn’t operate like this
      Don’t mix her with steffy that’s her style
      And she is not trying to des Troy a marriage or will do
      Steffy will do it herself but i bet you will be blaming hope 🥱
      And again steffy is the one who destroy marriages not hope
      The history of the show is all over the internet doesn’t matter hiw you try to make it in a way to suits you narratives

  6. Witchypoo I agree also I was hoping Finn told Stephanie you and your family are hiprocite's Bill Spencer pushed your Father out a plane and left him for dead and he was forgiven. I hope Finn leave Stephanie he deserves better!

  7. Mmysh I agree especially your comment about Stephanie Mother shooting Bill Spencer in the back and left him for dead and was forgiven! Stephanie and the Forester Family are hiprocite's!

    1. Yes and how sheila stole time from steffy with her mother
      But the time thomas took from beth was ok and should be forgiven

  8. Who ever believe Sheila changed has probably recently started following this show.
    Sheila is a evil, manipulative, calculated psychopath. I won't be surprised she set up sugar to go after steffy as Steffy did say she wished she was dead. So.... when things turned out that way, she devised a whole sad story.
    No one questioning how she manage to stay alive for weeks locked in a ware house with no food and water.. 🤔


  9. Also, Hope once said Taylor was too dangerous to be around b/c she shot Bill, a man who tried to sabotage her relationship with Liam on numerous times. Now she's ready to rally at Finn's side so he can have a relationship with his notorious deranged birth mother. BB never ceases to amaze me for the way he can disregard the history of this show.

    Bravo to Steffy for trying to put her foot down but Finn is weak. Stick a fork in's over.

  10. Thomas had a brain tumour and that's why he " took off" no one talks about that.

    1. No brain tumor just a brain bleeding
      Hematoma caused him kissing a mannequin
      But sure anything to find excuses for tommy boy
