Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Brooke lecturing Zende is the most nerve she has ever showed. No family member guys were off limits to her. Having a kid with Deacon, Bridget's husband is unforgivable. She had other guys. She wasn't desperate just pure selfish.

    2. Yes lynn she was
      And she is absolutely right about talking to zande and defending her son
      But not right about the part of him leaving the company its not her place
      And her mistakes are irrelevant since its her son
      We didn’t see any comments about hypocrisy with steffy when she was calling hope and brook names suits her very well πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

    3. I agree Brooke was so pretty , her make up was so natural she looked stunning

    4. I may be the only one who thinks the dress was so ugly πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ the pattern, the weird holes at the front (Brooke herself was gorgeous of course). Brooke is sensitive to this subject because of her own past. Remember how kind and supportive she was to Luna. If it was her in that situation, Stephanie would have torn her to pieces (or sent the man after her herself).
      It's really not her place to tell Zende to leave the company (although the Forrester Antarctica was hilarious πŸ˜‚)

    5. Milla, you weren’t the only one. I think people either loved the dress or hated it. 😊

    6. I agree with you Milla, that was one ugly dress Brooke had on. She should not be judging Zende so harshly, all the Forresters she slept with, her daughter’s husband, Hope’s boyfriend and sister’s Katie’s husband also.

    7. Yes milla she is sensitive she has been assaulted like 4 times by family members
      And her past is irrelevant
      Zande is still making excuses for his disgusting mistakes
      Like its ok to hit on his cousins girl
      And this logic of you can’t defend your kids if you did some mistakes in your life id beyond ridiculous

    8. I agree Mmysh. Every one of them has made these mistakes but that doesn’t mean they will just stand by when someone hurts their kids. By that logic nobody can ever stand up for anyone because they’ve done sth similar…

    9. Exactly spot on
      She supposed to praise zande because she did some mistakes in her past
      Just ridiculous

  2. Well Brooke just had Me crying lol.No mess with family members is she for real lol
    And Luna such a thing as morning after pill so why didn't you take it?
    Same old who is the daddy but Brooke going on at Zende Forrester lol
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. I was proud of Brooke and she did look beautiful today. I like the softer feminine look for her.

      Good on her telling Zende some home truths and defending Luna. Zende knew they were a couple and that they loved each other. Brooke is right that he should even suggest to Luna to come be with him was disrespectful and disgusting! RJ is his cousin and he totally betrayed him.

      I think Brooke should tell Ridge.

      Well done RJ don’t let Zende destroy your relationship.

      Poor poor Luna, and now she will be a very young mum because Zende couldn’t wait to sleep with his cousin’s girlfriend.

      Tired old who’s the Dassy trope πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    2. Brooke is a hypocrite. She slept with her daughter's husband..and had a baby with him.

    3. BBFAN, πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    4. Agree bbfan
      And its bad to make a pregnancy sl with such young women
      Kids are a blessing but not in this age
      They are out of ideas apparently

    5. How old is Luna? I would assume she is in her early 20's?

  3. Yeah, the who's the daddy storyline is so old. Zende or RJ. A few years ago it was Liam or Finn. Many years ago it was Eric or Ridge. And those are just the few examples I can remember.

    And I often take up for Brooke, but she could be a bit more understanding, considering some of the things she's done over the years.

  4. How fake was that with Luna spewing in the bucket then she’s saying am I pregnant weak acting so stupid

  5. Brooke have a seat!!! You're hardly the one to scold anyone regards sleeping with anyone who has someone!
    You DID brothers, the father, your child's husband! What a nerve you've got!
    Zende is not in the wrong one bit.
    He asked Luna to stop by his place if she changed her mind.
    It's no stretch to believe she had a change of heart.
    It's not as IF every single character has done the same or worst. But there's never the same energy. 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

  6. Thanks for posting the B&B episodes. Hugs from Brazil!

  7. Did Luna really use a fabric sample to wipe vomit from her mouth?
