Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Brooke will get Hope reinstated by threatening to withhold sex from Ridge (and all other Forrester men.) Cha-ching! Hope's back in business.

    1. Stefy choping off Hope's line gave her great satisfaction as her miserable acts always do. Eric said HFTF was making a nice profit. (Paraphrase)

    2. I am hoping that Eric sees that Steffy is cutting HFTF as spite work and replaces Steffy as co-CEO with Brooke. Eric did have a conversation with Brooke about being back in the office.

    3. that would be so good to see

    4. Joy that’s true! Brooke unlike Steffy has actual accomplishments in that company. All Steffy does is hold some papers and bitch.

  2. Brooke is definitely not thrilled that Bill has another woman 😀 btw that outfit and color - now that’s a good look on her. Lovely 🥰
    Steffy deserves someone to beat her with that old stapler. She’s always been obnoxious but now it’s a new level. She and only she pushed Thomas to move away. And her tiny ceo brain didn’t consider the implications? Or she didn’t care as long as she can blame Hope. "My vision". What a witch. I can totally see Brooke stepping in and knocking her down a bit. Someone has to.
    I still wonder who else is on Poppy's "may be Luna's father" list? Poor Luna.

    1. Brooke might not be thrilled, no... but that is because of what she knows about the pillpopping version of Poppy and the devastation it brought and it could have been so much worse for Luna. I wonder what Bill will say when he finds out about that. Brooke will find a way to either let Bill, or Katie know. If he is Luna's father, he will not be too thrilled about Poppy putting her own, and his daughter, in such a position where she could take the wrong mints and the aftermath of what happened then, and what could have happened as a result. Both Bill and Katie will want to make sure there are no pills in the house that Will could take by mistake, because of what happened with Luna.

      Steffy, is such a horrible person right now, just looking at her face when she is telling Hope she wants to shut HFTF down, it's like she is enjoying making Hope squirm and having all this power. But as she said, she is CO- CEO, she can't decide this all on her own. I am pretty sure there will be a family meeting, or at least a meeting with Ridge, and I hope that Steffy draws the shorter end of the stick from that one. The only reason why Steffy wants to ruin HFTF, is because she wants Hope out of the company, because she thinks she is meddling too much into her and Finns lives. Problem scenario for you Steffy... if you manage to get Hope out, Hope will have even more time on her hands to go after your hubby... and she will want payback.

    2. Malin 💯💯💯

    3. Steffy has been always jealous of hope
      And now she also want to have a vision 😂😂😂😂


      Bounce scene

  3. TY Bob. Have a good evening.

  4. Wow Katie’s outfit looks like one of abbas outfits Anna or Frida lol

  5. Steffy is a stone cold witch! And she definitely said HFTF would be “cut”. Those were her exact words. And Hope is 100% right….Steffy ran Thomas out of town and she’s now complaining the line isn’t doing well. Well duh, Steffy!!! But this isn’t about the line not doing well. This is just Steffy once again trying to make Hope suffer.
    Of course Brooke is going to step in and forcefully question this decision. So sick of Steffy making decisions in a vacuum!! She loves to stick it to Hope! Well Steffy, your husband may be “sticking it to Hope” in his own way very soon. 😂😂😂😂. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual than you….Steffy!! 😬😬
    Eric telling Brooke she needs to have a more active role in FC was dumb timing / lazy writing.
    Also found it odd that all the Logan women were questioning what kind of role Bill would play in Luna’s life. Why would they even discuss that ? Just an opportunity to focus on the fact that Bill may soon be finding out that he’s her dad.

    1. As Shaila isn't the "vilain" anymore, they need another one and Steffy fit the role with perfection. She is heartless, cruel, vindicative, selfish, she doesn't care about any other person than herself just like her evil grandma was. She can't stand that people don't do what she wants them to do or don't think her way. She doesn't listening to anybody because of course she knows better. I truly hope Eric will kick her out of the chair because you don't run a company guiding by your hormones!!! Can't wait to see her falling hard

    2. It’s been a long time coming (to see Steffy fall hard.) And I agree Steffy has become the new villain. They drive that point home with each episode. Everyday I wait for Finn to finally say….”I’ve had enough!!!” But he just keeps taking his beatings from his overbearing, manipulative wife and continues to stand by her. I truly hope it’s Finn who ends up walking out, and not Steffy kicking him out. It will have a better punch if Finn chooses to leave.

  6. Bills not her dad at all not for one bit poppy is using him to stop him from finding out her real dad , she is a real gold digger for real

  7. Unknown, I'm thinking the same thing, only I think Luna's Dad Will be Jack and Bill & Poppy will tell Luna Bill is her Dad because he wants to protect her from this fall out and he does care for her

  8. How does she suppose to be in a relationship with Carter and talking about Bill as if she wants to hook back up with him? She a ho made woman.

  9. Stephanie Eric's wife brook Taylor and steffy and finn were shot by Sheila Carter a physcopath killer kidnapper Lauren her child scotty jr FENMORE was kidnapped by Sheila Carter who hope accepted as her mother in law now and posed in a public post and hope brooks daughter used mentally unstable Thomas for sex and revenge and she destroyed Beth s family again if Stephanie were alive she would be angry with hope and disband hope for the future clothes line before it destroy s everything including forester creation s so great job steffy good call in my opinion

  10. Lee might switch the DNA.test because she jealous of poppy
