Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-28-24 Full episode B&B 28th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-28-24 Full episode B&B 28th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Hope is definitely a Logan that's why Steffy is always in her face. Finn is weak n Steffy needs to dump him n move on n not with the waffler Liam.

    1. Poppy says of Bill'$ Yacht "$he'$ Beautiful." Somebody needs to fill Poppy in on Bill's 3 month heroism Boinking Sheila. The harder Stefy tries to control Finn, the more he slips away. Sheila isn't a threat. She didn't hit back when Stefy attacked, punching and slapping. He has to bow to her control with every breath or I'll stay away! Stefy needs to threaten to leave then actually do it. Really show him and teach him a lesson!

    2. Bill being Luna's father makes him a deadbeat dad all over again. He didn't know Poppy well enough to ask. He's a Hero all over again. Finn should check Hayes' DNA in case Stefy and Bill had another one night stand like they did and had Kelly so Bill switched the DNA tests so Liam looked like the father. Could have easily done that with Hayes, too. If so Finn would finally see the monster Stefy is and give up.

    3. Agreed. Really despise Steffy now. Literally telling Finn what he can and can’t do, lol. He is a grown man with a career. He saved your life sweetie when you were having an issue do you recall? Drugs. Wow. He doesn’t hold it over your head and not trust you with Hayes (he could).
      Steffy seems to miss the one little point that without Sheila Finn wouldn’t even exist.
      Don’t even get me started on Liam - stay out of it. None of your business what Finn does. It does not impact your life Liam. Kelly will not be visiting Sheila. Case closed.
      What goes on is Finn’s marriage is his own family not yours.

  2. Hope is definitely a Logan!!! Definitely!!! Get your owm man!!!
    And now Bill might be Luna father?!?! Huh what!!!!

    1. I know right Hope is a hoeligan going after Finn. She should be ashamed of herself jumping from one guy to the other. Its utter disgusting tbh. She cheated on Liam with Thomas couldnt committ herself fully to Thomas and now she going after Finn. I hope Steffys rips her a new one when she finds out.

  3. Liam and Hope bounce off each other so naturally. I just always love this light, natural, good energy they have.

    Quite opposite to Steffzilla and her husband who has to listen to her screaming and only agrees. Never raises his voice. I admire him for this trait but also looking forward to him getting fed up with her bitch attitude and pushes back. And now she's giving him final notice. Run, Finn. Hope is already thinking of you 😏

    Poppy, Brooke happened between them πŸ˜‚and I still hope one day she happens again. Btw very convenient how Poppy only now admits Bill "could be" the dad. Who else "could be"?

    1. @Milla I don't think Poppy knows who Luma's father is. And she doesn't want to admit that to Luna. Which is why she never told Luna who her father was.

    2. Judging from her words that Bill could be the father, I also believe that she doesn't know. We're headed for the good ol paternity test storyline.

    3. People see what they want to see. People saw revenge in Hope's face today.I did not.
      Finn's unavoidable, complicated and conflicted feelings for his birth mother are not the problem.
      Steffy is the problem. Steffy is right about Sheila. Sheila is a sociopath and cannot be cured or change (so does her brother) and is dangerous for life. Finn is a doctor and should know this, but his kind and compassionate heart and his feelings for his birth mother are clouding his judgment.
      However, he needs to figure that out on his own. Steffy cannot bully him into it.
      Steffy is a bully and has always had double standards for herself and her family (brother mother father only ) vs everyone else.
      She has had two paternity tests, but calls Hope a "slut." She interferes in Hope's relationship with Thomas, mostly out of spite, but when Hope becomes friends with Finn she is vindictive and tries to kill Hope's line. Her resentment and jealousy of Hope has always consumed her.
      Steffy tells Finn to have no contact with Sheila but then goes to Sheila's home and harasses her and even punches her in the face. Sheila, at this point, has a right to get a restraining order on Steffy, who keeps showing up uninvited and barging into her home and attacking her.
      Steffy is a bully and obnoxious and controlling. Finn is a kind and good-hearted guy and is going to get tired of her ordering him around like a child.
      Hope has done nothing inappropriate, so far, but she has been understanding and supportive of Finn, and mostly also supportive of Steffy's position. However, Hope gives Finn GRACE....Steffy does not.
      No wonder Hope and Finn are becoming close friends....they bring out the best in each other. They can be honest with each other (like he is about her being with Thomas) without being ugly and bullying.
      Sheila is more dangerous when folks like Steffy threaten or harass her or ....come between her and what or whom she wants. If Finn and Steffy divorced, Hayes would still be an issue, and maybe more so. Liam and Steffy don't seem to get that. If Steffy divorced Finn, and Sheila was kept from Hayes, and Steffy kept harassing or threatening Sheila, there is nothing wussy Liam could do to protect them.

    4. The other person they saying is jack could be the father or even finn, he’s the only young dr i I only know how poppy met him as she said in her story

    5. And that he was an intern at the hospital

    6. Milla, I liked when Liam said to Hope…..”Yeah, it’s gonna be rough when you directly disobey your wife’s wishes.” He could have just ended the sentence with “wife” and left off the “wishes” part. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That would have been far more accurate. All Steffy does is dictate everything Finn does when it comes to Sheila. And keep in mind, Finn wasn’t permitted to have his own feelings about Thomas or Hope either. Steffy dictates Finn’s feelings / thoughts about pretty much everything. So happy that Hope is daydreaming about a new man!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ». Such a step up from Thomas!!
      Katie looked really pretty today.

    7. Milla, Finn could be her dad

    8. Yes Steffy dictates how Finn should feel about everything. She's as exhausting a wife as her namesake grandma. Only Stephanie was more interesting to watch, had more complicated personality and could surprise you. Steffy rarely surprises, she's basically the bully of the show and that's all. At least she and Liam see 100% eye to eye now, they should finally pair them up again so that she's happy and we get a break from her constant demeaning. Mmysh is right that she has the right to feel about Sheila exactly like she feels but she can't bully her husband into erasing his feelings.

  4. Steffy..... just tell Finn to pack his bags & go LIVE with Shelia & Deacon!
    Like you said..."it's going to continue"!

  5. And here we go. Hope entertaining the idea of Finn's touches....She will try to resist it, but the pull will be too strong, especially when Finn tells Steffy she can't dictate that he isn't allowed to see Sheila. Sure, the kids is understandable, but like Liam said, if Hope wants to have a relationship with Deacon and Sheila, fine, just don't involve the kids in it. That is what Steffy should have said, instead she is making Finn torn and having to choose between the two. It's like she is out to cause issues that doesn't need to be there, she is her own wreckingball.

    Finn hopefully, from the flashbacks, knows what needs to be done. Put his foot down to his wife, and tell her once and for all that she can't dictate who he sees, especially when she gets pissed over an accident. He wasn't looking to be at the wedding, but getting pizzas. And ofc he has loyalty issues. His memories are mostly of Steffy being a hardass towards Sheila, and Sheila trying to be good, except for the shooting, but then again, Steffy was out to get Sheila aggro the way she barged in at Il Giardino that time she and Finn got shot in the alley. She had to provoke the momster... and no, it wasn't a typing error πŸ˜‚

    Finn wants to get to know his mother, and if Steffy can't understand that, it's on her. He won't want to divorce his wife, but it will keep happening, he knows this, and Steffy will be headstrong, he knows this too. He is caught in the middle, it's enough now.

  6. Lately I've been liking Hope over Steffy. But I do see Steffy's point. Finn should have turned around and left as soon as he saw that the wedding was there.
    One thing I didn't like about Hope was after the wedding she was telling Finn that Steffy should not tell him he can't see his mother. That's not her place to say that. Let them sort that out.
    I'm happy to see Bill really into someone who is not Katie or Brooke. Katie should be happy too. Remember when everyone was bracing for a Bill vs. Carter battle. I'm glad that didn't happen.
    What ever happened to Xander's recent visit? Did the writers just abruptly drop that storyline?
    And Ivy appearing for 1 or 2 episodes. That was odd too. Just two random thoughts I had 🀷‍♂️

    1. Forever, Finn is much more adamant when telling Hope time after time that basically Thomas is trash compared to her perfectness and that she should be with someone better. And then giving her warm looks. So I think her one remark about Steffy is quite tame in comparison.
      Regarding Xander - 🀦🏻‍♀️ one of those moments they just started to get people's hopes up only to abandon because lazy. Same with Jack and Sheila (when she asked him to jail and he suddenly became a lawyer), same with Ivy recently. And even that crematorium guy who is from Sheila's past but we are supposed to believe Sheila was Sugar's victim.

    2. How can Sheila get married if she was legally pronounced dead?? Unless I missed something, not watching everyday it's still to πŸ₯±πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄ worthy. The license will be rejected.

    3. She has been to the hospital for checkups. They must have legally made her alive again :)

    4. πŸ‘Ή miraculously there were no questions asked. Here you have to have medical insurance. No dead person can walk into a hospital and be treated. πŸ˜‚, without alot of red flags.

  7. Thank you Bob πŸ’•❤️

  8. Finn... I r so so so so wick
