Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Hope should have gotten dressed at home. Right now, Brooke and Stefy are to be avoided for all the negativity. HAHHAHAH. Finn what are you holding on to? Just standing there with her is so tense and vicious. Awful, sick controlling b.

    1. Stefy knows Finn wants to go to the wedding, but in her unrelenting selfishness, she has to win this. She has to prove to him that he must bow to her superiority and authority over him. She thinks he seems to forget that he works for HER! Her royal highness can't let the help get too uppity, or it never ends. Stefy knows full well Sheila stays away and is not representing any danger. If anything did happen, it would be with Stefy not staying away and barging into Sheila's realm.

  2. Brooke, not bad hair extensions, weave or whatever it is. Almost matched the front color to the back but your outfits lately are 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮!
    Please find another stylist.

  3. Steffy...just tell your slow idiot husband Finn to pack his bag & leave!
    Go live with Shelia & Decon!

    1. Finn isn't a slow idiot husband. He is a loving husband, unless you are being ironic, because that must be what Steffy is thinking about her husband, that he is an idiot, which is why she needs to lay down the law, because he can't think for himself. Finn is waaay more mature than Steffy is, and a lot more forgiving and loving.

    2. Malin, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. Malin spot on 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    4. Finn is actually too forgiving and loving which does make him look a little weak at times. Steffy cheated on him and had another pregnancy scandal, he took 5 mins to forgive. I'm afraid she can get even more vicious and he would still not stand up to her. But I so hope I'm wrong and we see a good Finn explosion a la Ridge when he learned of Taylor's indiscretion (whwre he called her a hypocrite). Finn can tell Steffy that he is so tired of a controlling demanding yelling wife especially considering all he's done for her and barely ever raised a tone and never demanded anything.

    5. She is not allowing him to even have thoughts 💭
      Let alone act on them
      But sure its ok with her for liam to insult him in their home
      And then to make worse she told liam its ok instead of giving him a hard time

    6. Finn is too good for Steffy though. She doesn't deserve his kind and gentle soul.

  4. Toe cookies ... Really is this a comedy

  5. Ok, not exactly how I envisioned Finn showing up at Sheila and Deacons wedding, but I'll take it. But guess who won't take it? Steffy! "What is taking him so long? It doesn't take this long to pick up some pizzas???" She comes looking for him, or sends her minion Liam to check up on her husband... and guess what she/he might find? Finn laughing with Hope, having a very nice time at their parents wedding.... Maybe a warm hug/embrace that Steffy/Liam might take completely out of context.

    But considering it's supposed to be a hell of a cliffhanger tomorrow, it might even be Li surprise visiting at the cliff house, and Steffy sends her to check cause Li might be going that way anyways... I dunno...Anything can happen.

    I did giggle about the toe o'douvres tho haha... At least they have humour about it.

    In any case it's going to be poor Finn, because Steffy might even blame this on Sheila as well, even though Sheila thought the wedding was gonna be on the beach, but then Deacon changed the plan. This time, I hope that Finn says "ENOUGH already!!!" to Steffy, and get tired of her blaming him or Sheila for things none of them could help. When he then got caught up in it, by being there, accidentally, and the good man that he is, he didn't have the heart to dissapoint his birthmother one more time... Steffy will be furious though.

    1. To me it seems obvious Finn didn’t go to Il Giardino with the intent to see a wedding based on the way he was dressed. I expect he’ll tell Sheila that on tomorrow’s episode. But she’ll convince him to stay.
      Wouldn’t it be amazing if the show could go for even 15 seconds without someone uttering the word “Sheila”??!!! Ugh…..,
      And I wish Deacon would quit referring to Sheila’s “beautiful 9 toes”. Sorry, but there is nothing beautiful about those toes. 😳😳😳
      Looking forward to a decent episode tomorrow. They’ve been pretty boring lately.

    2. @Lynn, even if Finn didn't go to Il Giardino with the intent to see the wedding, Steffy might still be furious with him, because he stayed (I am sure he will stay, him seeing Hope there as well). Because in her mind, he should always heed by her words, and he should have turned on the heel on come straight home to the All Mighty Queen, who decides everything for him. How DARE he not follow her simple law??? No Sheila for you Finn!!! That was all you had to do!

      I just dislike her more and more these days... lol


    3. I am so tired of looking at that fake 4-toed foot! Enough already. It's not funny it's annoying.
      Lynn I believe Finn won't say anything because too stunned and Sheila will drag him to the altar, completely ignoring how he's dressed and that he's obviously not there for a wedding. And maybe someone will take a picture and post and Steffy sees.

    4. It's 'destiny' (how Brooke would describe it, if it had been about Ridge) that Finn showed up at Il Giardino at that exact moment. Imagine how many things would have to click for that to happen. If 'destiny' exists, it would be to show that Finn and Hope should be together, or that this time, Sheila has changed. One or the other... Probably the first thing though :D

    5. @Milla, whatever happens, it's gonna be juicy, and most likely the end of Steffy and Finn, because she did give him the ultimatum. What is she, if she isn't a woman of her word? She can't have Finn think that he can do whatever he wants without consequences, no matter if he is considered and adult according to the law, but according to her law, he is her minion and should abide by her rules.

    6. I agree that Steffy will be pissed no matter what Finn does at this point. And they may want to think of a new place to buy pizza if Finn truly doesn’t want to run into Sheila. 😂😂
      I seriously don’t know how Finn has put up with all the orders from Steffy for even this long. The guy’s breaking point is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Lol.

    7. I still think it was completely absurd that Steffy got so mad at Sheila when the kids’ caregiver took them to Il Giardino a long while back. How is it Sheila’s fault ?? That’s where she works!! What did they think was gonna happen? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ If you don’t want to run into Sheila, then stay completely away from Il Giardino. Not rocket science.

    8. @Lynn, Finn is so patient it's unreal... he is a doctor, but also patient... Yes, I had to go there 😂😂😂 It had to be said, because that is Finn: patient, loving, nurturing, faithful, forgiving, sympathetic... The list goes on, probably tons more positive adjectives to describe him. The complete opposite to Steffy, who is: Entitled, conniving, not forgiving, NOT faithful, not patient (has to poke the bear all the time)... such a mismatch it's insane. They do not belong together.

    9. @Yes Lynn, that stuff with the caregiver was insane. It's like Steffy thinks that Sheila should know when to step away, and when not to. Sheila was only doing her job. Easy, don't go to Il Giardino, as you said, and maybe she should tell her caregiver that....and only go to Il Giardino with the kids when she is with them herself...

    10. Malin, Lynn yes I believe unless something tragic happens tomorrow to draw the attention, Steffy will blow up and finally realize that Finn can't stay away from Sheila. I also hope for a juicy episode like Li comes to shoot Sheila but hits Deacon or sth like that...

    11. O really Finn, this makes me 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    12. Ladies, we are setting our expectations high for tomorrow’s episode. It will probably end up being a let down. 😬😬

    13. Lynn I thought the same 😅 we've had a handful of good episodes in the past year.

    14. And mark my words it will be hope‘s fault as usual 🤣🤣🤣

    15. Or even better - Brooke's! 🤣 it's enough for her just to be there to be the uber villain and the one with superpowers to make men leave wives for Hope.

    16. Yeah milla she will blame brook fir bringing hope to the world 😂😂😂😂

  6. Loved Sheilas' dress..and Deacon looked sharp (forgive the pun)......Watch it Steffy...Karma Is coming to get you🤪😂🤣... can't wait!!! Thank you Bob 💕 😘

    1. Ariel, good one! 😂😂😂

    2. The restaurant was closed but obviously they allowed Finn to order pizza… wonder was Deacon trying to get him there?

      Finn thought the wedding was at the beach and he didn’t know the location had changed to the restaurant.

  7. Steffy has all the rights to feel the way she feels about Sheila. Monster like her who touched their family for decades. After she shot Steffie she tried to kill her at the hospital. Hopefully soon Steffie will divorce Finn. Who stays around with someone who shot you to death. Hell no.

    1. The problem with Steffy is that she is the less intelligent of them. She keeps poking the bear, even though she should keep away from it, she seeks it. She is very provocative, in your face, whatever is on her mind MUST out, which makes her very unsympathetic as a character. She is also very entitled towards Hope, like she is superior to her, keep bringing up the Brooke history to Hope, like she is trying to force Hope into becoming her mother. If anyone is like how Brooke was, it's Steffy. Just think about it. Brooke and Eric (Steffy and Bill, even though they didn't get married, they did sleep together and also had an affair once upon a time), Brooke - Thorne, Ridge and Nick (Steffy - Liam and Wyatt, if Liam and Wyatt had another older brother, she prob would have been with him too).

      All in all, they all have done their bedhopping. When it comes to Sheila, I believe Steffy shot her first a long time ago? Doesn't matter really, everyone is capable of change, even Sheila, even how hard that is to believe. I hope what Hope said to Sheila today, went in, and that she is good to Deacon, and also change her ways, for Finn and her grandson.

    2. Maybe not having her son all those years ago made her the way she was. It seems finding true love is all she needed. I don't know. People do crazy things when their back is against the wall. But look how Sheila shoved those flowers to get to to Finn. I truly would love to see a changed Sheila because I want to believe that everyone can change. And I'm rooting for Deacon, he has been the best man for her. He fights hard for her and puts everything on the line for her. Even him, the bad boy, has turned his life around, I believe that is why he feels Sheila can do the same. I hope I marry a man like Deacon.

    3. Malin, Hope was also with Liam and Wyatt at the same time and she was married to Wyatt at the time!

      Steffy was actually married to Wyatt and she married Liam multiple times. She wasn’t just sleeping with them. She didn’t sleep with them at the same time.

      As far as Bill goes, she didn’t have an affair with him. She never slept with him when he was married to Katie, that would be Brooke!

      The time while she was married to Liam, she was on her own at Eric’s guest house, mourning what she thought was the end of her marriage to Liam after he admitted cheating on her with Sally Spectra!

      Bill stalked her and she told him to go away, she tried repeatedly to get him to leave. He pressured her over and over relentlessly and she was so distraught she did something stupid! It happened once and she always regretted it!

      Brooke slept with Eric and Ridge at the same time and lied to both. She slept with Ridge and his brother at the same time both with Thorne and with Nick.

      Hope cheated on Liam with Thomas. Liam cheated on Hope with Steffy once. Liam cheated on Steffy with Hope multiple times. So??

      I don’t know why we are going back to ancient history? As usual Steffy is the bad one etc etc.

      I don’t like her attitude right now or how emphatic she is being with Finn. However, I completely understand her feelings towards Sheila and her fully rational fears for their safety because of Sheila!

    4. Hope stopped sleeping with waytt when she start dating both of them
      Didn’t sleep with either of them
      Snd they know she us doing that
      Still wrong and disgusting
      But steffy was married to waytt and making out with liam behind her husband’s back
      And oh wyaat we need to get divorce because your mother is evil nit because liam is back 🤣🤣
      But sure its ok 👌

    5. And hope weren’t married to waytt please stop with the false information
      brook never slept with eric and ridge at the same time
      Actually brook never cheated on ridge
      She yes cheated on eric
      But the one cheated on ridge that was Taylor
      And ridge on brook
      But how funny that there is always an excuse for steffy its not her fault
      But that’s dose not apply to others
      No need for lame excuses for them
      But at least don’t miss some information in purpose or false information to make steffy look good and innocent

      And the stop bringing up the past
      I guess you first should ask steffy that 🤣

    6. Mmysh I think at this point even her fans have given up on trying to make Steffy look any sort of good (and bringing up her past only backfires as usual 😅). She's totally the most insufferable character maybe after Sheila.

    7. Indeed milla
      If the spoilers where true about her trying to make liam have full custody of beth this will be the ultimate evil act
      A don’t know what the excuse will be
      And she does that it will not be out of her character

  8. I don’t agree with the way Steffy is ordering Finn around or that she isn’t being sensitive to his feelings. However, I completely understand her feelings towards Sheila.

    Sheila has literally done NOTHING to rehabilitate herself. She DIDN’T serve her time she got out due to Bill and Deacon’s interference with the judge.

    She has had NO therapy. We only have HER word for what happened with Sugar. Like others have pointed out, Sheila was supposedly held for weeks but was slightly dehydrated and still had her pedicure in place.

    I still think we will see that Sheila set up Sugar to kill Steffy for her, and the whole warehouse thing was staged.

    It is clear they setting up Finn and Hope to get involved.

    With all the sniping at Steffy, I find it disgusting that people are cheering for Hope to steal Finn, because she deserves him… like he’s the only good fella in Los Angeles?? Really?

    I think we are going to see Hope fantasising about Finn now, her expression in his office yesterday showed her leaning that way.

    I don’t like how the writers are making Steffy into such a nasty cow… she isn’t but I guess they have to make Hope look better so viewers will accept her stealing Steffy’s husband, I mean we should be used to it after years of her chasing Liam and sleeping with him when married to Steffy.

    I actually liked Hope for a while but will lose all respect for her if she pursues Finn.

    As far as Sheila is concerned, Brooke is of the same opinion as Steffy. They are correct!

    1. Steffy can feel however she like about Sheila, but even if she is Finn's wife, it doesn't mean she owns him and can dictate who he sees and not sees, like she doesn't want him to have contact with his birth mother and Hope for that matter as well. She needs to control everything and everyone around her. She is very manipulative, and lately she has seemed like a spoiled brat more than ever. I understand completely that she doesn't want Sheila around her children, and she is allowed to protect them, but she can't dictate her husband to not see her. He is a grown man. Just discuss things, tell him to be honest about it if he sees any change in Sheila for the worse, keep Sheila at a distance for herself and the kids, or make sure that if Sheila meets the kids, that she is there as well. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer-kinda thing. Never let Sheila be alone with the kids, but not say that to Sheila's face. Steffy needs to learn how to be tactical without provoking the psychopath in Sheila.


    1. Thanks for the links. So Steffy asks Hope not to pressure Finn about Sheila and she runs to his office and tries to talk him into attending the wedding… interesting! 🤔

    2. You are welcome
      So finn is a 3 years old ti have people telling him what to do
      Or maybe because steffy treats him like that and he can’t have his own mind she thinks that everyone make him do what they want
      And her father asked her and begged her to ask finn and talk to him
      so why she listens to steffy not her father
      You are making it like
      Steffy asked her which was more like an order to not talk with finn
      So she decided to go to him just because steffy asked her not to
      Well that’s interesting 🤔

    3. Ugh Brooke should have stood up to those two idiots and defended Hope. What can Hope do about her father marrying a psychopath? It's not like she's the biggest Sheila fan. I also think she shouldn't support that marriage but the 3 of them ganging up on her was stupid. How about go and gang up on Deacon, the actual moron marrying Sheila?
      I laughed at "Deacon has made a name for himself... In a good way" 😂yeah for a change!

    4. Indeed milla
      I agree
      Look how brook is standing up for steffy and yet we keep hearing oh she hate ridge’s kids 😂😂


  11. Bounce scenes today and yesterday

  12. I wanted to slap Liam today. He was really snarky and rude to Finn, in his own home! I’d show that loser the door! Steffy shouldn’t allow him to treat her husband that way. Liam was out of his lane!

  13. Stay tuned for tomorrow the wedding is put off cause hope faints she is pregnant now and no wedding will go on cause of her fainting , and apparently there’s someone watching them at the wedding can’t wait to see that , no marriage for deacon and Sheila

  14. Hope using her cleavage a LOT is going to the wedding to support Finn not her father

  15. Is Il Giardino the only place in town that serves pizza? Why do they all still go there if they don’t want to bump into Sheila?

  16. Really hated Sheila’s dress, she looked like Elvira!! And who always shows off their missing toe and wears open toe shoes when their feet are so disgusting looking?

  17. Sheila’s toes are really disgusting looking. They are long enough to be fingers! LMFAO!!😂

  18. I agree that there must be many other places to get pizza. And what about delivery? So unbelievable. But we still can't stop watching. 👀
