Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Good luck Stefy monitoring all the groups you refuse to allow to be near each other. Stefy will get worn out travelling between Sheila and Deacon, Hope and Finn, Ivy and Liam, Thomas and the Hope looking mannequin. Once a day won't be enough, they might get together after she leaves!

    1. Finn walks in the house, gear up for fight fight fight. Finn mentions Sheila and Deacon and the face that comes over Stefy, could be used in any horror show. It's calm before the stab. She looks around, where did I ditch that knife? Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, oh yeah, meat cleaver! Good idea!

    2. LOVE.... Hush Hush Sweet Charlott!

    3. I haven't watched the show yet. Came straight to comments. But I like your version already, "steffy looking around for the knife"😂

  2. TY Bob. Have a great Wednesday.

  3. Poor Steffy maybe if Hope had been shot and left for dead she wouldn't feel this way
    Let's recall the gondola grudge against Steffy
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Well psycho thomas did something worse that shooting to hope and she forgave him
      And you disgusting precious steffy set hope to be raped and all the hurt she did hope forgave her
      At least hope is capable of forgiveness
      But steffy can’t and couldn’t
      She us just hateful disgusting mean evil soul
      Maybe that’s why you adore her

    2. When did Steffy set Hope up to be raped? You hate her so much you just make things up to justify Hope sleeping with whoever Steffy is married to. Why bringing up Thomas again? At least he did therapy and has been working hard to be a good person. Sheila never did!

      We have accepted that Brooke reformed and has become a better person but I guess it is only your favourites that count.

    3. Mmmmm well didn’t steffy told thomas in cabo that they should got hope really drunk so she can’t say no and it will be easy for him to sleep with her
      And she kept send them drinks in the tent ⛺️ they where at in cabo
      So what we call what she was doing
      Yeah if they succeeded that will be rape
      But sure not to you since steffy and thomas are doing it
      And sorry hope never went after a man steffy married to
      Not liam not finn
      So bored and tired of speaking about things we already spoke about it and its all over the internet as an articles and an episodes
      And yeah this kind of character should be hated not blinded defended

    4. And if brook start acting like steffy
      I will call her out just like i did with hope
      I will not make lame excuses or deny things or twist what is happening

    5. Sorry how did Hope never go after a man married to Steffy?

      She literally moved in with Liam, slept with Liam and demanded he divorce Steffy, annul his marriage to Steffy (depending which marriage we are talking about since she literally did it every time they were married). I don’t care if she was Liam’s girlfriend before Steffy. She doesn’t own him and she ended her own engagement then had a fit when Bill and Steffy kept her from wrecking Liam and Steffy’s wedding. Just because she changed her mind, didn’t give her the right to interfere in Liam’s life! He chose to marry Steffy, no one forced him into that!

      Hope chased Liam incessantly when he was married to Steffy and had no qualms about losing her virginity to a married man, about sleeping and living with him , getting pregnant with him while he was married to Steffy! She gloated about stealing him from a very pregnant Steffy and was horrid to her.

      So Hope is no saint. Steffy isn’t either but in your eyes Hope is soooo superior to Steffy.


    6. Hope is not a saint but she is compared to steffy
      And she us better then steffy
      Not according to my eyes but according to logic
      Liam wasn’t hope‘s bf THEY WERE ENGAGED
      But sure that is not serious relationship
      To you right ??
      People can break others engagement all the time its ok since its not marriage
      Wow even logic and boundaries are gone ehen steffy is related
      So its ok for steffy to come after him with the most disgusting cheapest ways
      Offering herself 🤢
      Oh let us make out its ok a friendly kisses
      Hope can’t give you sex but i can ipen my legs whatever you want
      Bad mouthing hope all the time especially because she was saving herself
      What a shameful thing hope was doing
      So all of that is ok with you right ?
      Hope doesn’t own him but steffy does
      Such logic 🥱
      And hope didn’t went after him
      Actually he did that‘s way even after steffy married him with manipulations she had to always lie and scheme because she knows her marriage isn’t secure
      How disgusting is using sex as a weapon, cheap
      Hope moved in with liam the divorce papers wehere signed and filled
      After no dignity steffy as usual didn’t give liam annulment because she need again to use sex against hope
      And people waiting for divorce to be final date other people
      And we know why liam left her or you have some twisted version?
      So no hope never went after a married man
      That was steffy and not only liam 😂😂😂😂
      Next time just mention things as it happened with missing information to suit your narrative
      A have to keep a copy of this comment because apparently i need it from time to time
      It saves time and effort

    7. And yeah a women who has no issue setting another woman to be raped is disgusting and evil 🤮🤮🤮

  4. Why can't they all just say Steffy and the children instead of Steffy, Kelly and Hays.

    1. Because they want us to remember those names for the future of B&B. I'm still waiting to see that child that Taylor had with Nick, accidentally using Brookes egg. I don't think they evernamedtgat one🤔

    2. Of course they named him, it was little Jack (after Jackie, Nick's Mom)

    3. Yes after Jackie and Taylor's dad Jack. It was so perfect 🥰 I wish they had stayed together. I loved Nick and his singing.

  5. Good on you, Finn. Stand with your wife and family. But will he be able to stick to his decision? I predict Sheila will at some point fake some kind of medical emergency and coincidentally end up at the hospital when Finn is on duty.
    Sheila and Deacon should just give up on Finn and Hope being in their wedding. Deacon can ask that guy who works at the restaurant. I can't remember his name. The one who was hot for Brooke. And Sheila could ask...
    I guess she doesn't even have one friend. Sad. I should feel bad for her. But I don't. She hasn't made one female friend who works at Deacon's restaurant? They could get married at the facility where Mike is serving time. He's so in love with her, STILL he would be her Flunky of Honor even though she's marrying someone else. What a tool!
    Hope should have talked to Brooke alone. I would not be able to take the verbal abuse and insults from Ridge and Steffy. Hope is just providing information. Ease up on her.

  6. Will Finn ever find out about Steffy and Liam's most recent stolen kisses, or are we meant to forget they ever happened? Vile double standards, all so we can enjoy Steffy's imperious screeching day in and day out. Ugh.

    1. Hey, this is Queen Steffy we're talking about!!! She has every rights! the right to go after enggaged or married men, the right to cheat on her husband with her father in law, she can kiss any men she wants while married, she can kill people and not be arrested or even just to go to the police station to answer questions, the police come to her place so she can answer siting on her sofa with a cocktail in her hand. BUT, the moment someone else does one of those things, she becomes enraged and takes out her claws, points finger, gives orders and ultimatum, she requires, she lectures because she does NOT tolerate any competition, only SHE can do those things.

    2. Indeed miss sushi such disgusting hypocrisy

    3. @Miss_sushi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Spot on about Steffy! In a nutshell!

    4. You mean where LIAM kisses her? Those kisses wheee she DIDN’T kiss him back? When she told him she loved and was devoted to her husband?? 🙄🙄

    5. But she did kinda kiss him back
      And still keeping it from her husband
      So not that much of devotion

    6. The main issue is, Steffy knows Finn has a good forgiving heart. She also knows Sheila is an evil psychopath that shot both of them and left them to die, who kept Finn prisoner and would not allow him to return to his family, that Sheila tried to murder Li, Brooke, Lauren, Stephanie, stole years of Taylor’s life with her family, kidnapped babies, swapped babies with dead babies, murdered etc. She doesn’t want her son to be kidnapped by Granny from Hell or for Finn to get shot again or to be murdered herself. All real possibilities!

      Again her way of saying it is wrong and overbearing. Her heart is in the right place.

  7. I started watching the episode and it began with Steffy BLAH BLAH BLAH DEACON BLAH BLAH BLAH SHEILA BLAH BLAH BLAH..... I turned off, enough of her. Can't the police come and arrest her ? She killed a disarmed woman, that was NOT self defense. There was no threat! Put her in a cell with a gag on her mouth!!!!

    1. Yes tthe police consider it as a self defense because of the history with sheila since the attacker has no weapon
      So now there is no history
      But i guess if this happened blade forrester along with her father should take sheila’s words seriously about how she tried to protect steffy and sugar wanted to kill her

  8. Steffy needs some professional help at this point. She is acting more crazy than usual.
    Sheila is so annoying pushing for Finn to be best man 🤦🏻‍♀️ just leave the man alone, you have the best possible relationship with him as it is. And it is all based on her dubious claims that she wanted to protect Steffy. Finn is talking normal with her, calling her mom, saying only nice things to her - this is plenty.

    1. Milla help me recall some events
      Some on the FB saying hope is pregnant
      But how come ??
      So luna suspects she is pregnant but not hope?
      Isn’t more than a month since tommy boy left
      I guess its only a wishful thinking of hus fans because its the only way hope will accept his proposal

    2. Mmysh you're right, Hope is not pregnant, at least nothing like this has been shown. I think the headaches were just a way to get some physical contact between the two that they both will start eventually reminiscing when they start to feel attracted to each other.
      Luna as per pregnancy test - also not pregnant.

    3. Or maybe hope has a tumor and this will explain the disgusting relationship with her abuser
      Because no woman in her right mind would fall for such man in her life

    4. @Mmysh Wasn't it also a tumor that made Thomas act like he did? At least the dummy situation? He became crazier and crazier, if I recall.

    5. The woman that shot her husband and then shot her for trying to call emergency services to save his life so Sheila could avoid prison time? The woman who shot how many members of Steffy’s Family and Brooke? The woman who has murdered people in cold blood with NO remorse? Steffy has every right to feel the way she does about Sheila! She’s wrong in the way she’s expressing it but she’s not unhinged!

    6. Let’s don’t forget Sheila keeping Finn hostage after Li brought him back from deaths door?

    7. Malin Thomas never had a tumor
      It was only a brain bleeding a hematoma
      Because he hit his head in kim‘s desk
      The result was only the mannequin SL
      all the other evil criminal stuff was him

  9. Steffy 🤮🤬💩.... what more do I need to add.... thank you Bob ❤️

  10. Funny I noticed that when Sheila either lies or doesn’t get her way, she does that incessant fast blinking. She was doing it again when Finn said he couldn’t be there for her wedding.
