Friday, March 7, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-7-25 Full episode B&B 7th March 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-7-25 Full episode B&B 7th March 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Yes Li choke Poppy to death. She's a disgusting horrible woman to the point where she raised a murdering monster. And Hope fuck you too loser karma hitting back at you real hard clown. Having the nerve to get mad at Daphne when you went and kissed Finn at a public party ho. And fuck you Bill when Luna poisons your ass to lol for getting in the way you won't be saying shit then.

    1. 🤣🤣 spot on Noemi.Get them!

    2. And Stephy has all good reasons to be afraid and go on the defensive to Protect herself and her family.

      But I'm afraid going at Luna like that is just gonna trigga the psycho.
      Alter ego Lill Luna just Connected with her long lost Daddy! Hhmmh she's gonna poison her way into his life.
      Stephy,Li,Bill,Poppy- watch out!
      Evil Luna has been awakened 😂

    3. Yep, by the look on Luna’s face, she looks ready to kill Steffy , once again.

    4. @Roseam, she looked like Chucky with upper lip Botox 🤣🤣🤣🤭

    5. @Noemi 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yay, you back, you crack me up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 agree 100000% Steffy wasn't allowed to threaten the whore but the whore can threaten Daphne 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I've always said Bill has the hots for Chucky with the upper lip Botox 🚩 Hope isn't a fraction of the woman Daphne is, Carter has already fallen for her way before the kiss 👏👏👏 I've loved Daphne from the start, she's beautiful and dresses like a lady, what's up with the carpet that HOpe is wearing 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Can't wait to see that scene with Poppy and Li 😂 It's gonna be fireworks

    1. Yeah👏🏾.So much Drama coming our way! And I'm gonna Love every bit av it..I hope 😂.

  3. Steffy... tell Finn to go live with Shelia & take your daughter with you!! Get Out Now! Get a good lawyer Steffy & send Finn on his way!

    1. Totally agree, I saw a Chucky today with upper lip Botox 🤭🤣

  4. There is no coming back
    Sinn is over
    Luna laughed at Steffy She knew exactly what she was doing and saying It was her plan to have Bill
    Hope karma is coming
    Bridge will be back
    Tridge Bell ruined u years ago
    Bridge had the history
    Ask Nick Marone
    Daphne get your man
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. Lmao. I can't with Hope. She can't "fire" Daphne herself so she tells Carter to do it. "Tell her to go back to Paris." 🤭😂🤣 Hope is just mad because Daphne sees through her little game and she doesn't want to lose Carter to Daphne although, based on Carter thinking back to his kiss with Daphne, it seems Hope might have already lost him.

    Luna is seriously channeling her grandmomma, Sheila. She is so delusional thinking she deserves to have a good man in her life and deserves to have a relationship with him. On what planet, delulu Luna? I'm so glad Steffy said it. All she deserves is a jail cell for the rest of her life.

    Finn, Finn, Finn... If you don't understand what your wife went through at the hands of your daughter and prefer to still insist on a relationship with the psycho, then you need to choose because you can't have both.

    1. Guess Finn is such a clueless idiot! Why can’t he see the real person behind that mask. Luna is a lunatic! Why would he even want to be her dad, I’d be so embarrassed to have a daughter like that, and would totally disown her.

    2. He partly blames himself but right now both Finn and Steffy have been hit with a ton of bricks. Chucky is obviously going to do something to Steffy again....I still don't believe that Finn is her father

    3. I understand Finn wanting to be in his daughter's life but it is naive of him to think that he can reform her, while putting his family in danger. If he wants to help, he should insist that she be sent back to prison and put in a request for her to see the prison psychiatrist. He can also visit her from time to time to check on her progress.

  6. The confrontation between Hope & Daphne was boring but next week between Steffy & Luna and Li & Poppy that will be interesting. And Bill deserve to be locked in a cage or poisoned too. What the hell is wrong with him, did he fall in love with Lunatic or is he just crazy in the head 🙄

    1. 😂😂. This coming week is gonna be Juicy alright!

    2. At this point, Olga, I think Bill is just desperate for companionship. But he must also be crazy in the head if Luna is who he's drawn to.

    3. Olga, I thought the confrontation between Daphne and Hope was anything but boring. I didn't like her at first, but now I'm loving her. She sees right through Hope, and has Hope wondering (light bulb moment), it's not all about her. Carter is hurting. I hope they keep her around and knock Hope off her entitled ass.
      Elle, I think there is more to the story with Bill and his reason for harbouring Luna? Not sure. Not watching everyday anymore, but it dosent fit Bills MO.

    4. Daphne should stay just to spite Hope and fight to get Carter away from Hope. She looks like a person who will want to accept that challenge and become a thorn in Hopes ass!!

    5. @D 💯% agree with everything you said, Hope needs to get rid of the carpet that she's wearing 🤣🤣🤣🤭

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tks Bob and have a great weekend 🌸

  9. There is no way that Finn is lunas dad sounds like a lot of BS , there was a mix up snd if anyone doesnt believe me well then believe what u want but FINN IS NOT LUNAS DAD SIMPLE AS THAT

    1. We know for sure that Finn and Poppy had sex and, well, sex makes babies. If Tom is not the dad, and Bill is not the dad, and she had sex with her nephew in the same time frame.....

    2. Elle, but who else did she have sex with in that time frame? Sounds like there could have been more. Enquiring minds want to know.🤣

    3. It's quite possible there are other potential fathers but if the blood sample was not Luna's, the big question would be, whose was it? Finn did the test twice and it proved he was the father. So, who is he the father of if it wasn't Luna's blood?

    4. @Georgie1 I've said the same thing all along, Finn is not Chucky's father 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

  10. Another bullshit storyline coming up about the real father

  11. Steffy is a selfish brat. Always me, me, me

    1. I have to disagree. I don't always like what Steffy is about, but if were me, I would certainly feel the same. What Luna did to her and the others is incomprehensible. Finn needs to understand that and give up the notion that his family and Luna will never mix and that it will only cause trouble. He went through it with Sheila, so he should know better.

    2. J 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. I agree J. I thought Steffy was brilliant today. I can see her side, but also really feel for Finn. It's one thing to cut ties with your biological mother who you never grew up, but a biological child?

    4. Not just a biological child, D. A murderous biological child he only knew as his cousin.

    5. @MaryBeth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you kidding right 🤣🤭 she's been very understanding and supportive since she found out so let me ask you, if you were her would you invite Chucky over for dinner 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thought not 🤭

  12. i love steffy but she really doesn't learn her temper only gets her in trouble most of the time she has done it with brooke, bill, liam,hope, sheila and now luna...i just thought i wonder if they came up with luna short for lunatic lol. steffy can't expect finn or all people to just ignore the fact that now luna is his daughter and he is going to want to get to know her. all she is going to do is get bill (which is a whole different story i think that is going to mess with lunas head he has lost control of her now and that is never good for those people) to not be responsible for her and the risk of her going back to prison is going to make finn take her in and then what is steffy left with, i see a return to liam most likely although there are rumors she is pregnant (hence why taylor told her to leave and go to paris for a while for her maternity leave again) no one has officially confirmed she is pregnant though but she does look like it a bit but to me so does hope so maybe its something else the way they are filming or what they are wearing i dont know

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Taylor told her to take the kids and come stay with her (Taylor) and her dad at Eric's mansion, not Paris. She is not pregnant.

      Can't someone put on a little weight without it being about pregnancy? Shes constantly in the gym. Maybe it's muscle. Or maybe she's on medication which is causing her to bloat. Birth control pills cause weight gain. Could be any number of things.

    3. @Ashblond, I'm glad Steffy went to see her, this will bring out Luna's true colours and Finn will be witness to it all....👏👏👏

    4. Yeah Elle, I agree about the weight thing. Could be a number of things

    5. They put Steffy in a loose jumper it doesn’t mean she gained weight or is pregnant.

      She just did a big article in People magazine in February this year. It was about her life and being a mum to her boys, running, working out etc.

      If she were pregnant she would have said something!

      It’s just the stylist showing Steffy in something unlike her usual dress…. Shows stress or distress, no makeup, hair down etc.

      AN who plays Hope, is in an ongoing struggle with miscarriages and infertility. She had a go at a nasty fan, and said how much it hurts when people put rumours about that she’s pregnant!

      So honestly it’s just wardrobe! No one is pregnant!

    6. Thank you, BBFan. 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

  13. Lets not forget that Finn and Luna was once close as cousins, so there had to be some good in her. She always admired Finn and I guess he felt fond of her too. So there is a possibility that is a good girl at heart. But what is difficult to understand is her actions leading up Tom coming to town. She met RJ and tricked him by sleeping with Zendi then lied and said she was drug. Tom star was not in the picture yet, so what was her motivation then to cheat on RJ. She says she killed Tom because she didnt want tom to be her that, she wanted to trick Bill into being her dad. She called Tom a low life and Bill was rich and famous. Finn would want to think that her lack of having a father while growing up caused her to do these things, but what if its genetic, what if it had been passed down to her from her grandmother, Sheila

    1. They weren't close as cousins. Both Finn and Luna have said that they never saw each other much.

    2. Elle, exactly they change the SL daily, just like Luna bragging what a great job her mum did raising her and she couldn’t ask for a better childhood! We literally saw her flashing back to that conversation at Bills before she turned on the tears and sobbed how horrible her life was! She’s a liar and has NO remorse!

    3. @ Peggy, Luna and Finn said they each other at Christmas maybe and talked about the age difference. Li and Poppy were estranged all of Luna’s life so she and Finn weren’t close at all as cousins!

    4. Luna is a psychopath, she literally is incapable of love, remorse etc. She pretends, she imitates but inside is a cold hard killer. She will definitely go after Steffy again and most likely Bill as well!

  14. Luna’s eyes told it all. She definitely has evil in her and she’s not going to let Steffy get in the way of a relationship with her new dad. Look out, Steffy….you saw what she was capable of the first time.
    Finn is in a tough spot. It’s really a no win situation. So Steffy and Finn are over.
    Li was pretty impressive with that one handed choke hold!! 😂😂😂

    1. Yes. The way Luna looked at the end was not good.

      I'm still hoping that Finn and Steffy can make it somehow. Maybe if Luna tries to kill Steffy again, he'll awake from the stupor he's in and realize that there's no fixing Luna.

    2. Lynn, totally true. Luna shows no remorse and that evil look she gave Steffy? I can see her and grandma Sheila teaming up to get rid of the one person that stands in their way. Bill warned Luna if she broke the trust she would be right back in prison. If he does that, I can see Finn taking responsibility as a surety of Luna living somewhere under house arrest.
      Elle I would love to see Steffy and Finn make it through this, but not sure it will happen. Just don't want to see her back with Liam.

    3. Remember Brucetta Li when Luna tried to run out of their old apartment building after Finn "came" through the door?? :D
      Here she comes again.

      And Steffy needs to remember that she has children who need her before she goes and confronts a psychopath like that. She did the same with Sheila and look where it got her. She needs to be more careful.

    4. @Elle 🤣🤣🤣 Luna looked like Chucky with upper lip Botox 🤣🤣🤣 Steffy will either have her put back in prison or Chucky will do something to Steffy and Finn will see first hand what his fake ass daughter is capable of 🚩

    5. Lynn Brava 💯 %. Agree with you!!!

  15. Love Luna 😍 Hope drop off the show

  16. Finn stfu and steffy needs to really get over it

    1. Really, she's been pretty supportive up until she found out that the murderer is out of prison. I guess if you were in her shoes you'd invite her for dinner 🤭🤔🤣

    2. This woman tried to kill her, she taunted and mentally tortured Steffy with NO remorse! She murdered 2 people!

      Steffy has been completely supportive of Finn up to the point where he wants to welcome his murdering psychopath of daughter into the family and tells his wife that oh yes she’s lounging around Bill’s mansion with just an ankle bracelet! Really double homicide and attempted murder and that’s it?

      Any normal human would react the same way Steffy is to Finn insisting he can fix Luna!

      She is evil! She is going to attack Bill now because he wants to send her back to prison where she belongs! She broke all his rules!

      Steffy will definitely be a target too!

      I can so see her and granny Sheila teaming up to disappear their problem!

  17. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, Finn is not Luna's father. Luna looked like Chucky with upper lip Botox, equally as evil 🚩 Funny how Hope is upset with Daphne re the kiss and threatening her but it was a problem when Steffy threatened Hope when she kissed Finn, oh the hypocrisy of it all 🤣🤣🚩 I have loved Daphne from the start, Hope isn't a fraction of the woman Daphne is and as for that carpet that HOpe is wearing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭 I'm afraid to say, Carter is scared of Hopeless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 he was attracted to Daphne from the moment he net her 👏👏 they would make the perfect couple.

  18. I prefer this Hope, who has no limits anymore, who assumes to be a slut of the valley like her mother. I hope she will crush Daphne...

    For Steffy, I hope she asks for a divorce, and a distancing of her children!

    Finn if he is stupid and does not understand that his mother and his daughter are serial killers, it is because he does not love Steffy.

    I would like Thomas to come back so that Hope dump the duck Carter.

    1. True, Meli. This Hope is much better. Would love to see a standoff between her and Steffy when Carter returns the company to the Forresters.

      If she and Thomas reunite, she would also stand up for herself and her relationship instead of letting Steffy walk all over her.

      I also agree that Steffy needs to divorce Finn. It's ridiculous that he expects her to be okay with him being in Luna's life just because he was robbed of raising her.

    2. To be fair Steffy put up with years of Hope being snotty to her at work, and putting her down. She had to live with years of Hope chasing her husband Liam, and sleeping with him. She to deal with Hope queening it over her that her dad lived with Brooke and Hope and not Thomas, Steffy, and Phoebe.

      Hope was a nasty entitled brat and Steffy had to put up with it!

      So her.having a go at Hope for trying to seduce Finn and break up her marriage is fair play. She did take it too far but Hope wasn’t blameless!

      Hope was completely insubordinate for months, rude and hostile with all the executive team, refused to work on her failed line, hung around the CEO office to throw taunts and insults in Steffy’s face, in full confidence she would never be fired because she is Brooke’s daughter!

      As far as interfering with Thomas and Hope… she was sick of seeing her brother get his heart torn out and was worried he would revert to his obsession!

      Hope used Thomas and now she’s using Carter.

      I laughed he’s suddenly the love of her life… right! Because she’s queen of Forrester now and can be a rude biatch to Steffy with impunity!

      The way she treated Ridge and Carter when things didn’t go her way speaks volumes about the true nature of her feelings and there was NO Love to be found!

      Go Daphne, show Carter what a real woman and class act is! Hope can’t compete because she’s a shallow, manipulative, entitled brat!

    3. Brava, BBFan. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

      I can't believe Hope would be foolish enough to be so aggressive with their new important collaborator. Her competition is leaving for France. Wouldn't a normal person just let her go ✈️ and then perhaps put Carter on notice? - it's takes two after all. Like Elle said, Hope has just made the workplace hostile which could be a reason to make the contract with Daphne null & void. Daphne can just make her next Forrester fragrances smell like skunk 🦨 but we can see from the previews that it appears Carter has come to his senses.

    4. For sure, BBFan. Hope is guilty of everything you say. It would still be interesting to see this new Hope with a backbone stand off against Steffy.

      Loved the interaction between her and Daphne. Daphne had the upper hand. She got under Hope's skin.

  19. Hi Bob can you please reload the latest video

  20. Why all episodes since december 2024 have been removed? Will they ever be available again? Please let know thanks

  21. Bob, could you please re-upload the episode? Thank you 🥰

  22. Video has been removed 😢

  23. why would he remove any of the videos? it would be nice to go back and watch old episodes

    1. Bob didn't remove them purposely. They're no longer available, even on YouTube. Trump apocalypse.🤣🤣🤣 sorry couldn't resist.
