Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-23-22 Full episode B&B 23rd November 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-23-22 Full episode B&B 23rd November 2022

Episodes 11-24-22 and 11-25-22 will not be on TV due to the holiday in the USA (Thanksgiving Day).


  1. Taylor with the angel and the devil on her shoulder 😅I actually want her to go through with it. For one it will be more entertaining to see her battle with imperfection. For another , we'll (maybe) stop hearing "Mom would never lie to yoooou" for some time.
    There's something creepy about that Kelly girl. It's the voice.
    Ah Bobby Ewing looks good 👏🏼😂
    Does anyone remember that the last botched wedding of Ridge and Taylor's he was also consoling Brooke in her house 🤗☺️

    1. Perhaps, Brooke's daddy, Bobby Ewing, is conveniently in town so that he can fulfill the role of father of the bride.

    2. @Renee: I thought so too!! 😀😀

    3. @Milla For once I would like to see a wedding go through completely. Oh, it's okay for Brooke Sleazy Logan to have complete wedding but with Taylor, it's not okay to get married especially to Ridge, OH, WHERE"S MY BAT TO KNOCK BRADLEY"S HEAD! 🏏 (couldn't find a bat) or maybe I could use a bowling ball🎳

    4. @Elizabeth I didn't mention anything about Brooke where this wedding is concerned, but as always it always goes back to her😅🙈 😂 let Taylor go through with the wedding, that's what I said too. It's always more entertaining to have Ridge find out later 😁

    5. If she tells now, he'll only be mad at Thomas. If she doesnt tell and he finds out later, he'll be mad at her. Either way I'm happy to see him explode 😡🤯😅

    6. Elizabeth 🤣 🤣 good one. If Taylor doesn't say anything after Ridge asked her if she's OK, I can see little Douglas saying something . Guess we'll have to wait until Monday

    7. Elizabeth, the bride could be Donna marrying her "honey bear" 🍯🐻 or Katie marrying her new admirer & protector Carter. Or, it could be Brooke with a yet to be determined groom...

    8. Love it Renee, it says it all!! Yet to be determined groom 🤣🤣🤣

    9. Elizabeth 🤣🤣🤣 D, I think Douglas will hit the play button when Carter says speak now or forever hold your piece!!

    10. I hope so Colly. Taylor does not look like a happy bride. I also didn't like her hair or make-up.
      Renee maybe Eric will be the next groom. Has Brooke ever slept with one of Donna's husband's or ex's?

    11. No but Taylor has slept with Brooke’s dad 😀

    12. @ D Steffy didn't do a good job helping with Taylor's hair, the make-up is a little too much, and to answer that question "No" she hasn't slept with any of Donna's men, as of yet, only with Katie's, Bill !

    13. D, you are right that Taylor doesn't look happy. Ridge picked up on it & asked if she was alright. She is no longer giggling. Those "in the know" are exchanging glances. It is about to get really awkward. A typical wedding in the Forrester mansion! 😂🥂 Will it be ♥️ or 💔? Tune in Monday! 💍

    14. 😂😂 The continuing saga lol. I agree with D I thought Taylor' looked weird. I guess it was the makeup, but her face looked so sharp and pointy and angular. I didn't like the hair either. She looks better on a regular typical day than for her wedding. I also agree with Milla that it will be more interesting if she doesn't say anything so it can all blow up later. I kinda think that may happen. Will we find out Monday?

    15. D, I wasn’t a fan of Taylor’s hair, they have to get rid of that bloody wig!! It’s terrible.. today it was very noticeable that it’s a wig!!

    16. Her face had too much makeup, it look like a mannequin, maybe Thomas was having a fantasy about mom this time.

    17. I also realize that if Taylor doesn’t tell (and nobody plays the recording) she has to make sure she silences Douglas and that I think she wouldn’t do, especially when she knows how strongly the boy feels about this secret (another difference from the Brooke kiss debacle). Of course, they can just remove Douglas from the storyline as if he forgot or decided not to tell or whatever, but that would be weak.

    18. They have a real chance to make Krista Allen's Taylor more complex (either explore her weakness or highlight her integrity), that's another reason I hope it doesn't just end with Ridge being told -> Ridge runs back to Brooke-> Taylor who?

  2. Steffy kept saying to Taylor that she (Taylor) needed to tell Ridge what Thomas did. Taylor needs to make the decision whether or not Ridge should have the information regarding the CPS call before the wedding. If/when it is time to enlighten Ridge regarding the CPS caller, Thomas should be the one to confess. Taylor and/or Steffy should only tell if Thomas refuses.

    1. I agree Renee, it’s not fair to put the responsibility onto Taylor or Steffy.. Maybe that’s what Taylor is hoping for, that Thomas will confess.. But if he doesn’t, I hope that Taylor will tell Ridge.. But how humiliating for her, if she has to be the one, especially if Ridge does run back to Brooke.. In Taylor’s mind, Ridge told her he is not marrying her because of anything to do with Brooke, but you can clearly see she is struggling to believe him now..

    2. I haven't been watching this just to look and see if my two favorites Deacan and Shelia are on.Now this show is getting boring.check in Monday probably just to check out.

  3. How come Brooke is the same age as her parents? Bobby Ewing may be a little older, but Jan Brady looks exactly the same. Taylor looks beautiful. Like a dollop of cool whip or meringue.

    1. BL love your description 🤣🤣🤣🤣 cool whip.. but yes she does look beautiful 😍

    2. @Unknown Jan Brady is a female character played on "The Brady Bunch" back in the early 70's

    3. That’s not Jan Brady from the Brady Bunch. It’s Linda Purl.

    4. Not watching to see Taylor get hurt.Besides this is so boring and they won't let Taylor get married.Bring back action Shelia and Deacon.

  4. What can I say ! Tragic. Douglas must be stopped ruining people's lives and using his poor child. It's total abuse.

  5. Well, a portion of the truth came out, now all we have to do is wait till Ridge hears about it and this will be almost officially out in the open, then after that we have Brooke, Hope, and Liam left to find out. Oh, that look on Taylors face was like she wanted to pass out or something, NOW the torcher is waiting till Monday 🤪🤪

    1. I think Ridge will say something in his vows hinting that she's the one no matter who done what ever which will make her hold her peace 😀 then her part will become more interesting, more complicated if she's keeping a secret. Although it's a big gamble, she knows Douglas can't be silenced 🤫

    2. Steffy was right that her Dad needs to know before the wedding. It may not make any difference with regards to his wedding to Taylor; however, it matters with regards to his annulment from Brooke. Ridge owes Brooke an apology.

    3. @milla
      If Talyor stills have to think about doing the right thing, she is an awful person. From the time she head what her sick son Thomas did, she should of told Steffy to send That stupid man Ridge upstairs to let him know they can go forward with the wedding in light of what she knows now. Then let Ridge go and figure out his life and what he really wants. Steffy I still don't like you, but he did the right thing and I applaud you for that. I saw she give Douglas the phone and give him the signal. I think he will play the recording in the wedding
      And actress acting was awful 😣

    4. I noticed that too when she handed Douglas the phone. Everytime they looked at each other she would give him a nod.

    5. I also thought they may play it. I’ll bow down to Steffy if she pulls that off 😅

    6. Well Steffy looks like she was giving Douglas the OKAY! Which means probably that kid will play that "Baby" between the part where Carter says "If anyone as anything to say speak now" or when Taylor speaks her turn. I will say this I did see an article that gave away a photo on how Taylor reacts at the wedding and what Carter's look on his face will be when she is speaking. It may surprise some of you.

    7. Milla, I think those nods to Douglas and her handing his phone back discretely was her telling Douglas to play it??

    8. Elizabeth, maybe Taylor tells Ridge she cant marry him and then tells him about the app??

    9. @Colly let’s hope so! I mean, I can imagine her mom being mad afterwards - it’s an ambush by app - but it’s also a necessary evil 😀

    10. Milla, I don’t think that Taylor would be mad, if anything, I think deep down she would be relieved, because when they were in the room and Steffy said to Taylor that she has to say something, the look on Taylor’s face was saying, why does it have to be me to say it.. and Taylor shouldn’t have to be the one who says it.. Thomas should be.. Maybe she is hoping Thomas will come clean?? I am hoping she does say something.. when Ridge asked her what was wrong, you could see what she was thinking..

    11. @Colly absolutely Thomas should be the one to tell the truth, what is he even thinking putting his mom in this situation... So exciting what will happen, until now they surprised us. I won't judge her even if she doesn't speak up now 😊

  6. I posted yesterday about the show buffering for over an hour. Today it won't even load. Anyone else having a problem?

    1. Harmonique I haven't had issues but have seen other people having issues. Have you tried clearing your browser?

    2. Harmonique, you may have tried this already, but maybe clear your browser as D said, then close the page down completely from your search engine, and then re download it, see if that might help? Bob did say something about if you have 4G on your phone, can’t remember exactly what he said, but he posted that about two or 3 days posts ago? I will see if I can find it for u??

    3. Harmonique, this is what Bob wrote about 4 days again.. and I think he might be looking in to it.. He usually does..but here is what he said:

      Bob KlodNovember 21, 2022 at 12:49 PM
      I don't know what this is related to yet. Maybe it's because of more comments. On phones with 4G Internet, the speed is constantly changing and the ping is high.

    4. Also, I read someone said you can watch it on a website called soap I think you have to download an app, but apparently there’s no adds either watching it through that site??

    5. It's not a website Colly. I believe they were talking about the Opera browser. So instead of Chrome or Internet Explorer, they can try installing Opera. The show runs there without any ads.

    6. Oh thanks Elle, I wasn’t quiet sure.. i couldn’t remember what the other poster said, I thought it was an app that u download? Thanks love.. Do u watch it through the browser?

    7. I looked at it once or twice there but I usually look at it on CBS since it comes with my cable package.

  7. Thomas is disgusting
    Such a hateful spiteful piece of sh**t
    He never felt any remorse for any of the atrocities he’s done
    And of course always blaming others or only brooks
    If we didn’t knew the history we would say brook hope a gun on ridge’s head and force him to leave them
    How disgusting 🤮

  8. So lee noticed that Douglas is not himself but not Taylor 😂😂😂😂
    That’s hilarious

    1. Ja och Taylor ska vara psykolog, ja henne ska man nog akta sig för att gå till

    2. Yvonne: Kul att höra fr ngn svensk på tråden.

      Manusförfattaren måste va störd som gillar att sätta kniven i Brookes hjärta.
      Hon har inte fått en vettig förklaring till varför Ridge bedrar henne om och om igen med Taylor (sen hon kom tillbaka) samtidigt som kan letar varje litet snedsteg att anklaga stackars Brooke för som skäl att skilja sig.

      Steffy och Thomas är helt gränslösa i sina vidriga attacker på Brooke och Ridge går på deras upprepade kränkningar av sin fru och låter dessa störda barn manipulera honom och t o m uppmuntrar hnm till att flirta med Taylor utan att han sätter ner foten (de senaste månadernas avsnitt) trots att han då ännu var gift med Brooke.

      Ridge kan ha ihop det med Taylor t o m älska med henne och kyssen i Monaco var HEEELT ok men Brooke ska spikas upp på ett kors för att hon i fyllan som övergiven (Rigde hade lämnat henne på NYÅRSAFTON) kysste Decan. Snacka om double standard.

      Ngn skrev för en tid sen att "I dont like the way Ridge treats Brooke" och jag instämmer verkligen. Hoppas nu verkligen att Thomas åker dit så det smäller om det även vad gäller vårdnaden om Douglas. Han hotade faktiskt Brooke med kniven så OM hon hade ringt CPS så hade det varit helt i sin ordning. Manusförfattaren verkar vilja se det som värsta synden. Det hade varit JÄTTEBRA ifall det kommit fram hur hotfull han var mot Brooke och det fått konsekvenser. Istället lägger manusförfattaren skulden på Brooke Helt sjukt! Thomas är ju helt störd.. Han hotar ju mer eller mindre sin egen son och tvingar honom att ljuga etc. Han är ju både galen och farlig som pappa.

      Hoppas någon anmäler Thomas så han åker i fängelse. Och Taylor borde åka tillbaka till att vara den världsberömda psykoterapeut hon ändå inte är och sluta trasa sönder andra människors liv (Brooke äktenskap och Hope s)

  9. Replies
    1. Mandy it is not bowing to Brook at all. It is whether "the Forresters" handle the situation as should be or live a lie. This situation has absolutely nothing to do with Brook. For goodness sake she doesn't even know anything about it yet. 😡

    2. Aussie for mandy if even she has something breaks at her house it’s brook’s fault 😂😂😂

    3. @Aussie I believe Mandy was referring to the tete-a-tete among the Logans in Brooke's living room and how they are all about "poor Brooke." Nothing to do with "the situation."

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @ Elle, so you are saying Brooke’s family shouldn’t be there supporting her as she goes through this day of her husband marrying her nemesis, Taylor…while Brooke isn’t even responsible for the breakup of her marriage??!!! Too funny!! 🙄🙄🙄
      And Steffy (of all people) even felt badly for Brooke!! But I know, Brooke is ALWAYS the evil villainess even when she truly is the VICTIM!! Absurd!!!

    6. I am not saying anything, Mandy is.

    7. And when did Steffy feel bad for Brooke? I must have missed that.

    8. Start listening at 11:25. And also listen at 13:05. Steffy defends Brooke at least twice in her discussion with Thomas and Taylor. Trust me, I never give props to Steffy. This is literally the first time I felt like she was doing the ‘right thing’ for unselfish reasons.

  10. TY Bob. I had more commercials then ever but I loved it just the same.
    Please Taylor keep your mouth shut and get through with it.
    The Logan family is complete. She's so lucky. It's sickening to see Brooke always playing the victim. I wish Carter would have told Ridge what $Bill did. This way he would have understood who Brooke is to make him talk to her as he did.
    Unfortunately I hate Brooke so...

    1. I agree Tina, but I do want Taylor to tell Ridge though.. She promised to always be honest with him, and that’s what sets her apart from Brooke.. but I agree with everything else!!

    2. 😂😂😂😂
      But she the victim her doesn’t have to play it
      The one who always played the victim is steffy and psycho murderer thomas
      Oh brook destroyed our lives and family ( such a family 😂😂😂😂)
      Oh the logens always take and take
      Oh brook took what was always been your mommy
      Oh brook haveca blond hair and i don’t why god why 😂😂😂😂😂

    3. So true, Tina. Brooke messes up her own marriage but it's never her fault. She barges into Steffy's home to tell Taylor that she and Ridge are happy then barges into Taylor's office to tell her to leave Ridge be. She goes around provoking Thomas and telling everyone she "won't allow it." Yet, somehow, it is always turned around to make her look like the victim. This is getting old.

    4. Elle, Brookes signature line is “she won’t allow it” 🤣🤣🤣 I actually enjoyed watching her sitting there feeling oh so sorry for herself 🤣🤣🤣 so Brooke, what’s it like to be in that position!! Shoe on the other foot and all!! 🤣🤣🤣 poor Brooke 😭

    5. Brookes hair looks like a white piece of 💩 if they dip her head in chocolate then coconut, wahla!! Eskimo pie!! You know those marshmallows coated in choc and coconut?? Not sure if they have them in the US?

    6. Btw regarding the constant ads - I'm watching on the phone (not ideal but I try to combine it with treadmill this way) with adblocker and I see no ads at all.

    7. Milla do you ever get glitches like the screen freezing or an error code and a pop up to say reload??

  11. Steffy looked stunning today! Her makeup was flawless.

    I cannot believe Taylor even has to think about doing the right thing! Is she so desperate to marry Ridge?

    Steffy, you go, girl. If Taylor doesn't tell Ridge, just let the audio recording do the talking. The truth will prevail, one way or the other! Brava!

    Oh Thomas. My sweet, sweet Thomas. I am one of the few who knew that you didn't regress. It was all Brooke's fault for provoking you. Don't worry. I still love you even if noone else does.

    1. Elle 😊 I have a soft spot for Thomas too. What he did was wrong in so many ways but he's not evil. sigh

    2. @Elle 😂 good that Thomas still has you! Bad Brooke bad! 😅

    3. Elle 🤣🤣🤣, I too don’t think he has regressed.. Many on this show has done much worse.. I agree that Taylor should not even be thinking about it.. That is not like her.. But in the same token, she was told last second, and she still believes that Ridge wants to be with her, not because of Brooks .. She has put too much faith in his BS.. And as Renee said, why should she be the one who has to tell him..but she should, because Thomas isn’t going to.. I think the looks and nods, Steffy gave to Douglas and handing his phone back was to tell him to play it.. In Taylor’s defence, she is extremely overwhelmed, by the whole thing, she was already nervous about the wedding, then she hears that right before she has to walk down the isle.. She didn’t get a chance to even process it.. even if she doesn’t say anything, I would not say she is dishonest, I would say all of the above.. I just hope she comes to her senses though and says something..

    4. That dress Steffy has on is as stunning as she is!! I love her hair today!! I don’t like Taylor’s hair , but she looks stunning, never the less!!

    5. Colly, I really cannot sympathize with Taylor. If she's overwhelmed, it's her own fault. She put herself there by choosing to believe Ridge. I know the heart wants what it wants but this is the same woman who had a very candid conversation with Brooke and told her that Ridge was in love with both of them. She also told Steffy that she doesn't want to be hurt again by Ridge. From the moment she learned about the CPS call, that should have been her clue to put on the brakes instead of going through with the wedding. Why would she even want to marry Ridge knowing he is also in love with Brooke.

      I cannot even blame Steffy anymore for her relentless pursuit in getting her parents back together because now she is imploring her mom to tell Ridge the truth before the wedding. She knows it's wrong and as much as she wants her parents together, she won't accept it thw way

    6. Elle, to be honest, I was actually surprised Taylor didn’t put the brakes on when she found out about the cps call.. her first words to Ridge in Aspen was that he and Brooke must have had a doozy of an argument, then she finds out they did, and her suspicions were right, but still she ignored it?? That was confusing to me..? I would have thought she would have at least stopped the wedding from happening that soon… And Steffy is right, it should not happen this way.. Steffy wants her parents together for the right reasons.. She wants to believe her father meant what he said to her mother, but I think she knows that it will change things.. The first words when Ridge told them the previous night was question him if he meant what said about wanting to be with her mother, not having to do with Brooke.. Steffy is handling this very well, and I think she knows Taylor is in shock at what Thomas did, and not seeing straight.. I really wish Taylor had have stood her ground in Aspen.. at least till she knew 💯 sure that he wants her, not because Brooke did something wrong..

    7. Also, I am sure Finn will be very proud of his wife’s actions.. She got slammed a fair bit, and some thought that she didn’t deserve a good man like Finn.. Hopefully people can see that despite her forwardness, she will always do the right thing.. I loved the way she was with Douglas.. She really does have a good heart..

    8. Agreed Colly. Steffy will always do the right thing.

  12. i'm getting the feeling that Taylor won't tell on Thomas to Ridge and she will go along and marry him. even though she is mad at Thomas and doesn't like what he did. and so she can have Ridge and him not go back with Brooke.

    1. You could be right but I think if Taylor doesn't say anything someone else will.

  13. Thomas' statement after he admitted he called CPS was "I got the job done." That basically told Taylor that Ridge chased her in Aspen only because he thought Brooke did something unforgivable. Taylor knows that there would have been no reunion without Thomas' manipulation & interference. Taylor must feel so loved right now - not!

  14. If this were Brooke behaving in this manner you FF would be sooooo indignant!! It only goes to show that in your eyes there is nothing Brooke can do that you would consider correct behaviour.
    She has done NOTHING wrong, but because she can see right through Thomas`s crazy AGAIN, you see this as a reason to again put the boot into her.
    I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing Brooke could do that you would/could approve of. As Milla said to Elizabeth, she didn`t even mention Brooke, however Elizabeth you couldn`t resist the supposed opportunity to give poor Brook another kick.
    FFs why is it that you can`t see that this is not Brookes doing in any way, but entirely the fault of the Maroney clan. They need to stop with this nonsense, act like adults and admit that there has been a terrible mistake made here. NONE of this is Brookes doing, or fault at all.
    If Taylor weren`t so terribly desperate to be with Ridge and would look long and hard at who/what Ridge really, is she wouldn`t be in this situation.
    My only hope is that Brooke refuses to forgive Ridge and moves on with her life and is very, very happy. Find a real man Brooke, someone who would not continue to put his deranged sons word before your happiness. How many times should Brooke need to warn the Maroneys about Thomas`s crazy before they commit him and have him treated by a real psychiatrist. Taylor should never be able to give her some any mental health advice because she too is absolutely loopy and very child like.

    1. I think Elizabeth was knocking the writers of the show, not Brooke. Maybe a little sense of humor. 🙃

    2. Maur, can you really say that with a straight face?? And how many times have you brought up the past when you want to make a point.. And now it’s Taylor’s fault that she is in this position?? She left, to do the right thing, but Ridge came to her, promising and lying, so how exactly is it her fault she is in this position? Brooke may not , for the first time in history, done anything wrong with the cps call, I will give her that much, but to claim she has done nothing to deserve it or that she is a saint compared to Thomas and the rest of the “Maroney’s”, and gets no credit is a stretch!! 🤣🤣🤣 you say Brooke has done nothing wrong?? Really?? She “kissed Bill and Deacon”, deacon was very recent, defended him, “lied” to Ridge for months about it, “manipulated and hushed Douglas not to tell her secret”, got “Liam and Hope to lie for her”, moving on to Thomas, constantly “sticking her nose in where it didn’t belong”, making demands that he go back to the cabin, blaming Steffy, Taylor, and Thomas for using Douglas to come between her and Ridge, which initially was not the case, he just wanted to step up and be the father Douglas wants him to be, confronted Thomas, saying all kinds of nasty things, to which he retaliated, “lied” to everyone about the knife and apple to “manipulate” everyone into believing he was a danger to his son, so Hope could, and in Brookes own words “use it to get Douglas back”, and made “threats” to call cps.. These are all “recent” things, so I can’t give her credit for anything but not “actually going through with her threat”..

    3. Maur, exactly!!! It never ends. Absolutely nothing Brooke does or doesn’t do, or says or doesn’t say, or thinks or doesn’t think is EVER good enough for the FF’s!!! She will always be the bad guy to them. However, you are 100% correct in what you wrote!! Brooke is the victim of Thomas’s horrible trick and there is NO OTHER WAY TO SLICE IT!!!! The irony is that even Steffy recognizes it!!!! Too dang funny!!!!

    4. Exactly. Brooke is not to blame for Thomas and his bad behavior. If that's their logic, then who provoked Brooke to do the things she's done? Oh , yeah, it only applies to foresters, how silly of me. When they do wrong and act like assholes, it's Brookes fault, not their own. And if Brooke does wrong, oh that's also her fault. Seems like the foresters are like trumpy, nothing is ever their fault😂🤮🐂💩

    5. @ Hilary, I love the Trumpy reference!!! He has been Trumpty Dumpty to me from the minute he was elected!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮
      But not to go off on a political rant. Lol.
      Yes, their logic about Brooke’s deeds vs….”Thomas was provoked, so it’s not his fault he reacted.” is flawed on sooooooo many levels. You are right - he is a grown ass man and IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HE DID!!! 100%!!!

    6. Lynn, you're right he is a grown ass man, amd it's high time he was held responsible for his actions instead of "playing the victim". POOR BABY THOMAS 🤣 He doesn't like his wicked step mommy so he has to blow everything up. He has given everyone ample reason to doubt and mistrust him.

    7. Lynn, Maur also when Brooke sees through Thomas and points out exactly what he's doing is when his fans are most upset 😁 she says it right as it is, he then proves it 😂 (or before that and it comes out) and that sends them through the roof. And of course there's no comparison between the two behaviors, Brooke can send him to prison for impersonating her to authorities. And involving the child and intimidating him can cost him parental rights if same authorities find out. Then I'll be more than happy to see Brooke arrested by the Kissing Police.

    8. 😂😂😂😂 exactly milla we keep reading when will brook pay
      When hope pay
      Brook lost her relationship with her daughter sister husband for the mistakes she’s done
      But yeah its hilarious that maybe they want her to go to jail
      But when we asked when murderer thom pay its only silence 😂😂
      And then we see some lame comments its really makes is just laugh

    9. @ Milla - so true!! I honestly don’t know how you are so good at navigating through these comments and manage to not piss anyone off. Unlike myself, who is just ready to pounce on the FF’s. I think I need to work on my “Zen”. Lol.
      The FF’s love you and we love you too! You truly are Switzerland!!! Lol.

    10. Awww 🥰Lynn your comment made my day, really! Talk about kindness and how you never know the effect you have on someone's life!
      I always see it as two way street - you all treat me well so I have no reason to be otherwise. Plus we all have something in common - this addictive show and the impulse to discuss, theorize, analyze 😀 all great stuff! I try to focus on what we have I common, add some humor while also speaki g my mind about the characters. The rest is your energy that makes me come back here over and over 🤗🤗

    11. I think we should all work on ‘being more like Milla!!’ 💛
      However, that would require an entire personality change for me. Lol. I’ve always been very opinionated. 😬😬😬. I seem to have inherited my mom’s opinionated personality and my dad’s fiery temper. Hahaha.
      But seriously, you are the kindest soul, Milla!! ❤️

    12. Ahhh I have to say, that if all were like me it would be boring 😂 I enjoy the banters and I've said before that you being opinionated while outnumbered was what made me decide to comment myself! And once there were a few of us LF, also others emerged. Of course, keeping good tone is important but I like all you guys' personalities 😀☺️👌🏼

  15. Never ever been so proud of STEFFY!!! Good girl, Steffy!!!!! You did the right thing!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    And the looks / nods between Steffy and Douglas were absolutely classic! Douglas you are such a great little actor!! Please don’t leave the show!
    Taylor looks like she is going to tell Ridge the truth at the end of the episode, but if she doesn’t, Douglas will start playing the recording. So either way the truth is going to come out. And I still say the wedding will not go forward because Ridge won’t allow it. And if Taylor has any self respect, she won’t let it proceed either. I’m am not sure why, but Taylor looked like an alien when she was standing looking at Ridge at the end. 👽👽👽 😂😂🤣🤣
    This Kelly actress is annoying and has similar acting skills to the other Douglas who was recently canned! Hopefully this Kelly actress is replaced soon.
    I think it’s great that Brooke’s dad is visiting. Not sure if they will bring him back to the show for an extended time. But good to see him and hope he sticks around for a while!

    1. Lynn I agree. Giggles looked super weird today. Her makeup and hair looked bad

  16. Thank you Maur! I couldn't have said it better
    You are absolutely right. Brooke could establish world peace or cure cancer and the FFs would still bitch about something she did 20 years ago!😂 Meanwhile Thomas could murder a puppy and they'd swear he had a good reason, or he was provoked. If Brooke has to be held responsible for her own shit, then so does Thomas. I'm so sick of reading that Brooke pushed him into his bad behavior. He's a grown ass man and is responsible for himself and his bad behavior is his fault and his alone.

    1. @ Hilary, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. His fans is exactly like him
      Anything he does it’s someone else‘s fault
      Mostly brook‘s

    3. Absolutely Hilary. This "provoked" applying to a grown man 😅 And Ridge won't buy it, I'm sure. He'll be furious. And also if Hope hears how he was pushing Douglas to hide his lie, she'll be upset too. Not to mention Liam.

    4. Milla i bet someone will come up with a comment like hope has no right to be upset she is not his mother

    5. Mmysh more likely is "what about when Brooke faked a miscarriage" 😂😂

    6. 😂😂😂😂
      Yeah maybe so much ads its also brook’s fault 😂😂😂
      But yeah
      The camel can’t seem his hump

    7. Milla, it’s funny you say that, when Hope finds out Thomas pushed Douglas to keep his lie for him?? Didn’t Hope do the same thing, when she called Thomas to bring Douglas home, before he spilled the beans about Brooke, and lied to Thomas as to why he had to bring him home immediately after he got to the Steffy’s?? Also, didn’t Hope allow her mother to manipulate Douglas into keeping quiet about the kiss with “Santa”?? Did Hope and Liam not go along with it?? Did they not also lie for Brooke?? But of course, that was swept under the rug!! Mmm 🤔

    8. And don’t get me wrong, I am not happy at all about what Thomas did, but it’s contradictory to say that Thomas should be held accountable for asking Douglas to keep his secret, when Brooke did the same..

    9. And when Brooke did it, Logan fans went very quiet very quickly.. I am not talking about the secret itself, I am talking about the actions took to manipulate Douglas into keeping their secrets..

    10. It is, but two wrongs don't make a right, you know. Just because it was done before doesn't mean it's okay now for everyone to try to silence the boy 😅plus, it's a whole different caliber thing to try to hide a kiss Douglas saw, than trying to hide a felony he uncovered.

    11. The context matters very much because it's about what the boy gets as a lesson - to not say about a kiss vs to illegally misrepresent someone to the authorities with the sole purpose to hurt them. You can't ignore the context and neither will Hope. It doesn't mean she excuses her mother but it also doesn't mean she's supposed to look away when her son was pressured to be silent about this.

    12. Not only the context but the stakes are so much different - what's the worst that could have happened after the kiss that Brooke never even wanted (not much) vs the worst after Thomas messed with CPS? (Douglas taken)

      And what's the worst if nobody got to know of the kiss (nothing) vs the worst in framing someone to break up their marriage.

      So many dimensions to be considered, it's not just about "who else silenced Douglas"

    13. @ Milla, so true. It seems like this comparison has been talked about so many times. But still..,here we are. Lol
      For me, it’s not even just the differences in the actual secret itself which are critical, but also the way this has developed over time.
      In the case with Brooke, she pulled Douglas aside (ONCE), say him on her lap and gently explained why it was in the past and they should just forget about it.
      In the case with Thomas and the CPS secret, Thomas has talked to Douglas multiple times about it. Some of those times very sternly and angrily…telling Douglas all kinds of excuses and outright lies trying to keep the boy quiet. And the most recent with Steffy when he stood there and blamed the thing on his son - right in front of Douglas - was mortifying!! Poor Douglas, he is having to be the dad while Thomas acts like a child! What an absolutely awful situation Thomas has put his son in. And you can just see how stressed poor Douglas is about it. It’s eating him up inside and that’s the worst!!!

    14. Milla, I didn’t say that.. it is NOT ok what Thomas did trying to get Douglas to keep his secret.. I didn’t say its ok for him to do it because Brooke did.. you can justify it and sweep it under the rug, saying two wrongs don’t make a right, and that it’s the context of the secret that matters.. It still does not justify what Brooke did.. I was not talking about “what” Thomas did, I was pointing out that Hope and Liam, can’t talk, I was not referring to the secrets, I was referring to, your comment about Hope and Liam not being happy anbout it when they find out Thomas tried to get Douglas to keep quiet.. Hope allowed her mother to hush Douglas up, and went along with the lie, so did Liam.. my point was not about the secrets Brooke and Thomas kept, it’s about both their actions to expect Douglas to keep BOTH their secrets, and Hopes involvement allowing and going along with it where her mother was concerned, and it was equally wrong taking action to silence him.. they were both wrong doing it, and Hope can’t talk about anything , because her actions were just as wrong.. Steffy found out what Thomas did and was not happy him expectinv Douglas to keep his secret, she is doing the right thing, reassuring Douglas he did the right thing being honest etc.. What did Hope do, she called Douglas back home before he had a chance to tell Brookes secret, lying to Thomas as to why he had to bring Douglas back home when he just got there, then questioned him, then allowed her mother to manipulate him into keeping her secret, and went along with it.. see the difference their.. Hope should have told Brooke it was wrong to expect Douglas to keep her secret and not allowed her to do what she did, so Douglas carried her secret for a very long time before he finally told Thomas because he was not acting himself when he was with him.. finally he told Thomas.. Ses my point here??

    15. Colly I know that your point was not about what they were keeping. I simply explained why the „what“ cannot not be considered. It is at the center of the wrong-doing and why the two situations are so different.
      Steffy acted perfectly, no question.

    16. Lynn very true I had forgotten about how Brooke’s situation revealed with Douglas. It was nothing like what we see now from his dad. They were careful to not push him over the line of screaming and abuse (this time), but it was still very different dynamic with the raising his voice, the „it won’t end this way this time“, the threatening looks, all the lies and then the straight readiness to put it on Douglas 🤦🏻‍♀️

  17. Writers , Producers it is time for Thomas not be the only one to pay for being Manipulative. Brooke need to pay for her MADDINESS as well!! It still hurts when she tried to have sex with Thomas on the Island, threaten to fire him he told Ridge, ALSO attempted to murder him by pushing him off the cliff. Brooke cause Thomas so much pain And suffering when he needed her as a stepmom!! Brooke is the reason Thomas dislike her, as I do!! JUST SAYING!!

    1. Pauline, Brooke did NOT try to push Thomas off that cliff. She was pushing him away from her daughter who he was obsessed with and he slipped and fell backwards and in turn fell off the cliff. She didn’t try to murder him!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Pauline stop embarrassing yourself self with these lies
      Its pathetic

  18. Writers, Producers if you allow Thomas to lose his family for a woman like Brooke you are wrong, especially not to long ago, she was forgiven for asking Douglas to lie for her when he saw her kissing Deacon, she is no better than Thomas actually WORST!! Just Saying!!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂 Just laughing

    2. Så du tycker att en far ska bete sig på detta vis utan att stå för konsekvenserna Det är ett barn som det gäller Karaktären Thomas är ju för 17 gubbar en vuxen man

  19. Taylor, if Ridge refused to marry you, you are lucky and Deserve Better!! Just Saying!!

    1. Absolutely!! I wish she would tell him where the door is!! She does deserve far better, but like Elle pointed out, she put herself in this position.. But Thomas needs to do the right thing and admit what he did wrong.. it’s not fair to Taylor, Steffy and especially Douglas to do the right thing..

  20. Stephanie you should of told Ridge that Taylor need to see him upstairs!! Just Saying!!

  21. Stephanie should of allow her parents to discuss what Thomas did in private so Taylor can be reassured from Ridge that The CBS call is not the reason he is Marrying her!! Just Saying!!

    1. Pauline, I completely agree with you love!! It shouldn’t be brought up during the ceremony.. Steffy should have asked Ridge to come up to the room and made Thomas admit what he did, and then discuss it.. Put the wedding on hold at the least!!

    2. Agree. Not like they would be holding up 200 guests! The only people at the wedding are immediate family, son-in-law & Li & Carter.

    3. Why would Li be there??? Its not like she's that close with the family, she actually blamed them for what happened to her son.

  22. Ridge MARRY Taylor!! JUST SAYING!!

  23. Oh no!!!!! Another “Just saying” blogger has entered our midst!!!! Ohhhhhh I’m dying!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Haha - The writing style resembles the original 'Just Sayer' wouldnt you say..Loool

    2. I'll take "just saying" over the ones obsessed with Carters manhood any day! JS! 😅

    3. 😂😂😂😂 Milla! That was probably me commenting on Carter’s giant hands. That was a while back. He had his hand on Katie’s face. Or someone’s face….
      And his hand looked bigger than the person’s head. Lol. It just needed to be said! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Although they haven’t had any scene like that in a while. Thanks for reminding me. 😬😬😬

    4. Oh no no Lynn it wasn't you, your comment on the giant hands was funny 😀😀😅✋🏾, that idiot I am glad is out is something else - talk about obsessed!

    5. @ Lutfiyya, I’m pretty sure it’s the Google Chome browser that’s causing the issue with the freezing and buffering. I was able to watch the show through a different browser and I didn’t have the problem.
      Per Elle, I loaded the Opera app. And I was able to watch B&B that way. It wouldn’t let me make comments there, so I came back to my normal Google Chrome to type this comment. Lol
      I’m sure there is a much easier way to do this, but for now I have a workaround plan.
      So try looking in your App Store for “Opera”. Then once you have the app loaded on your phone, just search for “watch B&B” and then you can get to blog spot. Hope you are successful!
      Like Elle pointed out, you get to avoid commercials too!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    6. Milla, Pauline/Barbara, is a really sweet lady, I feel she is an older lady who’s native language is not English.. “Just saying”, is just a little quirk she has.. but in all , she is so very harmless.. I love her comments, they make me giggle.. And no, she is certainly NOT a troll, like travis.. I find it sad that she feels she has to change her name to come on here.. I am not having a go, just stating the obvious..

    7. She has been here on and off since before even I came here..

    8. Just another example of how the FFs are attacked. Pauline/Barbara makes her comments and that's all. She does not interfere with anyone. Same with Mandy yet, they are attacked. I'm happy that they continue to post and ignore the bullying.

    9. @Colly That's what I meant - that we've seen far worse than "JS" 😀 never called her a troll.

    10. I know Milla, you were talking about Travis.. I only addressed you as I don’t talk to the others, for obvious reasons, just to explain about her.. I am not trying to stir trouble, as I am over all the bs, but it’s really really sad and horrible that someone who has not said a bad word to anyone, was called the things she was, and just as bad, that she felt she had to change her name, just to be able to come back on here and hopefully not be ridiculed, in the hopes no one will humiliate her again.. That says a lot Milla.. she has been here since before me even, on and off.. someone else did say that about her last time she was on here, they said, she is probably a troll, and something else nasty , I can’t remember, and someone else said she must be from the valley and failed English.. The poor bugger didn’t say anything to hurt anyone, and it’s clear English is not her native language.. and she changes her name, and still she cops it.. she is really sweet Milla, and has just as much right to be here as anyone else, considering she has been on the blog almost since it’s inception.. people can just scroll past if they don’t like something it’s that simple.. there was no need for all the personal attacks she copped.. and now she is copping it again under a different name.. it speaks volumes.. I hope you have a lovely thanks giving love!!

    11. And I have seen far far worse from the people who have ridiculed and humiliated her..

    12. And to be brutally honest, I would rather travis, than to see things said to Pauline/Barbara.. any day!!

    13. Exactly Elle!! They don’t say anything to anyone else, not even fellow forrester supporters most of the time.. yet, they were attacked , just for the sake of attacking.. And today blog is a clear indication of that.. half this board is negative comment about or to FF’s, as you said earlier.. I won’t be lowering myself to that level anymore.. I don’t care anymore.. it’s not worth the battle..

    14. 😂😂😂😂😂 colly
      Sure you prefer travis
      He doesn’t show the truth about the forrester or the hypocrisy around them
      The camel can’t see his hump
      Always playing the victim

    15. Mmysh, I am unsure what this infatuation with Camels is all about?? But they also spit at people , not unlike yourself, so perhaps that is why you relate so them so much.. I am not doing this with you or anyone else anymore.. So you just keep on showing your true colours.. adjo, or ha det, or which ever part of Scandinavia you are from 😘

    16. Or my bet is you are German??

    17. 😂😂 yeah its hard for some people to understand the metaphor
      And what about being a German
      Is that racist thing ??
      Do you have issues with Germans since its the second time you bring them
      But sure i will explain it
      I didn’t know this info about camels so maybe you know them better 😂😂
      But a little advice
      Maybe this metaphor you can understand
      People with house made of class shouldn’t through stones at others

    18. @Colly I never said anything negative towards that lady and so I can't take responsibility, so better address whoever you actually mean, since I'm neutral.

    19. And PS nobody is as awful as Travis unless you consider abuse to children - what he actually wrote and over what I was ready to leave this blog if he wasn't banned - something okay.

    20. And PS nobody is as messed up as Travis - unless you consider abuse, to children, something he was writing about, something I was willing to leave the blog over because I can't condone an admin and audience who tolerate it.

  24. Oh my word if the bloody Ff`s would just take their rose coloured glasses off for five minutes and see what if so very obvious. You guys never let the truth get in the way of a good story that`s for sure.
    Thomas is mentally deranged and he is back to intimidating a young child to meet his own ends. I guess this time he hasn`t got the poor child screaming in fear as he has previously! I suppose it`s only a matter of time, unless Hope gets him out of there.
    Brooke deserves so much better than Thomas feels it`s his warped right to dish out. He DID threaten Brook with a knife pointed at her and there`s no getting around that, he made a direct threat to her.
    Douglas needs to get back with his mother where he is safe and loved and the FF`s need to get their heads out of their bums and stop blaming Brooke for every single solitary event that happens to the Maroneys or any where in the bloody world.
    Hillary you have it soooo right, Brooke could cure cancer or create world peace and they would find a way to put their own spin on it to be a bad thing because Brooke was involved.

    1. I never was a brook fan more like a thomas and steffy hater
      But the unjustified hate brook get from these ppl makes me wanting to support her
      Not only hate but a pathetic lies
      Like the other characters are saints and any character related to brook is pure evil and the hypocrisy all over the place
      Plus accusing the logens fans with things they do it
      But sure the camel can’t see his hump

    2. Mmysh, I , like you, was more a Steffy and Thomas Forester Hater than a Logan lover. But all the unjust animosity thrown at the Logans has made me pull for them.

    3. @hilary Same here dear
      And makes me laugh the most when they bash the writers 😂😂
      But sure only for Thomas or steffy
      But other characters its the character fault
      You can’t imagine how much i was disgust when the episodes of shiela plotting against brook
      They all was cheering her and how she is real good and how much they love her
      A psycho murderer is really a good person as long as she is hurting brook
      But sure she was such a psycho when she shot steffy and she needs to be locked away 😂😂😂

    4. @ Mmysh, YES….so very true!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    5. Lynn you survived a lot of hate and nasty comments and the how dare you replies to come here in a forresters blog 😂😂 and defend brook

    6. Mmysh, so true!! I’m sure I would have been tarred and feathered if they could get their hands on me. Lol.
      I’m not a quitter. Sometimes that works to my disadvantage. 🤣🤣

    7. Mmysh, what about “the unjust hate, that these ppl (Lfans)” show to Pauline/Barbara and Mandy?? Please give me your intricate thoughts, in a civil manner if you can??

    8. My response depends on yours my dear
      I have manners and don’t wanting for you evacuate
      But since you like what travis say more that what we write
      So go ahead
      And yeah when some posters keeps posting lies we will reply despite its about which character
      But what the chances it’s always about brook 😂😂

  25. **sips coffee** while watching the LFs try to bait the FFs but no-one is biting and wondering **sips coffee** how interesting it is that there aren't a lot of responses. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 **sips coffee** Also interesting is that BBfan hasn't been here for a week yet, the baiting continues. Guess they just like to argue. Hmm.... **sips coffee**

    Oh well, carry on. Time for me to get to work! 😬😅

    1. 🤣 🤣 🤣 it's that obvious?
      Thanks Elle for my morning laugh with my tea ☕️ . Have a good day at work.

    2. Thanks D.

      As I finished off my cuppa, I came to the conclusion that this attempt to start an argument with the FFs is just the usual LF weekend banter. It's not the weekend but this is the last posting of a B&B episode until Monday. And, as has become the norm, I'm certain that the discussion will take a drastic turn before Monday comes along but it was fun having my coffee this morning and looking at the display before my eyes which, as you said, was so very obvious. 🤣 🤣 🤣

    3. @Elle it's Thanksgiving, maybe we'll be better behaved and grateful instead 😁 let yourself be surprised! Happy TG all!

    4. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁🌺🌲

    5. A very happy TG to you M, and to all!

      I won't be around for the weekend, M. Taking some much needed R&R to de-stress from the hustle and bustle of my life. You be good now. 😁🤗☺️

    6. 😂will try, but no promises!
      Have a great weekend! 🤗

    7. Elle, 🤣🤣🤣 so very obvious!! Enjoy your weekend Elle!! Well deserved love!! We don’t have thanks giving in Australia, but I hope you have a wonderful Thanks Giving Milla, and to all who celebrate it!! 😊😊 🙏🙏

    8. I hope Bbfan is ok Elle?? I have been concerned about her.. maybe covid really knocked her for six.. BBFAN, if u r reading, can u pop in and let us know your ok love?? ❤️❤️

    9. Thanks, Milla!

      Colly, BBfan usually takes time away from the board from time to time. I know she was ill but I am hoping her disappearance has more to do with being fed up of what is going on here than illness. I would hate to think she took a turn for the worse with covid.

    10. Yes me too.. That’s what I have been worried about.. covid can make you extremely I’ll.. I too hope it’s not because of covid..

  26. I find it hilarious and more than a little conceited that you, Elle think our comments are bait to start an argument. As if our sole reason for living is to go back and forth with you on a soap blog . The very fact that you had to type that out tells me you like to start an argument, because you couldn't let a day pass without stirring up some animosity. I didn't read anything directed at you unless it was a response to something you said. You must be a very unhappy person. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and find something to be happy about 💋

    1. @Hilary, not sure why they don’t realize this has zero to do with baiting and everything to do with us simply being disgusted by their sugary sweet comments about the Forresters who can do no wrong in their eyes. Their comments are so incredibly biased and barf inducing, that we can’t help but attempt to shut them down. And I can’t believe what I read - people still defending Thomas after all that he’s done. And not just to Brooke, but the horror watching him treat poor Douglas this way. It’s just awful! Thank goodness Douglas is absolutely NOTHING like Thomas!!

    2. Hilary, you had me at "I find it hilarious..." then you lost me. Should have followed your initial phrase with 😂 😂 😂. That way, I would have known that you were really amused at my post. Then, we could have had a big laugh about it so you'd see I'm not unhappy, just having fun (as I stated in my response to D, btw). 😉😉

    3. Happy thanksgiving Hilary, Lynn, and any others who celebrate it!!

    4. Why thank you, Colly! That was very nice! 😊
      I guess since you don’t celebrate it in Australia, I will simply say…have a blessed Thursday! 🌺

    5. Elle, I think it’s safe to say that FF’s means all of us??

  27. Hi Bob is there no Bold today ? Xxxx

  28. No bold till Monday cause of thanks giving

  29. It says the dates at the front 24th and 25th

  30. @Lynn @Elle - Hiii - Thank You so much for that - I will definitely try your method and hopefully get somewhere with it. I really appreciate the feedback - Atleast I have this weekend to download and figure things out and hopefully be ready for Monday's episode. Have a good Friday/Weekend Guys!

    1. You're most welcomed. Have a great weekend, as well, Lutfiyya!

  31. Thanks Milla, yes I did of course mean Thomas the Terrible! He gets me so insenced ...

    1. Thomas the Terrible 😂😂😂love it! Sounds like a video game or Marvel villain.
