Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th November 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th November 2022


  1. Does the 24/7 nanny live with them in the one room bungalow? Liam has to Hope he turns the right way in bed. Oh ok he called someone instead of just running off. Thomas has changed. (Eye roll) Hopefully he's gotten better at his nefarious schemes. Thomas comes off scared of Hope telling Liam he made the pass. Yeah Thomas, you look stupid. You should feel stupid. You've got the doll- go rough it up and eeww you-know-what. she never nags or says no.

  2. Hope will be sorry...
    How long will Ridge be dragging this?!? It's not suspenseful, it's just maddening. How can Brooke still want him? Even if he hadn't run off to Taylor this ballessness to be unable to just say 2 words is so offputting. I would have told him to F off.

    The Brooke's Bedroom flashback always makes me laugh πŸ˜‚ first just Brooke dancing itself is so so funny, but then everyone who's watched it knows the hilarious bed tumble with Stephanie 🀣❤️

    1. I get the feeling Hope agreed to keep the secret for more than just "it would not benefit anyone." The look on her face when Liam hugged her looked more than it was just about her keeping the secret between her and Thomas.

      Ridge is a bastard! What does it take to just tell Brooke about the CPS call? Geez! As for Brooke, I was quite surprised to hear her acknowledge her gratitude to Thomas for saving Hope for the Future.

    2. Ridge can’t say anything to Brooke bout the cps call as he promised that guy not to mention nothing about it

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ballessness hehe. Milla that is my new go to word, I love it!

    4. That's true but he could at least tell her something rather than nothing. She deserves to know why he left so that she can at least move on.

    5. Elle, I think Hope is struggling because she is developing feelings for Thomas.. As someone said yesterday, she has been having an emotional affair with Thomas, and I would agree with that..

      Milla, Ridge can’t say anything, because he promised that friend that he wouldn’t say anything about the recording, and because he believes it was her, he is waiting for her to admit to it.. But as Elle said, he is a bastard, and should say something anyway, because it will at least stop Brooke from asking the same question over again.. Then that gives her the opportunity to try and prove it’s wrong at least..

      I wonder why Taylor wasn’t there, for the celebration at Eric’s at least… Milla, I remember that bed roll, it was hilarious 🀣🀣🀣 as soon as I saw the flashback I thought of it.. That’s what I mean, there used to be so much humour in the show, we don’t see much of that anymore!!

    6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Colly I just dug out that episode only to re-watch it. It was funnier than I remembered when they also pulled Ridge somehow and all three rolling on that bed and Eric trying to stop the reporters around them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it was the quintessential moment of the whole show at the time 🀣

    7. Elle I know he promised but come on - random guy vs his wife? Plus like you said, what does he expect - for her to stop asking? He's just dragging it because it has to happen and we just want it to happen faster to move on the plot!

    8. @Hilary πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's a continuation of the ongoing ridicule on Ridge started with the raisin-sized balls πŸ™ˆ I normally wouldn't use it in real life but in this situation he deserves it!

  3. Thomas is an obsessed freak and a coward. What a lovely combination. “Don’t tell anyone, Hope. You agree we shouldn’t tell anyone, right??” Coward!!
    And Hope, yeah sure, go ahead and trust what Thomas tells you. It’s not like you haven’t already been down this road about 10 times with Sir Crazy!! Your husband and your mom are 100% right about stalker Thomas! And your husband in particular deserves the truth! Withholding the truth is the same as a lie, just ask any of the FF’s!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£
    Brooke - stop trying to get that dirtbag back. Let it go and move on with your life. You will never be able to get past what he has done / is doing with slutty Taylor. Waffler man does NOT deserve one ounce of your devotion!!!
    Wonder what crazy kisser man Thomas has up his sleeve for his next trick?? Whatever it is, Hope will keep being convinced that he’s a changed man. Because after all, he said he is!!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣. You’re the kindest of kind human beings, Hope. But your naΓ―vetΓ© has long since worn out its welcome!!!

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. What will he do next

    2. @Lynn I think Thomas wasn't acting cowardly, but pretty much premeditatedly when saying that they should keep it shush. He either will come up with a plan to expose the "secret", make it look like something bigger or at the very least is hoping that like every secret, this one will come out. And them keeping it will be the worst for Liam. I was just watching some episodes from 2019 when he was pretending to love Zoey and had that awful face-off with Liam and many more after that. He's not afraid one bit of him and especially now after he saw Liam was the one hiding from him. Thomas is not done πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜…
      Hope is seriously more than naive not telling Liam. She hasn't done anything wrong in the situation, but keeping his attempt to kiss her is making her look guilty. And she can talk as slowly as she wants, she won't come out unscathed.

    3. Milla, I believe Hope agreed to keep the secret because, deep down, she knows she was leading Thomas on. To tell her husband about what happened would put him into attack mode with Thomas. And knowing Hope, she would not let Liam blame Thomas 100% since she knows she is also to blame. So keeping the secret is also about protecting herself.

    4. @ Milla, I think Thomas knows he’s got a good thing going (fooling everyone for the moment)…because he has his dad, mom and sister convinced he is on the right path and a ‘changed man.’ He certainly doesn’t want that perception to change because that’s what gives him power. I think he’s also convinced that Hope will ‘get over’ what happened - the attempted kiss. And as long as she keeps the secret and keeps spending time with him, he can continue his diabolical plotting. Slow and steady, as Bill said.
      Thomas has a ‘strike one’ because of the attempted kiss, but he definitely doesn’t think he’s out of the game yet.
      I don’t think he is ‘afraid’ of Liam in the physical sense. Although I actually think Liam could kick his butt if he were mad enough. I called him a coward mainly because he doesn’t want the truth to come out about the attempted kiss because it will destroy the illusion that he’s successfully created. But as we’ve said all along - the people who are right about him and continue to be right about him are Brooke and Liam!!! Thomas will never fool those two. Because they’ve got his number!

    5. I still can't believe the mannequin resurfacing (which Thomas KNEW was there and that's why he tried to prevent Hope from walking in there) doesn't count as strike 1... She just brushed it off and forgot it. Then and now she's covering his shady behavior and that's not doing him and mostly her and her marriage any favors.
      I just hope whatever he's planning happens soon, this dragging out is tedious πŸ˜…

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    7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    8. @Elle Hope has nothing to protect herself from exactly because Liam knows Thomases number. "Leading him on" is so subjective, not even we can agree on what we see, that this show would never explore that level based only on those vague indicators. Her behavior to him is never and will never be addressed as a factor. Plus this argument is analogous to the sex offenders "defense" of being provoked (not that it's the case but the "defense" stands just as little). You don't kiss a married woman you swear are no longer obsessed with (among other reasons) because you can never expect anyone to believe you were encouraged.

    9. In a court of law (if I'm to use your sex offender example), it's not about anyone's belief, it's about facts. What can be proved or disproved. Noone has to believe that Thomas is still obsessed because the fact is he had a tumor or aneurysm (whatever) that directly impacted his obsessive behavior and which caused him to have hallucinations. Even after his surgery, he was very remorseful of his past actions. And to date, he has not shown anyone that he has regressed.

      The mannequin does not prove anything because it has already been established that he did not know it was brought up and was just as shocked as Hope when he saw it. And Hope, the subject of his past obsession has been singing his praises to anyone who would listen. He has told her over and over again the she is the only woman for him and that he loves her and Hope has not once drawn a line. You think if Liam was to know all this, he would be pleased? No, he wouldn't. He would want to know why Hope never brought it up with him and he would question whether she has feelings for Thomas, especially given the huge amount of time they spend together. And that's what I meant when I said she is also protecting herself. Even Brooke has questioned Hope about her feelings for Thomas.

    10. How was it established that he didn't know about the mannequin? πŸ˜‚ because he said so? And we know Thomas is the most truthful person on the show?
      Liam will never know any of "this" because it's not significant enough to rise to the level of something to discuss. Hope doesn't want Thomas and until she says otherwise, he's the only side in this who is trying. That's all that is relevant to Liam.

      And the sex offender "defense" I purposefully put in "" because it is no defense at all but the perpetrator's justification that doesn't stand at all. Just like what Hope is doing (according to you) in terms of "leading him on" justifies him kissing her ie not at all.

    11. @ Milla, I said the same thing a week ago in response to Elle’s mannequin comment and Thomas not knowing. Come on - really??? Cuz yeah, Thomas is the gold standard for honesty!!!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    12. Milla, I agree with Elle.. it’s not fair to say Thomas is “obsessed” again, based on his “past” behaviour.. we have heard rants about people using the past.. we have heard people say, Brooke has changed, so because Thomas had a brain issue causing that “obsessive” behaviour, means he is still “obsessed” now?? That does not make sense?? Still to date , he has not shown he still is.. He has shown, since the surgery, to “still love” Hope, but not “obsessed”.. Because of the amount of time he has spent with Hope recently, as Elle pointed out, he has “told” Hope how much he loves her and that he is a one woman man, and in the aftermath of the preview with emotions running high tried to kiss her, but that does NOT mean he is “obsessed”.. He has always loved Hope, he has never hidden that fact.. But to accuse him of “being obsessed” again, is not a fair statement.. If Brooks tried to kiss Ridge today, while he is with Taylor now, I am more than sure no one is going to accuse her of being “obsessed”, or any other characters on the show!! But because it’s Thomas, it is immediately “assumed” to be “obsessed”, based on his “past”, while he had a serious medical issue causing that.. When Thomas wanted Douglas to come live with him, it was NOTHING to do with Hope, and no one can deny that.. He just wanted to step up as a father.. What he did to Brooke also had NOTHING to do with Hope.. It was retaliation to Brooke.. was it wrong yes, but I will say it again, Brooke has done worse.. The mannequin resurfacing “could” be a ruse.. It has NOT yet been proven that it was Thomas who brought it up, it has just been “assumed” he did, because it had a dress on it?? Do you really think they are going to leave a mannequin that has hopes head on it, just laying around “naked”??🀣🀣🀣 so because it had a dress on, it had to be Thomas?? Could Thomas be headed down the wrong path again, yes, but maybe no?? And i will reiterate, the cps thing was very wrong, but Brooke has done plenty worse, and you can say I am using whataboutisms, but if people are going to accuse Thomas of such “evil” and he hasn’t changed, then it needs to be pointed out that other characters, including and especially, your favourite, has done the same and worse.. But I think at this point in time, it is not yet provrn that Thomas is a full on psycho based off his “past”..

    13. Also Milla, “Thomas is the most honest person”.. Brooke is one of the most dishonest people on the show..

    14. OK Milla, I'll agree to disagree.

      Regarding the mannequin, if Thomas really lied about it, don't you think they would show him bringing it into the office and placing it behind the screen just like they show flashbacks of him making the CPS call?

    15. The mannequin resurfacing, is the perfect example of a “vague indicator”, so is Brookes claim that Thomas was using the Kings sword to cut an apple, but didn’t mention it was a knife that fits in your pocket..

    16. We are assuming he is obsessed based on his *present* behavior. I haven't even watched most of his past (catching up now, so excited about those mannequin times). It's based on his fantasies and memories alone that I think he's obsessed. And getting more and more every day. Aren't we watching the same show? Believe me nobody (at least not me) will mock you if you admit the obvious, but come on - what does it take?!
      And that mannequin was anything but vague, it scared the crap out of me πŸ˜…

    17. I don't even know why you Colly are bringing up Brooke (yet again!!). And no she's not as dishonest as Thomas, nobody is.

    18. @Elle I didn't say he brought it himself but that he knew was there. Why else did he try to stop Hope from entering that changing cabin? Maybe he brought it, maybe not, but if not and he knew it was there - why not remove it? πŸ˜‚ I'm just now imagining him carrying a plastic Hope all over the building and understand partially why, but the alternative of keeping it there is not doing him any favors πŸ˜‚

    19. @Colly and what about all his fantasies? He certainly is more smooth now in acting on them, but it's getting there and it's getting more each day. I also don't think the CPS thing was about Hope, that's a whole separate obsession (not that it's any better to have more than the one). Taking Douglas also - I actually applauded him for stepping up. But his recent behavior, the fantasies, the constant remembering and now the attempted kissing because "it's maybe their time..." The writing is on the wall. And it says "Thomas is coocoo for Hope".

    20. @Elle I didn't say that he brought the mannequin there, I said he knew it was there. Whether he brought it or not, him knowing and not removing it is cray cray. I mean I understand partially why he wouldn't be carrying a plastic Hope through the building πŸ˜… but keeping that thing there is not doing him any favors either.

    21. Sorry if my comments come the same thing written twice in a different way (I swear I'm not obsessed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) but to me they appear and then vanish so I write again (okay maybe a little 🀣)

    22. Google programmers have made antispam on Blogger (blogspot) blogs. But this anti-spam function does not work well. Many spam comments with links are published, and normal comments end up in the spam section. I have to check the spam section and click on the comment approval button. Some of them contain rude words, but most fall into spam by mistake.

    23. Thanks Bob πŸ€—πŸ€— does this mean we have to stop insulting Ridge now in order not to be censored by the filter for rude words? Because I don't think we can do that πŸ˜‚
      just kidding! Thank you for this blog! Can't be said enough.

  4. Thomas saying don't tell us like Brooke telling Douglas not to tell about her kissing Santa.

  5. I agree with Hope that it would not benefit anyone for it to get out about that near-kiss. I feel a tiny bit sorry for the guy. He's in love, some might say "obsessed", with someone who doesn't feel the same. Maybe now he will move on. But of course this is a soap, or I prefer the term "daytime drama". And this is Thomas, so he will try to figure out a way to get rid of Liam, or break them up. And I know Liam was a jerk for not being there for Hope, but if I were her I would have gotten home and made some sweet love to my husband. One, because he's sexy. And two to boost his fragile ego. Men need that every now and then. πŸ€—

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣 but it’s true!!

  6. Hope is a doormat, "gets" why Lame was an insecure a hole and ran away from the biggest day of her career... doesn't even scold him instead coddles him for acting like a 10 year old. Poor spineless girl. Thomas pls move on she is just using you.

    1. Well, in all fairness, Thomas did try to kiss her so of course she'll understand how Liam felt because it was the whole basis of his distrust of Thomas. Hope's in a fragile position - tell Liam what happened and face his "I told you so's" or keep the secret for the sake of peace and maintaining her friendship with Thomas.

      What is apparent is that despite her telling Thomas that she loves Liam, she wasn't happy to be in his arms when she finally got home. Her thoughts are probably still with Thomas.

    2. Elle I think that’s pretty accurate.. That is a bad position to be in.. And she definitely would have copped the I told you so.. But she did the right thing, she was firm with Thomas, and made it very clear to him where things stood.. Also, she has to consider how it would affect Douglas.. She so desperately wants peace and to make it work, but Liam and Brooke have not made it easy on her.. I am not condoning what Thomas did, it was very wrong trying to kiss her, but she is subconsciously sending mixed signals..

    3. Elle, how do you figure she wasn't happy? To me she looked very very happy and relieved when she walked in and into his arms, especially when he apologized. She's only guilty about the secret, but if she was thinking of Thomas there would be at least some showing of that in her reaction, something akin to inner struggle. Instead, she was talking to him slowly like to a retard (sorry awful expression) and made a clear point friendship is as much as she can offer.

    4. @ Milla - perfectly said!

    5. @Milla Hope has been flirting with Thomas for weeks. You don't continue to heap praises on a man who you know was obsessed with you in the past and who has admitted time and again that he still loves you and are the only woman for him UNLESS she is beginning to develop feelings for him. Her constant longing looks at him, touching his hand, her desire to hear him lift her up with his positive words is a sure sign that she is starting to fall for him.

      With that said, I see Hope's letting Thomas down a bit differently. She did that because she is married and does not want to be the type of woman who cheats on her husband however, I am certain she wanted it to happen as much as Thomas did. When they were talking and Thomas told her how her support of him makes him feel, there was a long pause between them before he moved in to kiss her. Could be that he was waiting for her to shut him down since he just bared his soul. When that did not happen, he moved in for the kiss.

      My original comment about her not being happy was not meant that she was not happy to be home, it's that she is not happy with the situation she has now found herself in, which is that she is beginning to have feelings for Thomas. She is torn.

    6. Agreed Colly. Hope is definitely sending mixed signals. Even Douglas has said twice now that he wishes that they could be together like a real family. If Hope is so committed to her marriage and against being a family with Thomas, why hasn't she sat down with her son and explained to him that she already has a family with Liam and Beth but will always be his mother and will always love him and be there for him? But she has said nothing. And this is what Douglas sees. He sees his parents spending a lot of time together with Hope spending nights away from Liam and with him and his dad instead. Hope is a bright girl, she must know how it would affect Douglas in terms of him wanting his parents together. Until now, Hope has not set any boundaries with Thomas. Trying to do so now is kind of moot because feelings are now involved.

    7. I somehow don't get the attracted vibe from Hope. She's acting like a teenager, for sure, but mostly because they were spending so much time working together. Not once did they show her with a longing or conflicted look, the most there was something akin to flirtation once or twice. Now that this preview is over I think she won't be seeking him deliberately and he will come up with some new machination to get her. The last scene was so ominous with the two hugging and him with his plotting face πŸ˜πŸ˜…

  7. He was acting like he was sooo concerned about her, like as if something happened to her, because she didn’t answer her phone, but I think what he was truly stressing about was if something was going on with her and Thomas!! He had a flashback the “moment” she hugged Thomas, where she was all smiles, because he left her at the career alter, and was probably thinking she wasn’t going to come home!! I would say that’s why he didn’t give her a hard time about Thomas when she got home, and was oh so apologetic to her.. It’s funny, she didn’t seem so happy when she got home??

    1. Just said the same thing, Colly. Hope's mind is definitely not at home with her husband.

      Liam's riding my last nerve! He's such a girl!

    2. Yes, he is really getting on my nerves too Elle.. First he got into it again on the phone to her while she was “trying” to celebrate the biggest night of her career, as if that’s not going to ruin it more than he already did, then turns around and Carrie’s on like that.. I think it was the fear, that he might have pushed her too far, then he had that flashback, he was definitely fearsome, but not for her safety , like he made out to be!! But like lama said, I think she was too easy on him.. But perhaps she just didn’t want her day ruined anymore that it was, but she definitely didn’t come across as overly happy to be home, that’s for sure!!

    3. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you but really I saw you and Thomas having a moment so it’s really not my fault 🀦‍♀️. SMDH.

      Is is for sure sending mixed signals the way she’s been flirty etc. especially given how she knows Thomas feels about her.

      It’s good she set boundaries today but she did look miserable back at home.

      I still think she’s torn despite what she told Thomas.

      I agree ladies, she’s been having an emotional affair. Liam has pushed her into it, but still.

      Brooke throw Ridge out the door, he was a rat bastard today. Just tell her something. Even say it was because of her vendetta against Thomas or whatever. You don’t just say nothing but, sorry I’ve moved on, wtf.

    4. I can see Hope and Thomas will kiss for real at some stage.. And yes that was how Liam got away Scott free with what he did, by manipulating her into not raging on him when she got home.. He used psychology on her, he is a manipulator for sure.. Liam is the biggest coward on the show!!

    5. Also ladies, what r your thoughts on Brooke just happening to show up at FC that night??It was very late, and she knew he would b there to handle everything in the aftermath of the show, sneaky Brooke, trying to please your case and refusing to let him go!!

    6. Of course she went there looking for her destiny Ridge, how she knew he wouldn't be "home" with Taylor doesn't become clear. Of course he was thinking of her right that minute πŸ₯° If he wasn't such a stupid tool I would find it nice, but now I just want her to go home (and take off that jacket, somehow it doesn't work on her, the feminine outfits and hairstyles are more flattering to her)

    7. I have no issue with Brooke seeking Ridge out. Like Milla said, she knew he would be at the office after the show so she took the opportunity to find out why he left her. I don't blame her. The alternative would be to go home and wonder about why Ridge left. She chose to go to him to find out instead. Unfortunately, she did not have much luck.

    8. Ridge needs to get the papers served on her so she can move on. Technically they are still married and he’s living with her arch nemesis. Taylor was away somewhere at a conference, in which she’s the keynote speaker it was revealed via the phone call during the a preview. Ridge is on his own for the night so at the office working… by the way he did that all the time when he and Brooke were together to avoid going home to her or fending off her advances. Things after the Deacon kiss were most definitely not the same between those too. He avoided intimacy with her like the plague. That was very off because the one thing Bridge always had was sex, it’s how Brooke got and held him off and on for years.

    9. He needs to tell her something so she can move forward in her life. It’s not fair to Brooke to keep her emotionally imprisoned in a perpetual loop of why did you leave me out of the blue?

    10. I agree Bb, but Ridge thinks she is lying and should know, which is also understandable, because that’s her MO, to lie till caught.. He can’t tell her anyway because of that man who played it to them.. in Ridges mind she is doing what she usually does, and he keeps trying to give her the opportunity to come clean on her own this time, but this is one of the “rare” occasions she isn’t lying, but he naturally thinks she is.. I think if he gave up the notion of giving her the opportunity to come clean and just say it’s because of all the past issues that continuously happen and her vendetta against his son and her inability to support him over that.. But even if he did, she will do the usual, promise to support him, like she did at Eric’s to get him home, but then break that promise, or go behind his back to get Thomas.. So either way, he is not going to get results..

    11. And Bb, you r right, Brooks MO was always to use sex to take him in, and this time around he had no interest since the Deacogate betrayal..

    12. I agree Colly, they are just so toxic together. Decades of lies and betrayal don’t get forgotten, especially when the same “mistakes” are repeated ad infinitum.

  8. Hope felt awkward when she got home because she just agreed to lie to her husband ....big mistake!!
    The ff`s are going on about her having an emotional affair...what a heap of bs!
    She plainly, very plainly told Thomas that it should and WILL NEVER happen again. What that actually is that she got drawn into Thomas`s vortex of bs.
    They work together and she wanted to believe his bs about being changed, tried to trust him, but at least now she knows what`s really going on and will have her guard up.
    I know damn well if my husband had walked in on what Liam did, Thomas would have been on the floor, where he belongs!

    1. Exactly! That look on Hope’s face at the end was NOT her thinking about Thomas as the FF’s said, it was Hope feeling very badly about what just happened at Eric’s house with Thomas trying to kiss her, and Hope’s concerns about keeping the secret. She clearly loves and values Liam and her family. But the guilt of what just happened has already set in. And she has concerns that Liam may be right about Thomas. Because of course he is!!

    2. And that isn't thinking about Thomas? It's all about him! The near-kiss and deciding to keep it secret.

    3. Btw the "secret" of that attempted kiss had some unexpected bonus that Hope didn't lay into Liam about skipping the preview. Now I expect them to be "fine" for a while - him feeling he should be more understanding and supportive husband, her knowing she's keeping from Liam that he's right about Thomas. I hope now the CPS storyline finally gets some action.

    4. Oh Lynn, you love to tell people WHAT Is RIGHT and WHAT is WRONG.....you are quite the clown......NOT NOT NOT.....in all your comments when people say what they are thinking you say it's NOT the case....bwaaahaahaahaaahaa....you need a hobby my dear...

    5. Unknown - you are pathetic just like Thomas. You love to troll but add no value. Go away and quit being so obsessed with me. You’re truly creepy…just like Thomas.

    6. @Lynn you are the Hope to "unknown"'s Thomas 🀣 hopefully we don't have a mannequin situation πŸ˜…

    7. @ Milla - too funny!!! Why is this person dissecting everything I write?? If I bother her so much then scroll on past. Or at least make a comment about the show in response. Just pure nonsense from that person. But thanks for making me laugh!! 😬😬😬😬

  9. I am speechless about the last two episode. Never imagined the show can get that ridiculous.keep coming just for your commentsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ the writers skiving off,! Honestly, have an intern peruse the blogs… fans have some brilliant storyline ideas! Recycling the same storylines is boring please throw us a bloody bone.

    2. Agree. Didn't see this episode but reading the comments, it's still about the same 5 ppl. Thomas, Hope, Liam, Brooke and Ridge. πŸ₯±
      Bbfan it's true. I've seen really good ideas and twists that have been posted. Instead we have to wait until writers try and come up with another mediocre storyline.

  10. Bob can you please repost today's episode?? TY
