Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Taylor still doesn't get that no matter who Brooke is doing, Taylor isn't going to "get" Ridge for keeps. Taylor is wasting her time selling Brooke off to Deacon or anyone else. Ridge will never be desperate enough to go for someone choking off his air with their arms around him. Taylor doesn't realize we can smell her desperation.

  2. Oh taytay your desperation is pathetic
    And now you playing ridge too 🤮🤮

    1. She is doing what Brooke is already doing She let Ridge see her in a baby doll which the shoulder on the top just happened to fall down lol Brooke logan at her best

    2. Oh mandy you crack me up big time
      So how hypocritical that she is doing what brook is doing but brook is bad and she is good
      How hilarious 😂

    3. Mmysh you must be cracking up hysterically all the the time on this blog with the hypocrisy. All Foresters are damned if the do and damned if they don't.

    4. Taylor is not a Forrester.

    5. Oh D please its none or your business
      If you like to fool yourself with what mandy wrote on MY COMMENT
      just because she shares the same fav like you i can’t stop you
      What i wrote was crystal clear
      You can read it again and again and again
      And yeah praising the same actions with one character and find excuses for while the same actions if done by others the bashing starts ITS HYPOCRISY
      You can’t see that its your issue not mine
      And btw if you don’t like my comments just scroll through them
      Don’t waste your precious time 😁

    6. It's Not my issue dear. Your favorite word is hypocrisy. Which some of you do as well, but I quess that's different.

    7. No we don’t
      But sure you will see our comments like this

    8. Indeed milla calling her a forrester is really funny also

    9. For the record...I never said Taylor was a Forrester. It was a general comment, if you're not a Brooke fan and agree with a Forrester's way of handling something you are critized. Therefore "If you're a Forrester you're damned if you do or damned if you don't." But carry on, it's just my opinion. And not going to waste my precious time, I already scroll through alot of your comments but some I have to read for amusement.

    10. We are here for your amusement 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    11. Could have fooled me when Mmysh was criticizing TAYLOR and you jumped in that for her FORRESTERS are damned if they do damned if they don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️

    12. But milla we keep hearing that
      While we appreciate the good deeds of the characters we don’t like
      But i really don’t know what we supposed to do
      But it doesn’t really matter
      We knew that we don’t criticize “the forresters” when there is nothing there to criticize
      And we we praise then when they do good
      If some can’t see or don’t want too
      Its doesn’t really matter or change the truth

    13. Mmysh you don't have to convince me. I know you do it, I see that you criticize just as much Hope and Brooke and praise Steffy. Of course everyone is inclined to be more linient towards those they support and watch the other side with a more critical lense. Both sides do it and it's the way supporting works.

    14. Milla save your breath and fingers honey.
      It is so blatantly obvious that these people only see what they want to see!
      If a friend of mine treated me in the manner Taylor is treating Brooke then I wouldn`t even waste my time confronting her. It`s diabolical behaviour from Taylor, but it`s a part of the reason I have pulled back from watching lately...because blind Freddy could see this coming from Taylor the tart!!
      For the record Steffy is about to do a very similar thing. She wants Liam free again and so is causing trouble in Liams marriage...and loving it, even her husband is disillusioned with her behaviour. Personally I believe Steffy and Liam deserve each other, so let Hope be with Thomas, at least he won`t flip and flop like Liam does. It will always be Hope for him. He loves her dearly and I can see them being very happy together.

    15. @Maur " let Hope be with Thomas, at least he won`t flip and flop like Liam does. It will always be Hope for him. He loves her dearly and I can see them being very happy together."


  3. Taylor has gone insane. Ridge belongs to Brooke. They deserve each other.

    1. They do deserve one another both users

    2. The Ridge/Brooke ship is so toxic. I don't even know why they keep putting themselves through the same toxic cycle over and over again.

      And I'm surprised at Taylor too. When she went to Aspen, she came to the realization that she needed to stay away from Ridge because he always hurts her. Why in the world does she want to put herself through that again? 🤔

  4. Thank you Bobxxxx
    Poor Taylor Bell is using her to prop Bridge and Deacon don't bother Brooke won't move from Ridge with Tay in town lol
    Bell wrote Brooke to be all men desire but would a man want an well water well lol I doubt it xxxx

    1. Lol 😂 so know we blame the writers 😂😂😂
      Just typical
      And he also wrote Taylor and steffy a men second choice and they are happy about it no self respect or dignity
      Manipulative disgusting judgmental bullies
      And Thomas a psycho murderer who offer his son for sex 🤮🤮🤮 and drug a women to rape her
      So who would anyone like to be with such hideous characters i doubt it xxxx

    2. @Mandy Bell has taken Taylor's character and blown out of proportion💣💣. She is going to get herself all heartbroken all over again. Even if she were to get Ridge, his heart will never belong to Taylor, she may think she really has him but she won't and Bell will once again break them up and Brooke and Ridge will come back to each other once again. That Rome trip will change everything her friendship with Brooke, Taylor will see once again that she didn't win Ridge's heart, and Steffy & Thomas have to accept that their father's heart is to one woman, Brooke. Bell needs to stop toying with Taylor's emotions and have Taylor find someone else to be happy with. I wish that this darn Co-vid would go away so that they can have more actors and more exciting storylines to happen on B&B

    3. Or what if,, Brooke tomorrow rejects Deacons advances. In Rome Brooke and Ridge make advances, but there will be a problem where all their kids are concerned. Wait till Ridge finds out Brooke demanded Taylor to tell Steffy to take back what she said to Liam. Meantime Taylor and Deacon start a relationship. Brooke and Ridge come back can't work things out but Taylor and Deacon are now out of the picture and both Brooke and Ridge will be out in the cold.

    4. Elizabeth they can’t use the COVID excuse since at least a year. To me it’s cheapness plain and simple 😅

    5. Since they get back to make out most of the time 😂 i don’t think Covid-19 is an issue anymore

    6. D - Ridge won’t care at all about what Brooke said to Taylor regarding Liam and Hope. There is literally nothing to see here. Stay tuned, Good Ol’ Taylor is gonna be singing the BLUES in no time. Maybe Deacon will have her. Lol

    7. Why are Steffy and Thomas being brought up in a comment about Taylor/Ridge/Brooke?

      D, Brooke was being very shifty today when Ridge kept asking about her fallout with Taylor. Ridge may not care too much about what Brooke asked Taylor to do regarding Steffy, but he will certainly have an issue with Brooke lying about the changes she has seen in Thomas then turning around and bad-mouthing him to Hope.

    8. Elle I think Ridge will be upset with Brooke, undermining his daughter and getting Taylor to tell her to take it back. Brooke should have gone to Steffy herself. Then there is Thomas. If something does happen with Hope's feelings towards him it will be Thomas's fault in Brooke's eyes so she will be against both Steffy and Thomas. But her kids are 😇's

    9. The only one being shifty today was Taylor….as she acted like she had no idea what Deacon could have wanted Brooke for. Then at the same time…telling Ridge…..”It could have been any number of things.” And how having children together locks them into each other’s lives forever. Taylor, you scheming little wench!! 😂😂😂😂😂
      And Brooke was totally honest with Ridge. She told him Taylor and herself almost fell back into their old ways and that it was about their children…the disagreement. At that point why didn’t Ridge say….”Oh ya, Steffy blabbed her big mouth yesterday that Hope may have feelings for Thomas, is that true??” Seems that Ridge is being the shifty one!!! I think Brooke is actually the only honest one in the bunch!!!

    10. Very good point. If Ridge was that invested in all that women drama (Brooke, Steffy, Taylor) surrounding Hope and Thomas he would have addressed it. To me he looks tired of it, he wants them all to just do their job and Taylor to keep serving him pizza.

  5. Yeah, Taylor is doing too much. If she has decided she wants Ridge she should tell Brooke that the pact, the vow not to go after Ridge is over. It's now every woman for herself. I hope they both continue the pact forever; or until one of the ladies dies. Since Taylor is being so sneaky and underhanded, poetic justice would be if Brooke and Deacon get back together. Then at the very same time, Ridge starts dating someone new. Leaving sneaky Dr. Hayes out in the cold. 😛

    1. And it’s obvious why she chose deacon of all people 😂😂

    2. Sneaky is right!! Taylor is a sneaky little liar!! So glad the angel lost her wings. She is Mary Sunshine UNTIL SHE ISN’T!! Now she’s just this conniving little ho bag trying to trap her man. Can’t wait to see Taylor take the fall she deserves!!!

    3. Let's not forget that Brooke was the sneaky one first. And not just with Ridge but with what she said about Thomas too. Everything that Taylor is doing now is as a direct result of what Brooke did FIRST.

    4. And I could be wrong here but I just thought of something. Maybe Taylor doesn't actually want Ridge back. Maybe she decided that 2 can play Brooke's game.

    5. Brook never said she trusts thomas or she just wiped out his past
      So she didn’t lie
      And ridge knows that
      Taylor just looking for an excuse

    6. The only thing Taylor or ridge for that matter should have for brook is especially Taylor is gratitude
      Brook could turn both of her kids for breaking the law twice trying to break her marriage but she didn’t and she forgave thomas and thanked steffy even though steffy told her i didn’t do it for you

    7. No Elle, Brooke was not sneaky!! She planned a family dinner with Ridge, Hope and Liam. Then Hope ended up canceling at the very last minute which we all witnessed on that episode. Then when dinner was over, Brooke went upstairs to go to bed ALONE and Ridge was to let himself out. He did not let himself out, and instead fell asleep on the chair. When Brooke came down to blow out the candles she thought Ridge had already gone. There was no master manipulation like there was with Taylor!!! And when Ridge tried to get Brooke to take him upstairs to their bed, Brooke told him no, that she was going to stay true to the pact!!! NO MANIPULATION OR LYING FROM BROOKE!!! That’s Taylor’s expertise it seems!!! We witnessed Taylor putting her plan into motion. And if you honestly believe that Taylor doesn’t have ulterior motives with Ridge after today’s episode, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas I’d like to sell you!! 😂😂😂😂
      As far as the Thomas thing is concerned, there was NO THOMAS PACT!!! And a Brooke is welcoming to her feelings about Thomas and it’s none of Taylor’s business!

    8. Lynn, so why did Brooke tell Hope to keep what happened between them and not let anyone know? If it was all so innocent as you're making it out to be?

      When did I say there was a Thomas pact? One of the major issues between Ridge and Brooke in the past was her feelings about Thomas and her unwillingness to give him a chance. She recently sat in the office with Ridge and Taylor and acknowledged that she has seen the efforts Thomas is making to be better and that she is cautiously optimistic about his recovery. Then, she did a complete 180 and threatened to get him out of Forrester if he has crossed the line. You don't think Ridge might be upset about that when he finds out?

    9. Autocorrect… you are not my friend. That should have said “And Brooke is welcome to her feelings about Thomas and it’s none of Taylor’s business!!”

    10. Oh Elle, pleaaase!! Ridge was not even happy Thomas was back. And it took some convincing from Thomas before he was on board with the decision to even allow Thomas to come back. And are you forgetting the dinner at Brooke’s when Ridge admitted it was Thomas’s fault that he and Brooke were no longer married!! Also, Brooke didn’t even say anything bad about Thomas, it was Hope who said all the nasty things that Thomas overheard. All Brooke was trying to do was establish that Thomas had not been inappropriate with Hope. But as I said, Brooke didn’t even bad mouth him. And what exactly did Brooke tell Hope to keep between the two of them? The fact that Hope said she found Thomas attractive and funny?? I’m honestly not even sure what you’re referring to when you say that. All I know is that Brooke has been hands down more above-board on the pact than Little Miss Master Planner Taylor has been. Taylor has been working Deacon for days or weeks (soap time we never really know) all in the hopes of getting Brooke out of the way so Taylor can get her skinny claws into Ridge. Sorry, but I find that disgusting! Then on top of that she fully LIES to Ridge and acts like she has no idea why Deacon would be summoning Brooke. And then to add insult to injury, she kind of hints to Ridge that it may have nothing to do with Hope, which would only result in Ridge's blood boiling because he hates Brooke’s past relationship with Deacon.
      Taylor is QUEEN SNEAK!! Embrace it!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    11. Oh and FYI - I think Ridge would be 110% behind the decision to get Thomas out of Forrester if he were to cross the line. Steffy and Taylor made that point VERY CLEAR to Thomas. This is his LAST CHANCE to prove himself. So yeah, if Thomas crossed the line with Hope…Ridge would be more than happy to boot Thomas’s butt to the curb!!

    12. But Thomas hasn't crossed the line. Lately all I have been hearing from Ridge is how proud of Thomas he is. It's Brooke that has a problem with Thomas.

    13. Not sure what your point is, D. I didn’t say Thomas crossed the line. I said….if he were to cross the line, Ridge would totally support booting his butt to the curb. As I stated in another comment, it was not Brooke who said anything bad about Thomas. It was HOPE that said those nasty things. Brooke is welcome to her reservations about Thomas all day every day if she so pleases!!! Just like I’m sure Ridge has his reservations about Deacon, even though Deacon has really turned his life around. Is Ridge just supposed to completely forget about Deacon’s past ??? My guess is that he never will. He will always be on guard when it comes to Deacon. Just like Brooke is with Thomas!

    14. Lynn you nailed it. Taylor's behavior today was below low. Kinda makes me feel bad for her though. You know that there's no way she will succeed, right? Brooke won't jump on Deacon any more now than when he came with that suspiciously big diamond. All these underhanded high school girlish manouvres are embarrassing for a grown woman and will lead her to disappointment. And lying to Ridge.... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    15. Totally agree milla
      As lynn mentioned she saw ridge’s blood starts boiling because brook was with deacon
      This should be enough clue to her that he doesn’t love you the way he loves brook
      Brook is the love of his life
      No dignity or self respect

    16. Ah yes that too Mmysh... If anything, Taylor should be worried about what she stirred up - if Ridge sees now Deacon as a "competition", that can only influence him towards Brooke, not against.
      Does anyone know if Rome is happening next week?

    17. I wrote a comment here which I guess got blocked. But adding to that - wouldn't it be amazing if by some weird butterfly effect Brooke does accept Deacon's proposal and that's what prompts Ridge to fly to Rome to profess his love by the fountain 🥰

    18. Yeah milla indeed
      But i don’t think this is what is going to happen
      So maybe deacon will tell brook about Taylor
      Or she came back in the office to witness Taylor with ridge doing something

    19. Milla, I like that! 😁. Although I wish it was someone else other than Ridge by the fountain.
      One thing is for sure…all this nonsense / gaming that Taylor is up to is going to blow up in her face!

    20. Oh Lynn me too (#Brill), but being realistic and knowing destiny does get together eventually it's nice to see some romance even involving the king of waffles 😀

    21. Lynn, are you really going to ignore everything that Brooke was saying to Hope? And which led Hope to saying what she said about Thomas? You're really going to deny that Brooke kept going on and on about Thomas having gotten better at his manipulations and insinuating that "knowing how he operates," he would have come up with some scheme to get them to share a room together while they were in San Francisco? And when Hope tried telling her that Thomas is not the same person he used to be, Brooke insinuated that Hope was protecting Thomas for the sake of HFTF and demanded that whatever Thomas was up to, she (Brooke) needed to know so that she could "get him out of here?" And when Taylor confronted Brooke about the things she said about Thomas, Brooke told her that it was not her intention to lie to Taylor, that she wants to believe that Thomas has changed but that she is concerned about Hope's relationship with Liam, to which Taylor had to assure her that Thomas was not a threat to Hope and Liam's marriage. Did you forget about all of that, Lynn?

    22. G'morning Elle ☕️. I must be watching the same episodes as you. Alot of those statements are key factors in their conversations and why things are acted out the way they are. But as I have been told, I hear what I want to hear and see what I want to see.

    23. Did you also forget, Lynn, that during Brooke's little dry seduction number on Ridge, Hope was watching from outside and as soon as Ridge left, she confronted her mother about her disgusting behaviour? Did you forget that Brooke told her not to let anyone know, to keep it between them?

      And I did not ever see Ridge not happy about Thomas being back. He was surprised at first but once Thomas said his apologies and made his promises to his father, Ridge told him that he was proud of him and welcomed him back. When RJ returned, there was even a scene with Ridge saying that he was so proud of his boys. Don't pretend that Ridge despises Thomas for what he did to his marriage. Ridge forgave Thomas and, unlike a lot of people here, he moved on and continues to praise Thomas for the changes he has made and all of the good work that he is doing. Let's see how long they will be happy together in Rome. Once Liam sees whatever he sees between Thomas and Hope, Brooke is going to jump into "Lope protection mode" and Ridge will be right there to witness it.

    24. Good morning D! ☕️ Brooke's lies about Thomas is the reason why both ladies are not seeing eye to eye right now. Seeing and hearing what one wants can be applied to others as well.

      Have a nice day, D! 🤗

    25. You too Elle! It's going to be a really hot one here 😓. Behave yourself ok? Lol 😂

    26. Hahaha. I will try my very best! 😂😂😂

    27. Elle, you couldn’t be anymore wrong.
      Ridge was very upset with Thomas for destroying his marriage and betraying him. And Thomas had to do quite the sales pitch before Ridge would accept the fact that he was back at FC.

      As far as the fake psychiatrist is concerned….Taylor has now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s a manipulative liar who totally threw the pact in the trashcan when she ever so desperately tried to get Ridge back…Ridge who doesn’t seem to be biting. 😬😬😬

      And exactly what lies is Brooke telling about Thomas? All she has done is ASK Hope if Thomas has been inappropriate with her. Brooke has told NO LIES about Thomas! I think you need to rewatch the episodes and tell me what the heck you are talking about.

      And there was no seduction of Ridge by Brooke. Brooke turned Ridge down! I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. The only one desperately throwing herself at Ridge is Taylor!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    28. Ah Lynn, you thought you could play on your words so as to manipulate the discussion in a different direction. I did not say that Brooke was saying lies about Thomas. I said she lied to Taylor about how she (Brooke) really felt about Thomas. Brooke even admitted herself that it was not her intention to lie to Taylor.

      Regarding Brooke's seduction, I said dry seduction, as in it wasn't a real seduction yet, akin to such. Think of dry humping. Not really having sex but akin to such.

      Ridge came to the office, spoke with Thomas, he apologized and they hugged it out, all in one 19-minute episode. I'm not sure where your imagined prolonged unhappiness with Thomas came from. I was not referring to when Ridge found out about the CPS call, I was referring to your comment that Ridge was not happy that Thomas was back at FC and that it took some convincing from Thomas. Thomas told Ridge the same thing he told everyone else and Ridge accepted it.

  6. Taylor's desperation is SO obvious. Ridge isn't a fool and he's going to be able to connect the dots to Taylors grand plan. She needs to understand it's not her he wants and never really did. Get your self pride back and go get some professional help.

    1. Ridge was so tense around Taylor especially when he sensed she’s rooting for Deacon… When he finds out she was pushing for it… he’ll have some questions.

    2. With pushing deacon she is hoping that ridge will be furious with brook
      More if she would be with someone else so its a plus
      I wish brook will know what she was doing not only ridge
      And i just want to see hope’s reaction when brook tell her about the blood comment if that will ever happened

    3. Mmysh at the state Hope is now she better not hear it 🤣 all that inner "bad boys nonsense" voice was enough to rattle her. I would very much like Ridge and Brooke to find out about Taylor's manipulations, but knowing that bigger things haven't come out, I'm also prepared for that not to happen. I feel pity for Taylor and truly hope she gets together with Deacon herself in order to stop obsessing over Brooke finally.

    4. Indeed
      A lot of major things especially the ones involving thomas
      And also quinn it was so obvious she killed the rich guy who owned the hope diamond in Mexico
      But they just forget about this whole storyline
      Even the diamond itself disappeared just like jack 😂😂😂😂

    5. Ah Quinn was always a mystery to me. Did it come out to everyone what she did to Liam? How Eric married her and Carter fell in love with her after that is beyond me. Sheila Light.

    6. Oh that i Really can’t over come how liam would ever speak with her
      She like raped him almost 😅
      I don’t know if it considers rape in the their case
      Sure he didn’t press charges for Wyatt
      But still
      Even quinn but alcohol in brook’s detox water also brook never know

  7. Or, Taylor, here’s a crazy idea - why don’t YOU break you three out of the toxic cycle by finding a husband? Why not think of this possibility first, but of Brooke? 😁 unless you have a plan for Ridge?
    And does she really, truly expect anything to happen from Deacon bluntly professing love to Brooke?

    Carter should be forbidden from speaking Italian in public until he improves his accent 🙈

    1. Milla what is funny that according to her Deacon is the one to break this toxic cycle
      I thought that’s what the ridiculous pact was supposed to do.
      She knows ridge loves brook but still wants him
      No pride or dignity 🤮🤮

    2. Yeah, if Taylor would break herself out of the cycle, there wouldn’t be one or it wouldn’t concern her. She herself said when she returned that she knows there’s no ending Ridge and Brooke. She can’t be that delusional to think it will work now and with such a transparent plot. She should ask Thomas for some tips on less obvious manipulations 😅

    3. She and her kids are delusional when it comes to whom ridge love
      It was really pathetic during the time they were trying to break their father’s marriage and always say come on dad be with the love of your life 😂😂

    4. Milla, yes….she should look to Thomas for pointers!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Ohhhhhhhh Taylor, YOU MANIPULATIVE, LYING, LITTLE HO BAG!!! Oh yes, the LF’s sure had your number allllllll along!!!!
    Score 1 for the LF’s, Score 0 for the FF’s. Yes, definitely taking this victory lap!!!

  9. I can’t wait to see Taylor’s face when ridge and Brook are bk together I say stiff shit to that , go get a life Taylor and leave Brooke’s alone

    1. What we’ve been saying all along. The only reason she is so all butt in Brooke’s is because she wants to get her out of the way. Sorry, "break the toxic cycle" using Deacon 😂

    2. Taylor has no business giving professional psychological advice to anyone! World renowned psychiatrist - you are a DISASTER!!

    3. Oh lynn i said the same thing while watching
      Who in earth would seek an advice from Taylor 😂😂

  10. Oh look. Katie and Carter making out at the office. Haven't read any comments about them slurping all over each other.

    And why is Katie pushing so hard for Brooke to be with Ridge again when she knows that Ridge's heart is divided between 2 women? Could she be wanting to ensure that Brooke is out of the picture where Bill is concerned? Haven't heard any thoughts about that either.

  11. Elle, I counted 2 kisses between Carter and Katie. Doesn’t even compare to the 30 + minute make-out session between Steffy and Finn. At least THREE people walked in (at different times) during the Steffy and Finn maul session. And during all that time that passed they were still in the gross kissy face marathon. So as I mentioned the day of that episode….inappropriate - YES!
    And after the first person walks in, you lock the door. Or how about after the second person?? Nope!! THREE different entries over the course of who the heck knows how long? Ridiculous!!!

    1. Ffs Lynn. I didn't know we where keeping scores between LF's and FF's. What ever happened to just commenting on the show with open opinions but yeah, yahoo take the "victory lap", or it's none of my business. Slapping myself. 😤

    2. Yeah, D. I’m taking my victory lap. If you don’t like it…too damn bad! And FYI - you overuse the “FFS.” It’s rude and trashy. Just to let you know.

    3. Lol, I overuse LF's and FF's? 🤣 🤣 I hardly ever use that in my comments, just to let you know. So that's rude and trashy to me. It's you that seems to keep track of that BS

    4. I said you overuse “FFS.” Doesn’t that stand for “for fuck’s sake” ?? As I said, trashy and rude. And I’ve seen you use it time and time again.

    5. Wow Lynn. Some day, I would really love to be able to fit in a 30+ minute make out sesh into a 19 minute show. You just gotta show me how you do it! 🤣 🤣🤣 🤣 Besides, the point is not about how long it was but about the fact that they are doing it in the office where just about anyone can walk in. The LFs went on and on and on..... and on about that with Finn/Steffy but I heard not a peep about Carter/Katie.

    6. Wow Elle, isn’t it always you who says we have no idea how much time actually passes because it’s Soap time??? Clearly quite a bit of time had passed given all that went on with the different characters….discussions, etc.. And the fact that THREE different times people walked in on Steffy and Finn leads us to believe it was quite a while. So as usual, you compare apples to oranges and want to convince everyone they are the same. You have zero idea how long the Steffy makeout session was going on. I was being conservative in saying 30 minutes.
      For the record though, I don’t think anyone should be kissing at work. But if I had to choose which one to witness, Katie is far less of a lustful horn dog than Steffy. So I’d much rather walk in on Katie. 😂😂😂

    7. The difference is that we see Steffy and Finn suckface way too often. Katie and Carter are shown maybe 3 times for the number of episodes Stinn maul each other 20 times.
      PS horn dog 😂 👏🏼

    8. So that means it's okay for Carter and Katie to go at each other while they're at work?

      Finn and Steffy are married and love each other dearly. It's actually a good thing that they keep the romance alive in their relationship. For many couples, that's difficult to do when they have kids to take care of. Making time for each other is important. It's also the reason why neither Finn nor Steffy find the time to find their co-workers desirable (as per Hope). 😁😁

  12. As have others, but not time and time again.

  13. Oh D, if only I had the time or desire to count how many times you’ve said it. But sadly I do not. I think Colly used to say it a lot too. And I thought the same thing when she used to say it. Honestly, you are the only one I see use it these days. I’m simply telling you how I perceive it. So like you always say to everyone….Carry on!

  14. Taylor, Taylor- your desperation and conniving shines oh so brightly. Can’t fathom why she still wants to be 2nd choice. We see what their friendship really means to her…

  15. Writer's/Producers, I am DISAPPOINTED and SAD that you made Brooke and Taylor BFF after Brooke son caused the DEATH of Her Child and Never CHARGED for it. Also, Brooke tried to Suduced Thomas on the INDLAND, and told him if he told anyone he will be FIRED, that continue to stay in my mind!!

    1. 😂😂😂 aren’t you tired or maybe ashamed of repeating those lies and we prove you wrong time after time

    2. Barbara hello 😂😂😂😂😂

  16. Brooke and Taylor are not being honest with each other, Brooke is lying to Taylor about Hope feelings for Thomas and both of them are denying their feelings for Ridge!!

  17. I agree with Stephanie (Ridge Mother) always felted that if Thomas wanted to be with Brooke, she would of had a sexual relationship with him!!!

    1. 😂😂😂
      And i agree with jacki and Taylor
      That Stephanie hated brook that much because she was jealous of her because she (Stephanie) can’t do the things brook does with ridge 😂😂

    2. And Taylor went ahead and had a "sexual relationship" with Brooke's Dad, Brother and Son (as you Mmysh so well pointed out yesterday 😅). I think she must be the only one who has slept with a man AND his grandpa on this show.

    3. Indeed milla
      What brabra wrote above is hilarious especially coming form Stephanie 😂
      I guess this was a wishful thinking like a lot of the wishful thinking i keep reading here
      I think Stephanie was wishing for that so maybe if this happens ridge will leave brook forever
      But brook never ever thought about thomas
      It was the other way around actually
