Friday, June 16, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy trying to hide her baby with that big bag. 😂 She looked like a beautiful Bratz doll when they were walking inside the building. I think it was the platform shoes! ♥️😂

    1. Renee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she actually does 🤣🤣🤣

  2. All the men (minus Honey Bear Eric & $Bill) that did not go to Rome were having a gym day. Fully expect to see all the guys now head over to Deacon's for pizza & beer.

  3. Steffy 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ what was that with the marinara? And the snake eyes following Hope and Thomas everywhere are getting witchy.
    Liam at this point probably is talking about Thomas in his sleep 😅I love him but that is getting funny. Finally Finn told him what he should have thought of himself. "Imagine the look on her face" - oh I am 😂🙈
    I must say those scenes make me dream of a Rome trip *opens skyscanner*

    1. Finn should have told Liam to be in the crowd with flowers for Hope!
      Because, Liam is not going to think of that himself either! 😂

    2. Finn did not look impressed of his wife keeping an eye of things

    3. @Milla Thomas is Liam's worse nightmare remember Liam may be living in the "Twilight Zone"

    4. Liam is not to blame
      How he is handling things is wrong
      But can you blame him after all the horrors thomas put them through
      And tell now thomas never proves liam wrong

    5. RJ & Finn looked so over hearing Liam winge about Thomas. Really Liam just shut up already. Liam has no romance in him seriously. Finn has to walk him through how to treat his wife, so sad. Maybe Liam stopped thinking about himself for five seconds and thought about his wife. Liam will ruin it by going on about Thomas once he gets there.

      I totally hope he walks in on Hope living out her fantasy and realises it’s her not Thomas making the moves. Might wake him up!!

    6. Milla 🤣🤣🤣 it’s a sad situation when your ex wife’s husband has to tell u how to treat your wife 🤣🤣🤣 yes the marina comment was definately uncalled for!! Funny , everyone took it as a joke, but there was a serious undertone there.. As Finn pointed out, Steffy is a straight up person, and she makes no excuses, not even for Thomas, so he should trust what Steffy says.. Finn knows Steffy is keeping a close on them, which is why he reassured Liam.. BB, Liam won’t be able to help himself.. Even if nothing happens, or he sees or hears nothing to worry about, he will find a reason to bring Thomas up and start an argument with her, and that won’t be the time nor place to do it.. She is so excited, and it’s bad enough that Steffy and Brooks are bringing her down, never mind Liam to put the icing on the cake.. She wants happy memories of this moment, she doesn’t want to look back on her career achievements and all she has to remember is arguing with everyone about Thomas.. Thomas is the only one supporting her, making her proud of her accomplishments and encouraging her to enjoy this time of her career, and he is the one who made this happen for her, so perhaps Liam and Brooks can show Thomas a little bit of respect..

    7. * meant a close eye 👁️ on them

    8. Brava Colly! If Liam goes all the way to Rome to get on Hope's case about Thomas again, she just might let him know that she's had enough. I don't understand why Liam is acting that way. Thomas and Hope co-parent Douglas so, whether Liam likes it or not, Thomas will be a part of Hope's life even without HFTF. So, for the sake of peace and a unified family, Liam needs to put on his big boy pants and suck it up. Everyone has said that Thomas has changed, including Finn and RJ. Even Deacon has suggested that Liam observe Thomas to see if he has really changed, so what is Liam's problem?

    9. Elle, agree with everything you just said!! If he does do that, I hope she tells him that and more (if it was me)!! 🤣🤣 but truly Elle, no matter what, he is going to start something with her, he just can’t help himself, the second he lays eyes on Thomas he turns green, with a red face, he could be their mascot with the colours of the Italian national flag!! If of all people, RJ says he thinks he has changed, then Liam should really take note, considering his parents split because of what Thomas did.. That’s the thing though Elle, people like RJ and Finn who have every right to be wary of Thomas are saying that they believe he has, but still, Liam won’t even entertain the thought.. I do understand why he is so wary, I really do, but I am thinking that there is more to it, meaning Liam’s behaviour.. I think at this point in time, he is more worried about what Steffy told him about Hope and he is in denial, and that’s why he is so insufferable.. Regardless, I don’t hold out any hope that he will be able restrain himself and refrain from from ruining this one for Hope.. She has worked so hard for so long and is so excited about this one more than any of the others, it’s the absolute pinnacle of her career, and Liam completely ruined the last one for her, because he could not get over himself for just one night to celebrate and support her.. It could have waited.. That’s the biggest issue with Liam, he does not know how to put Hope first.. It’s about him, and how he feels, first and foremost.. He would rather she lose her career, than have faith and trust in her, this is why she is gravitating to Thomas.. Even if Hope did do what Liam is demanding, as you said, Hope still co parents with Thomas.. So, really no matter what she does, Hope will never be in a win win situation with Liam!! I think he thinks that now she has full custody of Douglas, she can just completely erase Thomas.. But what about Douglas?? Does he think Douglas wants no relationship with his father?? And Thomas is a FORRESTER, like it or not!! His name is on the building, and he is an HEIR to the company she WORKS for.. He can demand all he wants for her to erase him, but what does he think, that Thomas’s family will just erase him too, just because Liam says so?? He really is turning into his father!! Hope is not a possession!! She is his wife, and he just takes for granted that he can cheat on her and she has to accept he shares a daughter with her arch nemesis and just accept it, too bad so sad, but when it comes her, he can just chuck a hissy fit and she has to obey!! Come on Liam, this is not about getting meat in your sandwich matey!!

    10. I'm so glad it's obvious Hope doesn't think in such "one-upping each other terms" because that is a recipe for disaster. So because Liam has done crap, let me do crap right back and throw it in his face? Where does it end then with Thomas? They get together and she tries to kidnap him on a helicopter, hides Douglas is alive from him and finds herself a Thomas mannequin?

      Of course she has the right not to forget what Liam has done and she has pointed it out HERSELF, but that is completely different than doing shit to him and then be excused because he's done shit too. Shit for which he has regretted and paid, suffered a lot. It doesn't excuse him still, but I bet Hope won't cheat while justifying it "ah well I get a free pass anyway; he's done it himself". I believe she's better than that.

    11. Milla, I agree totally!! I think you miss understood my point.. That is not what I am saying , at all!! I do not think Hope will have an affair, nor do I think she would use anything against Liam or, throw it in his face or use it to pardon her own behaviour.. What I am trying to point out, is that Hope has never given Liam reasons to doubt her, or mistrust her, but he refuses to give her that trust, and I know you think it’s that it’s Thomas that he doesn’t trust, but his actions show differently imo.. She and Thomas co parent Douglas, yet Liam has said to Hope on many occasions that he wants hope to completely erase Thomas from her life, not in those exact words.. everytime Hope asks him to trust HER, and tells him that she is hurt because doesn’t trust HER, which she has said, too many times to count, and Liam himself has even said, but in the next breathe completely brushes it off.. in the argument prior to the one before she left, she told him again and completely ignored it like she said nothing, and continued his rant.. If Hope supports him co parenting with Steffy that she has had many issues with then he has to accept she co parents with Thomas, like it or not, she even said in one argument when Liam asked to erase Thomas from her life, and she explained Thomas is Douglases father, and Liam’s response was something along the lines of “see you always find excuses to invite Thomas into your life”.. That was unfair to Hope in a major way.. Bill has done just as many bad things in the past, and I am sure if Hope said I want you to erase your father, he wouldn’t do it.. Perhaps I am not communicating things clearly enough.. There is so much contradictions in Liam’s arguments, then he admits Hope is right about things, then turns and does the opposite, and no matter what she says or does it she can’t get through to him.. I am not the only one who thinks these things or have commented these things as in this comment or my last one.. How you view it, is maybe I am not communicating clearly enough.. I used to like Liam, but he can’t even put the arguments aside for the sake of his wife’s happiness and ruined the last showing for her.. Now he may just ruin this one too, but time will tell.. But I am sure others see the same way as I do, if not that’s there right and opinion.. I appreciate the points you made and do actually agree, however I you may have taken me the wrong way perhaps?? But what you said, was not what I was saying..

    12. Colly, at this point, I am unable to understand what Liam's real concerns are. He keeps talking about "all that he has done," but when was the last time that we have seen anything psychotic or even close to how Thomas used to be? Since the surgery, he has calmed down a lot! Yes, there was CPS, but that 1) had nothing to do with Hope and 2) it was more mischievous than psychotic. I am really not understanding Liam's concern.

      So, I agree with you, Colly, that there has to be something more going on here. Something that is making Liam insistent on keeping Thomas as "evil Thomas" in his mind and flat out refusing to even try to see if there is any merit to what everyone is saying about the changes in Thomas. Maybe it's fear or insecurity about what it would mean if Thomas suddenly becomes the good guy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    13. You are Colly (communicating things clearly) thanks! 🤗

    14. Elle it is some form of PTSD. To me it wouldn't matter how much time has passed, I'd always be wary around someone who's done such things to me. But you're right that there are levels - it's one thing to be on the alert (like I believe Brooke and Deacon will always be), another to be completely paranoid and refuse to even entertain the thought that Thomas has made progress and can now spend time around Thomas without turning into Mr Hyde.

    15. And yes he definitely prefers to indulge in his paranoia and find all reasons for Hope not to be around Thomas than to think she may be the problem. But he is starting to think about it.

    16. Milla, I don't think Colly was talking about Hope one-upping Liam. I believe she was referring to his hypocrisy based on his past with Steffy and the many times that he has hurt Hope then expected her to forgive and "forget" his infidelities yet, he cannot forgive and "forget" their past with Thomas. Colly is basically saying "what if" Hope was not as understanding and she instead chose to throw her insecurities in Liam's face all the time. What if Hope did not trust Liam being around Steffy all the time, especially since they co-parent Kelly and often have to spend time together with their daughter. Because this is exactly what Liam is doing. He continues to use their history with Thomas against Hope even though she (and everyone else) keeps telling him that there is nothing to be concerned about anymore since she no longer sees any signs of the old Thomas.

    17. I understand that Elle and it's valid. But it's one thing to be forgiving towards your loved one who cheated on you (Hope -> Liam) another to someone who wanted to kill you on the roof and kidnap your wife (Liam -> Thomas). If Hope cheats now, Liam should forgive her based on relationship type 1, because it's equal ground. But he shouldn't be expected to forgive Thomas' deeds (relationship type 2) because he has cheated on Hope. If we have a parallel relationship then yes.

    18. But of course I respect also the view that forgiveness is forgiveness (especially in Christianity) and shouldn't be differentiated.

    19. Agreed Milla, on the PTSD, which should make Liam cautious, as you indicated. Paranoid? Not so much. 😂😂

      And honestly, I'm not even expecting Liam to forgive Thomas (as good as forgiveness is, not everyone has the capacity for it), but I wish he would just trust his wife more. If he did, he might realize that Thomas really isn't a problem where his marriage is concerned. But he's so blinded by his paranoia that he does not see how it's affecting his wife, and ultimately, quite possibly, his marriage.

    20. I second that!! Milla, PTSD 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and I agree with u too Elle, not everyone can forgive so easily, and admittedly, Thomas keeping Beth from Hope was pretty damned bad act!! So I can truly understand Liam’s position also, it’s a tough one to forgive.. But yes, that’s what I was trying to say earlier, he needs to come to a compromise for Hopes sake, and certainly to trust her.. She isn’t even asking him to forgive Thomas’s past, just to trust her.. it’s not much she has asked of him..

    21. But if we look at the whole history - I remember Hope saying "Yes I believe he's changed" with the exact same conviction on numerous occasions and then boom. It's understandable Liam at some point feels like with the girl who cried wolf/change. It's a tough spot to be on... But yes he should try to relax and try to show her what they share, not what separates them.

    22. I agree with you too Colly!

    23. Agreed on the "girl who cried wolf" type of situation, M. But the major difference this time is that everyone is saying they've seen the changes in Thomas. It's not just one or two people, so it's definitely not something that is just in Hope's head. The least Liam can do is make an effort to observe Thomas closely for any signs of past behavior.

    24. Hey, at least Thomas was trying to get Hope “into” the helicopter, and not throw her “out” of it!! 🤣🤣🤣 sorry ladies, just trying to add a bit of humour!!

    25. Yes if Liam had made it into the helicopter we would have seen a Bill move on him 🙈😅 then Thomas can say "hey, son for a dad!" (a spin on the good ol eye for an eye)

    26. Yes Elle I agree with that!

    27. I hope y'all can watch this 😂😂 I miss this guy so much! 😍🥰

    28. I saw it this time, M! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

      Don/Bill is a hoot! 😂😂😂 "And last, but not least, don't sleep with your son's wife!" 😅😅

    29. Oh Elle and did you see the promo? I don't want to post it here because it broke my heart (part of it, the other I loved), but you of course will love it 😀

    30. Only Thomas fans watch 🤣🤣

    31. I watched them both!! I won’t give away on here one of them and yes it was a bit sad Milla, admittedly!! The rest was awesome!! Also, Don/Bill, hilarious!!🤣🤣🤣 he is a funny guy!! He just says it so casually, a bit of fatherly advice 🤣🤣

    32. Thanks Milla! I'm very happy! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I want to see Liam squirm but I'm sure he's going to act all high and mighty and blame Thomas. Looking forward to the scenes between Liam and Hope. I'm sure they're going to be phenomenal!

  4. Liam just can't help himself. It's always Thomas, Thomas Thomas. RJ and Finn didn't look impressed. So the creepy, jealous, keeping tabs on his wife husband is going to Rome to surprise her. He's going to get the surprise of his life, I think. After that marinara comment, the looks Hope was giving Thomas, she doesn't seem to care anymore who's watching and wasn't looking for those disgusting smirks Steffy & Brooke were having. Ridge isn't buying anything Brooke is saying about love & destiny. He was quick to pull his hand away from her and gave a fed up look at the end listening to her go on and on about romance, destiny and love.

    1. Exactly!!! Totally agree with you.

      I like that Ridge isn’t calling her Logan anymore or falling for her lines. Ridge didn’t smile at all and Brooke is pushing too hard.

      He’s there to work, Brooke is there to snag Ridge. Why doesn’t she realise that they are terrible together. They hurt each other and their families too. Give it up. Find some Italian hottie Brooke and enjoy yourself.

      Steffy looks completely stressed. If Hope and Thomas implode the line is finished. She so doesn’t want Thomas to lose all of his hard work.

      Brooke is watching them closely too. She doesn’t want Hope blowing up her marriage. She is clearly just as concerned as Steffy.

      Hope looks happier and more care free than she has in a really long time.

      I notice she’s in no hurry to contact Liam.

    2. BBfan 💯 with your above comment. I think Ridge has accepted the fact they are not right for each other, Brooke hasn't. Yes Brooke doesn't want to see her daughter do things she has done in the past but this is Hope's life not hers and Hope seems so much happier without Liam around. Steffy? I think at first it was about her brother's well being but now I'm getting the impression she's more concerned with Liams well being. Rome might have romance in the air and it just might be Steffy and Liam that have that romantic connection. We'll see. Next week things could get interesting.

    3. Nothing better to get the blood pumping and the heart racing than talking about Thomas.

    4. Lol Elle 😂 Even the weight pumping doesn't do it for him anymore. Sorry this might appear twice?

    5. BB, correct!! After the way things were with Liam when she left, I wouldn’t b in a hurry to contact him either.. All she wants is to enjoy this time because it’s the pinnacle of her career, and Liam is just dragging her down with EVERY conversation they have!! And as u said, it’s clear Ridge has thought long and hard about his past with both women.. He is finally recognising there’s no such thing as “destiny” or “eternal”, and live alone is not enough to make it work.. If, as u also pointed out previously, 8 failed marriages isnt a clear sign that it’s not working, and no one is willing to change, then it’s probably never going to work..

      D, Brooke is ranting to Hope about going for the wrong man, and how it she sees how much Hope doesn’t want to b like Brooke in the “past”, yet look at the example Brooke is setting now , as she is saying all this to Hope.. Brookes current behaviour, is no different to her past behaviour.. She went from, I am growing up and not acting like a teenager, and choosing myself now, to chasing Ridge down like a rabid dog on heat!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Ladies I also think Ridge has finally grown from a boy to an adult!! Ok, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but he is certainly coming to some some very sensible conclusions where he stand in his life currently..

      Elle 🤣🤣🤣, yes the opening scenes were a “pleasant” change of scenery, so let’s change the dialogue from the repetitive “Rome is so romantic”, to “it’s so bloody “hot” in California today”!!

    6. D, I didn’t notice Ridge pull his hand away, wow, he really is setting her straight!! 🤣🤣🤣 but the look on his face as you said, told it all.. I think Liam will see that Steffy was right about Hopes feelings for Thomas.. I can see he is going to ruin her showing with some sort of outburst!! Maybe he will go up on the stage at the end finale and punch Thomas and make a huge scene 🤣🤣🤣 I can see him doing that, what a night for Hope to look back on the pinnacle of her career!!🤣🤣

  5. Enjoyed the scene on the rooftop gym. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 So much for thoughts that RJ was fat!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That kid has a great bod!!!!! And so does Liam! I’ve always thought Liam needs to spend more time on the show with his shirt off instead of Finn! Looking good, Liam!!! The girl asking RJ for a spot with no weights on the bar was hilarious!!! 🤣🤣

    Steffy is acting like a naggy, grumpy old mom!!! Lighten up, Steffy! You can keep an out without being such a total bitch!! And she’s only bitchy to Hope, no one else.

    Brooke - give it a rest already!! I’m actually embarrassed for you at this point. If something is gonna happen with you and Ridge in Rome, then it will. Stop pushing!!! I can’t imagine acting that way with a man who was not reciprocating my affections in a million years!!

    I loved when RJ said….well I am a brother to both Hope and Thomas!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣. Yep, folks…that’s exactly what he is. The creep factor jumps up a few points every time that fact gets brought up!! Nothing like some good ol’ fashioned incest on B&B!!! Yeah, I realize it’s not actual incest - but it sure would feel like it if Hope and Thomas ever became a couple!!

    Finn saying that Thomas has always been a super shady dude was spot on!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    And great advice, Finn!!!! Go to Rome for all the RIGHT reasons, Liam! Make Hope swoon! 💕💕💕

    Boy oh boy, Hope putting her hand on Thomas’ arm sure did see like she was trying to bed him!!! NOT!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. do u believe me now bout the scenes I told about the other day with hope and Thomas on the balcony , oh well looked like u never believed it , there’s more to come as well

    2. Indeed lynn
      Spot on on RJ comment
      These a photo actually thomas as a late teenager with hope as a toddler and RJ as a baby both sitting on his knees
      the fact that thomas was old enough to bounce hooe on his knee when she was a toddler gives an almost ‘Predator’ Vibe.
      And the picture is still in some family photo albums for sure 😂
      Its sick and disgusting 🤮🤮
      Logically of course but the hell of logic and right or wrong when it comes to thomas right 😂😂😂

    3. And yeah Liam’s has the best body among the 3
      RJ is cute but that’s the far i can see him he is so young actually to be considered sexy

    4. Sexy what a joke he’s the most boring guy there his body was like fat no 6 pack , as of Liam wow his body was sexy as

    5. Mmysh, heck ya, Liam has the best body for sure!!!! And yes, RJ is VERY young, so I agree…it’s hard to look at him in that way. Lol. But I just wanted to point out to the trolls on this blog that there is absolutely NOTHING FAT about RJ. If I was 21 years old, I’d think he was a total hottie!!! Lol

      And nothing has changed about my prediction of Hope and Thomas. I think all the watchful eyes on them this trip aren’t gonna see anything that isn’t “G rated”, much to the disappointment of many on this blog.
      If I’m wrong, and Liam does walk in on something going on between Thomas and Hope, then there is going to be a outright brawl between Liam and Thomas. But I just don’t think it’s going to come to anything close to that!!
      And my wish is still that Hope and hubby Liam have a wonderfully romantic time in Rome together! 💕💕💕

    6. Lynn I agree, I don’t think Hope putting her arm on Thomas the way we saw, was anything to be remotely concerned about.. However, I still think that this trip will produce something , whereby , Hope may show her feelings in some way, and Liam will witness it.. How it may go down is yet to be seen.. I also think that, even if nothing at all actually happens, Hope’s feelings will get a lot stronger, and her inner conflict will get worse.. I also agree about Brooke.. I think if she wants Ridge back, she should show more self respect “for herself”!! That is what seems to get to Ridge.. It’s a case of, he always wants what he can’t have.. He was far more interested in her , when she chose herself.. Although he is relishing in all this new , or should I say not so new, attention that both ladies have been showing him, he was more attracted to both of them , when they pushed him away!! Both ladies deserve far better than Ridge.. He won’t give up either of them because he loves them both, especially when they were not fighting over him!! It’s a fact ego oriented men, love only themselves first and foremost, and want only what they can’t have.. Brooke is very concerned over him not calling her Logan, so that is a huge indicator, that he has thought long and hard since the ladies formed their pact, and he had far more respect for both while they were friends..

    7. I hope that too
      I don’t even see liam or finn as sexy
      Yeah they are handsome but not sexy
      But thomas NOT AT ALL 🤢
      I guess his bad behavior a psycho and how much he hurt people even killed and how extreme he can go just doesn’t make me see him sexy
      I guess this is how normally things work
      Not the other way around
      Defending the most hideous deeds just because the actor is sexy 😂😂😂

    8. Colly, I agree…Ridge’s ego is far too big already! And currently, Brooke and Taylor are doing nothing but feeding the beast! I just really don’t like Ridge for either lady like you said.

      And honestly, on the Hope and Thomas thing…I just want what ever is supposed to happen or not happen between those two to finally come to a head. This has been going on and on for what feels like an eternity and still we have no idea how this will ultimately turn out. My optimism tells me she won’t cheat on Liam. But if I’m wrong and she actually does cheat, then I think she is going to be so sorry. In my wildest dreams, I just can’t see Hope and Thomas as an actual couple. But I know 90% of the blog completely disagree with me. I will admit, Thomas does exhibit some genuine changes for the better. No doubt about it. But I still see him as the one who wronged Hope and her family sooooo many times. I simply can’t / won’t root for them.
      And I won’t be cheering if Brooke and Ridge reunite. That love ship sailed for me a long time ago!!

    9. Mmysh, oh I find Liam very sexy. Definitely sexier with his shirt off though. Lol. I’ll admit he has been whining too much these last couple of episodes. And that isn’t an attractive trait. He needs to exude confidence…because he is funny, smart and has a HOT bod in my opinion! He just needs to go sweep Hope off her feet and let go of his insecurities.

    10. Lynn, there’s no bigger turn off than a whinnie insecure man!! But, I also think Liam has a very sexy body, they all do!! I don’t have a favourite because I think all the actors in their real life look after themselves very well, and all their body shapes, sizes are different and unique to them!! Plus, they work in ann industry where they have to keep in shape because they r shirtless for many of their scenes.. Even though RJ is too young for me to view in a sexy way, I think for a young woman his age would DEFINATELY think he sexy!! 🤣🤣🤣 plus, he is a real sweeetheart which I think would overflow into his real personality outside of work??

    11. True, Colly! And I agree, RJ seems like a really good young man! He does have a sweetness to him that is attractive to the young ladies! 😊

    12. I’m young 23 and I reckon he’s ugly id never go for him 🤮

    13. Finally RJ to point out he's the shared sibling of the (to-be) gruesome twosome. This is one of the many factors why this pairing shouldn't happen. Imagine being the person who says "my siblings are getting married. Yeah I share DNA with both, nothing step- about either for me." 🤦🏻‍♀️
      I can imagine Liam taking a page of Brooke's playbook and coming with a grand romantic gesture. I really hope he does that and not some scene. If he's really really smart he should enlist the help of Thomas for it. This way he achieves two things - Thomas proves that he's no danger (and he wants to prove that) and Hope gets it that he's not going that way.

    14. And yes Liam has everything going for him. He should get some of his dad's confidence. Imagine dollar Bill whining like this? 😅 if he knew how Liam is being he'd slap (not literally) some sense into him 😃

    15. Milla, it can’t be worse than Ridge being both a step father, AND half step brother and sister to Rick and Bridget can it??? 🤣🤣🤣😘🥰 Or Brooke being Ridges step mother one minute, sister in law the next, then wife the following minute, in various orders, can’t remember the switches, but I remember there were a few!! 😝

    16. Imagine saying my ex step mother and ex sister in law is now my ex wife 8 times over?? Sorry love, you left that one wide open 😂😂😂

    17. Colly that's why I introduced the step factor. Nothing step about RJ's relationship with either Thomas or Hope. It's blood. A completely different level of cringe. You left that one wide open 😉

    18. If I wanted to discuss the step-relationship which Hope and Thomas themselves have shared growing up, independent of RJ (playing together, possibly sharing room, dining together as family and all that SIBLINGS do), I would have discussed that. But it has been discussed thousands of times. RJ is DNA. Different level of cringe, like I said.

    19. There are many many relationships that should not have happened on this show, especially since the cast has been cut so dramatically .. there’s not a lot of people to swap with these days 🤣🤣🤣

    20. But Milla, while RJ does have blood ties to both Thomas and Hope, they don't have any blood ties. None. Rick and Bridget have blood ties with Brooke and ridge. Where's the cringe when they say "oh look, our mother is marrying our brother? It's no different.

    21. Elle, sorry to correct you hun, but Ridge has no blood ties to Bridget and Rick , cause Eric isn’t Ridges biological father, but still, as I said it’s still weird that he was both their step brother and step father.. Milla is saying that it’s the fact RJ has blood ties to both Thomas and Hope and that’s why she feels the ick factor.. ❤️❤️

    22. You're right. Totally forgot that. But still, Rick and Bridget grew up knowing Ridge as their brother, which is what some like to say about Thomas and Hope as well, even though they are step with no blood relation.

      Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    23. So true Elle, I didn’t stop to think about it like that!! I can’t remember how long Brooks and Eric were together for after they were born?? But definately they would have viewed Ridge like that for a large part of their lives.. I found Ridge trying to get it on with Bridget as more of an ick factor than Thomas and Hope.. imo

    24. Thank you Colly yes you got my point 🤗😅Elle if they had blood ties between themselves, then I believe we'd see people on the streets protesting against BB 😅That would be completely unacceptable. I say it's "only" cringe now.

    25. He did that once
      Do you remember when liam got on his knees for hope when she canceled their wedding
      How bill pulled liam

    26. @Milla 😂😂😂 As was stated above, this show has A LOT of inappropriate relationships.

    27. I’m laughing at what Colly said about the cast being cut so much that there aren’t a lot of people to swap with these days!! That’s so true!!! Lol !!
      But it’s still yucky in my mind. Hope can love Thomas, but that should be a brotherly love, not a sexual love….IMO.

    28. A lot of movies and and series presents inappropriate or even disgusting and forbidden relationships but that doesn’t mean audiences should or cheer or like them, support it and find excuses
      That’s the difference

    29. Mmysh, I was reading some other B&B blog and there were lots of people who feel like we do - they do NOT want Hope and Thomas together for the reasons we keep mentioning. I’m surprised their are so many people on this blog who are cheering for them.

    30. You need to check the fans on FC twitter
      As you said people are disgust with this storyline
      Not only the hope’s fans
      Even when the ratings was down we heard some excuses here 😂
      But its a relief you that this kind of relationship is still sick and offensive for the majority of the show fans
      And principles are still the same
      And some of the thomas fans
      They don’t want this relationship for Thomas’s sake
      In their opinion hope loves liam and she will always do
      So if she sleeps with thomas she will regret it and this will not last
      So this will break thomas‘s heart and they don’t want that for him
      Even though i don’t agree in total but its really a valid point out of the care for their favorite character

    31. Lynn I get where you’re comming from!! But, as I said there has always been many inappropriate relationships on this show, and with cast so short there’s not a lot they can work with.. If we look at it that way, I found it just as bad when Ridge tried to get it on with Bridget, who is both step brother and step father!! That’s just as inappropriate, as Ridge being both a sibling to her, and a father fiqure, now that’s what you would call predatory 🤣🤣🤣 there’s probably many photos of Bridget on Ridges lap in the family photo albums!! It’s the way this “show” runs.. 🤣🤣🤣

    32. And Lynn, if we constantly think this way, then there’s no point watching this show because it’s not about fashion since Bell senior died, it’s all about in appropriate relationships and actions..🤣🤣🤣 Wether it is Thomas or someone else , it’s still not appropriate for Hope to picturing any man at all, or having feelings for any man at all!! Brooke was dating and kissed Hollace who is younger than her kids with the exception of RJ!! So 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️we may as well stop watching it 🤣🤣

    33. Colly I remember Ridge didn't try to get on with Bridget. She was the one with the crush on him (ugh) and the best way he could think of to snap her out of it was to kiss her to prove she doesn't have feelings for him (ew and wtf?). Of course she still liked him but then moved on. He never wanted a relationship or anything with her. So yes it was terrible and inappropriate but she was the one with the feelings not him.

    34. Milla I think the reason I thought it was him, was because I only remembered him kissing her.. I stand corrected love!! But as you said, wtf?? And yes still gross and very inappropriate!! But, seriously, why would you kiss someone who has feelings for you to prove they don’t?? It makes no sense 🤣🤣🤣 that would have just made her want him more!! Typical Ridge though!!

    35. Haha yes Colly indeed! Typical 😀 and to me this was one of the most inappropriate things ever on the show. He raised her as his daughter for some years, then she was his sister and the second he knew he's Massimo's son - kissing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. Brooke and ridge kiss in Rome I saw another scene from there. And I do hope they do get bk together again , they are destiny for ever

    1. Good, it's not just me cheering for that 😀😀

  7. Replies
    1. Yes I think so to , I can’t stand him one bit , he has to go , so boring weak actor and ugly asf

  8. Unknown, I too want to see Ridge and Brooke back together because Taylor DESERVES BETTER than Ridge!!!

  9. Liam your whining is enough, Thomas can't interfere in your Marriage without your wife consent!!!!!

  10. Liam, I can understand your jealousy and insecurities of Thomas. Thomas is tall, handsome and "WOMEN" is falling for him because his family own the Company . Also, he is one of the Head Designers, I can see your jealousy. Liam, it is NOT Thomas you need to be worried about, it is your Wife!!!!

    1. Again Barbara, spot on the mark!! Very true!! What woman wouldn’t want a handsome young word class designer that could make clothes only designed for her!! Thats why all the models are always flirting with him and asking him out, and telling Hope how lucky she is 🤣🤣🤣 Also, very humorous, I love the way you put that!!🤣🤣🤣

    2. But having said that, Liam is also a nice catch himself when he is not carrying on like a pork chop!! 🤣🤣

    3. Indeed shallow women sure will fall for the things you mentioned

    4. Indeed Mmysh, sadly there are many shallow women in the world!! In “real life”, “My” own personal preference that I myself find most attractive, is the not so wealthy man, a blue collar worker that works hard to support his family!! Such as my husband!!

    5. Sure colly may god bless you both
      without generalization hard life most of the makes people better
      And there is nothing thomas has is extra that liam doesn’t have
      And the tall thing its a matter of taste
      And a woman falling for him coz his family owns a company give gold digger vibes 😂😂😂
      So yeah liam should be worried about his wife
      But for sure he is not jealous of thomas
      For the above reasons while liam was a humble young man
      He was a hard worker who his mother worked hard so he can finish college
      So he was someone like us not born with a golden spone in his mouth
      So i don’t see these reasons make any sense

    6. Mmysh so true words about Liam. He is humble and kind and his heart is in the right place. He doesn't deserve to be lied to ❤️ Hope will be bitterly sorry if she loses him and because of this. Especially if he reunites with Steffy and then it's on again. But maybe that's what she show needs, a little shakeup. Only happy couples don't make for good daytime drama.

    7. Indeed
      But if he reunited with steffy
      I guess they will put hope with finn
      Especially if there was a betrayal hope and finn will maybe got closer over it
      I think in rome there will be a kiss only but liam will overreacted as usual and steffy is there alone
      So i guess Finn’s advice to liam will backfire on him 😂😂😂

    8. Mmysh I think it’s possible what you said some time ago that Finn's contract is up, so if that's the case, Hope may well give Thomas a shot 😅🙈 honestly whatever puts this googly-eyed madness to end, we are all so tired of it, I think.

    9. Yeah i remember that but since e couldn’t find a reliable source back then i forget about it
      But i also saw it recently that the plan is to break happy marriages steffy and hope
      They never let a married couple together for long anyway
      And they will put hope with finn
      If the contact thing was not true

    10. Hope and Finn would so not work together. Finn needs a strong independent woman like Steffy. Drs’ spouses spend so much time on their own . They need to be strong to handle the demands and be okay with not being petted and adored 24/7.

      Hope has a lot of confidence to issues and she needs a man that can constantly reassure her of her worth etc.

      Also, Finn is used to a fiery wife and Hope will never be that. Although have to say her fantasies about Thomas are more passionate than anything we have ever seen between her and Liam.

      I don’t want Steffy back with the whingy waffler Liam. She needs Finn, he balances her out and is amazing with their shared children. He’s a loving husband who she never has to worry about having a divided heart. I don’t see any spark between them anymore. Liam would definitely try to get her back because he always needs a fallback. He did it no matter who he was with. He wants a woman in the wings to whine to and have just in case his current spouse falls through!

      Both Hope and Steffy deserve better than Liam.

    11. No spark between Steffy and Liam , she and Finn are a raging inferno! I’m still hoping they work this wee bairny into the storyline. JMW is so gorgeous when she’s preggers!

    12. Liam is waaaaay better than thomas
      End of story

    13. BBFan, I will be soooooo mad if they put Liam and Steffy back together! Liam is so selfish. The last time he saw Hope "kissing" Thomas, he immediately ran to Steffy and started talking about how things were and how they could be again. Ugh! He did not care that she was involved with Finn and had the audacity to ask her how serious they were. I cannot stand him! Please do not put these 2 back together.

  11. Love Ridge & Brooke reunite in Paris, been rooting for the couple over all these yrs.
    Love the waiter Hollis w Taylor perfect for the pairing rooting for both as the next super couple

  12. Reunite in Rome u mean , not paris

  13. A new layout 😀🤗 are there any other changes Bob? Like on security level? 😅

    1. I didn't notice any changes. What do you mean? I just embedded the antispam code in the blog. Now spammers will not be able to post comments.

    2. @Bob, interesting, for me the font changed for everything. It looks good though.

    3. But only on the mobile version, now I requested a desktop version, and its the same. And the spam comments are also gone! Sticking with the web version then 🤗

    4. I am seeing changes as well. It looks pretty neat!

    5. It does! On desktop version it‘s perfect and clean. Thank you Bob!

    6. I checked the mobile version and also noticed that the headers turned blue. But it wasn't me who changed the font and its color, but Google programmers, because the blog template is standard.

    7. The names are light blue it has changed as well for me bout the day’s of our lives one is still the same

  14. I think it’s cool I like the new changes

  15. It’s on Ladies!!! Just saw this on B&B instaGram

    Liam is watching as Hope grabs Thomas and makes out with him! Very passionately I might add!!!
