Monday, June 19, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-19-23 Full episode B&B 19th June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-19-23 Full episode B&B 19th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Ridge looked so apprehensive as Brooke was going to go into her eternal love destiny crap. He just stared. If that doesn't say "Shut up about that," what does? Brooke never learns, neither does anyone else. All she knows is close the deal, close the deal, push until you close the deal. Ridge seems to want something different.

    1. Totally agree. Why oh why push them back into yet another toxic cycle because nearly four decades of it aren’t enough???

      Of course they will always be connected and love each other. However, the same two people, who haven’t changed, doing the same things all over again is not going to produce a happy ending. The same issues are always there. It’s only a matter of time before they end up hurting each other and everyone around them….. Again!!!

      Ridge you know it’s a terrible idea why go backwards. You were doing do well.

      And Brooke begging the man who emotionally abuses you to take you back? Where is your self esteem??

      I hate that Bell makes women seem so weak.

      Taylor and Brooke need to stay far away from Ridge and find new lives who won’t waffle and cheat and lie to them.

      Steffy looked amazing today. Love the bump.

      Liam, Liam you are about to see your worst nightmare. I’m sure Thomas will get all the blame for it though. πŸ™„πŸ™„

    2. Carter and Hope both pushing Ridge and Brooke into more toxicity… seriously, enough already!

    3. Ridge looked like he wanted to escape πŸ˜‚

    4. Ridge always just stares and tilts his head. It's pretty annoying.

      I am still reeling from Brooke saying one minute that she chooses herself, then the next minute begging Ridge to reunite. She wants to be his Logan again. Umm, wasn't she the one who said one minute ago that she does not want to be his Logan anymore, that she wants to be her own Logan? Come on, Brooke! Make up your mind!

    5. And for the record, the writers could have done so much better with this storyline. For one thing, what's the urgency in having Ridge and Brooke reunite in Rome? And secondly, why build up the Brooke character as a woman who no longer needs to depend on or be defined by a man only to have her do a complete 180 and go right back to begging the man who has mistreated her continuously?

    6. Brooke is only trying so hard to win Ridge back because Taylor is doing it. They only care about winning whether the prize is worth it or not. Doesn't make sense because they all know what it turns into. How they have the energy to start this up again is a waste of time and energy.

  2. Scenery is beautiful in Rome, but today's show was rather dull. Our beautiful pregnant Bratz doll CEO, Steffy, was directing models in a photo shoot. Donna & Eric agreed to watch the kids for a few days so Liam could go to Rome to surprise Hope. Liam struggling to get a flight. Not sure why he doesn't use the Spencer jet. Brooke & Hope admit they have been keeping an eye on each other. Hope tells Thomas how much she appreciates him saving the line, blah, blah, blah. Brooke tell Ridge she wants to be "his Logan again". Blah, blah, blah. Ridge is his usual speechless self. πŸ₯±

    1. Yeah the whole Liam begging for a seat is daft when Daddy’s personal jet is standing by!

    2. Bratz doll πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    3. @BBFan funny how you should mention "Liam is about to see his worst nightmare" cause I saw on You Tube a pod cast that had exactly the same title as what you said, how coincidental is that.

    4. Now that you've said it, Steffy does indeed look like a Bratz doll!

  3. Well all the waiting is over!!! See Liam as he watches his wife grab Thomas and make out passionately it’s from CBS


    1. Just go to the B&B reels and it’s the one showing Andrea Bocelli!!

    2. I laughed at posters saying it’s Hope woolgathering about Thomas. Because she is imagining Liam magically showing up to witness her gran Thomas by the face lock lips in a loving passionate embrace??? Hmmm sure πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    3. For real, BBFan. Liam witnesses it all. No way is Hope imagining it.

  4. I knew there will be a story about how Liam gets to Rome. This booking challenge means he'll take that daddy jet πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ he could at least get Wyatt to join. Whenever he says he can't wait to see Hope's face I'm thinking "me too" πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ poor guy!

    The (desperately romantic) cheese stands alone but happy because it knows why that Ridge hesitation is there 😁😁πŸ₯°

    1. Milla did you see the video of his face watching Hope kissing Thomas??? He’s not a happy chappy lol.

    2. At least this drawn out storyline will come to a head at last!!! Liam best leave Steffy alone! Sure Finn will tear him a new one if he tries to steal his wife!

    3. Yes BBFan I posted the same one yesterday πŸ˜€ doesn't show Hope's face, but I'm sure it will be a looker πŸ™ˆ also I think she may not even see him, he goes directly to Steffy πŸ˜… what else is new?

    4. I didn’t see yours anywhere lol. I’m not sure what you mean not seeing Hope’s face?? The one I saw shows different scenes including Liam saying he can’t wait to see Hope. Then Cuts to Hope grabbing Thomas, holding his face in her hands and locking lips while Liam looks on in shock!

    5. Because my initial comment was about Hope's face, that he can't wait to see it πŸ˜€ and then you said the video shows Liam's and I meant yeah I know but we still don't see hers when (if) she sees him.
      Ah yesterday I posted the same but warning only Thomas fans to watch. Colly even said she won't comment what's on it not to spoil πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ but not to worry I'm glad I'm not the only one following them on insta πŸ˜…

    6. Milla, if Bridge reunite, I don't think you would be the lone cheese standing alone. I think there are people who want them to reunite but just don't want to comment on it until it actually happens.

    7. I saw the CBS preview yesterday at the end of the Young and the Restless and I gotta say "Wow! Go Hope!" πŸ˜…πŸ˜… She must have been really tired of waiting for Thomas to make a move. Can't wait to see Thomas' reaction.

      And yes Milla, if she does see Liam, I can't wait to see her reaction that he is there in Rome after telling her that he did not want to come.

      I am sure we will have to wait until Friday though, for this cliffhanger.

    8. Elle I think so too πŸ˜‚ they are hidden romantics. And I also think that if one likes Brooke, is realistic but wants to see romance, there's no way around Bridge. There are so few male actors left, it's obvious it won't be Bill (right now!) so what's left? I don't want to see her just giggling and meddling in her children's lives but have a storyline of her own. I want the same for Taylor btw, she has a lot of potential to be a valuable partner and to channel her positive energy in love.

    9. And about Hope... Sigh πŸ™ˆ I can imagine Thomas pushing her away, reminding her that she's married, they agree to keep it between themselves, she sobers up but when they return, there's Liam with Carter and "annulment" papers drawn up πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

    10. Oh no! That's a little drastic. But knowing Liam, he will feel betrayed by Hope. He won't stop to think that maybe he contributed to what she's feeling for Thomas.

      I'm still not feeling this new Taylor, Milla. I like the character but it's hard to root for her with this actress. I am not against the actress bringing her own "feel" to the Taylor character, a lot of them do, e.g. Hope, Ridge etc. However, something is not right or maybe I am just being overly critical in my comparison to HT Taylor. I don't know. I am happy that she is not the one reuniting with Ridge though because he is not worthy. I just wish she would get over him and move on with her life. Like many others, I am tired of this triangle.

    11. Oh Elle tell me about it. But can anyone fill HT's shoes for us? I don't think so. Honestly I wish I could write to her and tell her how much she's missed. There's no point writing to the Bells of the show but if she could at least know how much the character has changed and not for the better... To me is that Krista is so drastically different from the original in terms of energy and ability to present decades-deep feelings. Hope didn't have to do that, Ridge just has to be a pompous a**, so any feel will do πŸ˜… although in all honesty I miss Ronn. His delivery may have been wooden, but his speech was coherent and he could speak with his eyes ❤️

    12. And Liam is a wild card, always has been and I'm sure he'll do something, I can feel it. It may be with Steffy or not, but he will overreact. There was recently a hilarious article about that πŸ˜‚

    13. I've had thoughts about writing to HT as well. Of course, I will never do that. Lol! Maybe, I just need to give KA some more time. Or maybe, if they decide to write a brand new storyline for her, without Ridge, she can make it her own and I can finally support her.

      Oh boy. What a doofus! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    14. Elle I believe Krista has a lot to offer if they unchain her from Ridge, Brooke and at least a little from FC. I wish Deacon would ask her out.

  5. hope and thomas should be together you know or give thomas a girlfriend or something liam deserve no wife back then he was a bad person i hate liam

  6. I wonder if the Hope - Thomas kiss πŸ’‹ is just part of a "romantic" photo shoot since they are in Rome... Of course, Liam will not see it that way!

    1. The way she dove at him, I doubt it! It wasn’t a peck it was a full on snog!! πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

    2. Also, with reservations from Steffy and Brooke, I highly doubt they would agree to having Thomas and Hope do a romantic photo shoot.

  7. Yes I saw that clip I knew Thomas and hope kiss I guess I was right along , not like some people never believed it’ll happen.

    1. Some of us did! I’m not surprised they have been heavily hinting that something happens between them in Rome.

  8. Or Liam could also imagine it was Thomas and hope instead could be another couple , it did look like a dream

    1. Not really. They are in the clothes they are wearing for work. They have been building in the dialogue… Brooke, Steffy even Liam having his terrible intuition etc. I don’t think it’s a dream or fantasy. Liam is thinking about surprising Hope and none of her fantasies feature Liam as a voyeur.

  9. Let us hope that Thomas left his favorite mannequin at home... πŸ₯΄

  10. I wish everyone would wait until things actually happen, instead of commenting about clips they saw elsewhere. Some of us want to be shocked and surprised. 😲😒😭😳

    1. Yes so true forever 36 , it’s not fair saying what’s going on to everyone on here , it’ll spoil the show , so please keep it to your selves from now on

    2. The clip is all over CBS and social media though. Hard not to talk about it.

  11. In real life, Scott Clifton (Liam) has split from his wife & Annika Noelle (Hope) has split from her fiancee. Hmm...

  12. I truly hope Liam does get kicked to the kerb! It`s what he deserves and it would drive him crazy with jealousy...then he can feel what it`s like when the shoe is on the other foot! He has played Hope and Steffy for years.
    I would love to see Hope with someone else...Thomas could be a good option...anyone other than Liam.
    I feel as if Brooke is being like this just to have payback on Taylor. Get him back and then kick him out of your life, that would be hilarious. Payback is a bitch!
    Steffy is such a busy body...she minds everyone`s business but her own! Your own marriage is looking a bit shaky, work on that and keep that nose of yours out of everyone else`s life. Last time I saw her with her husband he didn`t appear that thrilled with her, he didn`t appear to like the person he was seeing. He`s certainly not flying off to be with her.

    1. I keep hearing everyone talking about Finn not being happy with Steffy. When did that happen? Am I missing something?

      I want Liam to be kicked to the curb as well. He has really been unfair to Hope despite everything she has done to make him feel secure. She has been making time for him, telling him over and over that he is the only one for her and that she does not want to lose what they have. If they do split, Liam will blame Thomas, for sure, but I also hope that he sees how his actions pushed Hope away. He should have some regret for the way he handled things.

    2. G'morning Elle. There have been a few times Finn has given Steffy an eye role or disgusted look when she was going on about Liam and Hope. Almost like he is seeing a side to her he doesn't like. Nothing really concrete.
      Didn't get to see this yesterday but judging by Renee's post and others it was a sleeper. Like you say it will drag out until Friday. It's probably going to take a few days for Liam to find a flight. Maybe the "big" romance to start will be Steffy and Liam, he will find solace in Steffy when he sees Hope and Thomas and then bam she's pregnant, Finn finds out and leaves her. They have to write him out of the show right?

    3. Hi D! I really hope they do not go down that Liam/Steffy road again.

      Regarding Finn, I remember the episode where Steffy told him that she told Liam about Hope's possible feelings for Thomas and yes, Finn looked at her in disbelief that she actually told Liam. However, I hadn't seen anything else since then. Maybe I haven't been paying attention. And even if Finn did feel some way about Steffy telling Liam, Hope will prove her right pretty soon. I don't think there would be a reason for him to continue being upset with Steffy when he realizes that she was right all along.

  13. Liam goes to Rome he's either going to hear something or see something that he doesn't like between his wife and Thomas

  14. Carter lecturing Ridge about a possible romance with Brooke? What a joke! Would have thought Carter lost all credibility in the romance department after he slept with the boss's wife lol

    1. Then slept with his friend's girl who is so much younger than him. I think Carter is just desperate to be in a relationship. It doesn't matter with who.
