Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-15-23 Full episode B&B 15th June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-15-23 Full episode B&B 15th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Too weasily for a young guy to even think about his parents relationship. That would be gross to a young man, (((shudder))) at the thought.

    1. Oh dear Lord...the's not real life...find a hobby 🙄

  2. Thanks Bob ❤️ let's wait for the hateful comments from other bored housewives regarding people's clothing 🙄

  3. So it looks like Liam has found new place to get his whine. I think Hope should discuss with Liam the possibility of her just sleeping with Thomas one time. Just to get it out of her system. Only then will she be able to stop obsessing about it. He might turn out to be terrible in bed. Then that will end the obsession.

  4. @Unknown🫏 - (here in 🇨🇦 we have another name for a donkey). I'm going to remane you that. There is one Unknown here that is sensible and has interesting comments.

  5. Wow Steffy that was really a low blow. You're sounding like you're really enjoying the trouble Liam and Hope are having and not because you're looking out for Thomas. Today and tomorrow will probably be 😴.

    1. Agreed D. Before Hope even said anything, I was like "what business is that of yours, Steffy?" Here she is trying to get Liam to stop obsessing about Thomas but she's just as bad obssessing about Hope and how she feels about Thomas.

    2. D, Elle, totally agree with you!! That was way out of line!! Steffy is going too far there..I don’t blame Hope being upset and standing her ground!! But I am happy that Steffy said what she did to Ridge!! And that’s exactly how it should be.. They are all adults now, they need to respect their parents decisions a lot more, even if they don’t agree.. It’s not up to them to decide what makes their parents happy, just support them no matter what or who they choose!! Proud of her maturity in that aspect today..

    3. I was proud of her too. She has finally come to the realization that her parents are the only ones responsible for their happiness.

  6. Sounds like someone has a little crush on RJ.💕

  7. Wow Steffy is such a b**ch. She constantly pokes her nose where it doesn't belong stirring up trouble then acts all innocent like she is doing it for the greater good.

    Questioning Hope about her marriage? Sounds like she is spying to see if Liam and Hope's marriage is failing so she can divorce Finn and go swooping in.

    Then telling her father to be happy and live a little, when she played a major role in ending his marriage to Brooke, hence him being unhappy now. Everyone blames Thomas when Stuffy is just as much to blame.

    1. Indeed
      And she asked hope in front of thomas
      But oh all i care is my brother progress
      So why thomas needs to know if hope’s marriage is falling apart ??
      And she only see what hope is doing but not what thomas is doing
      The touching or the praising all the time and the staring

    2. Ermm, what major role did Steffy play in Ridge and Brooke's marriage ending?

    3. I guess interfering is still major
      Answering her father’s phone and hide it
      And hacked somebody’s home CCTV system to spy on them is a pretty major
      But sure its not like calling CPS on herself which is maybe not major i guess since thomas is the who did it and it was brook’s fault originally anyway

    4. Mmysh I see more one sided on this. It was Hope giving him all the longing starring looks, hand holding and praises first, too a point Thomas even said "No it can't be". Where is the hypocrisy?

    5. Its not a matter of who is doing it first
      But he still doing it
      nd a Massage really 😂😂😂
      And yeah it’s hypocrisy of steffy only seeing that like hope is the only one who is doing it
      you are free not to see it that way
      But its true

    6. So how about this? Steffy played a MAJOR role in her father finding out what led to his marriage falling apart. Or even better, Ridge played a major role in his own marriage falling apart.

    7. Oh well, well, surprise, surprise!! so it seems Brooke can “kiss” Ridge on the lips while entered into a pact, and run her hands all over Ridges shoulders, arms, chest and caress his face, looking at him with her bedroom eyes, teasing and flirting with him while dressed in sexy lingerie, and holding him in her arms, “hugging” him “goodnight” after winding him up, and still while under a pact, BUT, Thomas, cannot put his hand on Hopes elbow and ask her if everything is ok??? We heard that it was such an over reaction when Hope was holding Thomas hands and caressing his hands, telling him thank you for seeing me, BUT, Thomas can’t put a hand on Hopes elbow and ask if she is ok?? Well if that ain’t hypocrisy, sure as hell don’t know what is!! And Brooke, look at you trashing Thomas already!! How about you tell Ridge “you” have been “watching” him and Hope, only to discover, Thomas is not the issue this time!! How about you start there!! You don’t mind the “press” watching u closely, so it’s splashed accross the whole world, just so it can really stick it to Taylor, but Thomas glances your way and it’s a huge deal?? Come on, find me a break!! Hippo, hippo!! 🤣🤣🤣

    8. Oh colly i will not engage with you
      So please don’t reply to me comment
      Because if i answer your bullying you will start playing the victim and start to preach things you don’t practice
      Its boring for me
      But its good for others to see

    9. Elle yeah since you support thomas 1000 % even in murder 😂 so why waste time in discussion
      We have better things to do 🥱

    10. D, Elle, spot on ladies!! Yes, let’s blame EVERYTHING on Steffy, even when it’s not her doing.. I distinctly remember much praise going to Steffy for telling Ridge what Thomas did, and I distinctly remember Ridge running straight to Taylor and even going to the lengths of losing to Taylor , telling her Brooke did nothing wrong, and that’s not why he wants to be with her?? It was purely because he realised he wanted to spend his life with Taylor, but , oh, that’s on Steffy too! 🤣🤣🤣 but having said that, I think Steffy was way out of line today.. I understand her concerns for Thomas, but it’s not her business what happened with Liam.. She has already had her say to Hope and told Hope she will keep an eye out , that should be it, unless something happens, then say something else.. Don’t turn into a Liam..

    11. Meant *lieing not losing..

    12. "Elle yeah since you support thomas 1000 % even in murder 😂 so why waste time in discussion
      We have better things to do 🥱"

      And what does this have to do with what was being discussed? Mmysh, if you don't have anything further to discuss, just say so. Why do you always choose to insult? It's getting really really really old.

    13. Colly, did you notice how Ridge rolled his eyes at Brooke when she started talking about Thomas and "everything he has put us through?" Ridge is not going to stand for Brooke's constant bashing of his son if she continues to go on and on about it or tries to blame him if anything happens between him and Hope. Especially, if he finds out that Brooke knew all along that Hope is the one that has feelings for Thomas.

    14. Mmysh that was totally uncalled for. There was no bullying in Colly's comment. So stop now with the bullying and victim you like to use a lot. I find it hypocritical above you say you will not engage with her comments but then there ^ it is.

    15. Elle I saw that little eye roll too. I think he will eventually find out. Haven't seen every episode lately but Taylor hasn't had a chance to say everything to Ridge about why the friendship was jeopardized. He's only heard Brooke's side. sorry some comments about might be out of order. Had to wait awhile to be approved.

    16. D, Mmysh thrives on these low-key insults when she has nothing else to contribute or is unable to defend her position. She will always go back to Thomas the psycho-murderer or Taylor's long list of male conquests. As I said above, it's getting really old.

    17. 😂😂😂😂 as i said 😂😂😂😂
      How pathetic

    18. D, Elle, all I have to say, is with all of the laughing emoji’s , I think Mmysh is the happiest person I know 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    19. 😂😂😂😂 thank god for his blessing always
      But yeah just you guys proving that what i said is right makes me more happy 😃

    20. Yes Elle, I noticed that eye roll.. The thing is, I don’t think Brooke knows that Steffy has also picked up about Hopes feelings, and that she confided in her father about it.. Also, Taylor also hasn’t told him what happened when Hope said those things to try and appease Brooks.. So if she continues to question Thomas’s credibility, or try to turn things around on him if Hope caves to her feelings, then Ridge will not be happy at all.. Ridge already knows from Steffy about Hopes feelings, but I don’t think Brooke knows he knows, or that Steffy herself has the same concerns as Brooke.. So she will shot herself in the foot if she tries discredit Thomas when it’s Hope this time!! And it’s clearly really bothering her that Ridge won’t call her “Logan” anymore!! She is under the impression the reason is because he is “trying to protect her” 🤣🤣🤣 He has never done that before, so it’s got her really worried.. 🤣🤣🤣

    21. D, it hasn’t showed Taylor tell him what happened when Hope said those horrible things.. So far, as far as I have seen, he only knows what Steffy told him about her concerns about Hopex feelings for Thomas??

  8. Steffi is blatantly harassing Hope. Enough already. It's beyond moronically repetitive scripts now. Funny how Liam and Steffi are the only ones actually manifesting this affair between Hope and Thomas.

    1. Funny how Brooke has been saying the same things to Hope but she is a paragon of motherhood for her concern. And blaming Thomas for Hope’s feelings!

    2. 👏👏👏 Bbfan and Elle to the comment above.

    3. Well said BB!! Brooke is so worried, because she herself has been there too many times to count!! She knows exactly what’s happening here.. It may not be an actual “physical” affair, but it is definitely an emotional affair, and no one can dispute that.. She is daydreaming of having sex with Thomas, and her heart is racing, she is picturing Thomas running his hands over her in fitting and how much it makes her heart race, and picturing Thomas while having sex with her husband.. That is an emotional affair, and anyone who denies that, is just fooling themselves.. Picturing “someone else” while you are having sex with your “husband” is NOT “confusion”!!! You can’t do that and think to yourself , oh, I must have confused my husbands face and body and touch and thoughts with Thomas, oopsie, I just got confused?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. But I completely agree in regards to Steffy’s constant rants to Hope.. She has told Hope what she see’s and what she feels, and that she will keep an eye out, and that should be the end of it!! Unless something happens, then say something, but leave it alone otherwise.. ALL the actors on this show must be so tired of the repetitive lines that they no longer need to memorise!! Their brains must numb, cause they certainly aren’t learning any new dialogue.. it’s just fillers and laziness.. they can’t come up with much that is actually interesting or “new” for that mater, that hasn’t been recycled a million times, so when they actually do, they have to space it right out between the rare events that r new!!

    5. Brava BBFan! From the first time that Brooke spoke about Hope not liking bad boys, she started manifesting that affair between her daughter and Thomas.

  9. Hi Bob could it be that 2 mins or so are missing? Thanks ❤️

    1. At the very beginning, 2 minutes were missing, but now here is the full version of the video.

    2. Thank you Bob ☺️ I’ll never understand how you manage to do it right every time!

  10. They love playing Hope's little porn fantasy scene! 😂😂

  11. Boring show today.

    Good on Deacon though, for trying to talk Liam off of the ledge.

    1. Lol yes Deacon tried, but no good trying to talk to someone when they have had a few bourbons.

    2. D, I couldn't believe Liam was drowning his sorrows in bourbon. He's really a drama queen.

    3. That he is.😅 He is a good actor though and lately he seems to be throwing in a little dry sense of humor with what he has to work with.

    4. U can say that again!! Pun intended!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. You caught that one. 😊😉

  12. BOB, says video has been removed.

  13. Bob. Not sure how blogs work. Is there not a way you can block the IP address? I know you can on some sites. Thank you for what you do and your patience. It is appreciated. ❣️

  14. Seems like not only Eric is a Bridge champion, Carter too ☺️

    Hehe "I told them extra vegan" was a good line 😂 I'm still curious if Liam will take the daddy jet to fly across the world alone. He has good introspection moments. "That's on me" - it is. "Hope needs from me, not just faith but faith in her decision to work with Thomas." Good points of Deacon too.

    I can't believe it must be said, but no Thomas, you can't give Hope a massage 😅 the first one was inappropriate enough.

    Wow Steffy 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ can you BE more obvious? And why can't she just make less clichéd bitch faces? Even when she (probably) doesn't mean to be nasty, those faces and that tone make her unlikeable.

    RJ is adorable, give him a storyline you lazy asses.

    1. Indeed milla im with you in what you said
      I loved how deacon react
      I guess izs the first time someone listened to liam like actually listening
      Yeah liam is whining but also hope is not listening to him
      The position liam is in is not easy
      I don’t blame him
      Yes he is not handling it right
      But he has all the right not to trust thomas

    2. Yes Mmysh. Liam is in a tough spot and I've always said I don't believe anyone in his place would just let go of all the Thomas angst. Plus his intuition is not wrong - Hope is out for trouble.

    3. Milla, I think Carter is just supportive of his friend being happy. I haven't seen or heard anything from him that suggests that he would not be just as happy for Ridge if things worked out between him and Taylor. We know for sure that Eric favors Brooke over Taylor but I haven't heard anything really from Carter regarding comparison between the 2 ladies. At least, none that I can remember.

      Regarding Liam, he said what he knows is the right thing, and then followed it with a but.... I don't think he is invested in doing the right thing where his wife is concerned. I think he fully wants her to kowtow to his demands about Thomas.

      Liam is not at all willing to give Thomas a chance because he has said that it's the same thing that Thomas does over and over and it ends up the say way, with Hope being hurt. The thing is though that Liam has also said that everyone is saying that Thomas has changed and this is different than before. Steffy was not convinced that her brother had changed the last time, neither was Taylor. Matter of fact, Ridge was the only one (other than Hope) that was going all out that his son was a better person. I think the fact that Liam can admit that EVERYONE has seen changes in Thomas should be a clue to him that maybe he should see what all the hype is about.

    4. Indeed milla she is out for trouble
      I really still don’t understand how she could even think about him that way
      And even if we move all the things he’s done to her and her family
      the fact that he was old enough to bounce her on his knee when she was a toddler gives an almost ‘Predator’ Vibe.
      And the picture is still in some family photo albums for sure 😂
      Its sick and disgusting 🤮🤮
      Logically of course but logic who when it comes to thomas right 😂😂😂

  15. RJ is the most boring actor how can u say he’s adorable, he’s so boring he has to go asap

  16. I'm with Milla...RJ is adorable and should have a storyline. His role is boring, not he...
    Speaking of boring, what's with the repetitive lines?? Terrible script! If they say that Rome is romantic one more time...😴

    1. RG absolutely! And about the script- it’s a pain we all have to suffer for this show 😅🙈 nobody can understand what happened there.
      PS don’t feed the trolls 🧌 😅

    2. Milla - yes!!! Even I have stopped feeding the 🧌 🧌!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. I like RJ too! Hopefully he does get a storyline of his own. I love how he admires Eric so much!

    4. Yes I love that too! ❤️ and it's obv Eric has a soft spot for him. Who knows maybe he will inspire him to try designing.

    5. Yeah RJ is sweet and more mature than his like min 15 years older siblings 😂😂😂

    6. I'm waiting for RJ and Paris to meet. I'm curious to see if there is any chemistry there. I have always said that they should bring back RJ and Will and throw Paris in with them since they are more in her age bracket. If they create storylines around their age group, she might be a little less annoying.

    7. Btw Elle it’s very weird that Paris is the only young(er) lady on the show… there should be more, so that there’s at least some intrigue. And to have good representation of all three generations 😀
      When I say young, I realize she was engaged to Carter who was sleeping with Quinn who was married to Eric, so the generational lines were sometimes awkwardly blurred 🙈

    8. No she is not that young like will or rj

    9. It won’t stop her to go after them Mmysh 😅🙈

    10. When she came to the show, they said she was fresh out of college with a fancy degree in social work. Will might be a little younger since he is still at boarding school (I'm assuming) but RJ should definitely be around her age since he also finished college.

    11. Indeed Milla, they should start building that younger generation right about now. Ridge, Brooke and Taylor will not be around forever and Liam, Hope, Steffy and Thomas will take their places. So, they should have that younger generation around and being in storylines.

    12. Exactly Elle. Remember the times when Stephanie/Eric had storylines, Brooke/Taylor/Ridge had storylines, Bridget/Rick had storylines and Steffy/Hope/Liam too? When did the show become so poor 😅

    13. Ah Milla. Those were the good old days! The days when the show could have paid a full cast and then some. When they had sets for Big Bear, the steam room at FC, Eric's kitchen, Brooke's kitchen, runways, competing fashion houses, bedroom scenes etc. etc. There were multiple storylines all happening together. I miss that.

      At the very least, they can give RJ a proper storyline. He is so adamant that he did not return to get embroiled in any family drama, so they should give him some drama of his own. Throw him in with Zende and Paris. He and Paris can come become besties who are really close, with Zende showing signs of jealousy of all the time they are spending together. Then, just when Paris starts to fall for RJ, he asks her if she and Zende are a thing. And when she says no (because we know she's always quick to throw poor Zende under the bus in favor of someone else), he decides to approach Zende to tell him how he feels, leaving Paris out in the cold. Lmao!

    14. Ahhh now that sounds like a storyline!! I'd like to watch that! But do you think they would go this way considering the two are sorta cousins? 🤔 although it's not like those lines haven't been crossed before.

  17. Steffy is so incredibly rude and condescending when she speaks to Hope. What a snarky bitch she is!!
    But I will give Steffy credit for telling Ridge that she will no longer interfere in his love life and he should do whatever truly makes him happy. That was very mature of her and exactly what she should have been saying all along. So good job, Steffy for that comment!

    Milla, OMG - has Thomas somehow lost all common sense since he turned into this “good guy”??? Seems like his brain left his body when his evil side left. In what alternate reality would it be OK that he give Hope a neck massage?? Idiot!!!! Either that, or he really is starting to believe Hope has feelings for him and these are his subtle ways of reeling her in?? There’s nothing more annoying than a guy who is totally naive!

    1. Lynn I thought the exact same thing about Steffy when she said she won't meddle in her dad's love life. I believe she means it. Plus there's only so many relatives she can pester and watch while working and raising a family. Girl's gotta sleep 😂
      Ah and Thomas offering to give the massage in front of everyone was actually hilarious to me when I imagined it and the looks on everyone's faces. Why not open a table and light a candle while he at it? 😅

    2. No lynn that was bery gentle of him not the other way around

    3. Oh milla 😂😂 thats hilarious
      And steffy was so close btw
      Imagine if she heard them
      And knew about that massage
      I guess she will turn to hope with this movement she does with her head and her eyebrows will be up and her lips
      Then so hope how dare you ask my brother for a massage 😂😂😂😂

    4. Lynn thomas is far far from naive
      Or maybe the change itself
      Let us wait and see

    5. Yes I’m so glad steffy said no more meddling in ridges life , good one steffy

    6. Hey lynn check this out
      We can’t attach a photo here
      Its a part of an interview with Annika N
      She is saying what you have been saying i guess
      But what she knows, some knows better than the actors themselves
      Or mostly B&B told her to day that 🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤣

      BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL Hope Is On Edge
      Hope arrives in Rome and tries to stay focused on her work, not her complicated dynamics with Thomas and Liam. "She certainly wanted Liam there," sighs Annika Noelle (Hope). "Hope is desperately fighting for her relationship and is looking for support and reassurance. And unfortunately I don't think she gets that going into this trip."

      As Hope and Thomas work on the Hope For The Future showing, Hope still can't express her feelings to him. "She doesn't understand them herself," notes Noelle. "She knows she loves Liam and wants her life and family with him, but at the same time, she is having these inappropriate feelings for Thomas and she can't reconcile the two."

      The showing is a big hit for the pair. "She is over the moon," the actress relays. "They both have been working so hard to make it a success, even when it was to the detriment of their personal lives, but now it is paying off in a major way. Now that they can relax and breathe a little with the success of HFTF, they go and explore the beautiful city of Rome and get swept away in the sights."

    7. Yup which is exactly why CBS released a reel of Hope grabbing Thomas and passionately kissing him as Liam watches!

  18. Just remember Hope is a logan Steffy is right to call out Hope Thomas deserves happiness and success sadly doomed to become logan fodder.
    Thank you Bob xxxx
