Monday, March 20, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-20-23 Full episode B&B 20th March 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-20-23 Full episode B&B 20th March 2023


  1. Bill and Samurai Sam are hilarious together 😂 😂. Loved it. Hope they keep that up after the sting is over.

    1. 😂🤣😂 Me too. Those two are so hysterical together. I think Bill needs to put a ring in her finger to get her confidence. He pretend that’s why he’s been acting oddly.

      Best be getting that speech ready for the academy 😂🤣😂🏆

    2. 😆 🤣 really good one liners between them.

    3. Bbfan i think bill will propose too

    4. @Mmysh There is rumor talks of that happening, we shall see.

    5. @D Oh I laugh with that Samurai Sam line that was too funny. 😂🤣😂🤣 and then there was the part Ridge said about him sitting there growing his hair, but Bill's line was the best.

    6. "Samurai Sam" 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂

    7. Loving the banter between Samurai Sam and the Stallion!!! Those two actually play off each other very well.

  2. Poor Stallion. That vile woman in his bed every night. He hates her so much yet he still gets it up every night. 🙄😉🤣

    1. 😂😂😂😂 that’s hilarious

    2. I agree; Bill denounces Sheila but managed to do "IT" every night. Sheila would always have suspicions and it doesn't make sense for her to risk it all in Bill's house talking to Deacon.

  3. The only bit about this episode that advanced the story was the showing of how Bill and Sheila actually started. All the rest was just filling 🤦🏻‍♀️
    Still no satisfying explanation what the heck Ridge is doing there. There's not enough work for the FBI guy, let alone for Ridge, he's just sitting there, eating hotdogs and indeed growing hair 😂 I still believe they should have enlisted Deacon instead. I'm pretty sure she said not once to him that she shot Steffy and Finn, he could make her admit the rest too.

    1. I still think Deacon is in on this Milla by harboring Sheila and setting up the romance part.. I'm sure Bill would have said bar boy would be going to prison as well by now if Deacon has no part in this.

    2. D that makes sense but also we don't know if Bill knows Deacon was harboring her. He only said he saw her with her getup at IG.

    3. True but would explain while Sheila was with him, half the time he couldn't wait to get rid of her and now he's all of a sudden madly in love with her? That's what I'm hoping. I'm going to be really disappointed in him if it turns out he's not part of this set up. 😕

    4. To me the only explanation of that sudden attraction, is that once he thinks Bill's got her, that made her so irresistible to Deacon. Plus, see it that way - we already thought he was stupid enough to harbor her and made our peace with it. If it turns out he wasn't, let it be a bonus 😅

    5. This episode got me more certain that deacon is with them

    6. Then there's the invite to his grand opening. I can't see him taking the chance with his relationship with Hope to have Sheila there unless that's where the sting will go down. Come on Milla work with me 🫠. I have hope for Deacon.

    7. @ D There has been talk about various things that could be happening at the "Grand Opening" that night. One problem for Deacon is that he thought he really erased Sheila footage off the security camera, one thing he doesn't know is that the "Hot Dog Detective" guy (forgot his name) was able to re-salvage the video. He going to be concern about whether or not he will be in trouble for once hiding Sheila as a fugitive, look at him now Sheila is getting him nervous.

    8. Hahah D of course for your sake I hope you're right 🤗 Just don't want you to be disappointed. I'd be so happy if he one day also sits across her at a jail and tells her she brought it all on herself.

    9. I just can’t see Deacon risking his relationship with Hope, Beth, Brooke even getting on with Liam etc. He’s fought so hard to have a place in his daughter’s life and family. Would he really just throw it away for Sheila??

    10. BBfan that's what I'm thinking. He has to be in on this. Fingers crossed 🤞

    11. YES, Deacon is in on it … Ridge and Bill are the ‘investors’ he has to answer to.

    12. But if he's in knit why not do anything in his power to get her to talk like Bill? He's doing the exact opposite now - trying to get her to leave him alone.

  4. Good episode and it's great to see Bill and Ridge talking. Now the authors are starting to work things out.
    Question.. Will Deacon go to jail??

    1. Sadly I guess he won't 😅 he always manages to escape responsibility and if nobody mentions he's been harboring her, he hasn't really committed any crime apart from that.

  5. I think she pused someone off a cliff in b and b . did kill someone in y and r

  6. I also think Deacon is with Ridge and Bill.

  7. It would have been funny if $Bill had made reference to the dressmaker's hair. Not sure if Ridge is sporting a man-bun or a stubby ponytail. 😳

  8. The first 90% of the dialogue wasn’t even necessary. Waste of time.
    I don’t understand why Sheila would have risked exposing herself to Bill in the first place?? So she follows him to the beach and takes off her joke of a disguise. She wasn’t even wearing her ridiculous mask. What made her think that if she revealed herself to Bill, he wouldn’t strangle her right then and there?? Or overpower her and take her straight to the police station?? That made no sense.

    1. Exactly. Typical case of "create a sensation first, worry about logic later or not at all". They just wanted us to be shocked Bill was working with FBI plus with Ridge, to hell with how they got there. And throwing the needless dialogue inbetween. Really it looked like the two actors had no idea how to fill the time and just improvised on the spot 😂🙈

    2. It's a soap. A lot doesn't make logical sense. The first 90% of the dialogue was hilarious, better than what's been on the past 3-4 months. If it was improvised on the spot it was good acting . 😆🙈

    3. Oh Milla, just when we finally had a good plot twist, they go and make it lame again! Lol
      I think Ridge looks like a homeless person. And what is keeping him from cleaning himself up? I guess where ever they are, they don’t have anyone who can give him a haircut. Bill is right tho, his job is WAAAAY harder than Ridge’s. Lol.

    4. D - we have to apply some logical sense to things or why even have this blog where we make comments? It’s not some alien Sci-Fi we are talking about here.
      The first 90% of the show just told us what we already figured out by watching Wednesday’s episode. They will drag this out for as long as they can, just like they do everything else. Todays episode was a huge letdown.

    5. I’d like to know what Ridge has actually been doing. What is his part in this plan?? They are partners and he’s “working hard” doing what?? Noshing on takeaway and growing out his hair?? I do like the longer length on him gives him a bad lad vibe. There has to be more to the story. Some reason Ridge needed to be away etc.

      I have to think Deacon is in on this too. Between him and Bill get Sheila to admit something.

      I am concerned Bill feels like he has to sleep with her; however, one of the main motivators that security services use to turn people is passion. Money clearly hasn’t worked.

      I had to laugh at Ridge saying his family would throw him a party.

      I guess we known why he’s kept silent so often… he was resisting temptation to say how much he hates Sheila lol. I think he is more Cross they are all believing he would fall for Sheila lol.

    6. So the judge Bill bribed is on the plan too?? This whole FBI thing is entrapment. Bill isn’t an FBI agent .

    7. BBFAN, Lol. I agree…Ridge just seems to be noshing on takeout and growing his hair long. Pretty much nothing else. Seriously, what purpose does he serve?? Bill is doing all the work. And the real FBI person who is in the room with Ridge is doing all the surveillance.
      And like you stated….Bill’s self-esteem has taken a hit by everyone thinking he has fallen for the she-devil. Admittedly, that would be humiliating. 😂😂😂

  9. Replies
    1. Bill calls Ridge Samurai Sam… 4:47 … “…save it Samurai Sam” lol he was using alliteration there @Joe . Also making a clever quip slagging off Ridge’s hair heheh that wee ponytail. He needs to grow it just a wee bit longer.

  10. Interesting! I hope Deacon is also in on this with Ridge and Bill.

  11. Bob can u please fix 3/21 please I'm trynna catch up ..I'm like 3 weeks behind 🥺
