Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. 😴 no comment, easy to see where this is going.
    But, ummm did Carter lose Beth somewhere in the building?

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Lmao. I wondered the same thing. 😂 😂

    3. Well Elle, I guess it's something the writers overlooked, or Carter would be a terrible Dad?😄

    4. 🤣🤣🤣 I was thinking the same 🤣🤣

    5. I had to laugh at Brooke’s face , when Steffy said she doesn’t remember Brooke respecting her mothers marriage🤣🤣🤣 It was like, how dare you say that 🤣🤣🤣

    6. D, did you see my reply to your comment about the commercial? I posted a link to one of the milk/chocolate commercials, I can totally see Hope and Carter replacing the cartoon characters :)

    7. Lol, I think she is behind the camera directing the rest of the show😂

  2. Hypocrite Bell now changing Liam to regret Hope when it obvious he would drop Hope if Finn wasnt around
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  3. Brooke, you arrogant woman, don't make this up, the woman Ridge is most devoted to is Steffy, because she's Taylor's daughter. :D

  4. Inconvenient truth for Brooke fans - she's destroyed so many families, relationships and women, so her constant argument "you have to respect my relationship!!!" doesn't work on Taylor, Steffy or anyone. :)

    1. @Dodzia 100% correct, hypocrite HOgan is now VERY insecure and jealous and blaming Steffy...typical victim role playing from HOgan's side......she just doesn't stop and will NEVER change! I LOVE when Steffy tells her the truth to her face then the HOgan lovers call Steffy a bitch when she does....the irony on it all...lmfao :) HOgan is either going to run to Billy boy or Eric, that kiss the day before with Eric was rather concerning.....but let's see......HOgan will destroy her OWN relationship with Ridge then HOgan will blame Steffy and Taylor like she ALWAYS does....bwaahaahaa

  5. Stephanie in 2002 episode after Brooke and Deacon's affair said it perfectly to Brooke: oh shut up you little whiner. :D

  6. Lope is like the new Bridge - a dysfunctional relationship, constant breakups, disrespect for women, betrayals, breaking up for no reason.

  7. Brooke, you arrogant woman, don't make this up, the woman Ridge is most devoted to is Steffy, because she's Taylor's daughter. :D

    1. Dodzia, I agree with some of your comments, especially about toxic relationships and history repeating itself. But his devotion to his daughter has nothing to do with who the mother is.

  8. I know Ridge and Taylor have history and children, but he should not be her only confidant and shoulder to cry/lean on. She should tell her children about her condition, or go find a support group. She's not being fair to Ridge asking him to keep this secret from Brooke and Steffy. He sees them both every day. That's a big burden.

    1. I think alot of it is embarrassment. Given the past history, everyone is going to see it as Ridge is the cause of BHS, which is BS. She has been through alot of stress in her life. But you can see how others would take it.

    2. I think Taylor is being a bit selfish and is actually enjoying having this thing between her and Ridge. It gives her an excuse to call on him knowing he'll come running.

    3. D, Taylor ruled out stress as the cause today. She told Ridge that she hasn't had any kind of trauma or stress lately and was confused about what is causing the BHS.

    4. No she hasn't been under any stress lately. But the stress she has endured over time can take a toll on the body. I think thats what the Doc. was trying to explain but she assumes everyone is going to see it as Ridge is the cause.

    5. Elle, I don’t think it’s that, I think she doesn’t want to put anymore stress on Steffy especially, because of everything she has been through, and of course she doesn’t want Brooke to know for obvious reasons.. She didn’t even want Ridge to know either but she passed out in front of him.. So I don’t believe that she is enjoying it.. I think she is just relieved to have someone there for her, because she has been dealing with it alone for so long.. it’s a syndrome that almost doesn’t seem real, and the name makes it sound worse, and she may be worried people are going to assume the wrong thing.. And regardless if she hasn’t had stress recently, it could be a build of everything she has been through in the past, coming to the forefront.. Especially if she is in a midlife crises, which it sounds like she is based on her comment of not knowing where she fits..

    6. Agree with all the comments, Taylor is actually embarrassed that she didn't recognize her own signs.

    7. Colly, Taylor is not dying and, in as much as Ridge already knows, I don't see any real reason for Taylor to keep this from her family. She needs as much love and support as she can get right now. I think Taylor likes the fact that there is something that only she and Ridge share, and she wants to hold on to that for as long as she can. And I'm not saying that she is going after Ridge, just that it probably feels nice to have something that only the two of them share. And while it's not totally inappropriate, she has to remember that Ridge is in a committed relationship where it would make him feel uncomfortable to keep secrets from Brooke.

    8. I understand what your saying Elle, and I agree to an extent.. But if you were Taylor, would you want Brooke, of all people to know?? Every man and his dog will know about it, and then Brooke will accuse her of using it to get Ridge, which is not the case, at least , not at the moment.. I think Steffy and Thomas should know.. I agree Ridge is in a tough position, and Taylor should recognise that, and allow him to at least tell Brooke that Taylor has a serious medical issue that he is supporting her through it.. Come to a compromise of sorts..

    9. "Every man and his dog will know." 😂 😂 😂 😂

      If Taylor's broken heart is indeed a cause of stress and other emotional traumas, then she should let her children know and let them be there for her. I think it has a lot to do with Ridge though. I keep going back to her passing out after seeing him with Brooke. Seems, it was a trigger.

    10. 🤣🤣🤣, it’s an Aussie saying for those who love to tell everyone , everyone else’s business!! And we know that’s what Brooke does!! Ridge is definitely a part of it, for sure!! But she has been through many emotional and physical traumas too, and like Grace said, it’s not always one thing, it can be many things, and if they are not dealt with, they compound on top of each other, until the mind and body says, nope, can’t deal with this anymore, and boom, it hits you.. Any emotional pain at all could trigger the physical symptoms.. I believe losing her daughter is the biggest contributor!! But think of everything she has been through, it’s a lot, and some it manifests as PTSD, others it’s this syndrome!! The writers are doing this I think, to start the whole triangle again!! Or with all the revisiting the past, maybe bell jnr is going to try doing it the way his dad did, and re-reverse history again 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe this healer brings them back together again? Like you said, he didn’t answer Steffies question?

    11. I'm thinking so as well. That the writers might be trying to restore what Ridge and Taylor shared in the past. And if this actress playing Taylor has committed to sticking around for some time, we just might see an end to Bridge and a reintroduction to Tridge.

    12. Not sure, but someone posted that she is leaving sometime in November? So I think it’s going to be the same old crap triangle!

  9. The guy, he doesn't give up... He's annoying! Hope doesn't owe you anything! She chose to be free without a little shit like you who loves two women and has another child! You're no longer the first prize at the fair! You're the mistake of their lives for these two women! Hope doesn't have to justify herself anymore! Nor Steffie! Those days are over... NO is NO! Is that really annoying! You're annoying and no you don't have the right to another chance because you're the loser old man!

    Stay single, no woman deserves such an asshole in her life!

    You can take your ex-mother-in-law under before to leave please ! The whore of the valley! Steffie will always defend the interests of her mother and her marriage!

    Being called Hogan is not a privilege but a disgrace!

    1. I was offended for Kelly hearing Liam apologise for her existence! He was married to Steffy for years when she was conceived! Beth is the one born of an affair.

      Good on Hope not falling for Liam’s lies.

      What a joke. He was just telling Will how Steffy is committed to Finn, so it would be Hope he would try for! 🥵🥵🥵

      He acts like he’s been soul searching and just can’t live without Hope. What a tosser, he’s not changed at all!

      Using Beth to try and guilt Hope is disgraceful.

      I hope Carter doesn’t misread what he saw and do something stupid.

    2. Bfan, Liam has always acted as though he is entitled to both women, and who ever he chooses will jump at the chance.. He really does think that highly of himself!

  10. What is up with Brooke kissing her sister’s husband full on the mouth??? His cheek sure but that was disrespectful to Donna and Eric!

    I understand she is affectionate, and we saw that also with Bill. But she, like Ridge is a bit too free with her body with other men.

    They both need to reserve something for their own relationship.

    1. I agree.
      It is also not ok for Ridge to run every time Taylor calls him, that is disrespectful to Brooke, she has no idea what's going on.
      And I am living in the here and now, I don't focus on who has mistreated whom before, or who disrespected someone else's marriage in the past. Everyone on this show is guilty of something, so no one would be deserving of love and loyalty if I went by those standards. The only time the past matters to me is when someone is showing this holier than thou attitude despite being no different.

    2. Bfan, I agree!! I can only imagine if Steffy or Taylor did that with Liam or Ridge, there would be an uproar!! Koyasha, I agree that Brooke should be told that Ridge is supporting Taylor through something that is very personal to her, but you need to remember that he has two families.. Taylor is part of his first family… He is in a very difficult predicament.. But if the tables were turned, he would be there the same way for Brooke.. I understand Taylor not wanting Brooke to know the details, because then all of LA would know about it.. But Ridge should explain to Brooke without the finer details..

    3. Colly, I know that Ridge has two families, and being there for his children 24/7 would be a different story. But they are grown ups, and while he can also still support Taylor, you shouldn't leave your partner standing there like an idiot the second your ex calls. Brooke has no idea what's going on and I don't think she would tell all of LA and their dog :D about it, but you are right, he can leave out the finer details. I have an older half-brother so I know what it is like growing up with a father who has a family with another woman, but Ridge's behavior is nothing like that, it seems extreme to me.

  11. Also, I know she is not dying, but it is still a very serious condition.. If not treated it can kill people.. But I think it’s absolutely right that Brooke is told without the finer details.. It is wrong to put Ridge in that position..

    1. sorry, I didn't see that before responding :) I wish Taylor had someone else to rely on. Let her daughter be there for her, I know Steffy would want to

  12. Taylor where are your friends. I hope this person ridge found to mend your heart is a man. He should have found you another man years ago. You and ridge divorce almost a century ago. You need to stay away from Ridge, stop hugging him. Go fall in love again, please. Ridge is not the solution, he is the problem . Stay away from the course if your illness. You eat too many chops, you will fat, correct? Then stay away from it. Eventually your body will adjust to not craving it, duh. And you call yourself a doctor.
