Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. So Ridge sees HFTF as a continuation of loses for Forrester but Steffy will get slammed again!

    Carter is thinking with his wee brain instead of his logical one 🙄🙄 .

    What integrity? What message? It’s a joke.

    Maybe they can salvage HFTF but how will Carter feel if after all his hard work to save it, Hope goes back to Liam and says Ta very much for saving my Line, cheery bye bye Carter!

    I hope Hope will see that Carter cares enough to put his professional reputation on the line. Liam is all mouth and no trousers.

    I like that he “respects Brooke’s contributions” but Hope “is family “.

    1. Indeed, seems like the CEO agrees but the CO CEO is being blamed, typical Hogan lovers blaming Steffy that Hopeless a failure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Yes, it’s expected for sure! Ridge seemed very annoyed and frustrated at Carters very sudden turn around!! As for the message, yes it is an absolute joke!! She certainly doesn’t live by her message!

    3. BBfan, I agree about what message is HFTF anymore?? she's really not a good example of her line, and Ridge definitely wasn't impressed by Carters whole speech. Both him and Steffy want to see #'s and how much it costs to keep HFTF going.

    4. Agree with everything you said, BBFan! Hope certainly doesn't represent the values upon which her line was first developed. She needs to not just re-brand but start designing clothes for a different target group. She's older now as well.

  2. It was good to see RJ and Zende getting on so well.

    Had to laugh at Will… at least he’s honest about his motives for working at Forrester! We knew Bill would respect his don wanting to ogle models 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    1. I found it was so shallow of him to admit that to his dad. Will is like one of those surfer dudes who just wants to surf through life. I hope they eventually put more depth to him.

    2. Well, Liam and Will are a chip of the ole block. Bill, turned down by Katie, so waiting for Brooke, Liam has no chance with Steffy so going for Hope. Will at least was honest, he wants to play the field.

  3. Carter giving a great speech on saving HFTF.
    More like want to be on Hopegood side . She's not even your girlfriend. Get a grip Carter. And we all know Hope will not stay with Carter. She got her eyes in lots of suitors.
    So just let the company loose more money . Just cut the line. Stop having meetings after meetings. *YAWN
    Hopefully Ridge and Steffy will cut the line!!!!!

  4. Steffy looks and acts like the Evil Queen! She is so jealous, petty, vengeful and bitchy. Pretty much everyone in the meeting was against her. 😂😂😂😂

    1. Jealous of what?? She knows her job as a CEO and what is good for a company, and if that makes her petty and bitchy, welcome to the corporate world. Her Dad agreed with her, and he is the one running the company. And when Carter asked is Eric coming back, loved the way Ridge said NO we are running the company. The only ones that were against Steffy, was Carter (and we know why), her mother (of course) and Zende and RJ are pushing because they want to keep their job. Ridge was not impressed with #'s or what Carter was saying. And do have ask again, what is Steffy jealous about??

    2. D - I have worked in Corporate America my whole adult life, and people don’t behave the way Steffy behaves. She’s a shrew!!!
      The fact that she tries to make Brooke feel small and unimportant every single chance she gets just puts her own insecurities on blast!! And that was before the meeting ever started. 😂😂😂😂
      Mean people are mean because they are unhappy with themselves or their own lives. So Steffy must be a truly miserable person.
      As I said on my post yesterday, I am not going to spend hours going back and forth with people on this blog anymore.
      My comments stand. No need to respond.

    3. Understandable, not many of us have hrs to explain ourselves on the blog either, or go back and forth. I also have worked in Canada (maybe that's the difference) in the corporate world. There were many "shrews", but this is a soap and alot of romantic issues involved. I still don't see what Steffy has to be insecure or jealous about. That was all I asked.

    4. Well since you asked…..I think Steffy is jealous of Brooke. She hates that her dad chooses Brooke over her mom. And Steffy doesn’t like sharing her dad with Brooke. She just straight up resents the hell out of Brooke. And resentment and jealousy go hand in hand. She has acted this way for as long as I’ve watched the show. And since Hope is a Logan, her hate for Hope is just as deep. Steffy seems to feel that the Logans stole the life she was meant to have had with her parents. So Steffy is always angry. And even now into her 40’s she still often acts like a petulant child!

  5. What is Liam doing hanging around the office every day, Taylor can't, Finn can't but Liam can 🤔. Oh Hopeless, blaming Steffy again, God help me I'm SO sick of the HOgan's ALWAYS playing victim. In the LAST meeting it was Carter and Ridge who wanted to cut your line but you are dropping your knickers for the very man who said your numbers were down and it wasn't profitable 🤣🤣🤣 now you blame Steffy, typical ‼️ Maybe if you did some actual work your line would improve but you are too busy using your libido like mamma HOgan🤣 Hopeless is a B with an itch and she's using Carter...oh Carter, surely you're a lot smarter🤣🤣🤣 so after the meeting Hopeless WILL bed Carter, your mamma trained you well 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

    1. It was actually Carter mostly out of everyone.. He was the one who went to Ridge with figures, and was pushing for it to be axed!! Ridge seemed very perplexed with Carters sudden backflip, even more so than Steffy🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Though Carter was gona start kissing the home wreckers feet lol
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 💋👣💋. 😂. Speaking of feet & home wrecker, what is our favorite 9-toed waitress been doing lately? It would be nice, if there was more than one story. Nothing against Taylor or Hope, but it would be nice to move on from broken heart 💔 syndrome & Hope's struggling line.

    2. Lmao, so agree. This SL is so old and boring. Really miss Sheila and Deacon. Guess they can only afford 4 actors at a time, with a few others just making an appearance.

    3. Renee🤣🤣🤣 yes I miss them too, tad more interesting than lately!

  7. They should just be done with HFTF with all of this back and forth. It has lost its oomph! How long are they going to fight to keep it alive? Let Hope model lingerie or join couture. She can even head the Forrester Foundation since Paris is busy planning her wedding. Or, she can go into retail. She can open her own store which sells FC designs exclusively.

    Liam is like an annoying fly that keeps getting in your way. Hope should get some bug spray and be done with him.

    Carter always makes decisions based on his emotions. When he was with Quinn, he advised Eric to keep Quinn's jewelry line when Eric wanted to get rid of it. When the CPS saga was exposed, he agreed with the family to kick Thomas out of the company even though, business-wise, he knew it was a bad idea - HFTF suffered then too. Now, he's into Hope, and he wants to sink more money into an already sinking ship. That's why Carter should remain single. It seems it's the only time that he makes good decisions.

    1. Elle- I do agree with your Carter comment. This is the set up for Steffy to have a “reason” to have her negative opinion about Hope & Carter. She will say Hope only is after him to save her line. I hope Hope does NOT go back to Liam & uses Carter.

    2. Bravo Elle!! Well it’s always good to have the COO in your pants, oops, I meant pocket!! Ridge didn’t seem impressed with Carters “sudden turnaround”!! Ridge seemed VERY confused and frustrated with Carter!! It hasn’t just lost its oomph, it’s lost its message too!! Hope certainly isn’t living up to the message her line represents that’s for sure!! I really hope that she doesn’t use him, then dump him to keep her line going for someone else!! And you are spot on about Carter making major business decisions based on his emotions.. His pitch in there was like he was in a court room!! 🤣🤣

    3. Kelly, in all honesty, I wouldn’t blame Steffy if she did get upset, based on today!! I truly hope that she doesn’t use Carter, because he would treat Hope like gold!

    4. Very true, Kelly. I did not even think about that regarding Steffy and Carter.

      Colly, Ridge was like "you want us to put more money in a failing line?" or something like that he said. Carter was ready to give HFTF the axe just 3 months ago. Now, it's a different story.

    5. Elle 😂😂, yes. Now he's not thinking with the right head.

  8. I don't mind Carter and Hope getting together, but he should not let his feelings about her influence his honest assessment of how well HFTF is doing. Ridge and Steffy need to set a specific deadline and goal for HFTF. If that goal is not met by the deadline, it needs to end. It's business, not personal.

    1. Agree, but they did that three times now!! Nothing has changed!! And now Carters pitch is to not worry about time, and instead, it’s best to throw a sh#% load of resources and money into it!! Carter was the most adamant last meeting for them to let it go, but he has done a complete backflip now he is interested in Hope.. As Elle said, he has made major business decisions before , based on his emotions..

    2. Forever, that's what they did the last time. Steffy said that she will not get rid of HFTF but she will give them 3 months to turn things around then they would revisit.

      Colly, correct! Not only should they put money in it but, according to Carter, Hope's name is enough. I'm left wondering if the name Hope in HFTF refers to someone else because the name has always been there.

  9. Gotta say.. Sly dog Carter 🤣🤣🤣 It was very sneaky and very disrespectful to Steffy and Ridge, to start off by asking if Eric was coming back as CEO and when Ridge snapped that he and Steffy run this company, he asks if Eric will have a say in this decision!! Wow, he was covering ALL bases!! He knows how weak Eric is when it comes to giving Brooke what she wants, plus doesn’t hurt he is married to a Logan!! Carter should probably stick to being a Lawyer! He is much better at building a case and prosecuting than making major financial business decisions…

    1. Since when does Eric have any say in business decisions?

      And don't get me wrong, if Carter wants to go after Hope, that's fine. I also don't care if HFTF stays or goes. It's his inability to think straight and make sound decisions due to his biasness that gets me. HFTF has been under-performing for a very long time. It's simply good business sense not to put anymore money into it.

    2. That’s my point Elle, Eric hasn’t been involved with the company for a long time, and Carter knows damn well that Ridge and Steffy run the company, it was disrespectful to even ask those questions.. He needs someone that he knows is weak to give in to the Logan’s.. That’s Eric… Ridge is usually weak too, but since Taylor questioned him about not talking to Steffy about big decisions in the company and supporting Steffy in the business, he is now doing the right thing, and being objective, rather than giving in to Brooke!! Carter knows this, so he’s trying to get more people on board that have the most power to make this decision.. Totally agree about his inability to make sound business decisions because he is being bias!! He was ruthless in the last meeting, and it was he who went to Ridge last time about it and saying it should go!! Honestly I don’t care either way either, but Carter needs to be careful.. When they find out his real motives for keeping the line, it could put his position in the company at risk, especially if his ideas don’t work, and they lose millions of dollars.. They are paying millions just in the collaborations for BB, never mind all the other things to promote!! They have already lost so much money, now potentially a lot more!
