Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Had to watch early today. Meh. Steffy almost knows,, it will go on until tomorrow.

  2. Today's episode was pretty good! Glad Brook finally knows now.

  3. Brooke now knows that Ridge planned the entire healing session for Taylor. I can't wait to hear him explain to Brooke tomorrow about what he is doing with his ex-wife!

    1. Brooke confronted both Taylor and Ridge, just as she should have. She didn’t raise her voice at either one of them. She handled it very calmly. I am very happy Brooke confronted Ridge. Now let’s see what the go forward plan is. Brooke will not be played for a fool.
      Steffy talking to Finn about how she would love to see her parents back together…..LMAO! Because of course that’s what Steffy wants! And she couldn’t have cared less that she was giving them her house to use to potentially cheat. Steffy has zero morals / standards. She only cares about people respecting her relationship with Finn, but be damned Brooke’s relationship with Ridge.

    2. That's not fair, Lynn. Ridge asks to use her home for something he has planned for him and her mother and you expected her to say no? Why would she? If my parents asked to use my home, they are welcome anytime. Should Steffy have said that they can only use her home if they're not going to cheat?

    3. Brooke has been 100% clear with Hope that she can not try to interfere in Finn’s and Steffy’s relationship. Brooke has taken it upon herself to bring up the subject countless times to make sure Hope stays the course.
      Steffy is not interested in the same level of faithfulness when it comes to her dad. She’s hoping they get back together. And anything that Steffy can do to help that along, she will be happy to oblige. This is such a blatant example of double standards, but I expect nothing less when it comes to Steffy.

    4. I don't see Steffy trying to interfere in her father's relationship with Brooke. At least, not the way Hope blatantly interfered in her and Finn's marriage. I don't see the comparison at all. Unless you're suggesting that allowing her parents to use her home, Steffy can somehow, telepathically will them to cheat. Steffy didn't set up her parents to be at her home alone together, Ridge came to her. I'm not sure where the double standard is. 🤔 🤔

    5. Again Elle, Brooke was bringing up the fact to Hope that she could not go after Finn. Steffy has done nothing of the kind. All she has done is tell her dad, Finn and her mom that she would like to see her parents back together again. She hasn’t actively plotted YET, but I expect it soon. But either way, she has zero respect for her dad’s relationship with Brooke. And that is the difference. Can you honestly tell me otherwise? That Steffy actually respects her dad’s relationship with Brooke??

    6. I never said she did. Even today, when Finn wondered about whether Brooke knows that Steffy wants her parents back together, Steffy told him that she knows because she told her. I still don't see the double standard. Wishing that your parents reunite versus interfering in another person's relationship by kissing their spouse are 2 very different things. But, we will see how it progresses. If she does become actively involved in getting her parents back together like the last time, then we can have this conversation. As it stands now, Steffy did nothing wrong in telling her dad that he and her mom can use her home.

    7. I think Brooke should give the same level of respect to Steffy’s relationship with Finn as Steffy gives to Brooke’s relationship with Ridge. But the Steffy fans would be in an uproar! 😂😂😂😂
      Maybe Brooke should encourage Hope to spend time with Finn.

    8. Lynn, it’s ridiculous to carry on like this just because Steffy “said” she would love her parents to reunite!! So Brooke should encourage Hope to keep going after Finn just because Steffy “said” she would love her parents to reunite?? That’s childish.. Steffy has said over that she is not going to interfere.. Saying something and acting on it are two VERY different things.. As Elle said, if my parents needed to use my home for anything, I am not going to say no, or give conditions that the must not cheat on Brooke, how absolutely rediculous 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. Lynn, even that logic is flawed because Steffy didn't encourage Ridge to spend time with Taylor or vice versa. Ridge asked to use her home and she simply said yes.

    10. @Lynn, yesterday you said to someone 'how do YOU know what they want' lmfao....so how do YOU know what Steffy wants.....grow up, you are a pain in the arse....just like mamma HOgan...pmfsl :)

    11. @Elle, i think mamma HOgan is in for a shocker, Ridge and Taylor had a massive breakthrough TOGETHER.......he is absolutely giddy about it too...lol..they have a huge connection now and i CANNOT wait to see how this turns out....bwaahaahaa :) Taylor doesn't need a man like mamma HOgan does....lol

    12. Unknown, I noticed when Ridge was telling Eric about the session, he was saying about how they were so connected as one etc, he was in a bit of euphoria, until Eric brought him back down to earth and said now how is Brooke going to take this 🤣🤣🤣 he went from smiling and twinkles in his eyes, to oh man!! You had to ruin it dad! 🤣🤣🤣

    13. Agreed unknown and Colly. Ridge is very invested in Taylor's healing, indeed. It is so apparent and Ridge is being so blatant about it.

      I just don't understand why Taylor and Steffy are being blamed here. The last time, Taylor flirted with Ridge and Thomas and Steffy were actively involved in getting their parents back together. This time, IT'S ALL RIDGE. How aren't people seeing that?

    14. Because they don’t want to Elle!! They love to bash Taylor, and defend Brooke! They are adamant that Brooke “belongs” to Ridge, and they know that Brooke won’t blame Ridge for anything, so they take the focus off Brooke being weak and letting Ridge get away with everything, by blaming Taylor.. The only time Brooke made Ridge responsible for his actions was what HE did chasing Taylor!! That’s what it took for her to hold him accountable!! Then the fans STILL blamed Taylor lmao!!

    15. Lynn, as per your comment above, referring to this blogs episode, not today, you say that your happy Brooke confronted Ridge, and let’s see what happens going forward.. Is that all the confronting Ridge, that was necessary?? 🤣🤣🤣 Even today, I would not call that letting him have it! 🤣🤣🤣

    16. I also believe, the main reason Brooke was telling Hope to stay away from Finn, is because she was worried about Hopes line failing and the consequences of that, and that it would spark the Logan vs Forrester thing again, and she even said so, when Hope told her she kissed Finn, Brooke said now Steffy is going to start the Logan vs forrester!! So I don’t believe Brooke’s intentions were all that noble!!

  4. I think it's very common for children to want their parents back together, no matter how old the "children" are. There's a difference between wanting it, and actively trying to make it happen. It seems like that is what's different this time with Steffy. I hope Brooke doesn't go all jealous and petty. At some point you have to trust who you're with. Too much suspicion and accusations will usually drive your partner away, and directly into the arms of the person you're worried about. You end up creating something that wasn't there to begin with.
    And I was glad to hear Taylor say she doesn't need a man. Sounds like she's happy and thankful to know she doesn't have heart failure. Good for her!

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Brooke accused Taylor of trying to manipulate or use her condition to get Ridge. She did it a lot in years gone by so, she thinks Taylor will do the same thing. It's called projecting and it screams insecurity.

    3. Taylor literally tried to steal Ridge away from Brooke last time she came to town. That’s not projection, that’s just Brooke protecting her relationship.

    4. Lynn, I honestly don't know how you come up with these things. The last time Taylor was here, Ridge was the one that kept going after her. When did Taylor try to literally steal Ridge? Ridge and Brooke weren't even together. And please don't say she was about to marry him without telling him about CPS because 1) Ridge went all the way to Aspen to propose and made a lot of promises to Taylor, and 2) Ridge served Brooke divorce papers! There was no manipulation or stealing on Taylor's part.

    5. Elle, not sure what’s going on with your memory?? Taylor kissed Ridge while he was MARRIED to Brooke - twice! The time in Monte Carlo and the time at Steffy’s. Taylor and Steffy spoke at length about how Taylor wanted to be with Ridge. And ultimately, after Thomas tricked Ridge into believing the LIE about the CPS call was when Ridge decided he wanted to be with Taylor. And of course I’m going to bring that up!! Ridge never would have left Brooke if not for the blatant lie / manipulation that Thomas was responsible for. And as I already said - Ridge chose NOT to go through with marrying Taylor after he found out the truth. Because he didn’t want to be with her after all. Those are the facts.

    6. No, not on Taylor 's part...on Steffy and Thomas's part....they manipulated the whole thing...and it backfired with a blast💥....And I really hope I'm wrong, but I still think that this is all a plan that Taylor, Grace and their kids put together in thè hopes of getting Taylor and Ridge back together 🤔...we shall see... Thank you Bob 🥀☀️

    7. Ahh, you're talking about the kiss that, once again, Ridge initiated and Taylor returned. And yes, Ridge was still married to Brooke but they were separated. Ridge was living at Eric's. There was nothing to steal.

      The rest, as Ariel stated, was all Thomas and Steffy, not Taylor.

    8. Elle, you are turning a blind eye to Taylor’s wanting Ridge back when all that was going on. I don’t recall Ridge being separated. He may have been staying at Eric’s temporarily, but he and Brooke were married. You can list all the excuses you want, but Taylor was an ACTIVE participant in what went on that last time. So yes, Brooke has every right to question Taylor’s motives, just like she is questioning Ridge’s motives.

    9. Lynn, Ridge tried and tried to get Taylor to sleep with him all that time he was separated from Brooke and she refused him over and over.. She took off to Aspen to get away from him.. Everyone can see what happened but you!! “Ridge” kissed Taylor twice, yes she reciprocated, but the one at Steffy’s he was separated and the Monaco one yes was different, but Taylor ran to Aspen because she was dissapointed with herself for that , because it’s not her style and specifically told Steffy she didn’t want to be like Brooke! That’s why she left.. He chased her.. what is so hard for you to understand.. You are so desperate to be able to paint Taylor like Brooke, but she is nothing like Brooke!! She has never manipulated Ridge to get him away from Brooke ever..

    10. Yes Lynn, you said it, “after the manipulation Thomas did”!! Forever, I agree with your comment!

    11. Lynn, I am not turning a blind eye. On yesterday's blog, I admitted that Taylor would flirt with Ridge. They both flirted with each other however, Taylor was very adamant that she was not going to be involved with Ridge while he was married to Brooke.

    12. Elle, I think Lynn missed that part.. Taylor was VERY adamant which was WHY she went to Aspen!! She didn’t go there for a holiday!! She said, she won’t be like Brooke, and she has never been like Brooke, apart from “reciprocating a kiss”..
      She also never stood up to Brooke when she was doing everything she could to get him from Taylor, and it was ALOT worse than a pose in a therapy session!!

    13. Exactly Colly. Taylor may have flirted and shared 2 kisses with the man she will always love but, guess what? When it came down to it, and Ridge wanted to spend the night with her at Steffy's, Taylor said no and told Ridge that he had to sleep in the guest house. And where was Ridge when Taylor awoke the next morning? Right at Taylor's bedside, watching her sleep.

    14. Fans don’t see any of things Elle, they only see what they want to see, and will make any reason to have a go at Steffy and Taylor.. Not even Ridge cops it.. But I guess if they blame Ridge for any of his actions, then they have to admit that it wasn’t Steffy or Taylor!

    15. And if they do admit Ridge did something wrong, it also has to be Taylor’s fault as well! Look at the above, it’s also Steffies fault, because she let her parents use her house for something she had no idea about?? But it’s also her fault because she didn’t stipulate they could only use it as long as they don’t use it to cheat lmao!!

  5. Can't stand Brooke or any of the Logan gals. Eric has no business confronting Ridge as if he was a child. I don't know why Ridge is considered the stud or god's gift to women. He is not all that to fight over. Why did Taylor & Ridge have to use Steffy's place. They could have rented a room anywhere. Taylor should have discussed her condition with her kids. Please all of this Ridge/Taylor/Brooke middle aged folks acting like teenagers in heat is nonsense.

    1. @MzilisaR, 100% agree....can't stand them HOgan's either...lol....bunch of manipulative, victim playing 'you know what' from the valley! Taylor has made it very clear that she doesn't need a man.....HOgan will destroy her own relationship with Ridge......let's see...

  6. Correct, Eric does have no business treating Ridge like a kid!! But that’s why Brooke kept going to Eric’s.. She knows he will support her when it comes to Ridge, 💯..

    1. Exactly Colly. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Elle, Brooke kept going to Eric’s to cry on his shoulder, so that he would do exactly what he did, so she doesn’t look like the jealous, insecure, selfish, and nasty one!! She knows she can’t stop Ridge spending time with Taylor, because they are a family, but with Eric backing her up, it puts pressure on Ridge without her looking like the bad one, they can gang up on him, Donna too!! 🤣🤣🤣 If my mother questioned me in that manner, when she only had information from my boyfriend, I would not be happy! He said it like they were having an affair or something?? 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Taylor needs to put Brooke in her place

    1. 👏👏👏 after laughing and mocking Taylor about her condition, then telling her she doesn’t trust her and accuse her of using her condition!! Yeah, she needs to say something, but Taylor is too nice!!

    2. Taylor should have said "I thought you wanted us to be friends?" Brooke's offer of friendship was as fickle as they come. Brooke threw it out the window the moment she started feeling insecure. What gets me is that Brooke saw the whole thing and saw how into it Ridge was. Why wait for him to leave? She should have been busting up in there and demanding what the blazes is going on in here? But no, instead, she quietly waits for Ridge to leave, then sneaks up on Taylor with her accusations. Please Brooke.

  8. I can't stand Brooke or any of those Logans and Eric had no business confronting Ridge as if he was a kid

    1. Eric needs to stay out of his grown son's business. Do you think Eric doesn't know how Ridge feels about Taylor? If he wants to show parental concern, he should be trying to help Ridge with the feelings he has for these 2 women. Not berating him for spending too much time with the mother of his children.

  9. Brooke, don’t forget to pee on the pot plant on your way out!! 🤭🤭 Not everyone needs a man as desperately as you always have!!

    1. @Colly.....bwaahaahaahaahaaa :) the poor plant...lmfao. Mamma HOgan will destroy her own relationship with Ridge......

    2. Colly, I laughed so hard at the look on Brooke's face when Taylor told her that she doesn't need a man. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      unknown, maybe it's time Liam enters the picture to have a tete-a-tete with his ex-MIL. He knows all too well about pushing the one you love into the arms of another. 😅😅

    3. I know Elle🤣🤣🤣 Brooke was stumped, and had nothing to say to that, because she knows she has always needed a man, even if it meant she had to steal one, or two I should say, off of her daughter, 🤣🤣🤣 Or sister, or leave her 2, just toddler kids at home on their own, just to chase a man, and almost lost her kids and house when they set it on fire 🔥 🤣🤣🤣 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  10. Rich & Colly, couldn't agree with you both more 👏👏👏👏

  11. There we go......HOgan made it ALL about her.....'i've had a broken heart many times' bwaaaahaaahaaa....the world doesn't revolve around YOU HOgan, pull yourself together...lmfao :) and there's those BITCHY, SNARKY comments that HOgan is throwing at Taylor like her and her HOpeless daughter throw at Steffy ALL the time...lol......HOgan is SO insecure it's embarrassing...lol

    1. It’s ALWAYS about her, especially when it’s not!!

  12. HOgan is going to destroy her own relationship with Ridge......Ridge had a very powerful connection with Taylor during their session, so much so he was like a little boy smiling :) let's see which man manna HOgan will run to now...Eric, Deacon or Billy Boy :) lmfao

    1. Yes, she will destroy it all on her own!! Her last excuse for kissing Bill last time, while she was with Ridge and Katie was married to Bill, was that she was “stressed out”.. I am not kidding!! That’s what she said..

    2. Yes Colly, I remember that. And do you remember why she was stressed out? It was because of her insecurities (again) about Ridge and Shawna.

      Brooke always has to fight for her relationship with Ridge. Look what happened last time Taylor was in town. She fought so hard. Now, here she is again. At some point, you'd think she'd start realizing that Ridge is the problem. I think Brooke's real problem is that she is convinced that Ridge is her destiny but never stops to wonder, or even ask, if she's his destiny.

    3. VERY good point Elle!! Ridge relies on pinecones and keyholes to fiqure out who his “destiny” is at the time.. Maybe Brooke should try something like that!!

  13. Destiny and fate both suggest that the future has been decided or planned by God, not schemed by Brooke😂😂😂
