Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-24 Full episode B&B 16th October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-24 Full episode B&B 16th October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow, Hopeless is actually working for a change 🤣 oh Liam, surely you aren't THAT desperate to take Hopeless back 🚩🚩🚩there we go, Hogan using her libido because of her insecurities and now copying what happened in Taylor's session 🤣🤣🤣🚩lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The way Ridge was looking, I think he just realized doing that position with Brooke, it wasn't the same. He had more of a connection with Taylor and were breathing as one. He was ecstatic after leaving that session, it was feeling he has never felt before. In saying that, I really hope Taylor means what she said. She doesn't need a man, Ridge is too much maintenance.

    2. I said the same thing about Ridge it was definitely not the same feeling he telling himself lol. Brooke really insecure I hope she don't go blab this to Taylor smh. The way ridge ran ro Eric like a lil kid, we no he never felt that way with Brooke, it just sex and beauty he has with Brooke

    3. Liam has absolutely no shame. He threw Steffy's name around in Hope's face when he walked out on her and couldn't find it in his heart to forgive her for a kiss yet, here he is hoping for another chance. Hope needs to put him in his place and remind him of everything he said when he walked out.

    4. D, Ridge even told Eric that it was a feeling he has never felt before.. I think he realised that even more when Brooke tried to do it with him!! He looked uncomfortable at times!! Elle, Liam is a piece of work!! The way he mauled her, he did the same to Steffy.. He is so forceful, so they are stunned for a second!!

    5. agree with everyone's comments, Ridge definitely felt more with Taylor and he kept saying to HOgan when she was kissing him, "that's not what you are supposed to do" it's ALL about sex with HOgan, that's the only thing that keeps Ridge and all the other men coming back for's pretty damn sad if you ask me, actually it's embarrassing what she does and i bet my bottom dollar she will indeed tell Taylor that her and Ridge used the same method that was used in the session when he got home, of course she will need to 'mark her territory' like a little dog! Liam only wants HOpeless because he can't have Steffy.

    6. Liam putting photos of him, Douglas, Beth and Hope together was completely inappropriate!!

      That was all about Liam trying to manipulate Hope . He’s soooo toxic.

      He literally is only chasing Hope because his baby brother told him he needs a woman and since Steffy is committed to Finn, Hope is the next obvious choice.

      Liam is lazy and doesn’t want to build a relationship so just find an ex to cozy up to 🙄🙄🙄🙄.

      He’s so toxic. He was emotionally and mentally abusive to Hope at the end of their marriage.

      I hope she puts him in his place and doesn’t fall for his rubbish again.

      We all know if Steffy were free he would run to her in a heartbeat.

      Hope deserves sooooo much better than selfish waffle king Liam.

      Not to mention poor wee Beth getting her heart broken when Daddy walks out again.

    7. I thought the same thing Bfan, the photos were totally inappropriate, her with her children, fine, but him also, no, that’s manipulation at its best.. I truly Hope that she doesn’t go back to him, she deserves so much better than him!!

  2. would"nt it be great if taylor hooked upn with bill Hogan would not like that one little bit as he was once her stallion and would be jealous as hell even tho she has ridge

    1. @gulliver, damn that would be great, yes 👏👏👏 How much bet HOgan will tell Taylor that Ridge showed her the "position" so can tell Taylor in a round about way that she removed her knickers for Ridge and pissed on his leg like a dog to mark her territory 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don't think Taylor wants Ridge back anyway, only weak women can't live without a man and Taylor is not week and pathetic like manipulative HOgan.

    2. Oh, Gulliver, I would LOVE to see that! Both Brooke and Ridge more so, would be so peeved!! Unknown, the fact Brooke didn’t give it to Ridge, and had to remind him why he is with her, straight to sex, just shows how weak Brooke is!!

    3. @Colly.....whole heartedly agree with you, using sex as a weapon is disgusting and I am HOPING that Ridge finally sees her for what she is, that session with Taylor has to be a breakthrough for him!

  3. Hogan definitely is insecure. Using what she knows best to get man...being half nake , using her libido.

    Taylor definitely need someone else noy ridge. She deserves much better.

  4. ok so before it even goes any further let me guess now brooke is going to have to do what taylor and ridge was doing because he said how much of a connection it is and how it helped and brooke can't stand that taylor was sitting like that with ridge and she wasn't and she wasn't even aware he was going there ot that taylor was having a problem so knowing brooke she will have to get naked in order to do this pose and to straddle him. i used to like brooke so much but over the last few years she is just a weak logan and a jealous b&^ch in my opinion. so i am guessing that her and ridge will do this pose and ridge is going to realize omg i don't feel that deep connection to logan like i did with doc, and he is going to have doubts now about him and brooke and i hope he goes back to taylor and really heals her broken heart and for once wants her back without her trying to be with him and she will finally know after all these years he truly wants to be with her now. let brooke go back with bill there both conniving but even bill i don't know for sure needs her drama. ridge was so excited leaving taylors and telling eric all that happened just to go home and get drug down

    1. That's exactly it, ash. Ridge is now remembering the connection he had with Doc. Meanwhile, Doc is resolved to move on.

    2. @ashblong.....i could NOT have said it any better myself, 10000000% correct, you nailed every aspect of HOgan......@Elle......right on the money.....

  5. When the writers will have new story lines?????

  6. Wow! Brooke really showed him! 🙄🙄 She still doesn't hold Ridge accountable. Instead, she gives him a slap on the wrist then, off to bed we go to bond our chakras. Ridge didn't even get undressed. I wonder if Brooke isn't smelling Taylor on him? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Ridge looked uncomfortable.

    1. Elle🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes, she really socked it to him👊 🤣🤣🤣 Did we really expect anything different though?? 🤔 Brooke is more upset that he “did something with Taylor, that he hasn’t done with her”!! 🤣🤣And rather than be upset at him, she feels the desperate need to “remind” him, why he is with her!! So, straight in the bed we go!! And I think Ridge really wanted to try this seriously with her, because he kept his clothes on and yes, he did look uncomfortable… He came back from Taylor’s in a state of euphoria, and mind blown the connection they made, he really felt they were as one!! Brooke witnessing it, she could see it on his face, the connection they made.. So she has make extra sure that he remembers why he is with her!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. @Colly and @Elle......bwaaahaahaahaaahaahaa....oh my word, brilliant, not laughed this hard in a long time, spewed my coffee out of my nose.....lmfao :)

    3. Brava ladies 100% agree.

      Elle that was my thought exactly when I watched the scenes. Brooke is insecure and jealous, how dare Ridge have something with Taylor she hasn’t had?

      She does turn everything sexual because she has no concept of a relationship that has more depth.

      The way she treated Taylor shows once again she’s how narcissistic she is.

      She 100% manipulated Eric like she always has to pressure Ridge into giving her what she wants.

      She’s small, selfish and do ugly inside. She literally couldn’t put herself for a second in Taylor’s place. Imagine her believing she’s dying etc.

      Brooke has been a master schemer and manipulator so she cannot believe everyone isn’t as nefarious as she!

      If I were Ridge I would have walked out when she was sniping at Taylor and talking rubbish about her.

      How does he not see what a horrible person she is inside?

      I knew she would take a healing pose and turn it sexual, it’s the tool in her arsenal to blind Ridge. She literally takes his brains away so she can mark her territory!

      Sad pathetic woman cannot be without a man for a second. Petty jealous harpy.

    4. BRAVO Bfan!!! The fact she said, “Is this what you were doing with Taylor” says it all!!

  7. Of course the experience with Taylor was more profound than with Brooke. Ridge thought Taylor was dying, he wants to heal her, he has pitty for Taylor. Come on people if Taylor was ever in Ridges's heart romantically, he would have pursued her from years ago. Ain't like she hasn't been available.

    1. What? When Ridge arranged the healing session, he already knew that Taylor wasn't dying. What pity are you talking about? Taylor was already on her meds. Ridge wanted to heal her emotionally, not because he felt she was dying.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 I have not seen any pitty from Ridge whatsoever!!

    3. And Peggy you right, in the sense of the connection being so much more profound with Taylor than Brooke, but it’s not because of pitty!! It’s because Ridges connection with Brooke has ALWAYS only been a sexual one, based on sex and “physical” attraction.. Ridge and Taylor have built a soulful connection, going right back to when she was his therapist, til this day!

    4. @Elle @Colly....again......10000000% correct....down to the T :) Ridge has never, ever pitied Taylor not now and not back then, in fact he has MORE respect for Taylor than he has for his sexual LUSTINY......

    5. Elle, Colly, unknown brava!!! Couldn’t say it any better! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. So Bell is doing it again having Liam beg Hope and Brooke sexin up Ridge and Taylor stupid med condition
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  9. That was a beautiful and passionate love scene between Ridge and Brooke. “You’re the ONLY ONE for me” were Ridge’s exact words. He has true desire and passion for Brooke - as he should since they are in a committed relationship. Brooke handled herself perfectly. She let him know what he did with Taylor was not acceptable, but she didn’t stomp out angry. They resolved it! Good for Brooke. And good for Ridge for acknowledging that he should have told her.
    Ridge’s “connection” with Taylor was a success purely because she “broke through” her pain. And that made Ridge happy. Ridge wants Taylor to be healthy and happy -- that does not translate to passion with Taylor.

    I am NOT INTERESTED in spending hours arguing with people on this blog.
    My comment stands as is.

  10. Of course Brooke would be a little insecure about Taylor because of all the years of the back and forth with Ridge. Imagine Hope getting back with Liam (and no, I don't want that to happen). Hope would be insecure about him being around Steffy. And Liam would be worried about Hope having contact with Thomas.
    And I'm impressed Brooke is still flexible enough to be able to get into that straddle position. 🧘‍♀️

    1. @Forever 36....bwaaahaahaaa re the flexible part......lmfao :)

  11. Liam is a big, insistent idiot who won't take no for an answer! He's toxic and pushy, while neither Steffy nor Hope wants a waffle!
