Friday, October 11, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. TY Bob. Have a great week end!!

  2. I would like to see Hope with Liam instead of the nut Carter. He will go for any woman.

    1. I personally would love to see Hope & Carter make it. Liam only wants Hope bcuz he knows Steffy isn’t ever going to willingly leave Finn for him.

    2. I personally would love to see Hope & Carter make it. Liam only wants Hope bcuz he knows Steffy isn’t ever going to willingly leave Finn for him.

    3. I would love to see them build a strong relationship. Not just an office sex thing

  3. Oh kay, let's play out this scenario. If Brooke begins to feel threatened by Ridge and Taylor's bonding she will turn to---....Deacon? Eric? Bill?? Whoever will boost her ego the most!!!! Well for one she will raise the devil in Sheila, exciting times.....
    2. She make a play for yet another sister's man. That would not be foreign to her as she had encouraged Donna to wrest Eric from Quinn. So maybe she should pursue door #3.. That should raise Ridge's shackles...

    1. Krossbreed69 🤣🤣🤣 That’s probably why they have shown Brooke first with Bill, then Eric, and next week Deacon!! Who do you think it will be 🤣🤣🤣

    2. no, please not Deacon. I love him and Sheila together. Not Eric, either. If it has to be one out of these three, let it be Bill :) Katie was smart and strong enough not to take him back.

  4. Carter and Hope does not click for me.. I would not advise a return to Liam. Hope begged and begged for forgiveness and now he wants to know why they are not together??? What a crackpot.

    1. I agree, and I would have asked him if he would be talking to me about this right now if Stephie were available

    2. Well there’s two nicknames for carter and hope, it’s Harter, or Cope!!🤣🤣🤣 so I think the latter is appropriate! Carter can help Hope Cope!

    3. @Colly 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

    4. Harter lol. How about Horter or Cape? :)

  5. Brooke is once again spying through windows and jumping to erroneous conclusions!

    And here we go again 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    I’m very glad Hope isn’t falling for Liam’s lies again!

    1. For years her job has been to go from room to room in the company, or even to other people's homes, and make people's lives miserable. :D

    2. Did we miss the first half of the show?

      Anyway, I knew all along that Brooke was only pretending to be okay with Ridge and Taylor spending time together.

      Next week's preview: I hope that Brooke confronts Ridge and doesn't just fly off the handle with Taylor. If her proposition to be friends with Taylor was genuine, I'd like to think that she would call Ridge out first.

    3. Second half is first and first half is second. :) Brooke is ME ME ME ME as always. :D

    4. Oh thanks Dozia-- now it makes more sense!

    5. I'm glad you guys pointed that out. At this time of the night, I found it really confusing so won't say much. I'll watch it tomorrow on CTV. BBFan and Elle, Brooke is definitely going to fly off the handle with Taylor, when Ridge is the one she should be going off on. And I can imagine Brookes reaction when Ridge tries to explain chakra, and that's all that was going on. But looks like she is turning to Eric for sympathy, and sorry but kisses on the check yes, not the mouth.

    6. The fact Brooke got smug and said to Eric she is going to go over to Steffies, to “surprise” them, with that smug grin, says a lot!! Very, very childish, and old Brooke resurfacing!! I don’t think she was genuine at all, about being friends, I think it was a case of keep your friends close and your enemies closer, going off her recent behaviour.. Listening in on Ridge and Steffy, then spying on Ridge and Taylor.. And I agree, it is not Taylor she should be confronting.. Taylor can’t steal Ridge unless he allows it, so it’s Ridge she should be talking to!!

    7. Isn't it a bit hypocritical of Brooke if she goes after Taylor? Her daughter was going after Steffy's husband and Brooke expected Steffy to be okay with it just because Hope is sorry yet, she's not okay with Taylor seemingly going after Ridge even though Taylor is trying to tell her it's not what she thinks.

    8. @Elle, the HOgan's play victim of circumstance no matter how much they tell her Taylor isn't after Ridge she still remains insecure 🤣 then blame Taylor when Ridge can't keep his hands off Taylor 🤣

    9. Elle- Idk personally if I were Brooke I would only be able to be ok with so much. First off there is NO RELATIONSHIP that acts like this. There is no way I’d ever be ok if my man was with his ex as often as Ridge is with Taylor. I also would NEVER be ok with my man acting the way Ridge acts towards Taylor. They are too touchy feely, hugging etc. So I don’t think I’d be ok with that behavior period. They need a man for Taylor & stop this BS Trio Triangle.

    10. Kelly, when Brooke told Eric that she was giving Ridge and Taylor their space so that they can spend time together, I secretly applauded her because, like you said, I would never be okay with that if Ridge were my man.

      Which makes it all the more hypocritical of Brooke, imo. She was okay with it all along. What's the problem now?

    11. The odd thing is, since the diagnoses, which was the day she passed out, I have only seen Ridge go to, and spend time with Taylor once?? Which is this!! I haven’t seen her call Ridge, or him call her, or seen them together except this.. She called and he went over and decided to stay and start the therapy, that same visit.. So why is everyone and Brooke saying he is “constantly” running to Taylor??

    12. @Colly 100% agree.....and now Brooke say's she is 'allowing him to spend time with Taylor' lmfao......since when is Ridge 2 year's old......yet she's spying on them....she is SO insecure it's actually embarrassing.

    13. Unknown, I must have missed that bit!! I was still probably choking on my coffee when she told Eric that Taylor has caused a lot problems in her relationship with Ridge!!🤣🤣🤣 but yes, she says she is “allowing” him to spend time with Taylor, but should Steffy say that to anyone, that she allowing Finn to spend time with Hope, she would be called a control freak and that she is treating him like a child..🤦‍♀️🤣🤣

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  8. Lol here we go the logan show
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  9. Brooke should have a session too, preferably with an exorcist. :D

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 When she went from the front of the house, to the back, and was peering through the curtains, she did look a tad bit evil 🤣🤣🤣 It was very Sheila like!!

    2. @Dodzia 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and it's funny how SHE can spy and nothing gets said from the Hogan lovers 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Come to think of it, Brooke seems to loiter over at Steffy's frequently. She doesn't live there yet, last time Taylor was in town, she kept going over to Steffy's to confront Taylor. She loitered again the other day with the excuse of wanting to be friends and now, she's loitering again and spying on Ridge and Taylor.

    4. True unknown!! Elle🤣🤣🤣 yes, she is loitering and spying!! If you don’t live there, and you’re uninvited, or unannounced, you shouldn’t be there, people need to sleep!!🤣

    5. The day I first was able to post in here I stated I’m not a Logan or Forrester fan so to speak. I don’t love one family over the other. I go with whoever is being a decent human being. 😂 I personally feel like Brooke has genuinely shown she’s changed and is a better person. Now if she goes off and tries to get with Eric, Bill or Deacon I’ll think differently. However, Bill is at least single but I’d NEVER go after my sisters man period. So there’s that. I will say if STEFFY PUTS HER NOSE IN HOPE & CARTERS BUSINESS I’m gonna lose it. I personally can’t stand Steffy.

    6. To be honest Kelly, (my eldest daughter’s name is Kelly!❤️), I too am not a fan of anyone in particular, apart from Thomas, but I have watched the show since day one, apart from short breaks here and there, and I can say, that although I don’t favorite anyone, I will say, I cannot stand the Logan women, and that comes from watching them all this time, and for good reason in my own opinion.. Brooke may not have jumped beds over the last few years, but still she has not changed all that much imo.. 🙂

    7. @Kelly15, not many people like Steffy for one reason only, she can read people like a book.....she knows exactly what the Hogan's goals are and Steffy sees right through it all. I think she will be all too happy that Hopeless has her eyes focused on someone else but i can bet my bottom dollar that Steffy will question it yes, because she will know that one of them is using the other......or in this case they are both using eachother, Carter preys on vulnerable woman and Hopeless is probably using Carter to keep her 'line' Steffy has every right to question it when she puts two and two together.....she only stuck her nose in when it came to Thomas who she had full right to look out for and Steffy did tell Thomas that Hopeless was using him and she was, Steffy was right on the money!

  10. This Taylor isn't glamorous to play Brighten up the ward robe and hair what colour is it??

  11. Thank you Bob 🥀... have a good weekend 🌼❣️

  12. Tridge few scenes have more chemistry than Bridge's thirty years. :D

    1. This new actress is better suited to the Taylor character. She and TK are great together. Much better than the last actress.

    2. Elle, I agree, she grows on you.

    3. I agree too Elle. At first I wasn't sure, but she has really grown on me. Much better than the last Taylor.

    4. I really this actress, she is a lot more mature than the last, and feisty to!! Her and TK have worked together before, on another show, can’t remember what it’s called??

    5. @Colly they were both on “All My Children”

    6. @Dodzia, totally agree, way more chemistry than him and his "LUSTINY"

    7. Aaah, that’s it!! Thanks Roseam! 🙂

  13. Hope and carter DO NOT go together they don’t suit at all

  14. The crap with Ridge being the only one that knows about Taylor's illness is a big bunch of garbage and he should know better. And the stuff that that woman is having them do together is geared more toward marriage counseling and if I were Brooke I would have busted right in there.

    1. And there goes Ridge, right along with whatever the woman tells them to do. Then people turn around and blame Taylor. Last time I checked, Ridge is the one who's in a committed relationship. I can understand wanting to help but, the lengths to which he's going seems a bit much.

    2. Of course it’s Taylor’s fault Elle!! Did you expect anything different??🤣🤣🤣 I mean, correct me if I am wrong, however, “Ridge” seemed to have gone to great lengths to organise this therapy!! He made lots of calls and studied all about it!! He organised it all!! But, seriously, that too is Taylor’s fault🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ And wasn’t it the therapist that told Taylor she could tell how much Ridge loves her?? But I am sure Taylor is to blame for that also??

    3. @Elle and @Colly 💯👏👏👏

    4. I definitely blame Ridge for the therapy session. If I were Brooke lurking outside my A$$ would have busted through that door. Lol Taylor didn’t arrange this session but she sure is loving it. I kind of think a lot of us women would prob go along with it if we were still in love with someone. I feel like at times our heart would cloud our judgement. Not saying that’s right.

    5. Yes, I agree, very true Kelly!!

  15. How can the writers and producers think this Taylor could
    Compare to the Original actress that had this role!

  16. Why would Ridge leave Brooke for a Woman that is not attractive as Brooke!

    1. Anniemae, that sounds a bit shallow, don’t you think??LOL

  17. I would like to see Taylor and Ridge back together!

  18. I would like to see Taylor and Ridge back together!

  19. In my opinion Carter needs to see a Therapy he is only attractive to women that is going through pain and suffering!

  20. I think Ridge went this way with this type of therapy, because Taylor would struggle seeing a psychiatrist when she is one herself.. The way she reacted with Grace, if another person in her field told her something she didn’t want to hear, because she didn’t pick it up herself.. And I will say, people may scoff, but energy healing, really does work.. There is a particular therapy, that was developed here in Australia, that combines energy with body work, called “The spinal Flow technique”, and it’s brilliant! It sparks the body to self heal by balancing the body mind, and energy flow through the spine!! It’s amazing and works!!

    1. I think she would have struggled with another therapist as well, Colly. She's already embarrassed enough already that she didn't pick up on it herself.

    2. That’s what I mean Elle!! But it’s usually the way.. The professionals are so focused on others that they are oblivious to their own issues!! Plus Taylor doing missionary work, is very demanding, and lonely.. I think Psychiatrists are susceptible to stress related disorders anyways, because they are all day dealing with people that are stressed, suffer from depression, anxiety, trauma etc, so they are surrounded by negative energy, which can and often does transfer and negatively impacts their own energy fields.. I have seen it on experiments, where they monitor two people sitting together, and you can see their energy fields actually join and mix together, as they interact.. It’s fascinating!! Then add all her own traumas to it!! Plus, in Taylor’s case, I think initially it’s also a denial, that someone in her field could suffer from something so serious and not pick it up.. I would think any psychiatrist would be a bit embarrassed.. The non technical name for it doesn’t help, broken heart syndrome, it doesn’t sound like something as serious as it is! Naturally Brooke would assume it’s all about Ridge, when it a combination of a whole host of things, but her paranoia and insecurities will get the best of her.. Who knows though, she might surprise us all, and react very differently, and allow Ridge to help Taylor, and might even help Taylor herself?? Doubt it though!! I will praise her if she does!!

    3. @Colly LOVE YOUR POST!!! Agree 100%

  21. Writer's and Producers Hunter Tylor is truly MISSED as Taylor, this actress does not compare playing the role as Taylor!

    1. Anniemae they tried several times to get Hunter Tylo to come back, but she refused..

  22. I've never cared for Taylor. I find her condescending and manipulative, but she does it in a subtle way. I just hope everything works out and the writers don't put her back with Ridge. I like Brooke and Ridge together. I'm glad Hope has an interest in Carter. Otherwise, she may have once again fallen for Liam's nonsense. I liked her with Thomas, but Carter's not a bad choice. He's unattached and most of the women he cared for hurt him, similar to how Hope's been hurt. I hope jealous Steffy doesn't interfere.

    1. @Avid, what has Steffy got to be jealous about 🤔 Steffy is CO CEO, has a husband who Hopeless is dying to steal, she lives in a beautiful house on the beach, has an amazing family... Hopeless lives in her mamma's back garden and can't keep a man..not sure what Steffy is jealous about 🤔

    2. Avid Fan, we don't know what is up with Hope. What does she want? A man who's only committed to her? She had that with Thomas. Or does she just want to be worshipped the way Finn worships Steffy? As long as Hope doesn't know what she is looking for, I'm afraid Carter is setting himself up to be hurt yet again.

    3. Absolutely Elle!! That is what I am worried about too.. Also Thomas loved her only and worshipped the ground she walked on.. So who knows what she wants, I don’t think she knows.. But I know one thing, as you said unknown, Steffy is not jealous of Hope in the slightest..

    4. @unknown oh but watch Steffy will try to interfere and have her reasons why Carter & Hope can’t be together. I don’t think it’s jealousy…I think it’s bcuz she’s a manipulative, bossy, nosey WOMAN!!!

  23. Why only half an episode 😱🤔Oh my goodness Hopeless, day two, second kiss and you are NEARLY on the desk with Carter....I mean isn't Smarter 🤣🤣🤣
    Funny how the Hogan haters aren't saying anything and HOgan spying on Ridge and Taylor 🤣🤣🤣
    Wow, HOgan been at Eric's three times in one day, who will she turn to, Eric, Billy Boy or Deacon 🤔🤣
    Ridge was being kinda cute tonight 😁🥳

    1. unknown, the second half of the episode ran first. So, you have to start at the middle for the first half, then go back to the beginning for the second half.

    2. Unknown, it’s actually still day one.. She is wearing the same clothes as when they kissed the first time.. I cracked up when Ridge was explaining the therapy to Taylor.. He was trying not to laugh himself.. I find that I seem to like Ridge a lot more when he interacts with Taylor than with Brooke.. I don’t know why?? It’s a weird phenomenon?? And I am not really a fan of anyone except Thomas.. Normally I can’t stand Ridge..

    3. @Elle and @Colly...thank you so much, i was a tad confused :) don't you just love it when HOgan says 'Taylor caused a great deal of trouble in my relationship and i'd be thrilled if she would just move on from it all' bwaaahaaahaa.....the hypocrisy of it all.....wonder why she didn't move on from it after SHE caused trouble in Taylor and Ridge's marriage...lmfao :)

  24. Sorry, have to say, that Brooke telling Eric that, Taylor “caused a great deal of trouble” for her relationship with Ridge, is extremely hypocritical and a load of bull!! She was referring to the past!! So, I can say, nothing Taylor supposedly “caused”, even comes remotely close, as the shady and manipulative, and evil that Brooke caused for Taylor’s marriage and family and relationship with Ridge!! She was like a hellhound after Ridge!!

    1. Brava Colly! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      Not only that but, how can Taylor cause trouble without a very willing Ridge? Brooke acts like Taylor is the one who told her their marriage was over then jetted off to Aspen to be with another woman, then proceeded to get engaged to said woman before the ink was even dry on their divorce. Come on, Brooke!

    2. Elle, I almost choked on my coffee when Brooke said that!! The only thing Taylor did, was two kisses with Ridge, initiated by him, and was so disappointed in herself for that, so she took off to Aspen, because she didn’t want to be like Brooke.. That’s the extent of any “trouble” she has ever caused Brooke! Ridge is the one that chases Taylor, is all touchy feely etc, Brooke will never blame Ridge for anything, it’s always turned onto Taylor!!

    3. Even Eric tried to get through to her she doesn’t need to “be vigilant”.. She is being that way cause she knows all the lengths she went to, to get him from Taylor, so she worried Taylor will pull all her stunts! And she knows Ridge is a horn dog!!

    4. Colly, Brooke, of all people, knows how much Taylor means to Ridge. She tried so very hard to get Ridge away from Taylor when they were married and she failed every single time. Now that she finally has Ridge, she is deathly afraid that Ridge will fall for Taylor again. That's why she always gets her knickers in a bunch whenever Taylor is in town.

    5. Exactly!! She does know how much he loves Taylor, you could see it all over his face in the therapy session.. That’s why Brooke went around the back, to see Ridges face!! It was so obvious how much he loves her.. Now Brooke is freaking out 🤣🤣🤣

  25. Yes, I agree perhaps jealous may be the wrong word. But Steffy always seems ready to undermine people's joy, interfere, and try to control everything. To me, that's the mark of someone who's petty and jealous. She never seems happy unless the world revolves around her.

    1. It's not jealousy. It's a Forrester vs Logan thing. Steffy swore she was not going to stand by and watch Hope or any other Logan destroy her family. It's the main reason she convinced Thomas to leave LA and it's why she treats Hope the way she does after Hope kissed Finn.

      I could be wrong but, there is no reason for Steffy to come between Carter and Hope unless, like you said, Steffy just doesn't want to see Hope happy.

    2. Elle 👏👏☺️ There’s only one reason Steffy would have an issue with Hope being with Carter, and that would be, if she thinks Hope is using Carter to help save her line... Carter already said, he re did the estimates and tweaked them to show better numbers, so Steffy may feel as though she might be using Carter, as that’s what she thought Hope was doing to Thomas.. Carter is also classified as being part of the Forrester family, and Steffy is close with Carter, and he is Ridges best friend.. She may think Hope will hurt Carter, the way she did Liam and Thomas?? But having said that, Steffy has no business getting involved in that relationship.. But the one thing I know, it’s definitely not jealousy.. As you said Elle, it would be more of a Logan vs Forrester thing.. I noticed none of the Logan supporters gave Steffy credit for bringing Will into the business??

  26. Ridge and Taylor are being very intimate in the most intimate way there is this to rectify the problem when it seems it will only bond them deeper. Ridge always go back to Brooke. No amount of spiritual rituals can tell the heart what the heart wants. Ridges heart is with Brooke. Taylor you must stay away from ridge, and stop looking deep in his eyes. We already heard you ask Ridge why he and Brooke didn't remarry, so you're probably thinking their might still be a chance for you and ridge. Ridge loves you as a best friend, a sister, the mother of your kids. But his romantic love us with beoke

    1. I think the purpose of this storyline is probably to show how Ridge truly feels about Taylor. I always say that every time Taylor is around, Ridge is right there behind her. He loves Brooke because she is there, but when Taylor comes into the picture, it's like Ridge forgets that he is involved with Brooke. It happened the last time and it's happening now.

  27. Why don’t the writers leave Brooke and ridge alone for god sake , now ridge will end up with Taylor geez I hope she leaves the show as they said , let ridge and Brooke get married for once , I hate Taylor go away will you

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sorry Georgie, “let Ridge and Brooke get married for “once”???” They have been married about 8 or 9 times now!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Well you know what I meant they need to be married

    3. But that could be why they are not, they have done it so many times now!! They are probably thinking they might last longer if they don’t!! Or to save money on divorce and alimony 🤣🤣🤣

  28. Your not welcomed with ridge so go away Taylor, go back where u came from

  29. go back where u came from Taylor , you don’t belong to ridge , so go away

    1. And you do realise that Ridge was married to Taylor for yeeears, and had 3 kids with him, looooong before he ever married Brooke.. Taylor is in LA because that is actually “where she is from”.. It is her home!! Brooks came from the “valley”!!

    2. Brooke tried everything to take Ridge away from Taylor and his FAMILY, while they were married.. She stooped lower than a snakes belly, to steal Ridge from Taylor!! Nothing she did worked, and it wasn’t till it was thought Taylor was dead, that she finally got her hooks into him, while he was deep in grief!! When Taylor came back, she had the nerve to tell her to “stay dead”!! Even faked a pregnancy and miscarriage to try hold onto him!! She lied, told Ridge Bridgett was his, and lied that she was only sleeping with him, not Eric, even though she was still married to Eric and cheating on him with Ridge, and Bridgett was Eric’s, and she knew it! I could go on and on and on 🤣🤣🤣Then the “writers”, Bell Jnr, who took over after his dad died, decided to rewrite history to what we now know as “Destiny” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

    3. I don’t really care, Brooke belongs to ridge always has and that’s that , piss off Taylor

    4. Well damn girl!! 🤣🤣🤣You crack me up Georgie 🤣🤣🤣 love that response!! In all honesty, I think both women should “piss him off”, they BOTH deserve better than him!! He is an egomaniac and waffler!!

    5. Brava Colly! Only the older fans will know the true history of Taylor, Ridge and Brooke. Brooke was never Ridge's destiny until Bell Jnr. took over.

      For some reason, I am not seeing Georgie's comments. Not sure why. It always happens.

    6. Elle, Georgie says the “Brooke belongs to Ridge always and always will, so piss off Taylor”🤣🤣🤣 I was just filling Georgie in on the true history, however she doesn’t like to hear it, which is fair enough!! I am pretty sure that anyone who has watched from day 1 , and seen all of Brooke evil ways, would despise her as much as I do! I really don’t understand the attraction to Brooke by the fans, however, I am guessing it’s those that haven’t seen all the horrible stuff like her taking her daughters husbands and sisters husband etc..
