Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st February 2023


  1. Taylor and Sheila are too alike. Both shot people, both will possibly shoot people in the future. So no high horses, Taylor.

    Charlie the worst security guy in the biz asked if anyone wants him to cut the cheeze?!? No NO!! No one wants you to ever cut the old guy cheeze! Don't even describe old guy digestive issues.
    Taylor tries act like it's "different" when she shoots people!?!?! Really think Sheila will "buy" THAT? Taylor keeps getting closer and closer to Sheila. Is Taylor going to cheat on Brooke her newfound love?
    Enter Brooke with a reason to pounce on Taylor- sympathy.

    1. @Booklover123 Charlie needs to work on his humor, and how in the heck does he think he's tightened up security when Sheila waltzes herself into the building.

    2. Teylor did not carry gun with her.Sheila had her own gun. She shot many people thru the ages.Sheila felt guilt only shooting her son.

    3. Sheila only felt guilty about her son, and she thinks it was an accident only because he jump in front of his wife, who Sheila intended to kill.

  2. OK Taylor has nothing to lose. Who could put a bullet in Sheila and put her out of her misery, without going to prison? Surely with all of the money the Forresters have, they can call in a favor. Years and years of her going from Y&R reeking havoc over Lauren and Genoa City, only to move on to B&B. On Y&R Lauren does not even know she is alive. How can that be when she is so close to the Forresters. All of these years? Can you tell I am sooooo tired of this storyline?

    1. Somebody should have done it while Sheila was "dead" and dumped the body in the desert. When her skeleton was found, the police would have just thought that the "bear" drug her there.

    2. Joy, I don’t think there are bears in the desert.LOL! Maybe coyotes or wolves but not bears. Bears are in the mountains or woods.

  3. How did Carter not pass Sheila in the hallway? So much for Charlie's security team, they failed the first day.

  4. There is no comparison between Sheila and Taylor. Taylor had a momentary loss of control, Sheila is a loose murdering cannon!
    Bill looks off, in a very weird way....but FGS just let`s resolve this shit and move on to a new storyline...BORED!!

  5. Taylor, really you are allowing Brooke as your friend after all the MADINESS she caused over the years and "Never" apologized to you!! Taylor she just recently asked your Grandson to lie about her kissing Deacon!!

  6. Taylor, her son, Rick driving DRUNK caused the DEATH of your Daughter and Never spent a day in Jail and Brooke NEVER Apologized to you!!

  7. I feel the Old Taylor would Not befriend Brooke like this Taylor is during!!!!The character that is playing Taylor is NOTHING like the Old Character that played Taylor, which is TRULY MISSED!!

    1. Cant stand the old Taylor,she was so nervous all the time.

  8. Fans like Sheila or Not, she and Deacon bought life to the show!!

  9. Charlie, as a security guard, you suck lemon 🍋 bars!

  10. I can’t believe that Sheila says to Taylor that she saved her life, how delusional is that. If Sheila hadn’t tried to commit suicide on the roof, Taylor would have never almost fallen off trying to save her. Taylor should have never tried and no one would be in this position on this show.

  11. Opess katie didn’t tell carter as some expected 😂😂😂

  12. Why does Sheila think she has a right to just go around visiting the people she has hurt? To rub it in their faces that she is a free woman and warn them about coming against her and Bill?

    Katie is upset to know that Taylor shot the father of her child. Why? Isn't this the same man that she wants nothing to do with because he is in love with her sister?

    I have to admit that I liked the scenes between Taylor and Brooke yesterday.

  13. And Taylor is a psychologist LOOOOOOL !!

  14. Can these and last week's get uploaded again? I'm so behind 😩
