Friday, February 3, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-3-23 Full episode B&B 3rd February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-3-23 Full episode B&B 3rd February 2023


  1. TY Bob!
    The program was good today. I enjoyed it very much but it's about time for the authors to get rid of the Sheila snd Bill story and to move on with Thomas and Ridge.

  2. Now Sheila knows about Taylor shooting Bill she will use this to get to Steffy Hayes Kelly
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  3. The writers are so dumb. Of course if someone was going to confess to something they would use a lawyer as a mediator. They would never go to the police alone. Ridiculous

  4. The best thing about this repetitive storyline is having Lame on the sidelines. He is an annoying yawn fest.

  5. If Taylor wants to go to prison so badly, then maybe she should just go and shoot Sheila before she confesses. And, does Taylor even know that it's a 2-party blackmail, with Li also
    being threatened?

    1. Wouldn’t the hospital where Li works already know that Finn was being kept alive by Li whisking him away. She would have already been arrested and fired by this time.

    2. Good point, Roseam. Yeah, I wonder why no one seems to have questioned how that all happened. Guess it wasn't illegal....

  6. I think it’s great that Brooke and Taylor are friends now. But you don’t go from hating each other and being arch enemies to being besties overnight. Lol.
    Brooke is very protective of Taylor and I think that’s cute. It will be awesome if Brooke and Taylor team up to take Sheila down!!! That would be great to see!!!

    1. Yes she is so protective
      And the words she said about how was it hard on steffy to see her mom falling apart
      She really care about ridge’s children but Taylor hiding the truth about how she and ridge got divorced and how she was feeding them hate in the past all that just ruined their relationship with brook
      And now since they become close Taylor should come clean about this truth too

  7. Yes Sheila intends to be in control, what a vile person she is

  8. Stop talking and go to the police 🚓 Taylor or be quiet

  9. Once she started threatening Kate, her hold on Bill might be up. Seems like Sheila is going to lose it shortly. She won’t be able to keep her cool for too much longer, without doing something criminal.

  10. I really hope they decide to bring back Nick and Tyler / Brook baby, well I guess I can say grown son now. The baby that Tyler carried that end up being Nick and Brooke child. Since they are friend now:-)

    1. Ahh I’ve been thinking about Nick and Jack since he left the show, so glad I’m not the only one! I also agree it would be amazing! Jack is all grownup now!

    2. Milla thank you for you replying 👍🏻:-)

  11. Will you be uploading the February episodes again? Thanks Bob for all you do!
