Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-23 Full episode B&B 14th February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-23 Full episode B&B 14th February 2023


  1. Poor Douglas ended up going to Hope & Liam's, Steffy didn't want to make a decision on her own she wanted to talk to Finn about it. Well, I'm sure Bradley Bell is going to stretch this storyline for a while, so we will have the continuing saga of Steffy verses Hope over where Douglas stays.

    1. Think l heard it's possible Douglas is Ridge's son.

    2. Ridge got the snip and DNA test showed Thomas is the father.

  2. I think Steffy was right to talk it over with Finn, they are married and that is a massive decision! I think he will say yes eventually.

    Clearly they can revisit it with the judge in the future as she said today, so the best thing would be to let Douglas stay there and experience day to day life vs play date with his cousins.

    Maybe the Hope and Thomas can get their act together so that Douglas could feel good about choosing to live with Hope again.

    I do empathise with Hope, that would be heartbreaking as his mum. But she was 100% correct in saying she and Thomas are responsible for creating this situation and forcing Douglas into a position where he couldn’t choose either of them.

    I just hope they don’t drag this out for two weeks before settling that poor wee fella into a home for a while. He actually had a lot of upheaval going between New York and Los Angeles and then staying with his dad, then Hope then his dad and now who knows.

    I ffwd Katie and Carter, happy for Katie but yawn πŸ₯±.

    1. @anonymous I too also skipped the Katie & Carter crap, myself

    2. Anonymous the judge did say figure it out or I'll see you again. At the start of the show Hope was almost accusing Steffy and she had to keep saying she was just as shocked, what do you want me to do, reject him? Listening to Hope, Liam and Thomas at the cabin is probably what Douglas hears everyday. Steffy is the only voice of reason in all this. And before I hear all the BS it's got to do with Logan or Forester fans the last name doesn't matter. Hope and Thomas are equally to blame for putting the poor kid through this. I also agree skipping through Katie and Carter. There is no chemistry and it's boring.

  3. Remember the times when that office was a place for designing, Eric and Ridge exchanging ideas, fittings, discussing shows...
    2023: CIOs with foot fetish and Marketing in bras and panties

    Judge are you an idiot or lazy or simply underbribed? Douglas wrote it so that's it, bye! Figure it out.

    Hope/Liam and Thomas guilt-tripping the kid won't make him swing either way. They never should have put him in this position. They should have figured it out like parents and not only now thinking "oh but that means the guardian gets to decide how he's raised!" πŸ™€
    Hope: what we're we thinking? πŸ˜…
    Thomas: it was a 50:50 shot
    Yeah that's how custody is decided, why not just flip a coin for it?
    Or you know, written a more precise decision template for Douglas to fill out πŸ˜…
    With just two options to choose from.

    1. @Milla I remember when they used to lock the door in the office, now it just any waltzing right in unexpectedly, just like the character "Squeaky" on Laverne & Shirley, where he just walks right in and says "HELLO"! What an attitude that judge had, its like make your decision and get out of here, I have other better things to do. Hope doesn't know what in the heck she is doing, Liam is such a limb brain, and with Thomas, I'm sorry, but the guy uses the boy to get what he wants and forces him to things the little boy doesn't want to do, he needs to get some therapy, before Douglas could ever trust him again.

    2. Oh yes Thomas is not showing us he's doing much work on himself. Maybe he's done it but there are no indicators of that.
      Ahahah I haven't watched when they were locking it unfortunately, all I remember is that office always being open door policy which unfortunately now everyone is abusing 🀦🏻‍♀️
      I only watched 2-3 episodes on YR because it made me so mad seeing all the work it's obviously put in the show - to be current and relevant, inclusive but remain true to where you came from and the spirit of the show. BB looks like a parody in comparison.

    3. Milla πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    4. I don't know how custody law works in California, but I'm pretty sure they don't let 10 year olds just pick whoever the hell they want to live with. Also, why did none of these super rich people have attorneys present at this hearing? This story is too stupid to believe and honestly, I just don't even care. Guess I'll quit watching the days it's about Douglas. See y'all in 2 months πŸ˜‚

    5. Milla, no judge on this planet would handle things like that. There are literally hundreds of things to consider. B&B - lame lame lame!

    6. Exactly ladies I'm also not optimistic about this storyline... πŸ˜€

    7. Btw Thomas "I was expecting to take my son home with me" - where exactly? To Paris' apartment? How about first figure out your living situation and then drag the kid through all this.
      And Steffy with this fake build-up at the end "he didn't choose Thomas" - Finn bla bla bla bla "he didn't choose Hope either... We were all shocked..." 🀦🏻‍♀️🀦🏻‍♀️now I remember why I started fast forwarding her speeches.
      Btw if I'm Hope I'd seriously and non-judgmentally ask Douglas what prompted him to choose Steffy all of a sudden. This can't just happen in the moment and Douglas would have said something the evening before. There must be something other than seeing Steffy and running at her, he's not a crocker spaniel.

    8. Milla, 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can you imagine if Brooke and Taylor defend their daughter's?? I see trouble from tomorrow on.
    We always knew that Kate had a heart transplant from her brother Storm? Kate had no scars... Shouldn't they remember this??

    1. @Tina I agree with you they should be showing she should be showing her scar on her chest and the same goes for Steffy and Finn, they were all shot, by not showing that makes you wonder, is there a new machine that can erase scars on people's body?

    2. We saw tge scar once as i remember
      But here in this scene its hard to see it since it’s between the breasts

    3. They used to show the scar… I remember it too. She also had a kidney transplant… don’t see that either. They are sooo lazy, yet Sheila has multiple masks??? Lol. SMH

    4. Right absolutely i forget about the kidney transplant

    5. Where are Finn’s and Steffy’s scars from the shooting? They have never existed. Clearly B&B needs some viewers to remind them of history before they attempt to write these episodes. Lazy, poor writing. It never changes.
      Milla, I wish I had invested time in another soap. This is the only one I’ve ever watched. Regretting that now.

    6. Lynn me too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ since I was 8 and my mom and aunt were watching it and then they abandoned it and only I remained hooked. I remember that even in the 90s my aunt was saying "ah it's too repetitive and when they start remembering stuff..." And still it was a masterpiece compared to now. But YR seems so much better...

    7. Milla, I just don’t know how I could switch so late in the game. I feel like I’m invested in B&B. That’s why it makes me so sad it’s gotten this bad.

    8. I feel for you my dear ❤️I don't know what is worse - to have or not to have the memories of when our show was really good. Lets hope miracle happens. I'll keep checking for a way to get on the writing team πŸ˜€ and in the meantime we have each other πŸ€—πŸ€—

    9. So everyone remembers the heart transplant. This show should reason at a certain point!

    10. Mmysh kidney.. No a heart transplant for Kate.

    11. Tina she had a kidney from flo

  5. I agree watching Hope crying oh poor me
    She is all about what she needs not what Douglas needs
    Steffy always givesbup what she didnt get fairly maybecHope beeds to do the same
    Thank youbBob xxxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh you poor thing mandy
      It good you enjoyed it
      Because most of the you are not πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Mandy, instead of pointing fingers unnecessarily at Hope, please enlighten us on how Thomas is thinking about what Douglas needs??!!! I double dare you!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    4. Thomas is an angel to her as long as he is a forrester
      Its weird really
      I don’t like steffy and Thomas i hate but i never felt good to see them crying
      Even though its a fictional characters
      But alot of the drama is a mirror to our reality
      So it says a lot

  6. That judge was an idiot. Just because he wrote Steffy's name, that settles it? What if he wrote "Santa Claus"? Do they ship the boy off to the North Pole? And Hope didn't answer Steffy's question when she said "what do you want me to do". Hope, stop being so overdramatic. Liam, you are not helping with all the Thomas-bashing. And Thomas, you don't even have your own place yet. Were you planning to take Douglas to live with you at Paris' apartment so she can dye the boy's hair blue? So Forrester Creations has a gym, and showers but no place where people can change clothes? We don't ever see much actual work going on in the whole building. But, I guess that would be boring.

  7. Thomas is such a piece of work! What an ass! Douglas has more maturity than Thomas any day of the week!! Thomas couldn’t care less what is best for Douglas. As usual, it is all about immature, child-like Thomas! So glad Steffy made the right choice in sending Douglas home with Hope and Liam, where he has lived for years!
    Thomas you sooooooo deserve to lose custody of Douglas. There is NOTHING about your behavior today or any other day that makes anyone think you care about anyone other than yourself!!
    You said it yourself, Thomas….”You need Douglas right now because you don’t have anything else!” And yet all Hope can do is beat herself up trying to figure out where she went wrong and how she failed him. Thomas is a selfish narcissist and always will be!!!!

    1. Also where are all the FF’s who were saying months ago that Douglas should be able to choose where he lives?? I pushed back on that idea at the time saying he’s too young. And now everyone seems to agree he’s too young. But last year all kinds of you were saying….Oh just let Douglas decide. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. And finn can bash thomas, but liam no

    3. Mmysh, of course!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. @Mmysh, in which episode do you see Finn bashes Thomas?? I guess you adore Lame no matter what, but it's really not the moment for Liam to bash Thomas.

    5. No miah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ don’t mix me with you guys
      Im sure you didn’t notice how he talked to li about thomas
      And how poor Douglas has a father like that
      Liam is a cheater and a waffler but every word he ever said about thomas is true i guess thats whats makes you upset

  8. Why do Katie and Carter care where Douglass goes ? Like really do work instead of gossip and on a side note I would get fired if I changed my shirt in the office

    1. Katie is Douglas’s great Auntie by adoption and Douglas is her family. Of course she cares if he is okay. Not to mention Hope is her niece and it affects her! It would be remiss if her not to be concerned about wee man.

  9. I guess Carter got eye candy for Valentine's Day! 😍

    1. I also thought Katie looked really good! Good job on the workouts, Katie! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    2. I have to agree, she really does look hot! Makes me more motivated for the gym than ever πŸ˜€πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼 by the way, did they already "seal the deal"? They've been together for a while but I don't think they've shown him intimate?

    3. I think they are taking things very sloooowly. Lol. In soap opera time, this is unheard of. Well Katie definitely isn’t someone who ‘gets around’ so I’m glad they aren’t rushing the Katie / Carter thing.
      Good for you on the workouts, Milla!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
      Being healthy is so important. It helps mentally, physically…everything!

    4. Very very true Lynn πŸ€—

  10. You didn’t fail him hope you were the best mother he can ever ask for
    You just need a house full of games and play dates kinda like 24\7

    1. Don't forget craft paint! 🎨 Grandma Brooke & Grandma Taylor can teach Douglas how to "properly" use paint! πŸ˜‚

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ steffy and hope had one in past too but with chocolate

    3. Mmysh when did that happen? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ damn your memory is unparalleled πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    4. πŸ˜‚ milla it happened long time ago
      With old hope ridge and Taylor
      Bill’s house now was Taylor’s
      Taylor was start dating thorn
      And he sent he a chocolate fountain
      Anyway liam left steffy and asked for annulment but she refused
      It was liam and hope’s wedding
      Hope didn’t know steffy refused to sign
      Ridge went and talked to steffy but she refused
      So they couldn’t proceed with the wedding
      So hope with wedding dress went to steffy to talk to her
      Then they fight using the chocolate

    5. 🀣🀣hahahahah

  11. Mmysh, you are on fire, girlfriend!! πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Thanks my dear sweet lady
      They are ruining his character
      That’s not him
      Or maybe the team he spend with thomas and what thomas family showed him as any kid why not i want fun all the time
      He saw only that with
      Didn’t experienced any parenting
      And what is funny more is the people who supported his decision and how could didn’t like
      How could she not give him what he want
      Oh really i wonder if they do that with their kids
      But when it comes to hope all the logic and the right is up side down

  12. For me Douglas never wanted Liam in the picture and i believe it's continue to be like that. Now even Carter is a Logan 🀦🏽🀦🏽🀦🏽. Hope now just gonna taste her own medicine....what does that mean see a child that you were raising trapping away..... Steffy been kind to let Douglas go back home with her.

  13. All this hugging instead of accepting life as it comes.. Baby Hope wants her baby back and poor Liam has to make her happy. How stupid. That's Thomas's child period like it or not. I dispise seeing her. When will she grow up??? Soooo selfish in every way.
    Whatever she wants she gets with no measure or regret just like mommy Brooke.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what show are you watching

  14. so, doesn't anyone else wonder why Katie doesn't have any scars for her heart transplant, or kidney transplant. Maybe the doctors on the show have ways of doing things that real doctors do not.

  15. Dear Sir. are we having new episode for today or not ?
    Thanks Man.
