Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-23 Full episode B&B 15th February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-23 Full episode B&B 15th February 2023


  1. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Maybe tomorrow.

    1. for real wasted episode throw together a couple people like it was a spot fill in not really a full episode

    2. They just rehashed the show from yesterday and it was deadly boring then. Stoopitest custody battle ever. Unwatchable.

  2. So, what part does Hope NOT to understand, that Douglas wants to try to stay with Steffy for a while. Hope wants to kill Douglas desire of wanting to stay at Steffy for a period of time. Come on Hope, start acting like an adult and not a whining little girl (I wonder sometimes if she is a mature adult here) Douglas seems to have his own personal reasons of wanting to live at Steffy's. I think Douglas likes the way Finn thinks and, in his eyes, he is seeing him as a good father figure that Douglas is looking for.

    1. It’s getting ridiculous
      So do you leave your child move to his aunt just because he like it there
      Really how can her be selfish for not wanting to lose her child
      What kind twist logic just because we hate the character

    2. @Mmysh I don't like the storyline of having Douglas tossed back and forth any more than you do. I also certainly don't like Douglas from going from home to home either, but Douglas made his wish to stay with Steffy. As for Hope's character, my thoughts of her are a toss between I like her at times, and I don't like her at time, but I don't really hate her, maybe I did go a little overboard in expressing my thoughts, I apologize if it offended you.

    3. Elizabeth i feel the exact same way you do about Hope's character.

    4. @Jordan's blog Thanks, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one, here, then.

    5. I'm right there with you Elizabeth. Sometimes I agree with the "fictional" character of Hope and a lot of times not. I do think this is going to cause a lot of tension with Steffy and Finn. Let's hope they can keep that away from Douglas.

    6. No dear no worries
      But im a little sensitive with adoptive parents
      Thanks for your nice words
      Im sorry if i got overreacting
      But really why people blaming hope for not wanting to lose her child
      Steffy is his aunt
      But hope is his mother

    7. @Elizabeth There is no love lost between Steffy and Hope so this is not so much about Douglas choosing not to live with her and Liam but more about him choosing to live with Steffy, her arch-nemesis. Hope has already insinuated that Steffy is not a good parent even though she (Hope) blindly signed a custodial agreement for her son. Great parenting, Hope!

    8. 😂😂😂😂 Really where did hope said steffy is not a good mother
      And if steffy is the enemy
      In your opinion who is the one who started that always wanting what hope had starting with men 😂😂
      The history is totally against you here

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Mmysh if I remember correctly this started after last time Ridge left Taylor for Brooke and Steffy felt like he was leaving her too for Hope. Hope was also calling him "dad" at the time which really bugged Steffy and contributed to her retaliating and setting out to take things/men from Hope... (Just some background, not excusing her by any means)

    11. First ridge never left Taylor for brook
      But sure Taylor‘s kids don’t know that
      Yes it bugs steffy that hope was calling him dad not a good reason though coz ridge never abandoned his kids
      As i told you before they used to have a good relationship with brook especially when Taylor is not around
      But in the end when things came seriously between hope and steffy
      Especially with liam drama
      He took steffy’s side although she ws at wrong we all know what happened
      At that time hope stoped calling him dad

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Yes I remember that he didn't leave his kids and I always "defended" him on that outlandish accusation spread by other people. But the last wedding (10+ years ago) Ridge walked out on Taylor when he found out that Brooke didn't sleep with Thomas and went back to Brooke. That's what I meant that he left Taylor for Brooke. I think it's then when Steffy became really weird, that drove her to Bill and then when she couldn't snag him, set her sights on Hope's fiance. Yes I remember Ridge taking Steffy's side all the time, he was even ready to give her to Bill, then when she married Liam by trapping Hope in a gondola, even then Ridge didn't blame Steffy. He loves her unconditionally.

    14. Exactly
      But we can’t consider that time as he left Taylor for brook
      Be was with brook and left her because of his mother’s manipulation involving thomas
      Steffy also at that time blamed thomas for telling the truth
      Good she changed now and the truth matters to her
      And when hope told liam about the gondola and he asked steffy she also lied to his face back then
      So i like this steffy now better

    15. She surely has matured a lot.

    16. So true. She is none too smart and totally selfish.

  3. At first I thought we’d be surprised by Finn's backbone but seems Steffy won’t let that happen. That kid will live in every house on this show on "let's see how it goes" basis... And like Lynn pointed out, what about school? Do they all live around the corner?
    Lynn btw I noticed now the signature hip swing too 😅

    1. Hi Milla! oh yeah, Steffy walks like she’s God’s gift. Lol
      I may be one of the few on this blog that thought today’s episode was good. Liam and Finn were totally the voices of reason. And Finn doesn’t seem too happy about all this. I did not like how Steffy told Hope it was gonna be temporary, then proposed it to Finn like it was gonna be permanent. It wasn’t until Finn pushed back that Steffy proposed the temporary idea. Typical for Steffy. But I don’t think I’ve ever been as proud of Liam and Finn as I was today. Sure, there was quite a bit of Hope drama, but that’s exactly what a mother would do if she were threatened with losing her son.
      I honestly think this is gonna cause tension between Finn and Steffy, and that’s where this Douglas thing is going to take us next.
      My favorite line in today’s show was Finn saying….Steffy, it’s not as simple as packing a suitcase!!
      Yes, FF’s that’s what you all seem to be forgetting while rooting for Steffy….it’s definitely not as simple as packing a suitcase. Don’t lose sight of what’s best for Douglas just because you hate the Logans.
      What’s the most hilarious to me is that EVERYONE except Thomas thinks that Thomas is NOT what’s best for Douglas right now. That’s one thing everyone on the show agrees on!!! 😂😂😂😂
      Thomas…you lose!

    2. I also liked how Finn was being, especially since we're used to him just going with whatever she wants. And yes that sentence I noticed too 😀 you don't just pack the kid and move him wherever. It's about stability, about raising him, about being responsible for his life. And he knows well Hope and Thomas will be there all the time 😂it was one thing Taylor walking in on their morning drooling all the time, now it will be Douglas AND his parents. He's right to have reservations. But I don't think they will mean much. Poor Finn is Mr Steffy Forrester. But let's see there may be tension like you predict.

    3. Lynn I don't think anyone was rooting for Steffy. That wasn't even an option. I just think she handled it well in front of Douglas. And it probably will be temporary. Who knows with these writers.

    4. Omg milla do you remember my comments about how this will affect steffy and finn
      Although we are the ones who are not steffy’s fans
      But were the only ones that care about how much that will effect her
      And Douglas too
      The rest or her fans as long as hooe is the one whois losing we don’t care
      I can’t really find words to describe such behavior

    5. Another thing to point out is both Hope’s and Thomas’ reactions to this whole Douglas thing….
      Hope is heartbroken and devastated, while on the other hand, Thomas just seems pissed off / angry that he didn’t win!!!

    6. @Mmysh I did watch Finn's face he wasn't looking to thrilled about that, and once again Steffy tried to use her famous Steffy Forrester venom to get Finn to see things her way. It's obvious that she can still work her Steffy charm when she wants to, "Beware of the Steffy Charm Sting"

    7. Ahahah Mmysh I have to admit I don't care how it will affect her 😂😂 actually if the Mr and Mrs Steffy's conversations become less sugary, I may even want to hear them. Anything that will get us out of the boring times 😁😁

    8. Awww "Steffy Venom" - I like that, Elizabeth 😂🤗 I thought you liked her 😀

    9. Hi D, I think the Forrester fans were just so happy that Hope didn’t get custody that they were rooting for Steffy as a default since Thomas wasn’t chosen. It’s simply a “Stick it to the Logans mentality.” They were all defending the Steffy guardianship wholeheartedly, saying that’s what Douglas wants so let it be…instead of looking at the whole picture.
      All this means is that Douglas is going to move twice more. Because he will go back to Hope’s eventually. He’s already been tossed around like a football. Doesn’t seem like this temporary situation will be a good idea. And Finn had a really valid point when he said….Now we’re gonna get pulled into the Thomas / Hope drama. So no matter how you slice it, there will always be drama surrounding Douglas. Just like there is with all kids who deal with broken homes.

    10. Totally agree Elizabeth
      Especially when she use that word and especially in this case
      So upon her logic
      The mother has less rights upon her children if she doesn’t has the the same last name
      She can’t use that her
      And its really gonna put alot of stress on them
      Less privacy and too much work especially with sheila situation

    11. And Douglas’s reasons are ridiculous and lame i don’t blame him he is a kid and kids like to have fun all the time
      But this isn’t life and they should let him learn that he can’t have always anything he wants

    12. Milla, you are so right! Finn is Mrs Steffy Forrester. LMAO! Or at least he has been until now! Let’s see how this goes.

      Mmysh is correct, she predicted the other day that this will cause problems between Steffy and Finn. She is so right! I agree 100%. We have gone along with the over-the-top sugary sweet vomit inducing Steffy / Finn love fest for far too long. It’s time for their marriage to take a big hit! I think Finn is very attractive, but his character seems a bit boring. I actually like Liam’s character better. Liam has a personality. And I also think Liam is very attractive.

    13. Mmysh, correct. Today’s society makes it all about what the kids want, but often times that is not what’s best for the children. We have raised a very self- centered generation of kids who don’t respect their elders and feel entitled. Lol. But I digress…

    14. The Steffy venom comment was good! Lol
      To me she has always been and always will be “Little Miss Thing”. Cuz she has such a HIGH opinion of herself. 🤮🤮🤮

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Above…that should have said…You are right, Finn is Mr. Steffy Forrester!!

    17. So let me see... Liam and Hope can raise Douglas drama-free even though they are nothing but pure drama, but Finn and Steffy can't. Sigh. When are any of their lives drama-free?

      Yes, Finn has concerns ONLY because he was just telling Li how perfect his life is the way it is at the moment. Then, all of a sudden, here comes Steffy saying that they should consider taking Douglas in to live with them. Noooooobody saw that coming! Yeah, right. Finn has always been the one whenever Steffy is worried or has concerns about something, telling her that everything will be fine, that he is here for her, that he will do anything to ensure her happiness and the happiness of their family yet somehow, he can't agree to bring Douglas into their perfect living situation even though it would make his wife and children happy and, more importantly, it would give Douglas some stability for once. I guess it doesn't say much for his appreciation for what his adopted mom did for him.

    18. Nobody said they can’t btw
      But why since he has a family a stable life and routine
      Just because he like it there because he had fun during play dates
      So they should give whatever he wants when he wanted
      Such a good parenting
      And its so funny your last sentence
      Of course the kid will like playing and fun with no responsibilities
      That’s doesn’t mean hope did something wrong
      But sure you will thing that
      And of course between mothers and aunts the kid should stay with the mother as long as she is not abusing him
      But if you see the aunt has more rights just because she share the kids’s last name thats says a lot

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. @Elle for what it’s worth, I think Finn will cave (reluctantly). But I don’t see this as "stability" for Douglas - in order to see how it goes, to uproot his life and move him to his aunt's where he has only been visiting and thinks it's all fun and games.

    21. It would be one thing if Douglas spelled out some problem he had at Hope's that will be solved at Steffy's, but that's not the case, at least not so far. So tossing him around is anything but stability.

    22. Exactly milla
      Hope being a good mom thinking its her fault but till now its not
      Its about him wanting to have fun
      But even when hope is doing the right thing some are twisting this to use it against her

  4. Finn made a lot of good points. I just wish they would have ended the conversation with a time frame for the temporary custody. One month trial basis & then re-evaluate the situation would have been reasonable. Let Hope have a day-time visitation with Douglas on one weekend day & Thomas the other. That would also help out Steffy & Finn.

  5. At least Liam was more reasonable and mature today compared to yesterday. I feel like Steffy wasn't really listening to her husband. She just kept on until he gave in. I hope Douglas becomes an evil little brat, and turns the household upside down. Finn and Steffy will start to have marriage problems. I would like to see Finn tempted to cheat. Then they will be more than happy to send his little butt home. 😁

    1. "I hope Douglas becomes an evil little brat, and turns the household upside down. " 😂😂😂 I'd love to see that!! Now I'm imagining him running around and into the camera "Home Alone" style 🤣
      And apropos cheating - it will be so shocking and kinda hilarious if Finn and Hope "bond" on their wish Douglas to be back at Hope's 😁😁😂

  6. Finn isnt not wanting Douglas its the baggage coming Liam Hope Thomas

    1. It’s a lot more than that, Mandy. Just like others, you are grossly oversimplifying things. Finn likes his family the way it is. He said that very thing. He has every right to state his opinion in all this. And he and Steffy will need to find something agreeable to both of them. Even then, my prediction is that this is going to create problems in their marriage. Then the nauseatingly happy little couple are gonna start having troubles and potential cheating will occur. Yep, yep!

    2. Finn also said he thinks Hope should be his guardian.

    3. Lol. Finn definitely does not want the baggage of Hope, Thomas and Liam. 😂😂

  7. I just can't get over the stupidity of the writers. I mean how would the legal documents read?
    Case#.......Guardianship of Douglas Forrester brought to the courts by Thomas Forrester.
    Douglas Forrester has the right to determine guardianship between Hope Spencer, Thomas Forrester or whoever he wishes.
    No court on this planet would allow it.

    1. D, exactly! But Elle will tell you otherwise. Lol

    2. You need to read Elle’s many comments from last Friday’s episode if you don’t know what I’m referring to. I’m simply saying Elle has an entirely different take on it.

    3. Maybe some research needs to be done on the plausibility of having a child less than 18 years of age choose his own guardianship. A little more insight never hurt anyone.

    4. Matter of fact, the documents had already been before the court since the judge would have reviewed the case that was presented by Thomas and the custodial agreement signed by both Thomas and Hope. The judge even led the hearing and confirmed the documents as legal and binding once Douglas made his decision.

    5. Elle, blah blah blah. I don’t doubt that in some rare circumstances a child Douglas’ age would be able to choose where he wants to live. But it is not very common in California. And if any child has two fit parents who are alive, (the jury is clearly out on Thomas’ fitness, but the court has not officially deemed him unfit), then absolutely no judge is going to grant custody to an extended family member just because a 10 year old wishes it to be true. I would hope you would do YOUR homework. Let me know what you come up with. I speak for laws in California where I live and where the show takes place.

    6. Well, blah blah blah to you too, Lynn.

    7. Elle, at least I backed up my blah blah blah with facts. Lol
      Waiting for an actual rebuttal.

  8. wow only 2 scenes with 4 actors how boring

    1. We got a break from the 9 toed devil lady today. That’s a win in and of itself!

    2. But we got too much of Katie. Waaayyyyy too much! Blech!

    3. Better get used to seeing Katie, cuz you’re gonna be seeing more and more of her since her relationship is developing with Carter. 😂😂😂

  9. todays episode was a new low point if you ask me only 4 people total talking in the same blah looking places too

  10. For the first time in hope's life she didn't get what wanted and now she's acting like a big whiney baby 🍼

    1. Really losing a child is something tiny
      Why you all keep talking about Douglas like he is a object
      I wonder what would you do in her position
      Im pretty sure if she acted the opposite you will be bashing her anyway oh she doesn’t care about him she is not even upset
      Hating a character is one thing but twisting logic is another
      Its only has one name

    2. Mmysh, 100% guaranteed if it were Steffy saying the words that Hope is saying right now, those same FF’s would say….”Poor Steffy, it’s so horrible what’s happening to her.” But because it’s Hope…she’s a whiny baby. Their comments are so stupid and one sided it’s not even worth reading them and definitely not worth responding to them. Anyone faced with losing their child would be completely devastated and it could result in Hope sinking into a major depression. That’s reality.

    3. Thanks lynn
      But the hypocrisy is just unacceptable
      I remember how they wrote when steffy lost beth
      As you said poor steffy she bonded with that baby blah blah
      I don’t like steffy but i really felt sad for here crying over beth
      I know its fictional and not real life
      But still it happened
      How can any good human or a mother enjoying seeing a women losing a child
      Even on tv
      Its really weird
      But most ridiculous when the said she is selfish for not want to give up her child like is a piece of furniture

    4. I wonder if it's hypocrisy when Hope, Liam, Beth and Douglas were the perfect little family but as soon as Douglas wants out, he is suddenly ungrateful and should not be made to choose his own happiness. I guess a happy and well-adjusted childhood is a thing of the past. I am glad that Hope realized (after all of her whining) that she was not the good parent she thought she was all along.

    5. 😂😂😂 still ungrateful until he gave a good reason and hope as a good mother she thinks she did wrong she didn’t blame Douglas
      That’s sooooo far from selfish
      So yes it’s hypocrisy to always talk about the perfect family steffy has and how finn is so damn perfect
      But cheering for other families to be destroyed
      And a mother to lose a child
      Such a good principles
      And funny how you talk about hope’s whining while all of them whining especially your princess steffy
      We didn’t saw you saying how much she was whining thinking she lost finn
      ( of course for me that is not whining that was grieving her husband and her love)
      But sure hope can’t
      Or any other characters you guys don’t like

    6. @Elle I don't think she "realized" anything like that because it's also not true. She's in shock and blaming herself but nobody (including her) can point to one bad thing she did to that kid. Did she use him, threaten him, lie to him? No. Did she bend over backwards with his coocoo father to make co-parenting work, even put a big strain on her marriage (which thankfully Liam managed to get past) to make it work? Yes. What exactly did she do wrong as a mother?

    7. Elle, I hope you noticed Thomas realized nothing about himself! Because Thomas is a selfish narcissist.

    8. @Milla I don't think Hope was referring to all of what you mentioned in your post. I believe she was blaming herself for whatever contribution she made toward Douglas choosing not to live with her. That would include the change in the relationship with his father. It's one thing for a parent not to trust the other parent but it's another thing to show that mistrust blatantly in front of the child. Douglas should have never been exposed to Liam and Hope standing over him and Thomas spending time together. It would also include her going along with Thomas' scheme and blindly signing a custody agreement that had neither parent's name on it. She is seriously questioning her judgement where that is concerned. I think that is where Hope was coming from. That she was unable to provide a home where Douglas felt happy, well-adjusted, stable and loved rather than feel like a piece of property that his parents were fighting over.

    9. @Lynn Why would you hope that?

    10. Elle all of what you’re saying is (potential!) thoughts she may (!) be thinking through the prism of guilt that weren’t actual fault of hers.

      Objectively everything that she has done and the way she has been was always in Douglas‘ best interest and he couldn’t have hoped for a better mother. I don’t think she was blaming herself for standing there with him and Thomas (we don’t even know for how long) and many people would do exactly that, mostly to make sure the child is comfortable considering how the father has treated him and how Douglas was last shown to feel about him. And yes she is questioning her choice to sign the custody agreement but again, objectively, we know why that was - because she had the confidence from the conversation with him. It was silly, but doesn’t make her a bad parent.
      None of this does. The only unfit parent is Thomas and he keeps proving it.

    11. @Lynn apropos what you mentioned about if Steffy and Hope's places were switched, imagine the reactions if Hope was talking to her husband like Steffy "can you find a place in your heart for Douglas?" - that's pure manipulation. And him allowing himself to be manipulated (which I believe he will, hope I'm wrong) is what makes him a Mr Steffy. Again, like I said before, what a waste of a good actor, Finn could be a major character with good writing.

    12. Actually I remember Hope wanting Liam to adopt Douglas and he wanted nothing to do with it. In fact he was against Hope adopting Douglas because it would give her a permanent tie to Thomas!!

      I don’t think Steffy was being manipulative at all. She was acknowledging that yes their wee family was perfect as it was… however, Douglas needed them for now and she doesn’t feel right rejecting him. She’s asking Finn for a short while to change their family configuration to include Douglas until he feels safe to return to Hope and Liam.

      Even Liam told Hope it was a good idea. It would give Douglas a break from the parental drama and give him a chance to get homesick.

      Regarding the issue of school that I see mentioned multiple times… I’m sure he’s in a private school and they don’t care where he lives as long as they drop him off/ pick him up on time. No Forrester or even Logan/Spencer child would attend a local state school… only the best for that posh lot.

      I don’t see this as a Steffy vs Hope or who is the winner situation. We all k know Thomas shouldn’t be raising Douglas at this time. Steffy is a good mum and she and Hope have very different styles but both are shown being loving parents.

      I heard Hope expressing that she made a mistake in letting Douglas choose. That she did and Thomas didn’t handle things the way they should have as the parents.

      It’s good to take stock and realise that you made a mistake so one can do better going forward.

      What I heard from Liam is, that they cannot undo that, but if they ignore what Douglas said and don’t honour the agreement he will be never trust them. I would agree. Liam and Steffy both get it, Douglas will realise living at Auntie’s house isn’t all rainbows, unicorns and art projects 😂. He will get homesick and decide to go back with his mum.

      If this situation helps Hope to keep the parental drama away from Douglas so he’s not piggy in the middle, so much the better. Thomas will sadly be Thomas but I hope he can somehow redeem himself and be a good father down the road.

    13. I remember Brooke drawing up papers and demanding Thomas relinquish his parental rights so Hope and Liam could both adopt Douglas because Hope had lost Beth and desperately wanted to be a mother.

      That was before Thomas started doing anything “concerning” that they knew of.

      Liam was unhappy about it, especially since Douglas already had a father and he didn’t want Hope around Thomas.

      It was only after Thomas told Brooke what to do with the papers lol that Hope came up with the idea of the “open adoption” so she could adopt Douglas and have shared custody of him. She did the whole fake wanting to be with Thomas to get him to agree to it.

      At least Steffy is asking Finn and trying to get his support rather than springing it on him as a fait accompli… I hear that “we hate Steffy… blah blah”.

      If Brooke and Taylor are BFF’s maybe fans can try to find some common ground.

    14. So how exactly she wanted Douglas because she lost beth and liam was involved
      Liam got back with hope after they found out the truth about beth
      And Thomas was already left without even care about his son
      And when Emilia took Douglas to see him he raised his hand on him and Douglas was really scared
      And Thomas even called him brat and bad names and his friend vinny told him to stop
      So the papers brook prepared was after all of that not before as you mentioned
      He already abused his son
      And Continue to used him with zoye
      So the abuse didn’t stop
      And hope wanted custody to protect Douglas
      Since back then no one care but her
      What hope did in manipulate thomas was totally wrong even if its was for good cause
      But all she cared about was Douglas

    15. Saying it the way Steffy said it "can you find a place for Douglas in your heart" IS manipulation. When you know the other person can't possibly answer "no I can't find" is nothing else. That's what's happening right in front of our eyes now. So no, I don't care for her and her ways. She may have put the nasty btch behind her but she's displaying still her toxicity (Steffy Venom as Elizabeth so accurately put it) in other ways.

    16. @ Elle, why would I hope for what? I don’t know what you are referring to.

    17. @ Anonymous, I see very little little “We hate Steffy” in the comments. Primarily it’s non-stop Hope bashing!

    18. Well Elle, I don’t see any of the theories you put forth on the reason Douglas wanted to leave Hope’s as being true. As we found out on Thursday’s (2-16) episode he says he wants “a change” and it will be “fun” living at Steffy’s on the beach. Oh brother!!! Exactly the deep thinking we expect from a 10 year old boy. Sarcasm intended. So like I said in my other comment….this just solidifies the fact that the judge NEVER should have allowed Douglas to pick anyone other than his parents. And as previously stated, no real judge would ever do that anyway unless his real parents were deemed unfit by the court. And nothing like that ever took place.

  11. Don’t panic everyone bob will put it bk on like he always does, thx bob

  12. Maybe the writers should somehow have Carolyn come back from the dead, with possible amnesia since her character Sarah on Days is not so great. I certainly enjoyed her better as Carolyn on B&B.

    1. I would like to see her too. And they haven't brought anyone back from the dead recently (nobody bought Sheila was dead) last one was Finn so why not?

  13. Thanks so much Bob for putting it back on, really good episode today.

  14. i don't understand finns problem with douglas living there ...he was just praising waht a good kid he is and how he loves for him to be there and how special he is to now steffy says he wants to live with them and he puts up an argument...its her nephew for gods sake. if my neice wanted to live with me i don't care what my husband or boyfriend or whoever the hell said im going to take my neice and she is going to live with me. if a kid is asking to live with someone else like steffy said trust the choice he made.

    i think douglas really likes finn alot and looks up to him because he said the other day when liam was there to pick him up he wishes he could stay and thats when liam said they had to go and finn said you are welcome here anytime we love having he took it as he could live there if he chose them

    i don't think he likes liam that well he told him last week that he wasn't his dad and he had refered to him as beths dad not his before he looks at liam as the reason that his mom isn't with thomas and thats what he really wants

    and well thomas im not sure i think he loves his dad but he doesn't trust his dad at the moment..theres been so many problems with him

    so steffy is the solid person who doens't have problems like the rest she is neutral in it all

  15. Bob TY for reloading.
    Baby Hope doesn't even know how to cry. She's like a broken record repeating the same things and repeating and repeating..
    Steffy always has the guts for everything even to make Finn convinced for Douglas.
    And good old Eric of all people hypocrite criticizing Thomas. He should look back to see what he did to the Logan'S!! Him of all people!
    Anyway even if, i did enjoy the program today.
