Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-9-23 Full episode B&B 9th February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-9-23 Full episode B&B 9th February 2023


  1. Brooke wants to be good role models for their daughters. TOO LATE, they have already used every guy to death. Disappointed they want different men, instead of the same guy for both. Sounds lackluster. How will they guilt some new guy? They only had to do half the work splitting the same guy. More make-up presents after fights, more scandal. This could be boring watching some slob at the TV (EGADS SPORTS) all the time because no one is calling them away.

    1. @Booklover123 I read on of the soap articles that mentioned that there is talk of giving Brooke a new man in her life, then there is a rumor that the actor playing Carter may leave the B&B, and another talk Ridge could come back with a new woman in his life. But now we are seeing who gets custody of Douglas officially, I hope Thomas loses.

    2. Instead of same old boring formula with same triangles they could mix it up and change some of the demographics.. I'd watch a Brooke Taylor thing just for fresh territory and all kinds of funny awkward situations. If Ridge comes back with someone else we know how long that ever lasts. They need to catch up to today's society. DOOL did it without making us barf. We watch rich people to see how that life is,
      when clothing is the most important thing in the world. That and deciding for everyoine else who they will be with and what they will be doing. Steffy in the real world, real people would be very funny demanding her way or the highway-from people who don't worship her.

  2. Children dont belong to anyone.

  3. Most uncomfortable cabin ever 🤣 Thomas, Hope and Liam. Btw in some moments Hope looks more like that mannequin and less the other way around 😂🙈
    Thomas yeah why not buy a house? Why are you crashing at Paris 1-bedroom? And I bet anything he'll end up living with his grandpa or sister or - now that Taylor is shacking up with Brooke 🤦🏻‍♀️ - he will likely move in her house.
    Uhhh some tension with Hope and Thomas again 😁😁 Douglas didn't even blink before answering. Thomas is bound to come up with some machinations 😀 If he hasn't already, like Liam pointed out. When judges are involved, usually Bill/Sheila are too 😂 not that he's in cahoots with them...

    1. Billl and Sheila wouldn't want a rank amatuer like Thomas who does his crimes and gets caught by telling all to Douglas who he thinks WON'T rat him out after ratting him out every time? Talk about never learning. Thomas needs a course in covering up crimes of forget doing them!

    2. I was about to say that as a millennial digital native he can teach them some things but then I remembered how he embarrassed us (millenia s) by not buying his own app/ not deleting it from his phone so no, you're right he's a bit amateurish. Still nice to look at and spectacular actor (who doesn't repeat himself so much)

  4. So Bell is doing it
    Making Lope no 1 parent to Douglas by getting Douglas wanting to be a logan
    Have he forgotten the Santa kiss lie??
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. Lame doesn't want Douglas Hope. Douglas can lie for Brooke but he can't for his dad......

  6. Is Jmw pregnant again as she keeps hiding her tum ?

    1. I think she should space out those pregnancies, that could be the reason for her having such a large butt. Maybe it’s not from surgery but just from being preggers all the time. LOL!!

    2. I don't think that's her butt. At the wedding of Taylor and Ridge, Steffy was standing there sideways and her butt moved up and down depending on camera shot. At first it was where her butt would be, then it slipped down, beneath her own butt. Watch that episode again, it's pretty funny. Would have been great to see some flailing elbows and the butt is up between her shoulder blades. Missed opportunity.
      Taylor also wore one at her engagement party. She's wearing a white or light colored dress and massive rump. That was funny!

  7. My take from today’s episode…this Thomas / Douglas / Hope thing is gonna drive a renewed wedge between Taylor and Brooke. They will both root for their own children. Taylor will always stand behind Thomas no matter what he does. And of course Brooke will want Douglas with Hope and Liam.
    Liam is right, Thomas is bound to have something up his sleeve. Maybe something as simple as guilting Douglas into choosing Thomas. Thomas is definitely not beneath doing something low-down like that.
    The way it should happen is the judge should talk to Douglas alone so he can get honest feedback from the child. He is pretty young to be making the decision himself. But I think Douglas is supposed to be older than he appears on the show, in which case the judge may say it’s fine he chooses where he wants to live.
    I’m bugged by the fact that Steffy is going to be a character witness for Thomas when she was so incredibly disgusted about the way Thomas used his son. Steffy should have told Thomas “No!”

    1. So thomas is using his son to get back at hope for not taking him back as the lead designer
      Im sure if she let him back he will never ask for this now

    2. Mmysh, that makes total sense!! 👍🏻

    3. They weren’t there as character witnesses, but to “witness” proceedings and prevent either party later claiming that something was forced on Douglas by the other party etc.

  8. And please no more romantic Steffy and Finn scenes…..they got old a long time ago!! 🤮🤮🤮
