Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th May 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-16-23 Full episode B&B 16th May 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. <---Thomas LQQKIE HERE! You CAN always marry the HOPE mannequin! Guys like Elon Musk are doing it. He doesn't like backtalk or being told what to do with his money, either.
    Steffy injects herself into other people's personal business. She'd have such a fit if anyone did this stuff to her. Steffy so deserves everyone butting in to her love like and how she should change it. Someone tell her how gross her INAPPROPRIATE, disgusting make out scenes of her exfoliaiting his skin with her grouper mouth. Let's see some karma for the Kardashian wanna-be.

    1. And now finn is talking about brook
      Why steffy telling finn about brook
      She adore gossiping all the time anyway
      And since she doesn’t know about her mother’s ugly past
      Her mother who is all about truth and honesty (what a joke 😂)
      Felt ashamed to tell her brats about her dirty past and raised them on lies and fed them hate
      How disgusting
      So steffy doesn’t know about her mother’s past but sure she know her past which part of it is unknown for finn
      Then she has the nerve to judge anyone even brook
      Such a hypocrite

    2. So Steffy got ranted on for not saying anything to Liam and she is having a private conversation with her husband, after swearing him to secrecy you are ranting about what a shite stirrer she is?? Really???

      Steffy is stressing because of Hope’s behaviour. She’s taking it through with Finn as she should! She’s not running around Forrester making accusations or saying anything to get Liam riled up! But still slagging her off.

    3. I have to agree that Steffy went a bit overboard with the "Hope caressing his arms". That sounds like what she's doing with half-naked Finn every other episode. If someone hears that, it would seem nothing like what did happen. I'm actually now rooting for her to keep quiet if she can't be objective (not that anyone can expect her to be).

    4. Exactly milla
      Big difference between holding hand and there was touching 😂😂😂

    5. And milla im so sick really of hope
      Even if your mother the worst just stop bringing her up and with whom Thomas
      if you are mad at yourself because you know what you are doing is wrong and stupid, don’t put the blame on your mother who always supported you
      Just take some lessons from steffy although steffy doesn’t know about her mother’s ugly past even worse that brook‘s but even if she knew she would never bash her mother and let other participants
      Hope wasn’t like this
      Im so disappointed with her
      Go check inside yourself and see what wrong
      Because its sick and stupid and naive to have feelings for such a man and what he presents in your life and to your family 🤮🤮

    6. I'm also not happy with the constant factoring of Brooke in all this Mmysh. We got it, you're nothing like Brooke. Although like you Mmysh say all of Brooke's past has been widely discussed and she's been judged for all of it for 35 years. Taylor's on the other hand always got swept under the rug.
      But I don't see Hope ever having fun with Thomas or feelings that she even close to enjoys. Always tortured all the way. I feel for her and hope it doesn't take long before we see some resolution.

    7. You know lynn maybe if hope was telling her struggles with her mother’s past to kaite or donna its wouldn’t be that bad
      At least those are your aunts, your mother‘s sisters
      Who loves you both and will support you
      Sister‘s always complaining about each other to each other
      But to thomas 🤦🏻‍♀️ no that’s really weak and stupid
      When steffy told her are you turning to your mother hope should have shut her up and defend her mother instead of that weak response no im not like her
      Especially when the judging comes from steffy or Thomas
      And i hope one day steffy and Thomas will know the truth about their mother‘s past
      And why im so mad at hope not because of its brook but the whole thing is wrong towards her mother
      That’s why i wrote she should learn some lessons from steffy

    8. i have watched this show since it came on and i was like 9 years old trying to figure out how to be sick so i could stay home and watch it(which if i may add i was able to do quite often ) but there is nothing in taylors past that even comes close to brooke. brooke has married every forrester man basically and has kids by a few of them and still holds that little special place in her heart for them and thinks she always has the inside to one of them when something is going on she doesn't like. for instance she hated quinn yet quinns past is nothing like donnas the other little slut of the valley who didn't care one moment eric was cheating on quinn by going and playing pickle ball yeah we know who was pickling his balls now don't we. taylor has always claimed she loved ridge and that was her one true love and she has not really faltered too much with that shes been with a few. ridge got arrested and he told her they were done and to move on from him and thorne was there and they were together for a bit then again after she was drunk and killed thorns wife darla they got close again but then thorns daughter couldn't handle the truth that taylor killed her mom and they ended and then she was with whip but that was nothing too serious then when jack came back to town they were together until he met brooke then they had them feuding over the same man again and of course brooke won through sex alone( real surprise there) taylor has never had a kid by another man. everyone has things in there past but no one like brooke. taylor could probably get with deacon and within a month brooke will forget about ridge and be madly in love with deacon and use the fact we have a daughter together we will always have a bond that you will not taylor so just leave him alone. and she won't stop until she won. and look im a fan of brookes but the truth is the truth and no one should be blaming taylor for anything. and imagine being a women and falling for the one person you last thought you would in thomas of course your going to think you are your mom. and it will prove true hope will give into those feeling she has for thomas and little ms perfect will be thrown when she ends up pregnant and doesn't know who the father is around sweeps time. and she will have no one not even brooke to blame for this. have no doubt she is not going to resolve her feelings for thomas like the previous commenter said it will be resolved once she sleeps with him. she would have had they stayed the night in san fran but they had to build up to it a few more weeks so mark my words its coming hope and thomas round what 6 or 7 i don't even know anymore

    9. Milla and Mmysh,
      I completely agree…how many times is Brooke’s name gonna get dragged through the mud??!! And Thomas has brought it up multiple times. He needs to stop!!
      A few observations - Steffy you are NOT one to go on and on about “inappropriate behavior” at the office! The queen of inappropriate is YOU!! 😂😂😂
      And Steffy’s comment about Hope “not even realizing she is flirting with Thomas” is what I’ve been saying too. Just like Steffy said…I believe it is unconscious behavior on Hope’s part. But she definitely needs a reality check, because she absolutely is sending Thomas messages that are not good! I like how Hope always tells Liam she loves and appreciates him. I genuinely believe she does! I also like how she told Liam….”It would have been better if you were there, Liam.”
      Steffy’s comment to Finn about the “caressing” was over the top…just like you said, Milla.
      And it’s occurred to me that Steffy has ZERO CLUE how much “desire” was in Thomas’ eyes, because he was facing away from her when she witnessed the hand holding moment. So Steffy only saw Hope’s eyes. Steffy has no clue if Thomas is falling back into his old patterns with Hope.

    10. @Bbfan, it's Steffy we are talking about. She's a shit disturber (excuse me for spelling it right) lol, but has done nothing wrong. She's protecting Hope and could have told Liam what she saw weeks ago but why cause him more grief when she's not 100% sure yet. Haven't watched todays show yet but not sure I need to after reading comments below.

    11. @Ashrplond applaud your comment and enjoyed reading it as I haven't watched the soap that long. Comments further down I don't agree with that ratings are dropping because of the "sick story line between Thomas & Hope. They started going down long ago after Bell's son took over but we'll blame it on that. Going to go and try and watch today's show now but might nod off.

    12. @milla's comment at 1.52pm you don't see Hope ever having fun with Thomas or feelings that she even close to enjoys. Always tortured all the way? It's the only time I see her happy and enjoying being complimented about her success, appraised for all her hard work is with Thomas. Liam it's constant questioning about her lack of judgment where Thomas is concerned. I don't see her enjoying that 😕

    13. I know Lynn thank you. But like I said it was not possible of Steffy to be 100% objective. Liam actually should adjust his perspective saying she's always been objective about him 😅 Hope has no pleasure in any of this and anyone knowing her knows that she is not one to willingly risk what she has built with her husband. I only hope the way she unwillingly is risking it won't bite her in the A when Liam catches wind.

    14. And I also liked the same moments that you mentioned - how she loves Liam and how she said herself it would have been better with him there.
      Btw I have to say Thomas even though not perfect (the long looks and the neck rub especially) seems to be doing his best to show he's moved on and respects Hope's marriage. Previously he'd be all over her, but now he knows it's not good for him to detail his recovery. And even without the obsession factor, it's better for him not to set himself up for disappointment, knowing full well that Liam is the love of Hope's life.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Btw I may be crazy, but this time when Hope dropped the water *again* I had to really think what does that mean? Probably they are just messing with us, but it's really weird. Reminds me on HIMYM how Barney would sneeze when they mentioned that restaurant 🤣

    17. Milla, I questioned the water bottle drop too. Lol. She did it with Steffy and now with Thomas. I guess it’s just supposed to show us she’s flustered.
      And I agree for the most part that Thomas has been behaving. But if he has any inclination that Hope is getting a little too close, he should dial back the hugging, lingering looks into Hope’s eyes and neck rubs. Initially some of the FF’s said Thomas was starting to figure out that Hope was coming on to him. But they haven’t shown us anything yet that confirms it. What I find odd is that Steffy (who only witnessed the hand holding) was convinced Hope has feelings for Thomas, but Thomas still hasn’t picked up on any of Hope’s weird behavior?? Thomas is pretty savvy. So not sure why he isn’t questioning things more at this point. He has done quite a bit of reflection on some of their recent interactions. But still no indicators that he’s figured anything out.

    18. To be a Thomas advocate - I think because he can't even fathom Hope's interest could be fact. I remember that adorable puppy eye look when he said "not that she would ever do that" (throw herself at him). But I have the feeling soon, if not even on Fri, he'll be voicing some wondering about what's going on with her. If not to her directly, maybe to Steffy.

    19. Totally agree with you milla and lynn
      I just Read and Artikel with annika with soap opera digest podcast
      She said
      “ Of course, that doesn’t answer why it’s happening now, but at least it helps explains a little bit why Hope’s become so fixated on Ridge’s oft-troubled son. With all that said, we can’t exactly see this ever going well because this isn’t the healthiest way to fall for someone — especially since Hope’s portrayer made it clear that “It’s not something she’s enjoying. She’s horrified that she’s feeling this way!”

      So according to the actress hope is not enjoying what she going through
      But sure some here knows better that her 😂
      Just like when mathew (thomas) said in an interview that thomas caused emma’s death and he covered it up with ridge’s help but sure still some people knows betther 😂

    20. Thank you Mmysh! Yes, it's obvious she's not enjoying what's happening with her and for so many reasons. Thomas being who he is (was) is just one of them. There's mostly her family and marriage she wouldn't throw away for anybody anyway. There's the Brooke factor (for whatever reason). There's her career. The Steffy pressure. There's literally nothing to enjoy there. But let's see where it goes, I am curious. I've always had a soft spot for Thomas ☺️ so really want to see how he will react.

    21. With all the myriad lectures on whataboutism from LFs I love how when anyone even HOPE says something about her mother, you cannot help yourselves bashing Taylor. You bring it up every time, even when no one mentions Brooke. Anything that happens you start throwing stones at Taylor. Ridiculous!

      What I saw yesterday is that Hope was not happy when Thomas mentioned that she would be Liam forever and it’s the same look she got last time he said it at the office.

      When she says things to Liam, we see her face and it’s like she doesn’t feel but hopes saying it will make it true again.

      She says the correct things but her face says a million times more and it’s the opposite!!!

    22. AN can hardly say anything else can she?? I’m pretty sure B&B tells her what to say to press anyway. Just like all the rest.. keep fans guessing, talking etc.

    23. Re Thomas he doesn’t want to read anything into what Hope is doing. He’s clearly confused by some of her behaviours but is constantly telling himself not to go there and stay in check.

      I think he should be applauded for that. He’s really trying to change and be a better man.

    24. Yeah when Taylor’s kids being hypocrites to speak about brook while they have Taylor as a mother
      And they have themselves 😂😂
      So yeah we will bring it up
      And dear that is not whataboutism
      We are not bringing not related characters or events to try to find excuses or deny or defend
      So i guess didn’t work with you dear this time 😊

    25. Thank you Mmysh. I was about to say the same thing - we don’t bring up whatever comes to mind that has nothing to do with the current topic only to drag attention from what is in focus, what someone is clearly doing wrong and there’s no other way to defend or distract from. And thanks for the "ridiculous", BBFan, when I use that word, my comments are called obnoxious (see 2 eps ago). Proof plain and simple that just like Taylor, you guys are not perfect. The difference is that I won't use the word obnoxious.

    26. Indeed milla
      And i wonder if one of us the saying that B&B are telling the actors what to say to the media
      I can imagine what comments we will see 😂😂

    27. I would agree with you. If one watches the “interviews” they are clearly scripted!

    28. Of course BBFan. These actors are not allowed to say anything out of what they are told to say in interviews. Many times you would hear them say "I'm not sure if I am allowed to say ---- but I will say ----."

    29. Why didn’t she say that then 🤔

  2. I just recently listened to a podcast where this podcast speaker, said that she heard Bradley Bell answer her question about the Thomas and Hope storyline and how B&B fans don't like where it is going, Bradley Bell said he doesn't care but his storyline for Hope and Thomas is going to happen, whether we like it or not. So, if Bradley Bell is going to be "stirring up the pot" then I'm sure he is going to do the same with Steffy and Liam, which I don't like the idea because Steffy is in a good place with Finn and it should stay like it is.

    1. The show ratings are down every week
      Yeah most of the show fans don’t like this offensive sick storyline

    2. Plus sooo slow. To me that's the biggest problem, every episode chewing on the same lines over and over again, the same 4 people. The storyline OK, but bring it to an end already.

    3. And the flashbacks over and over every episode
      I was watching it on FB I always fast forward 10 second multiple times when the flashbacks starts
      Really boring

    4. You know gals Bradley Bell has given me the impression that he may want to shut down this B&B and that he is deliberately screwing everything up on this soap. What do you gals think?

    5. I have no idea my dear
      But as i know CBS has only 2 soaps left in the channel
      So maybe they will not cancel it
      But sure they are losing a lot of viewer
      The polls and the surveys on the internet a really big percentage of people totally against this story line
      Only a few supporting this

    6. I think BB is the "poor dog" in their BCG matrix. They have left it on autopilot - we invest as little as possible effort and money and whatever happens, happens.

    7. @Elizabeth Bell has never cared about fans' outcries where storylines are concerned. Even if ratings drop, it is just in the US (it has been dropping for years). The success of this show is on account of its international audience. Some years ago, they had the highest international viewership for a soap (not sure if it's still the same), which is why a lot of the soaps have fallen and only a few remain. So whether their US ratings drop or not, the show still survives mainly because of its international audience. Bell knows that, which is why he doesn't care about what the fans think about any particular storylines.

  3. I am old now, I have been watching this show that I was 13....what about Taylor past secret that she should tell her kids??.

    1. I would love to hear the answer to that as well.

    2. Miah off the top of my head, they likely don’t know that she had hidden for years her indiscretion with James W. and when Ridge finally found out, that was the trigger he left her when they were in their teens. Before that, he was ready to fight for the marriage (if he would have got over his feelings for Brooke is unknown). After thaty, when they would parrot that it’s all Brooke’s fault, she would never speak up and tell them she wasn’t blameless at all.
      I’m sure Mmysh remembers other things too.

    3. Thanks milla

      I will answer it knowing a lot of people knows all that but like to keep a blind eye
      Sorry in advance foe the long post
      Even though there is so many things i didn’t mention

      Thomas and steffy have absolutely no idea why their mother lost Ridge or how Taylor and Ridge's relationship even started and that Ridge and Brooke were in love when Ridge met their mom. Their past is very complicated and it's not like everything wrong that ever happened to Ridge and Taylor's relationship is on Brooke. Taylor knows that Brooke's children were bullied because Brooke's scandals were public. Even Taylor's children bullied Brooke's children because of it. I understand that when Brooke was her rival she didn't want to do anything about it and she felt satisfied that while her own mistakes are top secret, Brooke is absolutely exposed to the cruel world...
      But now? She said that she puts Brooke even before her feelings for Ridge so why won't she sit down with her children and explain to them how it really went down? Why won't she tell them that Brooke didn't just wake up one day and think "Hey Taylor's husband is hot. Why won't I just take him away?". Why won't she tell them that Brooke was single when she was with Eric and Thorne and she didn't cheat on Ridge back then (based on the dialogue they believe that Brooke cheated on Ridge with Eric and Thorne).
      Why won't she reveal that she herself manipulated the situation a couple of times, allowed Stephanie and Massimo to the dirty work and that she cheated with James and Hector?
      She told them a lot of half truths and now it's time to expose herself...
      Especially because Brooke still keeps a couple of Taylor's secrets and she never revealed them to Taylor's children.
      Taylor allows her children to say that she is perfect and was always loyal to Ridge.
      She never corrects them. She just stands there with a smile on her face and let's them be in the dark. I know that Brooke has made a lot of bad things over the years, but so has Taylor and so has Ridge.
      Taylor even told Ridge (in front of their kids) that he is an angel compared to Brooke after he did so many horrible things over the years including raping his brothers wife for a "joke". Taylor made a scapegoat out of Brooke for so many years and she allowed her children to do it as well. Now it's the time to prove that she is a good friend...

    4. You are forgetting that she cheated on Eric with Ridge. She then lied to Ridge when she got pregnant with Bridget swearing she hadn’t slept with Eric and it was certainly Ridge’s baby. A complete lie! You conveniently leave out anything that makes Brooke look like the homewrecker she was! Eric was married when Brooke went after him. She pretended to love him to make Ridge jealous!!! She tried to break up Ridge and Caroline. She did many shady things over the years. She did cheat on Ridge multiple times. I remember her at Forrester, sobbing that she didn’t know why she did these things over and over. She made a mistake, she was following her heart etc. Brooke hurt a lot of people over the years including Bridget (with two of her husbands) her sister Katie ( Bill, Bill, Bill) and Hope ( what grown woman cannot tell the difference between a teenage virgin and her husband of years… seriously???) that is just a few examples. Brooke basically wanted her way and didn’t care about who got hurt in the process.

    5. Irrelevant as usual
      The post is about Taylor telling her kids about HER past not brook’s

  4. All the talk and flashbacks of Hope & Thomas hand touching reminds me of when they did that with Thomas peeling the apple with a pocket knife. The apple & knife was blown out of portion & so is the hand touching.

    1. U can say that again how stupid , big deal they were holding hands wow

    2. Thanks Bob. I think Thomas and Hope will happen. Thomas playing a clever game and he is reeling Hope in ...

    3. Oh yes it was but LFs were so quick to point out how menacing he was and he threatened Brooke with a knife etc etc. Brooke just wanted Douglas home with Hope and was looking for any excuse to get Thomas away from his son.

    4. While Brooke brought up the peeling of the apple with the sharp knife as her primary concern to Ridge, what Brooke should have actually told Ridge is that Thomas was screaming at her and threatening her while the knife was pointed directly at her!!! Why Brooke went on about the apple cutting was beyond me. It wasn’t the apple cutting that was any big deal. But Thomas pointing that knife directly in Brooke’s direction as he threatened her WAS a big deal!!

    5. Just lynn don’t waste a breath actually
      Even logic is not there when it comes to steffy and Thomas
      Douglas is still too young to let him use a pocket knife which is really sharper than a kitchen regular knife or the fruits knife but back then if thomas was using a gun around Douglas its will be ok for them and yeah 7 or 8 years kids they are around guns all the time 😂😂😂

    6. Lynn absolutely. Nobody can remain calm with anyone waving a knife around them. The cutting and the Douglas of it all wasn't the problem, it was the waving and what he was saying.

    7. Correct Renee. Hope's words to Thomas were much more telling than the hand-holding.

      BBFan, the knife incident with the apple was blown way, way, way, way out of proportion.

    8. Look at Elle, always defending Thomas. 🤣🤣🤣
      Actually Thomas’ threat wasn’t blown way out of proportion at all! While he didn’t actually try to cut her with the knife, he was successful in “keeping Brooke away from his family”….which were HIS WORDS. I’d say Brooke paid the ultimate price since Thomas successfully destroyed her marriage!
      It’s you ladies blowing Hope’s words way, way, way, way, way out of proportion that’s really the issue. 😂😂😂

    9. Lynn Defending him in murder so this is so tiny 😂😂😂

  5. What a little lier, and they say Thomas is such a lier. Well, she feels guilty not love for Liam. 😂

    1. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 it’s all over her face every time she’s with Liam. She clearly didn’t want to go home or spend forever with Liam. I don’t know why she keeps going over the top with Liam other than she doesn’t want him getting suspicious about her obvious feelings for Thomas!

    2. What I want to know, is where is that Hope doll. He had it at the office, and someone should have found it by now.

    3. @antiquesandmore Hope has been lying to her husband for some time now. Liam will look like the ultimate fool when everything comes out in the open.

      And it couldn't happen to a better person. He's such a hypocrite talking about he will never be able to forgive Hope. How many times has she forgiven him for Steffy? A woman he has been married to multiple times and have borne children with? Steffy is the bain of Hope's existence yet, she found it in her heart to forgive him over and over and over again.

    4. The only ones who are destined to look foolish are the FF’s when this all falls flat. Hope and Thomas will NEVER be a couple!
