Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-30-23 Full episode B&B 30th May 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-30-23 Full episode B&B 30th May 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Why is Taylor dressed for Little House on the Prairie? Hope tell your mom and everyone else, "None of you're f'in business."

  2. Hope knows the truth...shes been flieting with Thomas for awhile and Brooke knows the truth deep down, she's just in denial because of her dislike of Thomas. People change...well looks like Brooke doesn't.

  3. Well, I can see that Bradley Bell will make this friendship with Brooke and Taylor a temporarily one, it was too good to last, Bell has proven that he doesn't like to have couples to last for a long time, he just loves to break them up.

  4. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️I don't know what to say about today 😂😂 why is Brooke acting inadequately? First I was about to praise her for not automatically bashing Steffy but questioning the concern itself which led to Hope finally admitting clearly that there is something but at the same time show again that she can separate a crush from her love. But then going to Taylor and demanding that she reign Steffy in? I mean... Huh?

    And then Steffy. I was about to praise her for backing off in the conversation with Hope, seemed even she was taking the high road. But of course she goes around talking about this to everyone who will listen just not to the man himself - Thomas. Next she should fill in Carter, Katie, Paris and RJ, write a press release while you're at it.

    Ah I had forgotten about the Christmas kiss of Brooke and Ridge 😀 but Ridge hasn't.

    1. Milla, do you really believe Hope was completely truthful to Brooke? Daydreaming about Thomas. Seeing him when she's making love to her husband. Thanking Thomas for seeing her. Working all those late night hours with him. You think it's just a crush? I still don't believe that Hope is being fully truthful. And what's more, I don't think Brooke believes it either.

      And Steffy said it to Liam because he was being an a-hole about her brother. She then said it to her husband and to her parents.

    2. I believe she is completely truthful to the extent she understands herself what's going on. Or do you think she'd tell her MAMA that she saw Thomas once while making love? Would you? 😅

      Steffy is a busybody who talks about this with everyone but the person concerned. You can't possibly defend that approach. It's equally nonsensical as Brooke's right now. At least Brooke talked to Hope herself.

    3. @Elle, I agree with you all the way. Hope is Brooke's daughter. She'll get to where she wants sooner or later.

    4. M, I don't think it would be wise for Steffy to bring up Hope's feelings for Thomas with Thomas. That might only result in opening a can of worms. For now, she can just keep a close eye on him.

    5. Why not? She brought it up to everyone else already 😅 (I wasn't even thinking of Finn and Liam but yes very accurate to add them to the list!) so it's bound to get to Thomas and that can of worms is threatening to explode as it is (ewww 🤣).

    6. Milla, exactly. Pretty much the only person Steffy hasn’t told is Charlie. 🙄🙄 Helmet Head Steffy (today’s hairstyle) is waaaaaay too busy of a body.

      As far as Brooke is concerned…I guess because Brooke sees Taylor as such a close friend now, she assumes Taylor will run interference with Steffy. But yeah, not the greatest plan of Brooke’s for sure. And why is Taylor daydreaming about kissing Ridge and convincing herself that Brooke broke the pact? Looks like Taylor is setting the stage to be able to break the pact herself. And if she inaccurately assumes that Brooke broke it first, then that will be her excuse when she kisses Ridge. Taylor is ABSOLUTELY gonna break the pact. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      I am glad Hope admitted today that she thinks Thomas is attractive and whatever else she said about him today. She was honest in saying that she finds Thomas attractive, but she adores her HUSBAND!! LIAM IS THE LOVE OF HER LIFE were her exact words, FF’s! Thinking someone is physically attractive and kind are a FAR CRY from falling in love with them!!! I see some hot and fresh crow served up on a platter in the FF’s near future!! 😂😂😂

    7. Elle, 100% agree with you, Hope is not being truthful to her mom, herself, or anyone else for that matter. How can she? She has know one to talk to that will listen to her and I really feel for her. I've experienced a close friend that was in a similar situation but I, and a few other close friends supported her. She too wanted to save the marriage because of the life they had built and for the children and it didn't work, they went their separate ways but at least she had support from friends. Hope has no one, her mother wouldn't accept it, Steffy is totally bias were Thomas is concerned and don't see her with any other friends? So she is really losing it. Also Steffy had every right to open up Liam's eyes to what is really happening and it was not in a malice way .

    8. Sorry? 😞 didn't know why all that spacing showed up in my comment.

    9. Lynn of course. I honestly think the defense of Taylor is pretty much blind at this point. Like I said I understand that she's trying and I hope it leads to her realizing that there's no chance for her with Ridge. It's best for her too - why would anyone want to live in the shadow of Brooke? Decades and decades it's been established that Ridge can't be without her, while he's been pretty okay without Taylor - no matter if she was in the country or abroad.

      And Hope... I'll just wait and see. She does love Liam a lot but I'm not sure at all what either will do. Just sitting back and enjoying the show.

    10. I rewatched the part where Hope is confiding in Brooke. Hope is crying / very upset and tells her mom that her relationship with Liam mean’s EVERYTHING to her! And she’s not going to let anyone, including herself, destroy that. She continues on to say how much she loves Liam, and that he’s the love of her life! That’s the moment that Brooke goes into mama bear mode. She trusts that Hope is telling the truth and Brooke decides she should talk to Taylor in the hopes that Taylor can reel Steffy in.
      Brooke did want Hope to explain herself. And once Hope explained, Brooke seemed satisfied with that answer.

  5. Is Hope going to pomp pills again to cope with that stress??

  6. Look at Hope still trying to minimize what she feels for Thomas. Please Hope. Noone is buying what you're selling. If that's all it is, why didn't you say so all along? Why keep lying to everyone about your feelings? Not even your own mother is buying it! Brooke's running scared now. She had to run over to Taylor's because, as usual, she's afraid of Steffy causing trouble for Hope and Liam.

    I wonder if it doesn't get tiring always having to ensure that her daughter's marriage doesn't break.

    Well so much for Taylor throwing herself at Ridge. The dirty dog (is that what you called him, Lynn? 😂) was all ready and going in for a kiss from Taylor. And what did Taylor say? That she's done with him? I thought so.

    1. Elle and then off she goes dreamily reminiscing about him. And before that encouraging Deacon to go after Brooke for what exactly? If I were you, I would wait with that last statement 😀

    2. Dreamily? 😂 But didn't she admit to Ridge that even though she's done with him, she still thinks of him? So, it's not like she was being sneaky by saying she's done but still thinking of him. And when she had the thought, she also waved it away with her little hand gesture.

    3. I don't say she's being sneaky with him, but she definitely wants him for herself. The episode with Deacon proved that already. And we haven't even gotten to the highpoint of her conflict with Brooke which started with Steffy but surely will snowball to include Ridge 😁

    4. For what it's worth, I'm not blaming her unlike you were blaming Brooke. They are grown women who will always love him and what they have as a friendship was meh. She can do what she wants. She can also continue her Deacon-related manipulation.

    5. Today was ridiculously stupid for either party Brooke Taylor ridge hope Steffy. First of all hope admitted it to Brooke and then she goes running off and jumping on to Taylor to tell her to do something with her grown daughter that's married and got two kids who does that I'm sorry and then Taylor's there and she's talking about her and Brooke which is true because Brooke was keeping all that from her when I supposed to tell each other the truth and then she starts thinking about ridge herself I'm sorry storyline is crappy hope is no saint and I got news for them Finn is a better man and looks better than Leo never thought to so why would Steffy want him back. I don't blame Stephanie for telling what she saw because it was all going to fall on Thomas if she hadn't seen it and that's the reason why Belle had it all happened this way to break up that little goody goody friendship there and start the triangle all over again. And if I were Taylor I'd tell Brooke she's a grown woman she can do what she wants to and I'm not telling her anything to do if you don't want something happening with your daughter's marriage then tell her to drop Thomas from the designer line because he can make it anywhere he goes. Let RJ take up the slack then they'll all be one little happy family until hope leaves Liam for somebody else she starts becoming attached to 🤦🤦

    6. There was nothing to blame Taylor for but there was plenty to blame Brooke for. Brooke was all over Ridge like white on rice. Taylor teased Ridge a bit then told him flat out that she's done with him.

    7. What are you talking about, Elle?? Brooke was NOT all over him! Ridge tried to kiss Brooke and she pulled away. You are hilarious. You were singing Brooke’s praises the day that episode aired saying she held firm and didn’t cave even though Ridge was wanting to take Brooke to bed. And now you are saying Brooke was all over him like white on rice??!! OHHHHHHH PLEASE!! So not true!!
      And what was Taylor’s little game today - trying to draw Ridge in ?? Or did you miss that ?? That was absolutely a game Taylor was playing as she moves in close to his personal space and tries to act all seductive!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Give me a dang break!!!

    8. And not once did Brooke daydream about Ridge. But Taylor IS daydreaming about Ridge!!! And Ridge is daydreaming about Brooke!! Toooooooo funny!!!

    9. @antiquesandmore so spot on.

    10. Oh there is plenty to blame Taylor for. Who is sneaking around winning most obvious matchmaker of the planet? Why is she not telling Brooke that she's encouraging Deacon and mostly WHY like she told him? Serious WTF Elle, sorry.

    11. Lynn what you said - absolutely 👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    12. Lynn, I can assure you that I wasn't singing Brooke's praises. I might have said that it was good that she did not go through with anything but also emphatically stated that she was wrong. I said that from the moment she came down in her lingerie and saw Ridge there, she should have asked him to leave but, Brooke just can't help herself. If she did nothing wrong, why dud she ask Hope not to say anything? And why when Taylor asked Ridge if Brooke went against their pact, his mind immediately went to that night?

      Taylor's not demb. Once she realized Brooke was untruthful about Thomas, it stands to reason that she will be truthful about Ridge. Taylor did nothing wrong but, Brooke has. Twice!

    13. Taylor basically admitted the reason for her dragging Deacon. On two occasions she was encouraging him to go after Brooke. That's actually *doing* something and something sneaky of that with the intention to get Brooke out of the way. And it will come out, I can't wait for Brooke to throw it in her face. She doesn't need a "friend" like that.

    14. Elle it's very obvious you don't want to address at all Taylor's behavior involving Deacon. Also in yesterday's episode I noticed it. Did you watch when he called her out? Did you hear her admit she will always love Ridge just like Deacon will always love Brooke so Deacon should go after Brooke meaning....? And if you tell me she's doing it for Brooke's benefit I won't play with you anymore 🤣

    15. Lmao Milla! I will not say it! 🤣🤣 However, I will say that I did not specifically here Taylor say that she wanted Ridge back. As a matter of fact, she said she was done with him. As someone who goes by what is shown onscreen, I am sure you will appreciate that whatever reason Taylor wants Brooke and Deacon together was not made clear by Deacon's questioning. The LFs stating that she wants Ridge back is pure speculation.

      To be totally honest, I was actually a bit confused with their conversation, which is why I have not given my views on it.

    16. Elle, I knew you'd throw the "not explicitly said" argument in my face 😂😂 but it was big and obvious enough to be a central theme of the "next on" and I'm sure it will be dissected (or rather ripped apart, in her developing mood) by Brooke 😁😁

    17. M, I stayed quiet on it because I wasn't sure what to make of it. As I said, I was confused about where their conversation was going. You called me out on it so, all I could have said was that it was not explicitly stated that Taylor wanted Ridge back. And it seems that was not sufficient. So I'm now at a loss for what to say. I don't have an opinion or a defense on the matter. 😞😎

    18. Elle, Elle, Elle, you ladies call Hope a liar about 50 times a day, and have been for months. Ever since this whole Thomas thing started we have been hearing that nothing Hope says is true regarding her feelings for Thomas. So do you honestly believe we are going to take Taylor at her word when we get told what a liar Hope is - DAILY?!!! Think again!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂. Taylor IS A BIG FAT LIAR!! Well she’s very skinny, but a big fat liar just the same!
      And as far as Brooke is concerned, NOTHING happened. It’s not her fault Ridge fell asleep in her living room. And she rejected Ridge’s advances that night in question…even when it was handed to her - she could have slept with Ridge right then and there if she wanted to.
      And when did the ladies “pact” have anything to do with Thomas??? The fact that Brooke still has some private concerns about Thomas is none of Taylor’s damn business and has ZERO to do with any Ridge pact. So your “score” is clearly off. Brooke has NOT broken the pact. Neither has Taylor for that matter with regards to her behavior with Deacon and the pathetic fix-up she’s attempting. But what I see in conniving Taylor (like Milla perfectly pointed out) is that Taylor is setting the stage with Brooke and Deacon so she can go in for the kill with Ridge. And when she does, Taylor will be the one to break the pact!!!
      And if it turns out to be Brooke, not Taylor who breaks it in Rome, then it won’t matter. Because at that point the Brooke / Ridge love affair will officially be on again and the pact will be a thing of the past. And the women will of course hate each other again. The Brooke / Ridge separation is only temporary (unfortunately) and it’s just a matter of WHEN, not IF Brooke and Ridge get back together.

    19. Nooo you misunderstood me Elle. I didn't mean you need to discuss it now, I meant that I believe it will become a big deal by the end of the week or next and we will definitely have sth to discuss when it blows up 😀🤗

    20. Ahh, okay. Fair enough. 🤗🤗

    21. Lynn, if Brooke breaks the pact in Rome, it doesn't matter whether or not there is a Ridge/Brooke love affair. A pact is a pact and Brooke would have broken it.

      I know a lot of the LFs are excited about the Rome scenes based on a "leaked" video. I will not comment until I actually see the scenes. For all, we know those scenes were purposely "leaked."

    22. Elle, I can assure you I never see any leaked videos. Don’t search for or watch those things because I don’t believe they can be trusted. So I honestly don’t know what you are referring to. Just like “Unknown” stating emphatically that Hope and Thomas are going to “KISS” because she saw it on some leaked video. The famous Thomas / Hope KISS has yet to happen!!!! And I have been sure to point that out to Unknown on many occasions!!! 😬😬😬

    23. Elle, I agree. If Brooke breaks the pact, then Brooke will have broken the pact. I’m simply stating that if that happens, it will be moot because Taylor and Brooke will no longer be friends once Ridge and Brooke are officially back together as a couple. But yes, as far as the ‘score’ is concerned, Brooke will have broken the pact IF Brooke and Ridge reunite in Rome.

    24. I predict that pact will become so irrelevant by them being at their throats and very soon 🤣

    25. Milla, I gotta admit…it was more entertaining watching the cat fights!! 😁

    26. Lynn right? 😂 all that giggling was unrealistic and annoying. Hair must be pulled! 🤣

    27. Milla, you are too dang funny! Yes, hair MUST be pulled! LMAO!

    28. Hahaha Lynn 🤣🤣🤗🤗

  7. Bob, TY for sharing.
    Brooke, you started it again. I see noting good out of all of this. Steffy did good.

    1. Yes, she did good. Liam was being a pain with his Thomas obsession. Brooke needs to have a serious talk with her daughter. Recommend counseling or something, not go to Taylor to tell her to tell her daughter to back off.

  8. Here we go again with the same old script. Can't believe the writers are striking for more money with the garbage they putting out for content.

    1. And I can't believe we are still watching it 😭 It's soap opera masochism.

  9. at 2:57 PM
    Today was ridiculously stupid for either party Brooke, Taylor, Ridge, Hope,and Steffy. First of all, Hope admitted it to Brooke and then Brooke goes running off and jumping on to Taylor to tell her to do something with her grown daughter that's married and got two kids, who does that? I'm sorry, and then Taylor's there and she's talking about her and Brooke to Ridge,which is true because Brooke was keeping all that from her when they're supposed to tell each other the truth and then she starts thinking about Ridge herself I'm sorry, storyline is crappy Hope is no saint and I got news for them, Finn is a better man and looks better than Liam ever thought to be so why would Steffy want him back. I don't blame Steffy for telling what she saw because it was all going to fall on Thomas if she hadn't seen it and that's the reason why Bel had it all happened this way to break up that little goody goody friendship there and start the triangle all over again. And if I were Taylor I'd tell Brooke she's a grown woman she can do what she wants to and I'm not telling her anything to do if you don't want something happening with your daughter's marriage then tell her to drop Thomas from the designer line because he can make it anywhere he goes. Let RJ take up the slack then they'll all be one little happy family until hope leaves Liam for somebody else she starts becoming attached to 🤦🤦

  10. Liam may be the love of ur life but not for long hope and still ur lieing to people

  11. I see a love story coming in our way in rome big time can’t wait for that

  12. I'm usually not a big fan of Steffy, but I am in this case. She was not trying to interfere in Hope and Liam's marriage. She just couldn't take anymore of Liam trashing her brother, and making Hope out to be completely innocent and vulnerable to the "evil" Thomas. And Steffy did not GO to him. He came to her house. If I were Steffy I would tell Liam they will not talk about anything except Kelly. Going forward, if he needs to vent or discuss his insecurities and frustrations about Hope and Thomas, he needs to go see Wyatt or Bill. Or see a therapist, priest, or a new friend. And I usually like Brooke, but not so much today. Based on what Hope admitted to her today, why can't she (Brooke) understand Steffy's concerns? Taylor should tell Brooke they might need a break from the friendship. Maybe they can see a couples counselor. I'm sure Taylor has some colleagues who specialize in that field. And I'm starting to think Taylor wants Ridge more than Brooke does. And Charlie...ugh. Please retire! Or better yet. The writers can say he was offered the head greeter position at a nearby Walmart. He would be perfect for that!

    1. I'm also a bit at loss about Brooke and that she actually showed she understands Steffy's concerns with Hope and has the same ones, but then turned around and went to Taylor and started yelling that she should stop her. One thing I don't tolerate from either side is when they do that (unless someone has done something bad like Thomas with CPS and Ridge's heated speech as a reaction saying the famous "MY boy" was so powerful).
      And very good point that Liam should stop using Steffy as a sounding board on this issue. It's difficult for her to hear it both as an ex wife and as a sister. Overall in this I don't blame Steffy, only annoyed me she told everyone.
      Ah and Taylor will keep showing her colors I'm sure of that. Hopefully something good will come out of it for her, because Ridge ain't it.

    2. Brooke is once again in 'save Liam from Steffy mode.' I'm sure she's going to make this whole thing about Steffy going after Liam rather than her daughters feelings for Thomas. 🙄

  13. Get rid of Charlie he’s so boring and stupid acting

  14. I love Charlie, and happy Bob is continuing to give him a job after all the years he gave to this show!!!

  15. I am not Surprised of anything Brooke does, what I am surprise of that Taylor thought she had changed!!

  16. Hope if you really want to make sure Liam fill secure, don't go to Rome with Thomas knowing you are lusting over him, ask Stephanie or Ridge etc to go!!!

    1. Ridge and Stephy are going to rome to along with Brooke

  17. I don't get it Brooke your daughter just said I have feelings for Thomas yet your going after Taylor about what her daughter said

  18. I don't like Brooke, again. It's not up to Taylor to talk with Steffy. Brooke is obsessed to have her daughter married with Liam. My mum never is stucking her nose into my business. They never want their kids to live their own lives as adults. Taylor is the same. Hope wants to save her marriage but keep Thomas in her life as well. She wants both men.

    1. So true, Patologi!

      Brooke has always seen Steffy as a threat to Hope and Liam's marriage. So even though her daughter just admitted to her that she finds Thomas desirable, she still feels the need to "address the Steffy situation."

      Also, spot on about Hope. I don't know if she is aware of what she's doing but she's playing both sides. If she loves her husband and family so much, then she needs to stay away from Thomas!

  19. Thanks Bob. Taylor stop thinking you are better than everyone else.

  20. I will like to see Taylor and Deacon together!
