Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Hope took Stefy's MANSTEALING 101 on line

    2. Liam still doesn't know Kelly is Bill's daughter from a one night stand with Stefy. Oh yay! Poppie (as in Opium) is barely in the house and OD'ing (pun intended,) on the cutsie we're all together. Paraphrasing, We're moving in on Bill and taking advantage! Hope sneaks out of Stefy's tantrum and can hear waaawaaawaaawaaawaaa all the way down the hall. Feels sorry for Finn, but the sooner he realizes he doesn't have to take Stefy's abuse and mistreatment, the sooner a desired result.

    3. A paternity test was done. Liam is Kelly's Father!!!

    4. Based on the Paternity test, Liam is Kelly's Father.

  2. Can someone clear this up for me, is Bill , Kelly's biological father ? Was a paternity test tampered with ? If so does only Bill know the truth ?

    1. Good question! I would love to see some believable answers to this!

    2. Liam is Kelly's Father!!! Case closed!!!

    3. It was never tampered with.. Liam is her dad.

    4. Yes Liam is the father, all else is crazy theories you shouldn't believe.

    5. Milla, yes I thought Liam was Kelly's father, but with all the speculation going on, I began to think maybe I had missed something along the line

    6. No MargO you are up to speed 😊 good to see you in the comments btw!

  3. Go to google or youtube type in "Bill switches Kelly's DNA test so Liam looks like the father." They will bring up the scene.

    1. It's on Dailymotion Kelly's DNA is changed. Add B&B

    2. This scene never happened at all.

    3. LOL WitchyPoo taken over from the dreaded L.......demanding that YOU are always right and EVERYONE must agree with you....bwwahaahaahaa :) you thrive on it like L....

  4. TY Bob.

    Oh mama Brooke knows!!! Hope answer the question are you having feelings for Steffy husband!!!!!!?
    Oh she does even fantasizing!!!
    Hope tisk tisk!!!

  5. That didn't stop Brooke from stealing Deacon from her daughter and having his baby. How she can act as if they were a married couple made any difference.

  6. Replies
    1. Nope, only in some fan head's, just like those whom think that Luna 's father is Finn LOL

    2. I still don't believe it's Bill. Time will tell.

  7. Steffy outta knock the teeth out of Hopes face. The nerve of her involving herself in Steffys marriage simply cause all the men in Hopes life dumped her except she cheated on Liam with Thomas. Hope go back to Liam he is single like you are. And everything Steffy said to Finn is true he need to be careful around Hopes snake self. She trying to manipulate Finn to hook up with him. Shes a shameful hoe like her mother was.

    1. Wasn’t Steffy KISSING Liam while he was married to Hope when they were in Rome and then again at Steffy’s house?? Can you say HYPOCRITE??!!!!

    2. Why don't you stfu and stop being a hope bootlicker. Didn't hope live and got pregnant by Liam while he was still married to Steffy? Yea okay stfu up then malakas. Hope is a hoe like her mother who slept with both her other daughters husband's.

    3. Poor Joey, did someone get their feelings hurt ?? Chill out dude!! Your hobag Steffy is just that - a total hobag! And Hope is awesome!

    4. Hopes a hoebag like her mother. Brooke slept with every man in that town and slept with 2 of her daughters husbands and you wanna sit here and say hope is awesome 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Noemi, you are nothing but trash!! Someone needs to wash your rude ass mouth with soap!!

    6. Hey Lynn shove the bar of soap up your ahole you pathetic stalker. Werent you in my last replies running your mouth like the clown you are. This better be the last time I see of you replying to my comments.

    7. You are so damn delusional, lady!!! Hilarious photo by the way! I’m sure that’s what you WISH you looked like!! Hilarious that you aren’t brave enough to post a real pic of yourself! I’m sure you’re hideous!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    8. Your threats are also a joke! I’m clearly shaking in my boots. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    9. Now Hope is awesome? Months ago she was sick for falling for Thomas. You were going to stop watching, she did, and your still watching. Now she's awesome going for a married man? Or is it just because you hate Steffy that much, now it's justified. What a message for her HFTF followers.

    10. We need Thomas back. 💓, add some excitement. The Poppy, Luna sl is boring. I think they're both gold diggers.

    11. D - I was mad that Hope was giving Thomas the time of day. But clearly that ship has sailed. So yes, Hope is back in my good graces. My comment was that if she “married him”, I would stop watching. That still hasn’t happened. And I don’t expect it to. And it gets less and less likely with each Finn fantasy.
      As I’ve said 100 times (probably more)…..I want Steffy to get what she deserves!!! How ever that happens is fine by me.
      Here’s what I know….it’s Finn’s responsibility as Steffy’s slave (oh I mean husband) to stay true to his wife. Hope has not crossed an actual line yet. But to see the comments here, you’d think she threw Finn on the ground and had sex with him in front of Hayes. Keep in mind…..these are just her thoughts at this time. She hasn’t made an actual move on Finn. So everyone needs to chill.
      I hope Finn leaves Steffy because she’s an out of control narcissistic monster. And whether Finn and Hope end up together is neither here nor there to me. I just enjoy seeing Steffy sweat!!! 😁😁😁

    12. Here we go, Lynn at it again, demanding EVERYONE agrees to her and little Miss Poo.....bwaahaahaa.....i wish you ladies would just piss off because between you and miss Poo, you throw your toys out the cot when other people have their own opinion, you either need to find a job and drink more!

    13. Oh little u….how I’ve missed you and your rabid comments! 😂😂😂😂
      Gosh, maybe I could ask my boss if I can start drinking at work. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      If you haven’t figured it out by now….WitchyPoo and I aren’t going anywhere. So sit back and enjoy the show! Your attempts to get us blocked have failed, my dear.

    14. LOL Everyone with a sound MIND would agree with what they are actually seeing, and not what they would wish to be true depending on who they are a fan of. Do I love only a few of the characters? No, I enjoy the complexity of each of them. They all go down the wrong path sometimes, and other times they are doing what is right. It is what makes the show thrilling to watch, who am I gonna support this month... But usually it has been Hope who has drawn the short end of the stick. If you watched back in the day, HOPE was the one who was with Liam first, and then Steffy went for him, because it had to be destiny that he rescued her from killing herself, or something along those lines. If anyone is like how Brooke was back in the day, it's Steffy, not Hope. And pay attention to my words, WAS back in the day. Brooke has been pretty none whorish for a long time, but all of them have been whoring around, both men and women. At the moment Steffy is acting like a total bitch, so I guess you ppl cheering for someone like that... well... you can fill in the blanks...

  8. Hey Steffy, it may be more effective if you put a leash and shock collar on your husband! 😂😂😂😂😂
    What a crock - she’s not worried about Hope’s influence on Finn over Sheila. This is Steffy jealousy plain and simple. And no, Finn did NOT go to the wedding with Hope. He showed up for pizza and the wedding was taking place! You are so full of crap, Steffy!!!

    1. Once again stfu and stop defending Hope like she did no wrong. Hope pretends to be a sweet victim when in reality is far worst.

    2. Yo Lynn shut your damn mouth. Aint no wonder Thomas dumped hopeless she never cared about him. She only wanted to spread her legs and get laid like the hoe she is. And im 100 % sure she slept and got pregnant by liam while he was still married to steffy. And she also cheated on liam with Thomas. Steffy may not be perfect but she didnt force thomas to leave hopeless, he a grown ass man and can do whatever he wants clown.

    3. Noemi - sounds like someone needs anger management issues. And the more people tell me to shut up, the more I’ll keep talking!!! Poor Noemi….defending a loser bitch like Steffy!! Go take your meds now before your head explodes crazy lady!!

    4. Joey - you’re pathetic!

    5. Lynn shut your overweight ass up. Fighting over fictional characters. Two wrongs dont make a right you effing clown. Calling actors and actress bad words to fit your agenda clown. Your mom should have thrown you in the trash clown.

    6. Oh poor sad Noemi, even your insults don’t hold up!! You seriously need to be locked in a padded cell and they should throw away the key!!!

    7. Blah, blah, blah. Says the freak arguing over a fake tv show and cursing out the actors and actresses over a fake storyline 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Why dont you meet me on twitter and we can have a real discussion on the matter if you wanna debate over this topic? You probably a liberal too

    8. You may want to go back and read your comments you psycho! You’re the one doing all the name calling. I simply fired back. But clearly I shouldn’t waste my time on a loser like yourself. My political affiliation is none of your damn business, troll!!!

    9. Nope hunny you started with the name calling. These actors and actresses work really hard for this soap opera for us. For you to sit here and curse them out like its a reality tv show. And everytime I post something there you are commenting some rude shit loca de mierda

    10. You clearly have the brain of a rock! Go back and check yourself “hunny”. You commented on my post before I ever commented on yours. Look at yesterday’s show…..12:52 pm. Before that I didn’t even know you existed. What a loser you are! Dumb as dirt!!!

    11. Hey Toxic Troll Noemi - this is MY THREAD you are commenting on. But I’m sure you’re not bright enough to figure that out!

    12. @Joey, i agree, Hope is a whore like her mother!

    13. does anyone ever monitor these comments. i came here to comment cause it's usually a quiet & polite place but now i feel like i'm in the middle of a twitter war.
      calm down people, they're ACTORS in a MAKE BELIEVE story. that's no reason to attack each other. (i'm 76, the elder matriach just came out) 😉

  9. Kelly is Liams this keeps Steam connection If Bill had been father he would of thrown it up when he was obss3ssing over Steffy
    Hope stay in your lane
    You can't compete with Steffy
    Brooke is right Ridge would have a big problem
    Katie don't want the Poppy family
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Exactly Hope involving herself in Steffys marriage like the hoe she is. She mad cause Thomas dumped her and for good reason, she was only using Thomas to further her own lusts over the perfect man that doesn't exist.

    2. Poor jealous Steffy!! Can’t hold onto your husband??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Kenny your moms a hoe and should have swallowed you and thrown you in the trash. Poor Hope she cant keep a man let alone steal one that dont want her nasty ass booty cheeks. At least men draw themselves to steffy. Hope cant even keep a man she trying to steal someone elses you ugly cow.

    4. @Mandy. Katie had no interest in Bill, until now because he's showing interest in someone else. I still must have missed the Carter and Katie breakup. It must have been a really quick one, I didn't miss that many shows.

    5. D- There wasn’t a Katie / Carter breakup shown at all. All of a sudden we are just learning they are no longer a couple. It’s simply clearing the way for the next fight over a man….this time they will be fighting over Bill. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  10. Steffy became a dictator.. She is treating Finn like a child... Have a nice weekend Bob and TY

  11. So Finn, now your balls are around Steffy's neck, she is the only one who can decide whom you can or cannot see 😂 welcome to your Hell!!


  13. Wow Hope! Even your own mother is calling you out. At first I was happy to imagine Hope going after Finn to stick to bitch ass Steffy. But know I have had a change of heart. If Finn and Hope end up together naturally, that's one thing. But I don't want Hope to use him just to get back at Steffy. If Hope really considers Finn a friend, she wouldn't do that to him.
    The way Steffy talks to Finn is rude and emasculating. Like he's a little boy, and she's his mother, or a mean school teacher. Soon she will forbid him from having any friends unless she approves of them.
    I still don't get why Katie is so upset. And when she was asked if this changes how she she feels about Bill, she took too long to answer. I also noticed she and Carter don't seem as hot n heavy lately.
    Funny how Luna wanted to get back to work, but Poppy wanted her to stay and celebrate. So Poppy hasn't had a job since she came to town months ago. Now she probably feels like she doesn't need one since she's Lady of Spencer Manor. She's looking more and more like a gold digger. Katie is right to be suspicious of her.

    1. Forever I love your comment, full of sense and not a single "hoe" 😅. Btw did I hear correctly last episode Katie said to Carter "you WERE my last relationship". I can't be bothered to re-watch just in case someone else caught it. Could it be they split without us knowing... They def not acting like a couple.

    2. Poppy definitely looks sus to me too.

    3. Milla, I heard that too. Looks like Katie and Carter are no longer. Probably so we can have the war between Katie and Poppy for Bill’s love.

    4. I think Katie did say that. I took it as "the last" relationship she will ever be in. What a foolish and non-daytime-drama thing to believe. So funny how most of the people ON tv, don't seem to watch tv. Hmm. 😑

  14. Steffy 💩.... karma, karma, karma 😆😆😆😆😆... thank you Bob 💕

  15. Where is Wednesday's episode? June 12th.

  16. Bob, can you please upload today's episode?? Ty

  17. Dear Bob, plz get rid of all these posters tht have a mouth about everyone eles but themselves
    It's paaaathetic. Plz tell them to sit their asses down and stay down..jfc man. Everytime it's the same damn thing. Lol

  18. Look ppl! Its thier opinion AND they r entitled to it! You dnt run this show! Got it. Ur welcome.
