Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Li will change the results but so will several other people with stakes in Luna's DNA. There will be several changes, different hands grabbing the results.

    2. I still think it might be Finn. That's why Li has so much animosity towards Poppy and Luna and didn't want them anywhere in L.A, especially at Foresters. It wouldn't go well for Finn if he slept with his aunt. Maybe Li will rig it so Bill is the father, take the heat off Finn. Then they find out later down the rd he's not. Just a theory.

    3. I thought that too at first. But I think she would have left Jack long ago (before the Sheila reveal) if she knew he slept with her sister.

    4. D - there is just no way Finn would sleep with his aunt. That is gross on so many levels. I still think it could be Jack. At least no incest in that equation. But whether it’s Bill or not, I think Li is gonna try to pull a fast one. She definitely does not want her sister Poppy with Bill and I’m sure she would go to great lengths to prevent that from happening. She is a bitter, bitter woman.

    5. Did he know? If he had a few drinks and Poppy's mints he wouldn't remember. That would be a good reason Li didn't want Poppy or Luna anywhere near the Foresters or in L.A.. It won't look good on Finn. I also think Luna is pregnant, if it's RJ'S or Zende's, its a step in to the Foresters fortune. Li could be right. Both Poppy and Luna are gold diggers. I'm just recently catching up but see nothing is really happening. We might have to wait a year to see who's the real father.

    6. And still think if Li knew Jack was the father she would have ended the relationship long ago.

    7. I have said that all along on the Jack thing. Why wouldn’t Li have left Jack decades ago if she knew about the affair between Jack and Poppy….? Maybe because Finn was young and she didn’t want to break up her family, so she just looked the other way. She didn’t find out about Jack’s affair with Sheila till Finn was a grown man. And maybe that was just the last straw. Not sure.
      But if Finn turns out to be Luna’s dad, then I am done with this sick twisted show. That would just be so gross!!!
      If Jack were the father, It would finally explain all the hostility Li has had for Poppy all these years. And it would also explain her contempt for Luna.

    8. Lynn if Jack was the father and Li knew it, would she even go through this paternity test spectacle with Poppy? Wouldn't she just tell Bill and everyone that her sister slept with her husband and got pregnant? And if Li knows, that would mean by default that Poppy knows who the father is. Why would she also go through this Bill testing shit? She's still very suspicious to me but they should follow some logic. Of course the writers ignore it often.

    9. What is sure is that Li has something strong against her sister. Something we don't know yet, we will soon because that's how they work, they hide the essential to let the conflict grows and when it come to the higher level, they reveal it, then comes the explanation and the misunderstanding is over...

    10. Milla, I really don’t think Poppy is sure who the father is. And Li is acting like it’s definitely not Bill because either Li knows something we don’t know, or because Li is going to mess with the test so Poppy doesn’t get her sugar daddy.

      Li’s extreme anger toward Poppy has never been justified in my opinion. And her hatred for Luna made me think even more that Luna had to be Jack’s. Poppy would have of course known she had sex with Jack….but maybe there was overlap between the two men in a short period of time. So Poppy is hoping Luna is Bill’s daughter.

      I just won’t accept Finn being Luna’s dad on any level. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

      Maybe Li has kept the secret all these years about Jack and Poppy, and Poppy has no idea Li knows. If Poppy did sleep with Jack, Bill may have second thoughts about Poppy whether he’s Luna’s dad or not!

      As far as logic is concerned, I gave up on that a long time ago when it comes to B&B! 😂😂😂😂
      Like Xander coming back into town to shake things up….then he falls into a black hole apparently cuz we never see or hear from him again. I am still dumbfounded by that one!!

    11. the Xander storyline was so weird lol.

      Finn being Luna's dad would be super weird, too, but interesting for sure :D Please not Jack! I don't know why, but I really wouldn't want Jack to have fathered another child with someone other than his wife (who can't have children) and please not her sister.. I don't have a problem with women sleeping around like Poppy does, but her sister's husband, especially while they let her stay with them in their home? That would ruin Poppy for me for good.
      And IF Poppy slept with Jack, there is no way Li knows about it!

  2. Li fixed that result. It will likely come out negative.
    Also Deacon's newest employee is not squeaky clean, he will be spying for Sheila, if he's not involved with her shady stuff already.

    Yey Brooke 😍😍 so glad that they are bringing up all her amazing contributions again and she may be back in leadership. Someone needs to knock down Steffy a little, so far she's been doing as her emotions take her and making only terrible demands.

    1. Hope was bringing it on a little too much. It's not Logan Creations. Foresters created that empire, yes Brooke might have made a contribution with a successful line but to take over a family business? Not. I'm sure Foresters would do fine without them.

    2. Nobody is talking about taking over the business.

    3. Sounded like it too me. Hope persuading her mom to come back and take control of the company. And "together we can do this."

    4. Hope never said Brooke is to push away every last Forrester and rule the company alone. She meant that her mother can be *one* of the people in leadership there. And together they can save her line. And it seems that's exactly what Ridge will offer Brooke in the next episodes, as per previews.

    5. Milla, I agree. Hope is not saying Brooke needs to take over the company. She's just giving her mom credit for the contributions she has made over the years. If Steffy wasn't so petty and nasty, she would have to agree with everything Hope said. And correction, Hope. Steffy didn't use the phrase:"trash from the valley".
      It was "slut from the valley". I'm sure that is the title of an
      x-rated movie. 🙈

    6. Steffy has been acting trashy for years so she can look at herself before calling anyone those names. And now like you said she's petty and nasty which makes her unprofessional.

    7. I fully expected Steffy to stomp her feet when Ridge shut her down. How dare anyone disagree with the queen!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

      I don’t trust Li at all.

    8. Yes and it was so satisfying when Ridge held his ground and basically told her to grow up and deal with it. I really hope Brooke decides to get involved with the management and yet another egg on Steffy's face 😂

    9. Milla, Steffy is going to lose it when she learns she will have to share her crown with Brooke! 😂😂😂😂
      They will have a tough time agreeing on most things I’m guessing.

    10. Lynn I can't wait to see Steffy's head explode 😅 it's always such a treat.

  3. Hope in full manipulation mode
    Yes your mom is legend when she was upright loads of scandals broken marriages lies and scheming and now the real Hope is showing up
    Has Hope forgot how she got her job and insulting Steffy business sense oh Hope is really jealous of Steffy
    Dont think Bill is.
    Ridge you and your logan loving!!!
    Has he forgot Steffy had an equally successful bedroom line and very fashionable
    Hope is a hypocrite What morals?
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. The only one is nasty and jealous here is steffy the one who is a cheater
      Set another women to be rapped
      A cheap hoe ready to offer ger self
      And what successful bed room line 😂😂
      And the one eith no morals her is steffy
      No morals or values plus and ugly hateful soul the queen of paternity test
      And a hypocrite is her middle name 🤮
      Its so funny bashing hope for things steffy is the queen of such behavior 😂😂

    2. 😂😂😂 the only way all 3 Logan sisters got where they are was by sleeping with a Forester or Spencer, getting pregnant and now are entitled. What you accuse Steffy of doing, the sisters have done the same.

    3. D - Brooke EARNED the prestige she has at FC. No doubt about it. And all Donna ever did was handle reception. So I wouldn’t consider that some “big career.” Lol.
      And not sure which Foresters Katie has slept with. Maybe a couple, maybe none. But either way, Katie seems very good at what she does.

    4. And the fact that Katie married Bill Spencer has nothing to do with FC.

    5. Lol Lynn, and what is it Katie does?

    6. Lynn you're absolutely right. And none of the Logans are acting anywhere near as "entitled" as almighty Steffy. It's ridiculous to even compare them.

    7. Katie is head of Marketing.

    8. Milla, I think Katie’s job would be the most fun. I’ve always wanted to work in PR / Marketing.

    9. Lynn yes for sure it is so in fashion 😍

    10. Hope is NOT manipulative, she's only fighting for her line. Steffy IS the queen of manipulation thinking that everybody will obey her (like Evil Grandma was). Defending yourself against bad people doesn't make you a manipulative one! Steffy has bring NOTHING to Forrester, she created NOTHING. She is Daddy's little girl so she got the job. And she was way to many times away to be good at it! Facts!

    11. Miss sushi absolutely. Steffy is way too affected by her emotions and feelings towards people to make objective decisions. And Hope called her out perfectly. She defending a line that is profitable and important for the company's image.

    12. If the logens done what which is a big IF
      Will steffy did it for talking a man from another logen
      Or because she was just a jealous brat with issues
      And definitely she didn’t because she is so cheap and no self respect
      And her mother didn’t fir money 😂😂😂😂

    13. Hope saying Steffy only got a job because of her dad is the most hypocritical thing ever!!! Pot meet bloody kettle! Hope only got her line because she’s Brooke’s daughter!

      She was totally being manipulative. Her gloating was so childish. She is creating this victim scenario to get Brooke to do what she wants. If mummy is on top Hope will be reigning Princess again.

    14. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️gloating. Hope has a work to do and a line to protect from world's least capable co-CEO. She was in no way gloating. She's been taking Steffy's crap for way too long. I'm so glad she is showing that unlike her, there are leaders who can put their petty personal emotions aside and look at things constructively and not come with their wracking ball whenever they feel entitled to. I can't wait for Brooke to kick some bitch ass.

  4. Whatever Li says the result is, I would do another test AT AN ACTUAL LAB. Not a test that someone brought in. And Li saying "I'm a medical professional". Well, witch you don't act like one. It's clear she has a personal vendetta against her sister. That's not professional, and it makes her untrustworthy.
    And, Deacon. I'm all about giving a guy a chance. But as the owner of the business, you should have made a copy of that guy's license and done a background check before turning over a vehicle and telling the guy to go deliver some pizzas. He might be wanted for some serious crimes.🤨

    1. Agreed, Forever 36. As soon as Li leaves (after she informs everyone that Bill is not Luna’s dad), Poppy, Bill and Luna should go to a clinic to get them tested again.
      And don’t tell Li anything about the test! They better not just take Li at her word. That would be so stupid!

    2. That kind of test does NOT exist!! This is not a pregnancy test, it's not done in 2 minutes, the DNA has to be extracted first and you can NOT have result before 24/48 hours. Li is a profesionnal from soap, she knows nothing! I do DNA test everyday LOL if it was that simple it'll be known!! Stupid writers! Just take right informations before writing such crap!

    3. thanks for the info, Miss sushi! I was wondering if tests like that actually existed in the US and maybe I just happen to live in a country that's so far behind haha

  5. Does anybody think that the bum guy is up to something I don’t think he’s a bum at all , I think he’s with Sheila for some reason, something about him

    1. To me, he seems like a legit bum. But who knows. His teeth are pretty ratty and that is usually a give-away. Looks like he may get a role on the show for a while. Does seem a bit strange that they would bring him on as a new character.

    2. And to be a legit person to be ordained to perform legal vows, here, is not that easy. Still not sure how the wedding license would be valid if Sheila was legally dead. Must have missed alot. As someone said, Deacon took his word he has a drivers license without checking. He's one of Sheila's sidekicks and she's up to something. Deacon is a fool to believe she has changed.

    3. It seemed like they were genuinely meeting for the first time at the wedding. I don’t think Sheila is in cahoots with anyone. My guess is she really does want to be a better person. And as long as Deacon and Finn are in her life, I think she’ll do fine. She gets into trouble when people mess with her. Just leave her be and she’ll probably be good.
      But I do agree with people who are questioning just how much she actually tried to fight Sugar to protect Steffy. That one I’m having a tough time believing.
      I am not a Sheila fan, but I think she’s definitely changed for the better. To what degree….not sure yet.

    4. I really hated how everyone was talking about how Sheila tried to fight Sugar like they had been there. They kept repeating it like they were trying to prove that Sheila was a changed person because if this. It was ridiculous. Whether she is a changed person or not remains to be seen, but that was stupid.

  6. Hi Bob, I hope you're well. Video says it's removed, it would be great if you could reload when you get a minute. Much gratitude to you and thanks in advance!

  7. It's Jack, Lea's X-husband. Luna is Finns half sister.
