Friday, June 7, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-24 Full episode B&B 7th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-24 Full episode B&B 7th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless



    1. Hope is lining up her que of men like Stefy always does.

    2. Finn is very pleasant and easy to be around. Rankles Stefy to the bone because they are diametric opposites.

    3. Ridge's cheerleading of Brooke taking the job smacks of desperation to get out of it himself. Ridge asks Brooke what is this all about really? Brooke could ask the exact same question about why he's pushing this. Brooke should feel like she's being used as a human shield between Ridge and the vicious wolverine Co-CEO Stefy. Sweeten the pot, Ridge. Throw another $mil at it as a bonus. Corny declarations of love always work, too.

    4. I think Hope is dreaming, even in the spoilers, I think she is dreaming as well. Because the guy playing Finn has said that Finn doesn't have these kinds of feelings for Hope, even if Hope does. Why would he suddenly throw himself at her? I think that it is wishful thinking on Hopes part, but maybe in the future, who knows. Finn still loves Steffy, but maybe not for much longer. I truly Hope that it is Hope dreaming anyways, because I don't want Steffy to be right. Hope is better off when Steffy herself ruins her own marriage, and can't blame it on Hope. But Hope is deffo getting feelings for Finn, and can totally understand that. He is giving her all the attention to make a girl fall in love with him.

    5. Hope is a hoe like her mother. She is exactly like her mother. And also Steffy isnt the one pushing Finn away its Finn pushing his own marriage. He needs to understand that sheila tortmented steffy and her family for yrs and shot her to death and he expects steffy to just forget it and accept a lunatic like sheila in her life next to her kids. Hell no. And this better be hopes dreams cause of not Finn is a pos for doing this to Steffy.

    6. Hope is just doing what she does best pretend to be a sweet innocent thing and is out for revenge and to steal as many men as she can to prove she is better than other women. It’s sport for her, just like Brooke back in the day!

    7. Cmon guys why yous all shocked about hope and finn it was all over the spoilers that this was going to happen

    8. @BBFan, spot on, ANY time that ANY man pays ANY Logan a compliment their legs part 😂😂😂😂 just because Finn said "I care about you as a FRIEND" her legs parted 😂😂 typical manipulative Logan...all FIVE of them are the SAME ‼️ The reason why everyone hates Steffy is because she can see right through the "innocent sluts from the valley" The Logan's are as pathetic as their followers 😂😂😂 Finn is a whimp anyways, he doesn't know how to make Steffy laugh, only Liam can make her laugh.

    9. I agree I am no longer a finn fan he's not as innocent as he claims to be yes steffy see right through hopes innocent act she's just like Brooke

  2. Wow Hope!! Taking another man that is married!! Hmmmm not surprised. Can't wait for Steffy to find out and slap her headaches away!!!!!!

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Those haters, so pathetic... another married man?? Hope never targeted married men, that is Steffy's habbit. Liam is the one that make a choice to be with Hope by leaving Steffy (she sleept with her Father in law in case you have forgotten this part, and was after him when he was married to Katie) it's funny how men are NEVER responsible in your mind. Like Ridge when he left Taylor for Brooke. They were both first choices and then those stupid jerks went after other women. Blame them for a change, they are the sluts here... Liam proposed to Hope FIRST, just like Ridge did it with Brooke. They change their mind and they regretted it so they cheated to be with the women they really wanted to be with, because apparently, they were not happy, otherwise, they would never have done this. Plus I think Hope is just "dreaming" about Finn... If not, then it'll be Finn choice. He is the one doing the wrong thing, he is the married man, all he has to do is rejected Hope and remind her that he loves Steffy. Enough with making the men the victims!! They know exactly what they do when they cheat, they are to blame, nobody forces them, they make their choice!

    3. They are so desperate to have something to say because their fav character has been nothing short of a monster for months!! So now that Hope finally did something questionable (fantasize about Finn), they are gonna have a field day. Very sad if you ask me. 😂😂😂
      The thing is though….nothing has even happened yet with Hope and Finn. Those are simply fantasies Hope is having. It’s not like Steffy, who actually DID kiss Liam multiple times while married to Finn. Or sleep with Liam while dating Finn. Or need to get a paternity test because of it. 😂😂😂😂
      They are crazy for backing wicked-witch-Steffy. Just makes it all that much more humorous!!!

    4. And I don’t seem to recall any outrage when Steffy slept with Liam when he was married to Hope during the Thomas mannequin debacle. Yeah, that was perfectly fine!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Ohhhhhhhh Steffy, you sooooooo have this coming to you!!

    5. Sorry I do need to say something. How egotistical to call people sad, pathetic and crazy because they don't support your opinion on a character. We listened to months of the Steffy bitch fest. Did anyone say you were pathetic, sad and crazy? wonder some don't want to comment anymore.

  3. WOW Hope... that's exactly what you said to Thomas just a couple months ago. Clearly yiur moral compass is broken .

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Yea like Steffy is perfect and didnt do steal Liam from Hope, Steffy kissed Liam and lied to Finn. Well yea Steffy is perfect

  4. Wow!!!! That better be Hope's imagination for that last scene! If it's not, just like her slutty mother!

    1. Brooke’s mini me! The whole headache thing is soooooo fake!

    2. Same thing I hope in my mind, becuz I can't believe it

    3. Better be!!!
      Just like her mother!!!
      Yes the Logans.
      You are living up to it Hope. Not so innocent!!!

    4. If not, it's just slutty Finn!!

    5. @BBFan, "Brookes mini me" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 spot on😂 as soon as she sat down the headache appeared knowing Finn would touch her, just like her mother 😂😂😂 they are those pathetic woman who hire someone to change a lightbulb yet know EVERYTHING that's meant to be known about what goes on in the bedroom 😂😂😂

  5. TY Bob. Have a great week end.

  6. please, please let the finn/hope thing be a dream sequence. if not, wtf are you writers doing? this is NOT finns' character for him to jump on another woman.
    finn was a strong character with integrity soooo in love with steffi. to have him just flip like that? it's nonsense! the writing has continually worsened. i don't care if i ever watch it again.

    1. He is one in a long line of men to throw away integrity and honour to worship at the Logan altar!!

    2. Yes please be a dream!!!

  7. Another home wrecking Logan once again. Brooke did her share, I remember Katie trying to get Nick to sleep with her when he was married to her niece , and she came onto to Eric when he was married to Quinn, and then Donna well she happily slept with Eric while he was married to Stephanie and Quinn, and Hole slept with Liam numerous time when he was married to Steffy.

    She’s being so manipulative it’s disgusting! She’s lying to Finn to turn him on his wife… he doesn’t know how nasty Hope can be. She was deliberately cruel to Steffy all through her pregnancy with Kelly and was nasty to Kelly when she was born.

    Hope is no angel… well here we go… Hope has no morals at all, she always lorded it over her mum, she has NO room to talk at all!

    Finn WTF?? He’s an idiot. Hope will use him and throw him away. She’s 100% doing it for revenge!

    1. And Steefy is an angel yeah LOL I wonder if she told Steffy how she seduced Liam when he was enggaged to Hope by waiting for him after the bachelor party, offering him sex because Hope wanted to wait until they were married, and how she tried to seduce his father while married to Katie when she was sick. Or when she finally slept with Bill because she was "upset" and that ended with a paternity test because she didn't know whom Kelly's father was... Takling about slut, she is a real pro and Hope is just making her tast her own medicine!! Stop blaming character you don't like for doing exactly what the character you love did.

  8. Brooke was being manipulative too… oh I would but I just can’t work with Steffy knowing Ridge will beg and plead and turn on his own children again to please her. 🙄 Typical Logan manoeuvring !!

    1. That was Ridge literally begging Brooke to take the position in case you missed it. Brooke said no. And he continued to beg. But yeah, it’s all on Brooke! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Stadia Jordan comment on Face book. Absolutely , when he had the opportunity to let Sheila die of a heart attack did Steffy interfere or try telling him what he should do ? No she didn't even though Li was certainly telling him to let Sheila die ,Steffy didn't say a word .. so he should have known better to insult her business making decisions in front of Hope ...Finn was extremely disrespectful and out of line for defending Hope against his wife in a situation that is absolutely None of his business !

  10. Omg hope dont... I hope she is dreaming... Have a nice weekend Bob 💙

  11. yesss it's payback time for steffy karma is a bitch

  12. YES Steffy it's true that Hope is getting in Finn's head 🤯 🧠!!!!
    But you should worry about Finn's head getting in Hope 🌭🍑
    IJS 😋

  13. Liam to Steffy “You are kind of in a mood.” Uh Liam….when exactly is Steffy “not in a mood??!!!” 😂😂😂😂😂
    Steffy’s comment about Hope acting out with revenge - OMG - pot calling the kettle black!!! Steffy you are the queen of letting personal issues dictate your business decisions. You are the one who retaliates!! You are such a damn hypocrite!!

    Ridge is literally begging Brooke to step up!! Begging!! But Brooke recognizes the conflict it would cause, so she CHOOSES to take a less prestigious role. “Behind the scenes” were her exact words! Bravo Brooke!! You are the bigger person!!!

    Hope is definitely daydreaming! Just like how she started daydreaming about Thomas. This is all too familiar. Really minimizes her feelings for Thomas I’d say!!

    Finn is clearly seeing Hope in a new light. But I don’t think he’s ready to cheat on Steffy just yet.

    1. Lynn you think todays kiss didn’t happen?
      And omg the Logan witch hunters above 😂😂 it's like Hope is kissing their husbands.
      Whatever it is, I love it even just to see them all lose their minds 🤯😅

    2. Hi Milla! Pretty sure it didn’t happen. The writers are doing a repeat of how things started with Hope and Thomas. I swear they have zero imagination. I honestly don’t think the show will get renewed next year.
      I was cracking up reading comment after comment of what a slut Hope is! Hilarious!!! I don’t remember hearing even a peep when Steffy kissed Liam. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
      In any case, I think Hope has it bad for Finn. So let’s see if he starts to pick up on it, and what he does with that information. I loved your comment……”The Logan witch hunters.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      And I’m enjoying seeing them lose their minds as well. One thing’s for certain…..when Thomas does make his grand entrance back into town, Hope’s mind will definitely be elsewhere!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. Lynn Ridge won daytime EMI 😀the show may continue. I also think every year is the last one but it lives on 😅
      You're probably right about them kisses. I still loved them, it was so tender and somehow forbidden 😏 it was clear as day that Hope's feelings for Thomas are circumstantial. Like they are now for Finn... The woman is playing the field. And I can't wait for Steffy's head when she sees 🤩

    4. Milla, I hope they don’t cancel it. But I also hope they improve their writing team. I’m kind of surprised that TK won. I guess his dog-like head cocks are more popular than we thought. Lol
      When Steffy does find out what’s going with Finn and Hope, it’s gonna be FANTASTIC!! Like you, I’m looking forward to that head explosion! I want that witch to fall HARD!!
      I know I’ll replay the scene about 10 times on my phone to savor every last second of it!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    5. Lynn 😂 you make me lol. Btw I’m still getting used to the time difference so not keeping up here. Let’s see what next week brings.

  14. I'm thinking that kiss scene is a fantasy/daydream. This time. It will happen for real eventually. Finn has lips that look soft and kissable. I would have been tempted to kiss him too.💋

  15. Day dreaming for sure! In these scenes, Finn looks like he is deliberately trying to seduce Hope. Even his outlook has changed...and he seems too willing for someone so deeply in love with Steffy and devoted to his family. It looks like Hope just has a thing for caring men who appreciate her as she sometimes lacks self-confidence after years of sharing a man with someone else. This seems out of character for Finn at the moment, which is why I don't think he's doing anything to make Hope fall in love with him, but even as a friend he says exactly all the words every woman would fall for.

    1. It’s not a daydream didnt u see some scenes for next week after it finishes hope and finn go together again. She takes his clothes off going all the way

    2. Exactly! That's why i think she is dreaming. Finn would'nt betray Steffy like that, unless she desappoints him...may be if he ears about the kissing sessions with Liam ...

  16. Hope would'nt use Finn just to get a revange on Steffy. She cares about him and seems to value their "friendship". But if Finn was sharing her feelings she understandably would'nt care much about Steffy

  17. Whether dream or real...karma is out to get Steffy 👏🏻...and it's about time 💯.... thank you Bob 💕...have a great weekend 😘

  18. She will not cry long, she will turn to her pocket man, Liam, like she always did. So she will finally be able to put the "family portrait" back on the wall 😂

  19. I dont blame Steffy if she turns to Liam
    Finn is a wimp
    Hope only good for Steffys 2nds lol
    And Brooke loves men begging her and Bell watch your ratings you are doing Steffy character bad
    Thank you Bob xxxx

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  22. I don't know if I should hope Hope is daydreaming or not. I don't want Finn to be a cheater, but I want an interesting SL :)
