Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-20-24 Full episode B&B 20th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-20-24 Full episode B&B 20th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Is Katie getting jealous? is her and Carter still together?

    1. Carter & Katie broke up off screen.

    2. Katy is protecting the estate and properties so Poppie doesn't get in there and raid and fleece Bill's fortune. That's millions of dollars to her and Will.

    3. Katy will get Poppies background, arrests etc. someone suggested that Li made the test have Luna come out to be Bill's daughter so LI can wait until she strikes the estate and Li can pull the rug out from under Poppie with the test being faked at that point.

    4. witchypoo that's interesting....there is definitely something off with poppy. i always thought the hate from li was because poppy had an affair with jack and jack was lunas father. which would make luna and finn siblings.

    5. Off screen break ups do not count! 💔
      Inquiring minds want to know what happened...

  2. Poppie holds onto Bill for dear life to Proooove to Katy, They're a couple now. (The harder people try to prove it the more questionable it is.) Keep the pressure on Katy, she'll crack.

    1. i don't get any chemistry between bill and poppy at all.

  3. Watch out Tom...your day's could be numbered...

    1. I was reading the other day that Tom is deacons biological father there’s a photo of him and a child and that child is deacon

  4. I was just about to compliment Steffy on her acceptance of Brooke in the end (despite her rant before, but her premise was right, Ridge should have talked to her first and not blindsided her) and that look she gave her husband when he walked in ruined it all 🤦🏻‍♀️ what has he done now?? They were hugging and kissing last, what's her problem now? Stop treating him like that or he'll run to Hope. Plus the Logan hate is stale and unsexy. Or haven't you learned anything from your mom or grandma - trashing them only makes men want them more.

    Brooke should stop bringing up Hope's feelings at the office. Both of them should. But of course we know that's the point, for someone to overhear. Poor Hope, when was the last time you recognized yourself...

    Deacon 😅😅you keep reminding yourself that "for better or for worse" when your bride starts showing her true colors. You'll be seeing a lot of "worse", you naive man. And your newest employee - he may be the first collateral damage. But you keep telling yourself the mantra that she's changed...

    1. I agree Milla, Ridge should have talked to Steffy in private before he told her about it at the meeting with everyone present. That did seem like a blindside. Maybe he knew how she’d react so he figured….why bother??
      And Steffy telling Finn….Don’t support Brooke, don’t support Hope, don’t support Sheila, don’t support Deacon…..the list of who he can think positive thoughts about is getting pretty small!!! 😂😂😂
      She needs someone new to boss around. I think even Finn is starting to realize how ridiculous this has become.

  5. Steffy’s face today,….”Daddy, I’m not going to get the pony for Christmas???” It never gets old!! 😂😂😂😂
    Poppy to Bill……”I was just asking Katie why she was here in OUR home??” You mean your home for all of 5 minutes???? 😂😂😂😂
    You know what else is going to lead to disaster, Brooke? That would be you bringing up Hope’s crush on Finn @ FC !! 😂😂😂

    1. Lynn Poppy is doing an amazing job to become unlikeable with all those phrases she keeps throwing. She acts like she's done tons to make this "their" home, like she belongs there and always has. While all she's done is had a ONS with the man. Is she really that delusional or simply insecure towards Katie and trying to come across as the chosen one?
      But that somehow works because up to now she was useless and annoying, only in her daughter's (actual FC) business. At least she has her own story now and makes us talk about her.

    2. Milla, I am getting so critical of her character now that I even find myself bashing her appearance. If she stands sideways, you wouldn’t even know she was there. Lol. I picture Bill to be with a more ‘curvy woman.’
      You’re right, Bill and Brooke would look good together, but that ship has sailed.
      I gotta say I got a kick out of Hope attempting to be snide to Steffy. She’s so inexperienced at it, she really can’t even pull it off. Steffy, on the other hand…has mastered the DIVA role!! 😂😂

    3. Omg Lynn yes, Hope is like that puppy trying to growl at a bulldog from Tom and Jerry. Steffy doesn't even register her, being the grand masters of bully herself 😅
      btw what about Sheila saying her son is not the one to go with everything that Steffy says... Which is exactly what he has been for all the years! I hope it's a sign he'll grow. I'm not exactly rooting for them to fall apart (wouldn't mind either), but I'll be totally fine with him to just strap on a pair and set boundaries in a way that Steffy respects. If that's even possible for her.
      I also don't see Bill and Poppy as optically good couple. He looked much better next to all three other women he loved before.

    4. Great analogy on the puppy and the bulldog! 😁😁😁
      Honestly, the only way I would root for Steffy and Finn to stay together is if Steffy started treating Finn in a kind, loving and respectful way as you mentioned. I wanted Steffy to be knocked down a peg (or 10) after all the abuse she inflicted on Hope. But this Brooke Co-CEO thing is giving all the Logan supporters a good amount of satisfaction. So maybe that will do in terms of retribution. I just wanted to see Steffy squirm!
      But as I said 1,000 times before, I don’t want Hope to fixate on Thomas again. And he’s supposedly returning to the show on tomorrow’s episode. If the writers put those two back together, then I’m all for Hope obsessing over Finn.

  6. Katie is so jealous of poppy. She should just tell bill she doesnt trust poppy and leave it at that. Also reall proud of steffy today for thinking of giving brooke a chance. Hope needs to get that smirked kicked right off her flat chested ass. Try and come between steffy and finn and watch whats gonna happem to your home wrecker ass.

  7. TY Bob. Have a great Thursday

  8. You can't blame Steffy after all logans have done

  9. I'm just catching up with the weeks episodes, but have to say. Steffy has every right to be pissed off. Ridge is showing no professional judgment and should have talked to Steffy (all the executives) first. Why was Hope in that meeting?Is she a share holder? Thomas should have been included, he is family and a share holder. And Brookes comment??, Logans and Foresters united. The only way any of the Logan sisters are where they are was by sleeping up the ladder. Do they have MBA's or BBA's to run a business? Someone said Thomas will be back tomorrow. I hope so, he should have a say in all of this. Li and Poppy are covering something up. I still think Finn is the father. Sheila has that glint in her eye, there is a storm brewing. Tom knows something more than what he was saying to Deacon. Sorry if it was alot of text. I'm done my rant.

    1. D - you’ve said that over and over again about the Logans only being where they are because they slept their way to the top. But saying it 100 times more does not make it true. I say the only reason Steffy and Thomas are where they are is because of nepotism. So who cares how they got there?? Married in or born into it really makes no difference. The real question is….do they do a good job? Do they contribute to the company in a way that makes FC a huge success? Evidently the answer is yes! Because the company as a whole is very successful.
      But as far as education is concerned….I’m pretty sure Brooke has a degree in chemistry. And that was instrumental in her developing the Belief Formula that FC is famous for.

    2. So no, the Logan sisters weren’t a bunch of HS dropouts like you’re making it seem. Lol.

  10. Job Well Done Steffy! That's your double karma for shipping your crazy brother Thomas off to Paris! You schemed and manipulated to hurt Hope, well now she is about to have your man Finn, and her Mom Brooke is now boss lady at Forrester. You've done great!

    1. BBFAN - wow…..I respect the honesty and objectiveness of your statement. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. I don't think that's BBFan, Lynn :) the name is written different.

    3. Oh you are right Milla. I didn’t even notice that. No wonder!! 😂😂. I was so surprised by that comment from her. Lol

  11. That little eavesdrop spot at Deacon's restaurant. Quite popular lately. 👂
    I think Sheila will look through that guy's backpack and find a bunch of newspaper articles about her past. Or she will plant something in his backpack to make it look like he's stealing from the restaurant. She's going to get rid of him. Which would be so ungrateful considering he's the guy who pretty much saved her life. But that's what Sheila has always done. She tries to get rid of anyone who questions or challenges her.
    Hope was really bratty and annoying at that meeting. And I agree. Ridge should have talked to Steffy first.
    I'm tired of Brooke and Hope saying "Steffy's husband"! Just say "Finn".

  12. Oh dear, what has the homeless man been digging up. Sheila doesn't seem to like that. She ought to know her story is all over the internet. I think ridge is making a strategic plan for the company. Steffie brought this on herself when she crippled the company by sending one of its lead the designer a away, causing the Hope line to fail, I think Ridge is trying to save that line by focusing on the design team. He probably wants to train RJ so he can carry Hope for future if somehow hope and Thomas will never be able to work together again because of their personal live life involvement. Ridge sees the need to focus on the design team, he said it himself, no dress to sell, no company. And its just Zande and you can't really count RJ in unless Ridge trains him. Besides if something ever happens to Ridge in the future Steffy and Broke might have to lead the company themselves as Broke is a big shareholder. Ridge wants to start putting that in place so that he can ensure that they learn to work together. And I don't think he wants to see Hope for the future gone as it's his step daughter he help raised and realize it might cause some friction in his marriage if they gave to cut the line. Ridge has made a smart move.

    1. Brooke holds NO shares in Forrester anymore. They are all owned by people with the Forrester name regardless of DNA.

      That said, I do think Brooke will be an asset, it sounded like she was setting some boundaries with Hope today as well which is good.

      Lynn, sorry that wasn’t my comment above.

      I don’t blame Steffy for not wanting her brother to go back to his obsessive behaviour or be used by Hope to boost her ego.

      I thought Hope’s claim that she wouldn’t settle for a man who couldn’t give her his whole heart was interesting, given she’s going after a married man who is in love with his wife.

      Hope listen to your mum, she’s giving you good advice based on personal experience!

      Thomas looks great, marriage agrees with the real life actor who plays him.

      I’m so happy wee Douglas is back, he’s growing right quick. Talented wee fella too. He steals the show.

  13. Thanks Lynn! It had to be said... Steffy created a two-headed monster for herself.
