Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-5-24 Full episode B&B 5th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-5-24 Full episode B&B 5th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Don't believe Carter doesn't know Katy's motive for her sudden interest in Bill's possible new relatives. It isn't love for Bill, it's love for wills and estates she is named in.

    1. Bill is the father, so dance and sing, Were in the money! We're in the money!

    2. I still don't think it's Bill.

    3. I agree with you D..I don't think Bill,'s the father either.

  2. So Bill is Luna's father... I was wrong lol and Katie is pissed!!!

    1. I really don’t know why she is so pissed
      I would be thrilled to know that my son is having a sister especially if she is a nice girl like luna

  3. I still think that paternity test may have been tampered with 😀 call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think it was quite a coincidence the new IG delivery man happened to be delivering for the first time while they were discussing this topic and RJ's office door was open. I wouldn't put it past Sheila to mess with this test just for the fun of it (or revenge on Bill). Or someone else this guy is working for... 😀 I still hope Luna is Bill's, she's really sweet even though her mom is sus 😁 btw Bill doesn't look as in LOVE with her as she is with him, it's more the thrill of the new daughter. I like that this sl has the potential to not be as sugary-predictable.

    I love how Ridge spoke to Brooke 🥰I hope she accepts.

    1. Milla, I think it’s on the up and up. And thank God it’s not Finn! I’m also happy an affair between Jack and Poppy won’t be revealed. I will still never understand why Li has so much venom toward Poppy. That was waaaaaaay overplayed in the earlier episodes. And also doesn’t explain why Li hated Luna so much. But as we’ve said before - no logic in B&B.
      What I do agree with you on is the way Bill said to Poppy that he loved her because she brought a beautiful accomplished daughter into his life. While he should be very happy about that, that is NOT the reason he should love Poppy. He should love Poppy simply because she’s Poppy. And if he doesn’t, then they shouldn’t be a couple or ultimately get married. What’s weird to me is that Bill seemed super smitten with Poppy initially. But now he’s cooled it a bit. It’s like they switched roles.
      We’ll see how it plays out. But for me there are no hidden conspiracies going on. 😊
      Oh and Katie is PISSED!!! 😂😂😂

    2. I forgot to mention the Ridge and Brooke discussion….YES, THAT WAS AWESOME!! Here comes BROOKE LOGAN!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. Hahah Lynn you're the perfect balance for me - you call them like you see them and no hidden business. I always think/hope something more is going on. But in this case that's also because paternity debacles have been their favorites for ages, the writers like to reach in that old chestnut.
      I can see Katie now embarking on a mission to reveal if all is clean with that test. She does not like the idea of the new women around Bill 😅

    4. Very true on the paternity issues / reveals on soaps! Definitely can’t argue that. Although my time watching soaps is limited, I do agree that a good paternity scandal is a staple of daytime TV. 😁

    5. Katie’s attitude about this is making me think a bit less of her. She dumped Bill. That was her choice. If this Poppy / Luna thing makes her try to get Bill back again, I will be highly disappointed in her. Her relationship with Carter has been back-burnered for a while now. So maybe this will move things along on that front.
      I like that Brooke is most likely stepping back in as co-CEO. That’s gonna give Brooke a better role on the show. She’s mostly been in supporting roles lately. It’s gonna be great to see her front and center where she belongs!! Team Brooke!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    6. Lynn indeed Bill was much more smitten with Poppy in the beginning. I'm also glad he's not a fool in love for her right now. I'd rather he be cautious. I can totally see him now devoting his time to his new daughter (until potentially some revelation about the test comes out 😅). I somehow don't believe Katie will go after Bill now. She has been very clear that she doesn't see a future with him and from what I know her she is quite level-headed. But she cares about him a lot and wouldn't want to see him taken advantage of. You're right that her relationship with Carter hasn't been explored. It's a bit annoying that Carter is finally with a good and suitable woman and that gives him no air time. It's like he's cheating or being cheated on, he's not interesting which is absolute bullshit.

    7. Why is Katie pissed?? Bill had already 2 sons before he even met her, he was with Poppy before he even knew Katie existed. She is NOT the first woman in his life so she just has NOTHING to say, she rejected Bill lately

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Maybe it is Finn, maybe it’s Bill. I think is Bill.
      If Finn is Luna’s I think something like what happened to Luna because of her mom’s menths, happened to Finn. Finn is not aware of it, but Ly and Poppy know… Right after that, Poppy beca pregnant and Ly assumed that it was because she slept with Finn who was unconscious. In another hand, Ly was not aware that Poppy also slept with another man who appears to be Bill! That’s is why Ly was pretty sure that Luna’s father can only be Finn. I think Bill is the real father. The scandal will be around the fact that Poppy had an “affair” with her young nephew through her menths. That would be a non acceptable and a shameful behavior that would have a negative impact on Bill and Poppy relationship.

    10. now that would be interesting, RYZ :D But since Li keeps pointing out how she has been chasing "older rich men", I don't think she was with Finn. At least not that Li would be aware of lol. Otherwise she'd make different comments I think

  4. I can't wait until Steffy finds out who her new co-CEO is going to be. She will pooh her pants. I guess Katie is thinking that Will's inheritance will only be a fourth of Bill's assets instead of a third.

  5. Bill has been on this show less than 15 years but he now has more kids than Ridge (currently) lol...
    Also, this man was just out here sowing his wild oats EVERYWHERE 😭

  6. Now, we wait to find out that if Luna is pregnant, do Bill & Brooke share a future grandchild? Hmmm...

    1. If Bill is the father. Never heard of an instant DNA kit. You can buy kits to swab at home but it still has to go to a lab. Maybe Luna will be pregnant but have complications and other testing will reveal Bill is not the dad. Still think it's Finn and he has no idea, but Li knows and Poppy knows.

    2. They already share a grandchild 🥰

    3. D, it doesn't exist, the fastest DNA test that exist takes 24 to 48 to get results, and you can't buy it because it's exclusive for the Police and a judge has to agree to have one.

  7. Katie's reaction is surprising. But maybe it's not so much about her son's inheritance, maybe she's worried all of Bill's attention will be on his new daughter. After 3 sons, now he has a daddy's girl. And you know he's going to want to make up for lost time. All the things she missed out on as a child.
    Li is probably bitter because she chose to study hard to become a doctor while her sister was carefree and "dated:so many men" (according to Li). Now she has a rich baby daddy.
    I know many people who comment on here don't like Brooke or "the Logans". I will be happy to see her in a leadership role at Forrester. I think it will be interesting to see what happens.

    1. Katie sees Bill as her exclusive property even though she doesn’t want to be with him. Besides she doesn’t want anyone lessening Will’s share in the billions when his daddy dies.

      It’s none of her blood business who Bill is seeing.

    2. Maybe it is Finn, maybe it’s Bill. I think is Bill.
      If Finn is Luna’s I think something like what happened to Luna because of her mom’s menths, happened to Finn. Finn is not aware of it, but Ly and Poppy know… Right after that, Poppy beca pregnant and Ly assumed that it was because she slept with Finn who was unconscious. In another hand, Ly was not aware that Poppy also slept with another man who appears to be Bill! That’s is why Ly was pretty sure that Luna’s father can only be Finn. I think Bill is the real father. The scandal will be around the fact that Poppy had an “affair” with her young nephew through her menths. That would be a non acceptable and a shameful behavior that would have a negative impact on Bill and Poppy relationship.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. And Katie is the one who is gonna find it and expose Poppy. Bill will gain a daughter but certainly not a wife 😄. Two new women in the same time on Bill’s life… Too much for Katie

  8. Good for Luna and Bill 🍸🍸🍸

  9. I don't get why Li keeps saying "poppy wasn't lying" - lying about what? Poppy always said Bill COULD be the Dad - how could she have been lying about that? Bill knows he slept with Poppy and when... so what is Li's PROBLEM? But the other thing I don't get is that obviously, Poppy wasn't SURE it was Bill, meaning there WAS another man during that period, and from earlier episodes it seems clear that other man was Finn. I agree with those wondering if somehow the test was tampered with even though Li administered it, and we will find out down the road that Finn really is the Dad... It just can't be as straightforward as it looks now, can it?

    1. 🙂 me too Mandy. It would explain alot of the hostility with Li., and how it would affect Finn. But..who knows. We might have to wait a yr or 2 to find out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Maybe it is Finn, maybe it’s Bill. I think is Bill.
      If Finn is Luna’s I think something like what happened to Luna because of her mom’s menths, happened to Finn. Finn is not aware of it, but Ly and Poppy know… Right after that, Poppy beca pregnant and Ly assumed that it was because she slept with Finn who was unconscious. In another hand, Ly was not aware that Poppy also slept with another man who appears to be Bill! That’s is why Ly was pretty sure that Luna’s father can only be Finn. I think Bill is the real father. The scandal will be around the fact that Poppy had an “affair” with her young nephew through her menths. That would be a non acceptable and a shameful behavior that would have a negative impact on Bill and Poppy relationship.

    4. And Katie is the one who is gonna find it and expose Poppy. Bill will gain a daughter but certainly not a wife 😄. Too much for Katie

    5. I reckon Luna is Finn's. Just too obvious that Luna comes to town, Poppy follows. Next minute Poppy is Fawning all over Bill ' I always loved you'. How can you love a man you only bonked in one night and was probably off her face during the act(s). It's a wonder she even remembers, given how loose she apparently was. It is the same as being under the influence of alcohol where you can't remember too much of the night before. But I guess people will believe anything.

  10. I believe Finn is Luna's father

    1. And Katie is the one who is gonna find it and expose Poppy. Bill will gain a daughter but certainly not a wife 😄. Too much for Katie

  11. Right only reason we got Brookes bedroom was she needed a way to seduce a very married Ridge Forrester
    Hope take a seat the only leading you lot do is to bedrooms
    And Ridge you have no right as you know Brooke is all her daughter
    I hope Steffy threatens to sell her shares outside of the company because her loyalty is being spit on for the logan
    And still not convinced Bill but seeing Katie's face was worth it lol

    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Logan's haters started to have lack of imagination 🙄 and don't even have valid arguments anymore, so they have to repeat AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN the same old crap 🤣

    3. Miss_sushi that's been the case since I've been on the blog 😀 nothing new.

  12. Yeah bring on the drama but let's not have all the logan way please Bell

  13. I saw a spoiler last week, that said Jack was the dad.

    1. Those spoilers are made up conjecture by fans!

  14. Hope blah blah blah The Logan's blah blah blah
