Friday, June 14, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I knew Steffy would be pissed lol and Hope don't you dare!

    1. Stefy is wasting everyone's time trying to get them to police Hope and Finn. She should follow them everywhere!

    2. Wake up Steff, Sheila is the least of your worries. You're focusing on the wrong scenario....You say that brazen hussy wants to get in Finn's head, noooo, she wants his head in her. Next she be grabbing him like she did Thomas in Rome, stick her tongue down his throat and swizzle his dip stick.... Maybe she thinks that her Mother did these things, so why can't she and if she can stick it to Steffy it's a win win. I hope that Finn puts her in her place if she tries to seduce him... Waiting to see how moral and committed he is .to family...

  2. Steffy needs to shut up. Finn can make his own decisions.

    1. Stefy could spend her whole day going from twosome to twosome reiterating how they must stay away from each other. She could tattoo "STAY AWAY" on her forehead to save her voice. She decides so many people need to stay away, from their banned person or place because SHE SAYS SO!

    2. Steffy can’t stand it when people don’t do exactly as she says! How dare anyone question the Queen??!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Katy barges in to Poopie's new digs, and Poopie's fake friendly in front of Bill. He goes on an on about having a daughter after he threw Kelly away going as far as switching her DNA results so she comes out as Liam's child instead of the truth, She is his own daughter daughter. See DAILYMOTION: Bill changes Kellys DNA test results. He needs a jolt of guilt every time he says it.

    1. i haven't watched b & b for as long as most of i had no idea bill was kellys father. is this true?

    2. Bill is NOT Kelly’s father. Some delusional fans refuse to accept that.

    3. Daily Motion make up soooo many Spoilers, it’s absolutely rubbish!

    4. I’ve been watching B&B from the very beginning and never seen anything about Bill being Kelly’s father. Soap dirt always puts out rumors that never appear on the show. Bill never changed any paternity tests!!

  4. Of course Hope is trying to steal Finn from Steffy shes a fluzzy like her mom. Like why all of a sudden she has feelings for Finn is like shes doing it to get back at Steffy. Steffy was on point today about Hope and brooke is her mother she will listen to her.

    1. I think it has something to do with karma. I don't even think Hope realizes that the reason she is falling for Steffy husbands is because Steffy has caused so much turmoil in her life, she just wants to take her joy back. And she is finding joy in fantazing about steffy husband. It's like when you tell your child not to do something and they now suddenly feel more compelled to do it because you forbid it then to. Lol but I hope the writers shift this storyline because if Finn and Hope is to be together, I'd prefer it be him coming after her. Hope is just On a horny rampage sense her divorce from Liam. Look at this, Steffy did send her little randevou, Thomas, away. So now she has fixed her desires on Steffys husband. Hope wake up. Get your hormones intact.

    2. I agree with you everyone wants to talk about steffy..let's start from the beginning steffy want after Liam knowing that he an hope together because he saves her life after she try to take it because bill was going bk to his wife katy... she did not care Liam was with hope..steffy acts like she is perfect..but don't forget she was with father and both sons

    3. And don't forget wild she was with Liam she slept with his father and did not even know who was her daughter father until she did the test..she talk about Brooke but she is just like Brooke steffy forget that karma is a bitch

  5. Katie & Poppy are a cat 😺 fight looking for a place to happen. Meow!

  6. Thomas better be coming back soon.....Hope really misses you.

  7. TY Bob. Have a great week end.

  8. TY Bob. Have a great weekend.

    Hope don't you dare!!!! Damn right his Steffy husband!!!!

  9. Well thank God it was only a fantasy, because Hope almost brought my dinner back up. Like I said she is really starting to lose her moral compass .Who would have thought Thomas would be the lucky one to be without her. Say what you like but at least he's loyal. Her fantasies nauseate me. Don't want her & Thomas back together at all . Bells numbers are dropping fast, he really should invest in some new script writers or this soap is going-to be a non renewable sunk ship at the end of the year.

    1. Exactly. What made Brad Bell think Hope slobbing over a married man was great for viewership. Its rediculas.

  10. Hope’s love interests started being ridiculous at Thomas!! And now the writers are simply going down the same path showing fantasies about Finn.
    Hope was once the good girl, but that got shattered with Thomas which was truly barf worthy!! 🤮🤮🤮
    As far as Hope doing any of this to get back at Steffy, that’s not what’s happening here. She truly is falling for Finn. Time will tell if Finn dumps Steffy and then falls for Hope. But for now, he is the faithful husband. He just won’t be told who he can and can’t see.
    If something happens that turns Finn away from Steffy, like finding out about the kisses she shared with Liam, I can absolutely see Hope and Finn as a couple! They are very compatible and would be very cute together.
    As I’ve said before, Thomas returning won’t change a thing. Hope has her sights set on Finn now. Thomas is yesterday’s news!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. Ahah poor Steffy flipping out just like her fans in the comments 😂
      Lynn I'm not really happy about Hope's feelings changing every other month :/ I'd like to see some self-reflection: three men over the course of a year is not normal for her. Finn is enjoying her adoration big time. He's not tempted but if Steffy continues to be he bitchy self this may change.
      Btw how about Poppy smiling and acting like the lady of the house. I like that Katie is questioning that ridiculous explanation how Poppy was "afraid" and that's why flat out lied in Bill's face when he asked. But then out of absolutely nowhere she's no longer afraid. Bill is acting like a fool buying everything this woman is saying. Back in the day he had Justin by his side, he would have insisted on an independent test.

    2. Milla, I think Hope needs some girlfriends. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with herself outside of being in a relationship. But as you are aware, I’m all for Steffy getting her comeuppance. And this also moves Hope’s thoughts away from Thomas. So I’m OK with this SL. If they would add a few more characters to the show, we wouldn’t be on the constant flip flop of mates. But clearly the owners of the show aren’t interested in investing in B&B.
      As far as Poppy is concerned, yes she is bugging me too. But I also didn’t like how Katie just barged in. They are both acting catty. I think Bill’s gonna eat up all the attention and women fighting over him…..which is where I see this headed.
      And I completely forgot about Justin! Some of those characters have definitely slipped through the cracks.

    3. Hope you are enjoying NY, Milla. I read it’s hot and very humid right now. But hopefully not too bad. I hope you are having a great time!!

    4. Thank you Lynn 🤗🤗 we actually were very lucky with the weather - the 7 days we were there it was very nice and mild and only on the last day it got very hot and stuffy. I just returned home and now going to sleep 😅hopefully I get back in proper rhythm by Monday. I really liked it there, it was very dynamic and exciting. It's worth visiting for a few days. But boy so expensive esp compared to Europe 😅

  11. It's a fantasy but it proves us Steffy fans right logans are homewreckers and feel entitled to any married man and she needs to stop!!!!
    She is a W.h r

    1. She’s following her usual entitled princess mentality… she did the same with Liam. She has NO respect for marriage! She never has!

    2. Hmmm most people watch the show but don't understand anything about it...don't get me wrong I think what hope is feeling is wrong because finn is married man but karma don't pick sides you always get what you deserve...steffy was with a married man don't forget that bill was married to katy while he and steffy was together

    3. Steffy never slept with Bill when he was married to Katie, that was her own sister Brooke! Steffy was with Bill once only.

      That doesn’t give Hope the right to sleep another of Steffy’s husbands.

  12. There’s something so satisfying about seeing Steffy’s head explode 🤯 as in the previews for next week. 😂😂😂😂

  13. the writers made finn out to be this good, moral character devoted to steffi. it would not be believable to now turn him into an adulterer. i'd like to see hope make a big play, try to kiss him, and finn pushes her away saying (gently, cause that's who he is) that he doesn't see hope that way-that he's committed to steffi.
    and i like luna but her mom seems too sneaky. and she's oh so clingly to bill. maybe she IS a gold digger. she's subtly rubbing it in katies face that her and bill are together. i'd love to see katie put her in her place.

    1. Katie was a total gold digger she has no room to talk. She doesn’t want Bill for herself but she doesn’t want him with anyone else either because she wants Will to stay his favourite. Luna is competition for Will in her eyes.

      I don’t think Poppy is a gold digger or she would have popped up long ago to live her life and Luna’s in the lap of luxury!

      They talked about how they lived in pokey flats etc … if she was what Li accused her of she would
      have had men paying to keep her in style.

      I think she is just in awe and Li is jealous because she fancied Bill and he didn’t fancy her!


  15. Bob, could you please re-upload the episode? Thank you ❤️

  16. Where is Hope’s Finn mannequin ?? And if Steffy thinks Hope will listen to Brooke, since when? She didn’t about her affair with Thomas, did she?? Why is it all right for Steffy to keep being friends with her kissing ass buddy, Liam but Finn can’t have any female friends?

  17. Jeepers Steffy has a lot on her plate coming from all angles. Please come back Thomas. Goodie goodie Hope no longer exists

  18. Thank you Bob... have a great weekend 😘

  19. Bob, is there any possibility to bring that episode back? Plss
