Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Bold and beautiful is so predictable. Even before Hope feigned a migraine said I to myself, "she'll sit down, rub her temples and of course, she knew that Finn would be concerned and ask if she wants a massage". So said, so done....And I repeat... She is working Finn..... So tomorrow, in comes Steffy and that's how the war begins... Hope sure has fallen out of love in a hurry, not unexpected. That's what Logan women do, destroy marriages by inserting themselves in the middle..Same NO when she was salivating over Thomas.. Just sickening...

    1. These people fall in love with little provocation, other than "I want to be in love NOW!" Stefy falls in love for one night stands, with Bill, , even has at least one baby out of it. Then they go ahead and fix DNA test results so Liam looks like the father. Great parenting there. Deadbeat dad at it's worst. Faulting hope for being flighty and fickle hardly ranks on the who cares meter compared to really awful parents and people.

    2. True, they always get what they want.

    3. The Logan's are gold diggers, trouble makers and play the victim more times than I can say 'tramp'

  2. It's like Steffy is looking for ways to push her "babe" into Hope's arms 😅 so dismissive and arrogant, her real self is shining finally now in his direction too. Ah Hope how many minutes did it take you to forget "loving" your boy toy and start making googly eyes at the good doctor 😀

    Bill is in for a lot of pain with those two, I'm sure of it. This paternity thing was way too easy. Li is a complete mystery.

    1. Li gave the the lab guy administering the test strict instructions: It cannot end up Bill Spencer or Jack the slime ball. What does he do? Li looked as surprised as anyone else. She gave him ONE JOB! Li will have to figure out some mal function excuse.

    2. One thought that has strifed my mind is, what if Li is just acting suspicious of her sister? Playing Bill to get all that money into the family. If not her, then Poppy will do. She said that the paternity test was sealed, but you can easily fake a seal, even with a little glue on a side where it doesn't show as much. If it looks sealed, no one is gonna say: Hey, let me look at that box to see if it is properly sealed! She might even have had something of her husband with his DNA on it, or even Finn, had an extra swab thing in the box and just swapped them out. She is a very proud woman and want no shame over her family. So if Finn f.ex is Lunas real father, she doesn't want that to come out, EVER!

    3. When is Jack coming to claim Luna. Spoiler said he is the father.

  3. At the moment Bill is a happy camper and Katie is wondering if she has made a mistake giving him up after Li's glowing certification of character...

    1. Katy doesn't care about giving up old Viagra-fried shrivel d**k. She knows where that was for three months. with Sheila. That's too gross to get back with since she has great alimony, great placing in will and estate. Her concern is splitting anything with these two grifters! Katy will find enough dirt to convince Bill he needs to be careful with them because they will reveal a lot if they think they are 'in like flint.'

  4. Steffy’s face!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
    And look at Hope go to that place with Finn!! You go GIRL!!! 😁😁😁😁😁

    1. lol Steffy's face be like, to Finn: Oh no you didn't? You didn't just disrespect my authority at MY office? You, my husband who knows nothing about fashion? To a LOGAN of all people??? and then she said: Stay in your lane... LOOOL How rude, to say that to your husband!!! He would never have said those words to her.

    2. O shut up Lynn, Hope is going to be the new slut of the Logans 🤪🤮

    3. Iris - couldn’t care less what you call Hope. Steffy is a wicked witch who deserves everything she gets!! As I said…..Hope - YOU GO GIRL!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    4. Malin, exactly! Steffy is so dang rude - even to her husband! She has no respect for anyone! She worships the ground SHE walks on!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Wow Finn is gonna get his ass kicked at home after this " why are you doing this to hope "🤣🤣

    1. Finn should say there and then. "This is it! I can't take it anymore! Stop Talking Stefy. STFU!" Then a tirade if he feels like it about how horrible she makes everyone's life.

  6. Starting to look like Hope's moral compass is broken..first playing Thomas and now slithering over to Finn. Also curious about Li and Poppy..what the real story is with them.

  7. TY Bob.

    Oh Hope that look, wants Finn!! What happened to Thomas??. Not surprised Logans loves to destroy marriages!!!!

    1. Steffy is ruining her own marriage. If she hadn't been so adamant on trying to push Hope and HFTF out of FC, and just stayed friends with her stepsister, Hope would never have gotten googly eyes for Finn. Steffy treats Hope like an underling, like she doesn't matter at all, even though they share the same family. Hope was no threat to Steffy, but she is making her a threat with her behaviour.

    2. Oh yes Hope stealing someone else’s husband and we will blame it on the wife because Hope is sooooo virtuous lol! She has no trouble chasing and sleeping with Liam when he was married to Steffy or sleeping with Thomas while married to Liam so I’m not surprised she’s going after Finn… besides she will have her promised revenge on Steffy… she played the victim now her mum is back in power. Leading Ridge by his todger, as usual and turning him on his own daughter, Hope plays sweetie pies with Finn to turn him on Steffy … but yes it is ALL Steffy’s fault and Hope is innocent 🙄🙄🙄 wait don’t tell me, she’s following her heart 🤮

    3. 😂😂😂 BBFan, love the todger comment. It's what they do best. When I said Hope would go after Finn for revenge I was told that 😇 Hope wouldn't stoop that low, that's Steffy's MO. Surprise, surprise.😆😆

    4. D - we were all wanting Hope to go after Finn. I don’t remember anyone ever saying Hope wouldn’t stoop that low!! Steffy deserves exactly what’s coming to here! She has gone unchecked for far, far too long!! YAY HOPE!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      And all this proves is that I was right all along, that Hope was never in love with Thomas! She isn’t heart broken at all over that loss. 😂😂😂

      As far as BBFAN’s comment about Brooke leading Ridge around by his wanker, that’s sooooo not true!!
      Ridge came to Brooke with this offer. Not the other way around. And it was Brooke who said “BUT….there could be problems with Steffy.” Please note that it was Ridge who said they could work things out and they’d be fine together. How in the world is Brooke turning Ridge on his own daughter as you said???!!! Hilarious!! Not even remotely true.
      It sure was a different story when Steffy was totally disrespecting Brooke and Ridge did nothing to shut it down. I don’t remember hearing a peep about that months ago. Give me a dang break!! 😂😂😂

    5. Lynn, I remember clearly, maybe a month or more ago, the show is that slow. Before the whole Sheila funeral thing, Hope was threatening Steffy for making Thomas leave and take Douglas with him. She vowed for revenge. I mentioned she was going to go after Finn and break up Steffy's happy family. It was you, Mmysh or Milla said, Hope wouldn't go that low, that's something Steffy would do. {something along those lines}. And I have never said Brooke will turn Ridge on his daughter. As far as BBFan's comment? To me all 3 sisters have got where they are by leading men around with their wankers. They slept their way up into fortune. And, we'll see how right you are when Thomas comes back if Hope is fantasizing about Finn right now, or just a good way to get pay back to Steffy.

    6. I 100% never said that. I’ve always said Hope is gonna go after Finn. And Finn will go after Hope.
      The only thing I said was that it may not turn into anything real. They may just have a fling and not get into a relationship. I’ve always wanted and expected Hope to sock it to Steffy. As I said, it’s been a long time coming. You are welcome to go back and read any or none of my comments. But I’ve been saying Hope’s gonna hook up with Finn all along. And I was all for it!

    7. I think Hope has already moved past Thomas. Thomas is yesterday’s news…..much to the disappointment of many viewers.
      The Logan women didn’t sleep their way to the top. Katie has never slept with Ridge or Eric to my knowledge. And I already stated the other day that Donna’s role as receptionist is definitely not a senior position in the company. And Brooke has EARNED her position in the company. If you are listening to the recent episodes….Brooke’s actual and real contributions have been mentioned multiple times.

      I was responding to BBFAN with my comment on Brooke trying to turn Ridge against his daughter.
      Absolutely nothing like that happened. But BBFAN stated that it did.

    8. That's why I said it was one of you, probably Mmysh, and don't have time, nor want to, but it was said Hope wouldn't go that low that's Steffy's MO. And I 100% never said Brooke was going to turn Ridge on his daughter. Your welcome to go back read any of my comments, which haven't been alot lately. Getting really bored with this show.

    9. BBFan's comment isn't far off. She didn't say Brooke is trying to turn Ridge against his daughter, but this is what it's leading to. And it will. Yes, the episodes I have been watching I have been listening. I said yes, Brooke probably made alot of contributions with her lines but how did she get into Foresters in the first place. Sleeping with Eric? Katie she went for the Spencer dynasty but I'm sure slept with a few of the Foresters too. Donna? well Donna is good at pickle ball and finally ended up with Eric. I don't know the whole history of the show but sure I'm going to hear about it.

    10. D - I never once said you said that Brooke was trying to turn Ridge on his daughter. Where are you getting that ??? Both times I was referring to BBFAN’s comments. And I even said that.

    11. Donna was married to Eric years ago. This is her second marriage to Eric.

    12. "How in the world is Brooke turning Ridge on his own daughter as you said???!!! Hilarious!! Not even remotely true." at 3:50pm that comment was a reply to me.

    13. I assume Brooke got into FC for her contributions. She was with Ridge before she and Eric got together.
      Someone who watched the decades I missed would need to comment on Katie’s sexual partners. I have no idea. But the company seems to favor nepotism. Pam worked there and she was Stephanie’s sister. And Zende is also a Forrester. It’s primarily a combo of Forresters and Logans who work there. And it’s all in the family.

    14. Lol. No, the comment was not to you.
      I was responding to BBFAN’s comment. That is my comment below.

      “As far as BBFAN’s comment about Brooke leading Ridge around by his wanker, that’s sooooo not true!!
      Ridge came to Brooke with this offer. Not the other way around. And it was Brooke who said “BUT….there could be problems with Steffy.” Please note that it was Ridge who said they could work things out and they’d be fine together. How in the world is Brooke turning Ridge on his own daughter as you said???!!! Hilarious!! Not even remotely true”.

      There is no point in arguing about this anymore. I simply combo’d my 1 comment. You were addressed in the first half. BBFAN was addressed in the second half. Seemed more efficient at the time. But now that we’ve talked about it for an hour, I see that it wasn’t. Lol

    15. Lynn I love your hilarious comments about efficiency 😂 btw fun fact - Katie was engaged to Ridge at one point. But she was already at the top of her profession. Logan haters love to create a cause and effect between sleeping with someone and advancing at your profession. Wasn’t the case for them. Donna was a successful model and after sleeping with Forrester men actually downgraded. Brooke was a force of nature in her fields and later in business.

      Btw guess who's on her way to the US finally 🥰🇺🇸

    16. Milla, you are coming to the US??? 😁😁😁 Where will you be exactly?

      And I didn’t know Katie was engaged to Ridge. I missed so much during those decades. Those two don’t seem like a good match at all. Glad he is with Brooke now. As of late, he’s been treating Brooke with the respect she deserves. 😊😊

    17. Lynn I'm going to NYC 😀😍 opposite coast from you otherwise I would have suggested meeting up 🤗
      Oh yes it was a weird relationship between Katie and Ridge, thankfully it ended soon enough. He didn't even give her a proper ring but a little red plastic band she wore around her finger 🙈
      Yes indeed Ridge is finally treating Brooke with respect and love 🥰❤️

    18. Milla, I have never been to NYC! I am jealous! My husband and I are taking a trip to Tennessee in October. Never been there either. So much of the US I’ve never seen before!
      I hope you enjoy it!! Safe travels!! 🥰

    19. Lol…..I’m cracking up at the red plastic band that Ridge gave Katie. Nothing but 3 carat diamonds given on B&B these days!

    20. Awww Lynn I wish you all the travels you want to take! I hope NYC is worth the hype 😀 Thank you!
      And omg yes you should watch them episodes with that bizarre engagement 😀 fun times. It wasn't also that long ago, maybe 2017-2018....

  8. for a while now, |Brooke talks like she is

  9. Steffy can be so mean. Like two months after Thomas left.. the line could be successful after six months or Something. Steffy never accept Finn to even talk to Sheila. So Hope could be better wife to Finn now. But if they divorce, Steffy won't let him see Hayes if he talks with Sheila. I used to like Steffy before but not anymore

  10. Steffy can be so mean. Like two months after Thomas left.. the line could be successful after six months or Something. Steffy never accept Finn to even talk to Sheila. So Hope could be better wife to Finn now. But if they divorce, Steffy won't let him see Hayes if he talks with Sheila. I used to like Steffy before but not anymore

    1. Yes, Patologi….Steffy is mean, bossy and thinks she’s the queen of the world!! I can’t wait to see her highness fall hard!!!

    2. Patologi nice to see you back. Hope you're taking care of yourself.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am laughing so hard reading all the nasty / disparaging comments about Hope….knowing full well that if Thomas returns and Hope turns her attention back to Thomas, we’ll then be hearing how wonderful Hope is!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Wow! This is why Steffy hates Logans
    Hope faking a bad head and actually wanting Finn to massage her neck again
    She is her mother's daughter
    And Finn needs to butt out as he really don't know the logans
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  14. Steffy to Finn: "Babe, you're a doctor. You need to stay in your lane". Ha! That was hilarious! And her facial expressions at him! She's not wrong in this case. Even though I don't like her. How would Finn react if Steffy walked into his office while he was diagnosing a patient and questioned his decision? He would say "babe, I'm a doctor, this is what I do for a living".
    And now people are calling Hope a slut. Hey, it's called "revenge". She's taking an opportunity to get back at Steffy for all the things she has done and said to her and her family. Payback is a bitch. A shame that Finn is getting used in this way. But Steffy has had it coming.
    It's funny how the term "slut" is only used for women. Was Liam a slut when he was kissing Steffy? What about Bill going after Brooke, or Eric sleeping with Donna? It's such an ugly sounding word. And sadly it's usually women referring to other women. ☹

    So Li and Katie are BFF all of a sudden?
    And how weird and dorky did RJ sound walking into Bill's house saying "hey, it's me"? Such corny and ridiculous dialogue sometimes. 🤡
    And Ridge is delusional if he thinks Brooke and Steffy are going to work well together.🥊

    1. I get what you are saying about Finn and Steffy, but the way she said it and the look she gave him? Damn! :D
      I don't think she is trying to get closer to Finn to get revenge on Steffy, although she clearly enjoyed when he was defending her in front of Steffy.

      you are right about the word "slut", it's usually used by women. I have noticed that most of the time, this word is used for women they feel threatened by (when it comes to men's attention). A friend of mine got breast implants (big!) and she keeps calling other women who dress feminine and wear make up sluts, she is also very jealous. I am guessing the only way to make a good looking woman look bad is by calling her that? Or maybe some women are afraid of what's inside of them? A former colleague of mine called me a slut because I was hanging out with her (married) brother, accusing us of having an affair. In the end she was the one who started an affair with a married man, so maybe she had been afraid of her inner slut all along? LOL.

      Li and Katie bonding over their dislike for the Bill/Poppy relationship :D

  15. Please upload video again. Thank you Bob. 😊

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hope is gloating and goading and manipulating… I don’t like seeing any character acting like that! She’s out for revenge and is happy to destroy a family to get her own way. It’s 100% selfish and she doesn’t care that two children will be destroyed while she has her triumph over Steffy! She’s very short sighted!

    2. So like the gloating Steffy did when she sent Thomas and Douglas packing and didn’t care how that affected Hope??? And Steffy told Hope as much. I guess Steffy’s finally gonna get what she gives. And if Finn is a willing participant, then the responsibility to his marriage is on him.

  18. Can they hire someone else, Steffie need her mother right now. I will always support Steffie, what Sheila did to her is unforgivable, and Finn can leave, definitely he doesn't deserve her.

  19. i read somewhere a couple of days ago that finn and hope will be kissing.

  20. Pls reload.. says not available. 🙏

  21. I didn't get time to watch the show and they have removed the videos
