Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Hope please stop. just leave it alone... I agree that Steffy do boss Finn around. I wanna know who is the husband, Steffy or Finn lol

    1. Stefy wears the pants. They go with the pink with chains marching band uniform

    2. Good work Hope! Get Finn over there. Stefy should buy stock in pepto-bismal. (and a case of the product.)

    3. Ridge still has some good ideas !?! If he can't get Brooke to ride herd on Stefy, as co-ceo, he gets her in somewhere, else and she'll interfere and drive Stefy nuts from another office! Stefy's face priceless when Ridge sideswipes her.

  2. Thank you so much Bob. Have a great day!

  3. Steffy’s face! Love it! 😂😂😂😂. And her comment to Brooke…..”Brooke, don’t you have someplace you need to be??” Better get used to it, Steffy!! You’re gonna be seeing a lot of Brooke!!
    I had to laugh at Brooke’s comment to Hope…..”Don’t think with your heart, think with your head.” Even I can appreciate the irony there!! 😂😂😂
    Finn didn’t need to go to the cabin. He also didn’t need to stay and drink tea. He chose to be there with Hope, even though his bossy wife said otherwise with her comment…..”Stay away from Hope!!”
    Finn will never be the obedient husband Steffy expects him to be. He is too kind and too caring. And whether he admits it or not, he puts that part of himself first. He puts that over Steffy’s wishes. We’ve seen him do it time and time again. And that’s why they don’t belong together. They can’t make each other happy. She needs a man she can control and he needs a woman who lets him be who he truly is!!

    1. I’m wondering if when Thomas comes back….which is supposed to happen in the next couple of weeks….will Steffy have a change of heart about Hope and Thomas being together?? My guess is that Steffy suddenly is all for “Thope” so she can keep Hope away from her husband, Finn. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit! And it will just show what a hypocrite Steffy is!

    2. Steffy's head keeps exploding from all them Logans not obeying her poisonous majesty 😅 it's so satisfying to watch. I loved Ridge's suggestion to make Brooke to face of Brooke's bedroom again!

    3. And Finn certainly enjoying Hope's company. I'm glad he's not being Steffy's obedient puppy.

    4. Milla, yes! And it wasn’t Hope’s idea to have Finn come to the cabin. He offered. If Finn cheats on Steffy, that’s on Finn. While Hope is walking a very fine line, she still hasn’t crossed it.

    5. Also, why does Steffy think it’s fine for her to spend all that time with Liam? For God’s sake….he told her that he still loves her and wants her back. Not to mention, he kissed her twice while she was married to Finn. But Steffy continues to “hang out” with Liam. Sure, they have a kid together….but that doesn’t give Steffy the right to spend so much time with her ex, all the while dictating who Finn has a right to see!! Most ex’s exchange the kids when it’s time and don’t even come in the house. But for Steffy, she treats Liam like her best friend. Steffy has always had the most blatant double standards!

    6. Lynn true Finn was more than happy to drive to the cabin. I somehow don't see Finn cheating, he's waaaaay too good for this. Like Hope said he's true and good, unlike Liam and Thomas. But Steffy may push him away, it's obvious already that their relationship is not as solid. And it's all on her side, the way she treats him.

    7. What do you mean, it wasn't Hope's idea to have Finn come to the cabin? She knew bloody well he would come over. She's good at manipulation. Can't wait for Thomas to come back, but I hope he sees her for what she really is and wants nothing to do with her. Let her have Steffy's seconds. I liked Hope at first but now I see another side of her. She is becoming Brooke 2.0

    8. That's complete and total bullshit. In what universe does Hope "know he would come over"?! Is she a mind-reader? Finn could be busy with kids, work or being Steffy's obedient lap dog who listens when she ordered him to sit and stay away.

    9. As for Thomas - it's been "Thomas who?" ever since he left 😅😅 so whether he wants or not something to do with her is irrelevant. But I'd like it even more if he doesn't want her, this way the misunderstanding Thope would stay dead.

    10. I agree. Milla. Hope did not ask Finn to come look at Beth. First she called her normal pediatrician who couldn’t see them till next day. Then she called Finn and asked if she should take Beth to urgent care based on Beth’s symptoms. She never asked Finn to make a house call. Finn insisted. That’s how it went down.

    11. What would actually be funny is if Thomas wants Hope back when he returns, but the whole time she is with Thomas, she is fantasizing about Finn!!!! Karma at its finest!!
      She will NEVER marry Thomas. That ship has sailed and crashed into a million pieces!!

    12. In what universe? Lol..any mother knows, kids get sick. Flu, cold a fever you give them Tylenol and go to the doctor the next day. She knows Steffy wants her to stay away from Finn, and the caring, compassionate person he is? She knew he would come over. She's not as innocent as you like to believe.

    13. Uh no, D. Not in the universe I live in. If my daughter was running a high fever, she would be taken to the doctor. But regardless, isn’t it always you who tells people…..”This is a soap!! Doesn’t always align with real life!!” I can’t even count how many times you’ve told me that! 😂😂😂😂

    14. And I didn’t say Hope was innocent. I said she is a good, kind person who always sees the best in people. She lost her innocence as soon as she took up with her abuser…..Thomas. This is Hope 2.0. And it’s been that way for a really long time.

    15. And in what world should Hope respect Steffy’s wishes?? When was the last time Steffy respected Hope’s wishes?? As I said, Karma’s a bitch!!

    16. Yes it is a soap. And there was no need to call Finn. If you can't wait until the next day to see your doctor, you go to ER. My point is there was no need to call Finn other than the fact she knew he would come over. I think she lost her innocents long before Thomas.

    17. Hope was the good girl before Thomas. And I disagree about the doctor. We can agree to disagree.
      Whether Hope was hoping Finn would make a house call is really neither here nor there. She owes Steffy nothing.

    18. And even IF she somehow "knew" he would come over - what then? Is this Kindergarten where little Finn is not allowed by his mommy Steffy to go to the bad kids house? What's the worst that would happen between a mother of a sick child and a happily married man with a loving normal wife? They are adults and the decision to come or not is Finn's, Hope didn't even suggest it.
      But of course blindly blaming the Logan woman for any man's actions is the best we can do on this blog.

    19. Lynn your comment about Steffy constantly hanging out with Liam who was kissing her and then having the nerve to dictate who Finn should be around is so true. Vintage Steffy - double standards, controlling and unable to see anything she ever did wrong.

    20. Milla you are becoming like Lynn and Miss Poo......telling people what they can and cannot say.....the three of you are pathetic, bored idiots, you are SO obsessed with a soapie it's actually rather embarrassing!

    21. Little u and being obsessed with us is better? 😅 you never give any perspective on anything on the show (which is the topic of the blog) just spew hate towards people. Sad. And I never said who can say what. You keep spewing if that makes you happier.

    22. Milla, little u is a broken record. Same old thing day in and day out. She clearly doesn't have the ability to discuss the actual events of the show. So all we hear is what “ho’s” the Logan women are. And how we tell people what they can and can’t say. Funny thing - I’ve never once told anyone what they ‘can’t say.’ This little u person is a waste case.

    23. Hope totally used Beth. I’m laughing at her introducing Finn when she is at his house with her sister all the time. Please like she doesn’t know who he is.

      Hope was excited for an excuse to call Finn and she absolutely knew he would offer to come over.

      I love how she was soooo worried but forgot to tell Beth’s da that she was so sick. She had the flu.., paracetamol and fluids and rest.., or if fever is high you use cool clothes. Her GP didn’t think it warranted a trip to A & E. Hope’s face lit up at the excuse to ring Finn.

      She has not been a good girl and has chased Steffy’s husband relentlessly in the past. I have no surprise that she feels entitled to take Finn because she’s better than Steffy. It is exactly what she told Liam ! Leave your wife, she’s not good enough but I am 🙄🙄🙄

      Not to mention laying it on sooooo thick like he donated a kidney or something.

    24. Steffy deserves everything that's coming at her. Hope is better than her. All the stale old Logan hate I won't even address. Nothing new.

    25. I love all the Steffy hate yet make every excuse for Hope’s deplorable behaviour.

      You all keep bringing up how Steffy slept with Liam. ONCE while he was married to Hope , which was 100% initiated and pursued by Liam. However Hope slept with, moved in with, relentlessly pursued Liam over and over when he was married to Steffy in all 3 of their marriages!

      How is Hope better? She’s acts sweet and kind when she wants and is a stuck up, entitled, princess underneath. She doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as she gets her way!

  4. If Steffy wants Hope to stay away from Finn, she should increase HFTF's involvement, rather than CANCELLING it altogether and gifting Hope with unlimited free time to do all the things Steffy fears!

    1. ...and, how did Finn automatically know where the bedrooms were in the cabin I wonder...? (I don't remember his ever being there before.)

    2. I think the cabin is pretty tiny. So he’d just figure it out. But I agree….I don’t ever recall him being there before.

  5. So many drs. In LA and Hope calls Finn. She knows damn straight what she doing with her flat chested ass. I hope Steffy snobs the hell out of Hope. Steffy was right about Hope she never loved Thomas and only used him for her selfish desires. Which is a shame cause Thomas really loved Hope and only Hope and she blew it away. Now she trying to go after Finn with her thirsty ass.

    1. And who is this Bob I keep reading about in the comments?

    2. Bob is the guy who runs the site/posts the episodes

    3. I agree NOEMI, Hope is a slut like her mother pe is a pathetic woman who needs to hire someone to change a light bulb!

    4. Exactly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  6. Can’t wait to see Brooke she’ll look nice as ever in the bedroom line. And had to laugh about carters comment to Brooke about grandma lol

    1. Agree! Brooke is still stunning. And it sends a message that women can be sexy and beautiful beyond their 30’s!

    2. And beyond their 60's😄

  7. Steffy don't be so disgruntled and grampy.. It makes wrinkels 😊

  8. 😅😅😅 Steffy.....are things going haywire for you right now?🤣🤣🤣🤣.... thank you Bob 💕😘

  9. Compared to LA, I live in a small town. Yet we have so many urgent care and immediate care locations. Hope didn't have to call Finn. She is really starting to annoy me. She admitted she has feelings for him, but says she's not a homewrecker. Then she should back off. But of course she won't. 😔

    1. Thats exactly what I said. Shes using Beth to manipulate Finn she nothing but a homewrecker.

    2. So True, she's not so goodie to shoe as some would think.

    3. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  10. I like Hope going after Dr. Finnegan. Just because of what Steffy is doing and has done. She went after Liam while he was with Hope. Hello Gondola! She went after Oliver, and failed, while he was with Hope. Although Brooke slept with Oliver whole he was with Hope. At her graduation party. And Steffy sending Thomas away for no reason other than to get him away from Hope...yeah, I'm all for a little revenge at the hands of Hope right now

    1. Hope broke things off including her engagement to Liam! When he moved on with Steffy, she changed her mind and was in the gondola to stop Liam’s wedding to Steffy! Steffy wasn’t under any obligation to allow that to happen and Bill didn’t want his son stuck with an immature teenager who chucked tantrums and ran off when she didn’t get her way ( Hope did it every single time Liam didn’t meet her ultimatums)!!!

      Steffy has been over the top lately, but that DOESN’T entitle Hope to sleep with and pursue her husband

  11. What a joke lol
    Very wealthy and have to wait to see a their Dr lol
    Really!! Bell??
    Finn is a conflict of interest and he knows how Steffy feels
    She should of rung Liam
    And Finn should of spoke with Steffy
    Hope is a logan watch her moves!!
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  12. So Hope said all the same stuff to Liam when she just had to have him back even though Steam had dived in bad mouthing already shared marriages.She waited for the crack then dived in as a logan do.Now Liam has proven his love and yearn fir Steffy has never died.
    So now Hope is deciding she is the better woman for Steffy husband.Oh logans you are homewreckers but Finn is just another man in love with another woman

    1. Exactly she’s doing the same thing she’s done many times before. It’s disgusting using her innocent little daughter that way!

  13. The Logan's are all home wreckers and gold diggers....too usless to make their own
