Monday, July 1, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. That's some gnarly bad singing to go along with lackluster strumming. Tom probably was a go-fer for the group, just didn't mention that part. Poppy was a groupie for THAT?

    1. Tom ruined the word "Hot" for meaning good. He was a hack at best. No one would have groupied that guy.

    2. Agree the song was horrible.

    3. And the singing Ofcourse

  2. Replies
    1. oh shut up. stop ruining it for everyone else. if it's so boring why do you continue to watch it?

  3. Oh boy, that man cannot sing!! And what was that song??? Lol
    Poppy killed him.

    Jack looked much better with his facial hair and new hair cut / color.

    Steffy’s only joy in life is to meddle in other people’s business. She is so damn pathetic.

    1. Yes, have to agree Tom didn’t sing very well, nor did he play the guitar well. His right hand fingers were not even strumming on the right spot on the guitar, too far away from the center?? Never saw anyone play a guitar holding it like that!!

  4. Wow, that was about the dumbest song I’ve ever heard! And that guy can’t sing or play the guitar at all!! What were the producers thinking with that pick??!!
    Poppy killed him!!

    Jack looks much better with the facial hair and new hair cut / color! Much better!!

    Steffy - your only joy in life seems to be interfering in others’ lives! That is sooooo sad and not a good look for you!!

    1. Lynn that song was t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e 😂but Sheila vibing to it was hilarious. And quite interesting setup at that performance with all them characters/suspects including Justin Barber! Wondering what his role is. Hopefully he's back with Bill!

      And Steffy is the mean mommy now to her brother too, first her husband but she wants to be to all of them. No wonder she can't be a CEO on her own. She's incapable for sure, her decisions are based only off of emotions. But also too busy to meddle in everyone's personal lives. She's trying so hard to follow in her grandma's footsteps but only manages to look ridiculous in that attempt.

    2. True on the many suspects, Milla. They brought out all kinds of faces from the past. To me, the obvious person is Poppy. She doesn’t want old Tom to blow up her cushy world! But Tom may have other enemies that we weren’t aware of yet. I think it was definitely a woman’s hands in those gloves. Sheila is always a suspect anytime someone has “an accident.” But my money is on Poppy being the killer only because the writers have no imagination.
      Honestly, I’m glad to see Tom go. He was mostly annoying. Lol

    3. Lynn I believe now that Tom is gone, it would make the least sense that he is actually Luna's dad. There will be drama and back and forth but I'm positive it will be someone alive. I hope for Bill still.
      Regarding the killer, I'm making no predictions, but I do hope they surprise us.

  5. 😱😱😱so Lee kills him??

    1. I think she did cause she never rushed over to help Tom. She was probably easedropping and overheard Poppy & Tom talking . That's the only reason Li was there .

    2. There was a doctor and nurse in the establishment and neither helped?? Shame!!! Strange that Li was hanging out there, that kinda scene doesn't seem to be in her bitter demeanor.. Maybe Jack knows that Luna is his and somehow had cause to have met Tom previously with Poppy and there's a story in the making. Guess it will all be revealed. Hope that it doesn't take forever.

    3. Actually, Sheila was pumping Tom's chest trying to revive him. She said she was a nurse and rushed to his aid. I don't think it was Sheila.

      I might be the only one that thinks this but, when I saw Justin, I immediately thought that maybe Bill has something to do with this. When Luna was questioning Poppy last week about why she kept Bill being her dad a secret, Bill looked curious as well. After hearing about Tom showing up at the house, I think he could have had him investigated to find out who Tom really was.

    4. Good point, bill did mention something about ramping up security when the random pizza guy showed up. So he may have send Justin over. But last we saw Justin, he had betrayed bill and was trying to steal his company, I don't know if he would trust Justin around his newly found family

    5. Just bear in mind, Peggy, that this is the same show that had Jack as a doctor one day, then a lawyer the next. They also had Hope in love with Thomas, then crushing on Finn, then back to loving Thomas before you can say the word Paris! Justin hasn't been on the show for so long that they might very well have counted on the viewers forgetting that Bill and Justin are no longer besties. Lol.

  6. TY Bob. Have a great week!!

  7. li is a nurse and she doesn't try to help???

    1. Li is a doctor, Sheila is a nurse..

    2. That's why i think Li has something to do with tis....

  8. Wow. That look from Hope at the end looks like revenge. Watch out Finn!

    And what was Justin doing there? Could he have something to do with Tom's situation?

  9. Replies
    1. it's really weird she's just sitting there and doesn't try to help.

      Glad I'm not the only one who thought Tom's singing wasn't the best.
      I hope he's not going to die

    2. I think Li killed him cause with her being a doctor she has access to any medicine . Doesn't want Tom ruining her niece's future or her sister's. I also think she messed with the DNA test before showing up to Bill Spencer's estate.

    3. Although 3 people were back there Poppy , Li and Sheila so could be either of the 3 but my bet is on Li.

  10. I guess we are about to learn how many people had ties to Tom! Li, Jack, Justin ...and of course Poppy. And I agree, that music was horrid. I'm gonna go with the fact that he was drugged before he took the stage and perhaps he looked and sounded much better before he hit hard times. Hence the hookup with Poppy.

  11. TY Bob.

    Tom is delusional thinking his Luna father!!!! Ewww Noooo.
    Tom you can't sing!!!! My poor ears.
    Why Li and Justin showed up, they definitely seem they didn't enjoy or want to be there!!!!!

    1. Poppy confirmed that she and Tom had a fling so it's not impossible that he could be Luna's father. I still think it's Jack. Curiously, even though Poppy was at Deacon's apartment, we did not see her at Tom's show where Jack was. So we have not seen them interact as yet to determine if something might have happened between them in the past.

      And if it's true that Li might have tampered with the paternity test results, it's hardly likely she did it to protect Poppy who she despises. It's more likely that she did it to hide the fact that her husband had yet another affair that produced yet another child.

    2. but why would she protect him now that they are over? I would let the world know what an asshole he really was and why I walked away.

    3. It's not about protecting Jack, but herself. Li seems to be very prideful. She wants nothing to do with her sister but keeps what happened to herself. Letting the world know about her husband cheating on her and having another child, and with her very sister, will bring shame upon her. She's not willing to do that.

  12. I'm glad to see other people's comments about Tom's performance. I thought it was just me. Could the whole "who dunnit" plot be more obvious? The episode definitely checked all the boxes: At least 2 early suspects with a motive (Sheila and Poppy). Some random odd characters showing up out of the blue. And the alleged crime shown, committed by an unknown person. Dunt-done (Law & Order sound effect). Shouldn't Li have sprung into action yelling: "Out of my way! I'm a doctor"! So much for First do no harm. I guess she takes her off-time very seriously. Work hard, play hard. I just thought of another suspect. Hollis. He's jealous Hott Tom getting all the ladies. ☠🥤
    Aside from that music performance, I was entertained by today's episode. 🙉

  13. So this is going to be the "Who killed Tom" mystery...will it be Poppy? Li? Jack? Or Justin...who hasn' t been around for quite awhile? Hmmm 🤔 Felt bad for the guy though,! And Steffy 💩 out...with the look Hope had at the end..I think she will be going after Finn😆😆...that should make Steffy shut up🤣🤣🤣🤣... thank you Bob 🌻🥰

    1. Maybe if Hope goes after Finn then Steffy will not have time to worry so much about Thomas and his decision on who to marry . It wouldn't surprise me if Steffy & Paris isn't on the plot with Thomas to get Hope to breakdown and marry Thomas when he & Paris are at the alter. But watch Hope mess up and go after Finn then Thomas will go thru with the marriage to Paris . Who knows but guess we will find out soon enough ... LOL

  14. Don't blame you Steffy There are enough logans with Forresters
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  15. Let's connect the dots. Dot 1 Jack is back on the scene, Dot 2. Justin is on the scene. Dot 3 Lee and Jack are in the same place at the same time - the scene of a crime.
    Now let's get to the facts - Tom is overly confident that Luna is his daughter and will expose the truth.
    Poppy has a motive to kill Tom. Lee wants nothing more than to see Sheila dead or behind bars forever. As a doctor she did not run to assist Tom. Both Jack and Justin are lawyers. It was also odd that poppy would now say to Tom that my sister who is a doctor performed the maternity test when she was dead set against Lee doing the test. Note that Tom said to poppy that she was always looking for some rich man, same thing lee had said about Poppy.
    Jack should be concern as to why his ex wife, a doctor, didn't go to help the man. First thought that instantly ran across my mind immediately after not seeing Lee rush to help Tom, was that whatever is going on Lee and Poppy is in it together. We can definitely count Sheila out of this one. Tom is no threat to her as Deacon knows all about her past. But with an ex felon at the scene of a murder, Sheila would probably be considered prime suspect, it would definitely send the cops to investigate Sheila and deacon. Lee knows everything about Poppy including Tom. But why would she fake the test and land Bill to Poppy. Sheila was right, "what do we know about tom? " Did Lee do it to cover the secrets surrounding Tom?Who is she trying to protect, clearly not Tom. She would like to see him dead, evidently or that Sheila take the fall for his death. Poppy the only one left the scene. Will she tell Bill and Luna that she was at the restaurant where the murder took place, nah. Lee and Luna are real suspects to me. But Lee is the real trump card. When have we ever seen her at Eljordino

    1. Why would Luna be a real suspect to you? I didn't get that part, the rest was very interesting to read :)

    2. I think Peggy means Li and Poppy, not Luna.

      I honestly do not see Li having any motive whatsoever to kill Tom. To her, Tom was just a long lost fling of her sister's? And that's even if she knows who Tom is since she and Poppy had been estranged for years until she and Luna showed up in LA.

  16. Justin and Jack are back?!? Nice!! Please keep them around and give them some good storylines. Li can go. I don't know why she's always so uptight. Tom, that singing was horrible! Poppy was involved with him?? Yuck! They could at least cast someone more attractive.

    Hope, please stop talking to Steffy about Thomas! Move on from that loser!
