Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-25-24 Full episode B&B 25th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-25-24 Full episode B&B 25th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy continues to act like a pouty 5 year old. The fact that she wanted the time alone with her dad in Monte Carlo is one thing, but when she told Hope she will NEVER support Brooke…..well that just screams entitled, self-absorbed, insecure BRAT!! Steffy needs to start acting her dang age!!
    I love how Ridge is defending Brooke, and telling Steffy that Brooke is HIS person!! In case there was any doubt, Steffy….that should be settled now!

    1. 👏👏👏 I hope Brooke's bedroom line is a huge success so Steffy has to eat crow. 🐦‍⬛😂

    2. Renee, you and me both!!

    3. I literally thought the same thing. As usual at first I was "ugh Steffy grow up". Then I thought "hm okay she has her emotions, she was looking forward to going to MC with her dad alone. It would be cool if Brooke - who clearly acknowledged she doesn't want to come between them - said no, I'd stay here, it's your trip". But then Steffy had to act like the witch she is in her last sentence and I was like "no, Steffy you make it impossible to support you". And I hope Brooke stops walking on eggshells with her like she's some fragile kid. Everyone should.

    4. Milla, for sure! I also got the impression that Brooke may do some modeling of her new line while in Monte Carlo. So there is actual reason for her to attend. But maybe I’m wrong on that.

    5. Brooke should go to the fashion world expo in Monte Carlo. Stefy doesn't care how important that is to her father and company because she won't get to go for gelato with daddy on demand? It is vitally important to launching a new line as Ridge said, Brooke sells the line better than anyone else. Stefy's self absorption reaches new heights.


    6. Those red herring suspects, (Justin, Jack and even Sheila's guilty looks) they threw in on the murders don't detract from who has the motive. Suspecting Sheila was the bandwagon idiotic response. Luna has the most to lose, possibly upwards of billions if Tom makes it known Poppy told HIM He was her father. Everyone would know Poppy runs that scam on other "Marks," besides Bill. Bill doesn't care if Luna is really his anyway, he wants to choke her in money and everything money can buy. We'll all be surprised when surveillance footage surfaces that shows Luna adding something to to Tom's drink, and Hollis' drink if Li farms that out. Li may do it herself. Li isn't doing it for Poppy or Luna, she wants the slimeball Jack back because he has made remarks about Poppy so Li wants Poppy with Bill. Li was laughable when Katy questioned her about the possibility of a mistake with the DNA test results. Her indignant fury overplayed the question. Katy's face did not "buy it."

    7. It was about time that Ridge defends his wife, a thing he NEVER did over the years. He always let her down. Now he needs to stand his ground with EvilBratSteffy, he needs to tell her she isn't allowed to run his life. She has no respect to anyone, just like her grandma, even with her own children...

    8. Miss_sushi I'm really liking Ridge's attitude towards Brooke these past weeks. He really shows he adores her and appreciates all she has contributed to his life and the company. And most of all, he stands up to Steffy's hate and highlights that the only one who made the choices which affected Steffy's life, is himself.

    9. Lynn it definitely sounded like Ridge wanted Brooke there for the promotion of the line - to model or to speak. She definitely has the right to be there and they shouldn't adjust business decisions based on Steffy's daddy issues. I thought only that if Brooke said "no, you should stick to the original plan and go only with Steffy" I'd applaud her, would be selfless on her part. But then Steffy came and proved yet again that she doesn't deserve such a gesture.

  2. Steffie is a entitled spoiled b**** and yes she does need to grow up

    1. Absolutely needs to grow up! I can't wait for Hope to take Finn away from her! She has selective memory about how she went after every single man that hope was ever with all the way back to Oliver. She just could not leave them alone even when he was engaged or married to hope, but yet she judges Brooke. SMH.

      And I was liking poppy but now she's being a real witch! She's too stupid to realize that the best thing she can do is to be friend Katie. Lee hated her sister so much that she wanted nothing to do with her, and now all of a sudden it's looking like she tampered with the paternity test for her nieces sake who she didn't seem to care about either. It showed her doing the test, so I don't see how she could have tampered with it. If I were papi and everything was on the up and up I would just tell Katie that we would all just go to an independent lab separate from Lee in the hospital where she works and have a confirmation DNA test. Like Katie said, how many men was she with anyway? And she probably had no clue who Bill really was.

    2. Li did tamper with the test. They showed Li carefully do the test , but she didn't use that test for results. Or it wouldn't have been hard to slip planted q tips in when conducting the test. Li could get samples all over the house as Bill does it everywhere and a black light would pick up splotches in every room. Li wants Poppy with Bill to get that hideous ex-husband Jack, to herself. Jack was the Johnny Appleseed of SoCal impregnating everywoman he knew EXCEPT Li.

    3. So just because he had an affair with Sheila 30 years ago that makes him a jerk impregnating every women?? 🙄 Li has nothing to gain by doing this.

  3. I was reading that steffy doesn’t end up going to Monte Carlo because she lost her pass port and ridge and Brooke will be there alone this is when she’ll find finn and hope together can’t wait untill we see that , oh well steffy what goes around comes around that’s all i can say

  4. Almost no Steffy defenders these past months and understandably so. She has always been difficult, but recently she's impossible. I wonder what they are trying to show with the character, is she really going in the direction of the bitter, controlling scorned woman (dressing like a streetwalker)...

    1. Milla, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. wow, i thought woman are meant to uplift other women Mila, calling her a streetwalker because of what she is wearing is REALLY big of

    3. Go to youtube and you will see alot of steffy defenders and rightfully so. Steffy will make hopes life a living hell for coming unto Finn watch and see. And real big talk of you degrading how steffy dresses when you probably dress like dog shit in your personal life. Grow the fuck up.

    4. Another troll 🧌😆😆😆

  5. So poppy has Lee fooled. Poppy is looking more like the guilty one, but I don't think she did the killing I think someone acted for her. Maybe it was jack or Justin. I'm sensing that lee is not the killer, that the test are accurate and Bill is the father, but then why would Tom be killed

  6. How is Li fooled? She's the one doing the fooling. She has tried to put out the attitude that she doesn't trust Poppy. Perfect way to run the scam if no one thinks you're involved. I was giving Katy all kinds of credit for unnerving Poppy by showing up. Katy in the morning, Katy in the evening, Katy at suppertime. I had to give demerits for her asking Li if there could be a mistake on the DNA tests. That puts all the grifters on warning to watch Katy. Katy may do another DNA test but she can't tell them. Look at the trouble Bill went to when he wanted Kelly's DNA test results changed to make her Liam's child, instead of his own. He's very lonesome and would do that for Luna. Katy has to worry about Poppy and Luna fraudulently or by permission have themselves as sole beneficiaries on Bill's estate and will. Wipe out Katy, Will and other relatives. Also needs to watch if she has already added their names to properties etc. Luna has all this to look forward to so she is the one with the most to lose if Tom has the chance to tell how Poppy told him he was Luna's father. She is great at crying on demand and she was crying about Holis when she had never been seen as great buddies with Holis.

  7. Really hope to see Sheila tomorrow i really wonder how everyone is gonna handle that . Steffy is going to attack her again in her own home ofcourse. Would be funny if Sheila gets to be the one who can call the police on steffy for a change 😂😂

  8. Ridge is acting like a teenage doesn't they have a home to do all this romantic stufff///?rRidge junior doesn't act like his father?
