Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Li watched Tom go down and had to wait to measure him for her shrunken head collection..

  2. Li faked the paternity test because she didn't want it to come out of what she thought, that Finn was Luna's father.
    This was to protect Finn and give Poppy what she always wanted,,, a rich husband. Not to mention a fairy tale existence for Princess Luna.
    When Tom came on the scene and was claiming paternity she couldn't have that so Tom had to go.
    I think Li may have found out about Tom and Poppy's connection somewhere and couldn't let him mess up the fake paternity test administered by herself.

    1. I like you thinking BlackBetty, It's apparent Li faked that test for her own reasons, seems like Finn or Jack could be Lunas dad...Li was acting suspicious and she sure looked out of place at the restaurant.

    2. Nope. Finn is not Luna's father. Why are people so obsessed with Poppy raping her nephew? Blood relation or not, she is his aunt and that would be too icky and nasty on so many levels.
      Li probably killed Tom to protect the family's perfect image because Tom was a musician turned addict and homeless.

      If not, Shelia knew that Tom only drank sports drinks before his performances and she was angry with him for researching past and buzzing in Deacon's ear.

      Bill is not Luna's father, period. Otherwise, "gold-digging" Poppy would have tracked him down years ago.

    3. I rarely reply, but I couldn't let this go. You used the term "obsessed". My retort is "This is B&B, check the show's and Brook's history".

      Then on your last point. Some seem to forget that Bill ghosted her and more than likely before he took over the company. If she learned what he stood to gain (Spencer Publications), I don't think she would have reached out because after he ghosted her, her reaching out would have especially substantiated Li's claim that Poppy was a gold digger. So once Bill and Poppy reconnected, Bill had the opportunity to express that he wished that he didn't ghost her back then, wanted to rekindle what occurred back then and then once he saw Luna, he didn't shy away from doing the math and expressing his desire to see if Luna was his. Those sentiments should remove any thoughts for everyone that Poppy was after his money because only after she felt that Bill wasn't just a fly by night bachelor and wasn't interested in her, let alone starting a family back then, did she let her guard down and reveal the possible truth. I hope all will try to follow that logic.

    4. I get your point, Derrick. But Poppy is acting so weird. And why was she so afraid that Tom would say Luna was his daughter when she wasn't. She could have just laughed it off and tell Tom that if he wanted to make a fool of himself, he could show up and demand a paternity test. Of course that would have been awkward, but it would have been awkward for him in the end.

    5. I understand what you're saying, Derrick.

      Regarding Brooke, her situation is different because she has never committed incest. She jumped from son to father, to brother, back to son. She slept with 2 of her sons-in-law but none of that can be considered incest. A disgusting tramp, for sure, but incest is on another level completely.

      Regarding Bill and Poppy, just to provide some history, after Bill's father died, both Bill and his sister got the company but, according to his sister, Bill was too busy "sowing his oats" and she was left to run the company basically on her own. When Bill showed up in LA, his sister decided to give him full control because she wanted to cut out of the business and focus on her life with her wife and daughter. Given Bill's arrogance, I am pretty sure he would have mentioned to Poppy that he owns his own business however, that is just me speculating. Poppy being a gold digger came not just from her own sister based on the story she told Finn about the doctor who was married but also, Tom, before he died, alluded to the same thing.

  3. TY Bob. Have a great day!!

  4. Zero chemistry between Poppy and Bill.

  5. Ok Detective Deacon is on the case again, or should I say detectives deacon and Finn. Here we go Deacon grabs his laptop to go find Toms family. Hmm, will be fine Luna?😂. He will discover more about his life as a rock star and maybe find old pictures of poppy and Tom🤔.
    How did Bill get that report so quickly, did Justin sent it to him, to say the job is done? But why would bill want to kill Tom, can't be over some spilled water or showing up at the mansion unannounced. But maybe he had Tom investigated after he managed to slip pass security and get to poppy and his daughter. What did Bill discover that would want him to kill Tom. I'm going to rule Bill out. Poppy was on drugs, tom once on drugs. Is she still taking those mints🤔. Coming in contact with a lot of money can cause people do crazy things.
    Finn said that Li was the best mother anyone could have. He painted her as this woman with moral standards, but if someone tries to kill you any sane and morally standing would want to see that person dead or locked away. Is she trying to frame Sheila? What would she be doing at the place where Sheila works, she despises Sheila to the core. Did anyone notice how hack called Hollice by his name. He has frequent the restaurant before, but why would he be going to the place where Sheila works, the woman he had a secret child with and who is the reason he is no longer with his wife, that's a motive to want to frame Sheila. Deacon is going to find the drink Tom was drinking, because they made such a big sceen over Tom's, "it must be a blue sports drink for me". Maybe he will think that someone at the event could have spike Toms drink. Where did Luna rush off to when she told RJ she had an appointment🤔

  6. What a way to begin a show, I didn’t know if Tom made it or not at first with Deacon saying about the hospital. What a who done it? Someone has to find that drink and have it tested to really find out he was murdered. Really hard to figure out but Li looks like the likely person, so it can’t be her, right?

  7. Fir some strange reason, I think Li ,Jack & Justin are together in this

  8. Poppy her ears, just like gremlins

  9. Could it be that Li knows about Poppy and Tom and that he is Luna's father?!! Holding on to the revenge that she wants to exact on Sheila, she found an opportunity to set up Sheila for murder.?? But then how would she know that there was a bit of conflict between Tom and Sheila??! It's confusing to say the least, but I charge Li for Tom's demise....
