Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Finn needs to get tired of Li's input on things that are none of her business. Telling him to go home to his wife is exactly what would make a person stop off at a bar.

    1. WitchyPoo, I agree on stopping off at the bar! 🤣🤣🤣

  2. I’m loving the introspection. The last couple of episodes have really shed some light on Hope’s true feelings for Thomas. I’m getting more and more convinced that that ship has sailed PERMANENTLY!!
    Finn NAILED IT when he said Thomas was simply there at the right time. That’s all it ever was….a timing thing!!
    Still not sure how this Hope and Finn thing will pan out.

    1. Lynn I loved this episode, had to laugh so many times, especially about everyone insisting how Hope's true man will come soon. So many feet will be put in many mouths 😂
      I must say Finn is doing a great job at friendzoning Hope right now. He cares so much about her, listens to her and is ready to talk through things with her. But so far I haven't seen him show inappropriate vibes. Really exciting how it will develop.

      Steffy suddenly being Paris' biggest cheerleader was hilarious. Before now she didn't even notice the woman and now suddenly she's the best thing since sliced bread. Less hilarious is why is she pushing her brother to move to Europe after getting married? Steffy is so weird at times. And that short skort 🙈

    2. Milla, yes! So many feet will be in so many mouths! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      I am curious how this will develop as well. It’s got to be based on something that’s going to happen between Steffy and Liam. Right now though, there is zero indication.
      I didn’t understand Steffy pushing Thomas for Europe either. How cruel that wicked witch is!! She knows that means Thomas would take Douglas with him!! She will stick it to Hope any opportunity she gets!!

    3. Lynn yes! Steffy doesn't care or respect Hope at all as a mother to Douglas. All she wants is "the Logan" to get some sort of Steffy justice. Zero regard about the consequences, her own emotions are what's important as usual. Well let's see them emotions once she realizes how close Hope and her husband have become. I would love to see her hear the way Finn sings Hope's praises. She can't and won't get rid of the Logans as much as she wants.

    4. FINN, FINN, FINN, Pat down!!! HOPE: Get a life, worry about your daughter and saving your career. It cannot be all about you. You love and missed him, you don't know if you should have said yes, you think Thomas should not have rushed into a relationship cause he's not over YOU. Damn, give it a rest!!!!!!

    5. Steffy was always a Paris cheerleader, even to the point of Paris moving into her and Finn's home, and even when Paris was daydreaming about Finn, unbeknownst to Steffy. She also raved about Paris to Thomas when he wanted to find someone to take his apartment when he was moving out, and told him that Paris would be perfect.

    6. Milla, in real life Steffy is 37 years old. I’m sure she’s supposed to be mid 30’s ish on the show. The length of that skort is something a 20 something girl would wear. Not sure why she insists on always having her ass hanging out!! 😂😂😂😂

    7. Elle okay she liked her enough to have her stay over and then take over an apartment. But it's a long leap from accommodation-related support to cheering Paris to become her SIL and step-mother to Douglas out of the blue.

    8. @Lynn, she has the figure to pull it off, don't be jealous :P who cares about what people wear, seems like you LOVE anything NEGATIVE!

    9. unknown coming from you of all people 😂 you haven't written one positive thing here, only spewing poison.

    10. Steffy dresses like a slut. I call em like I see em.

    11. What is up with Steffy? Is she pregnant again or just gained weight working out? 🤔🤔🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

    12. She looks “thick” to me. That could just be from weight training. I don’t like the built up muscle look on women. Just my opinion.
      Pilates and cardio are better for women than “bulking up’.

  3. Hope wanted Dr Vacant's D from the very beginning! Hope is Brooke, Jr.
    I have absolutely no empathy for Hope. It's truly laughable having sex with someone who has stalked her physically & emotionally & continues to want him is pathetic on her part! Brook, it's truly late to be concerned about Hope emotional state..... she is you Brooke!

  4. They don't like Thomas, who cares if he is over Hope or not, rush or not, no one wants him to be with Hope, now he's trying to move pass Hope or faking it...now every is asking why's he's rushing....just because Hope doesn't go Hope ways. This story is ridiculous, Finn is ridiculous.....

  5. I don't think Finn was being very helpful at all. He was all about his own personal feelings about Thomas. Hope was truly trying to figure out why she couldn't say yes to Thomas' proposal and Finn was all about "forget him, he's no good for you, there's better out there, blah blah blah." He's not being a good friend to her if he cannot help her unpack what she is grappling with.

    And I'm sorry, but if Hope's feelings for Thomas was all about timing, according to Finn, then he's more shallow than I thought he was because Hope's feelings for Thomas started developing long before her marriage went kaput. As a matter of fact, her feelings for Thomas is what caused the end of her marriage.

    Finn is even in denial about how much his wife was involved in tearing apart Thomas and Hope and pushing him and Paris together, so I would not put much stock in what he's saying. He only sounds wise to the ears of those who don't support Thope, if you ask me. I expected more objectivity from him. I thought he would really allow Hope to dig deep into finding out why she keeps saying no to a life with Thomas. One thing is for sure (and it started with Ridge asking the question), there is something that is holding Hope back. It's not just about her not being ready to get married again.

    1. Elle, she did talk about some of her feelings…..
      Hope said the idea of forever absolutely terrified her. She also said….”If I really wanted Thomas all I had to do was say yes.” And she’s wondering if she’s only wanting him now simply because she can’t have him. Finn pointed some things out that made her think.

    2. Because once a AGAIN the Logan's reject men then cry when someone else wants them.....ALL sluts from the Valley...lol

    3. Yes Lynn, she did talk about her feelings while Finn only talked about his feelings about the situation. He did not help her at all, just pointed out that she was better off without Thomas. He was being selfish, not trying to help her figure out what was wrong with her. This is what she was really trying to figure out.

    4. Elle, in Finn’s defense, he is not a psychiatrist. He’s a MD. And I think he’s just trying to be supportive.

    5. Elle in another Finn defense, men often jump in with solutions, trying to "help" when women only want to be heard and supported 😅 it's a known fact how they function. So in this case he acted like Hope needed, listening to her feelings and validating she is better off, and being there to support. And not trying to "help" in some active way. (Just a theory of course.)

  6. @Milla, I also found it curiously funny how Steffy thinks Paris is so great, and beautiful, and on and on. How come she never felt that way before? Back when Thomas and Paris were roommates, Steffy never said "Hey Thomas, I think you and Paris would make a great couple. She's great and beautiful". Or when she first found out Hope and Thomas were together. It's so obvious, even Paris should see how fake and sudden it is.
    And Brooke, please stop. Ridge has made it very clear that he's happy to see Thomas has moved on with Paris. Yes, most people should see that an engagement has come too fast. And the relationship probably won't last for very long. Even Ridge and Steffy (if they were being honest with themselves) would agree. If I were Brooke I wouldn't bring it up again. She's made her feelings known. Whenever she and Ridge talk about it they just end up disagreeing again. Just say "I love you, and I wish them the best". Then when it falls apart, just make a smirky I-told-you-so face. No words necessary. 😒

  7. if they put finn & hope together i'm done. didn't take douglas long to switch loyalties...calling paris 'mom'? the writing is so ridiculous. there's too much repitition. get a new plot going. what's going on with jack? more of hollis.

  8. Paris was staying at Steffy's beach house while looking for accommodation, before Thomas offered her a place to stay. She and Steffy got along quite well..She was sweet on Finn while there;.If Finn realized, he didn't give it away.. She also wanted a relationship with Thomas as I recall.Thomas was actually pursuing her while she was with Zende..

    1. True, Paris did stay with Steffy and Finn for a while. And yes, Paris was starting to have inappropriate thoughts about Finn while she was at the beach house. I seem to recall Thomas having a bit of a crush on Paris when she was with Zende. But then Paris’ affection turned toward Carter. I don’t remember Paris ever being interested in Thomas before now.

    2. That's true, Lynn. Paris wasn't interested in Thomas. Thomas pursued her. However, they became good friends while they lived together.

  9. I know what's wrong with Hope. Hope was/is a good girl. She lived the perfect life with the man she truly loved but only, he could never love her the way she loved him. Faithful and loyal she was to him, but over and over again, he would find himself back on the arms of another. And here was Thomas who was right there at that very moment when Hope was devastated about the realization that her husband could never love only her. Thomas said, I am that man, I love only you. Hope wanting to be the apple of a man's eye fell into Thomas because that is what she longed for in her husband. Hope fell for the idea of Thomas but she never wanted her marriage to end. She was forced out of that marriage because the man she truly loved, loved another woman. Now Thomas is moving on. He has to do the same thing that Hope once had to do when she walked away from the man she loves. Maybe one day she will grow to love Thomas, but that is not today. Today she sees herself evolving into someone she doses not recognize, cannot understand why she cannot commit to Thomas, the man she believes is everything she wants in a man. But the heart days no. And she is still searching for what the heart wants, she is now looking at Finn as being the perfect man. But I feel Hopes heart is with Liam and will always be but she find herself having to go against her heart. Now she is reckless and all over the place.

    1. The only thing I would say here is that Hope started developing feelings for Thomas while still married to Liam. And while she was married to Liam, she never seemed to have an issue with sharing his heart with Steffy. It was only after Liam walked away that she started using Steffy as the excuse. So why did she start having feelings for Thomas while in the perfect marriage with the man of her dreams? If her heart truly belonged to Liam, why did she go after Thomas despite her husband's objections? Time and time again, Liam raised his concerns about her working so closely with Thomas and, time and time again, Hope defied him.

    2. But also Liam only went to Steffy after seeing Hope kissing Thomas. Before that it was all about Hope and flying halfway through the world to be with her and support her. I can imagine (since recent travel experience of my own 😅) the mere jetlag and running all over Rome to find her could have made him mad as hell to see what he saw. Not to mention the Thomas of it all... (not excusing him though).

    3. Correct Milla. Hope and Liam were living a happy life, loving each other and their family. So what exactly happened? Why did Hope start having feelings for Thomas even though she was happily married? This is why I cannot buy into the idea that Hope was only with Thomas because he gave her what she "always" wanted - a man who was devoted to only her. She was married to Liam. He was who Hope always wanted yet, she threw it away.

  10. Why Paris us talking like a child????... It looks like a big fake from both of them 😆

    1. Because she is a child. I don't know why the show keeps insisting on having her involved with these full grown adults. She belongs in storylines with the likes of Zende, RJ and Luna.

  11. Why are they showing about Hope, Paris and Thomas and beating this into the ground the last few days, what happened to screaming Sheila where we left off Friday? Most of us want to know more about the mystery and killing of Tom, who done it? And why?

    1. The scene with Sheila screaming was a preview for this week. It hasn't happened as yet. We will probably get it closer to the end of the week and into next week.

  12. Can't stand Paris.Acting like she so perfect. Can't even look sexy like hope. Liam and Hope was happy and he wasn't even thinking about Steffy when they were married. He only went after Steffy when Hope.was unfaithful .

    1. Liam didn't just go after Steffy after his marriage to Hope ended. He insinuated that Steffy was who he wanted to be with all along. That being with Hope was a mistake. It led the viewers to believe that he was just pretending to be happy with Hope. Then they backed it up with him asking for a divorce over one kiss with Thomas!

  13. Yes Finn, the right man for Hope is right in front of her 😅😅😅...
    Thank you Bob 💕❣️

  14. Video is removed can upload again
