Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Wow Thomas. You're sticking that knife in deep, aren't you? Wedding at Eric's? I guess he really wants to send a message that he is moving on. Somehow, I get the feeling that he is trying to convince himself that he is over Hope.

    1. And I'm happy about what Hope said to Paris. Although, it doesn't seem like Paris heard anything that Hope had to say. Instead, she's focused on this long and deep relationship that she and Thomas have built over the course of 3 months. She's stupid and building herself up for a very hard fall believing that Thomas really loves her and has forgotten all about Hope.

    2. Yep, wedding at Eric's. Because Thomas' last wedding at Eric's with Paris' sister, Zoe, went off without a hitch. Carter should officiate the sham wedding so that history repeats itself. Hope can shut the wedding down just like last time ...

    3. Btw you were right what you said yesterday that Hope could and should have thrown in Paris face what a "great" friend she is, getting engaged to her former lover and not even mentioning to her. We can speculate that Thomas asked her not to say but still playing the friend card was lame.

  4. Yeah Bill is totally into Poppy and not at all still very much in love with Katie. Right. Those were tears of a man who’s "committed" to another woman.

    RJ to Thomas: you left some big shoes to fill in HFTF. But enough about work. 🤣 that’s how they do their business in general there.
    Thomas is trying very hard to seem in love. I feel bad for him. I hope he finally gets happiness. Hope should have spared herself that party. Btw it's so nice without Steffy at those gatherings 😅

    1. M, Bill seems to be pretty much in the same shoes as Thomas. Trying to move on while still pining over a former love. For both of their sakes, I hope they realize soon that they are just fooling themselves. I never trusted Poppy, and it has gotten worse now.

      I could be wrong but when Ridge asked Thomas about his bride-to-be's whereabouts, Thomas got a look on his face as if he wasn't really happy.

    2. Elle absolutely. Thomas is not really happy and you can see moments in which it's obvious he's putting a lot of work. And you're right that both him and Bill should move on. But it's not easy, especially when Hope keeps insisting how much he loves him. Btw I really liked one thing that Paris said - how she and Thomas lie in bed and plan future together, something that Hope and him never did. Hope doesn't realize the kind of loving that Thomas needs - not just the emotion and the passion, but the looking in the same direction and seeing that person there and the life together. But you never know, maybe one day Hope will get there too.

    3. That comment was spot on! Anytime Thomas wanted to talk about their future, Hope always got a weird look and Thomas always had to respond with "I know, I know, you're not ready yet," or something along those lines. Time together like that, planning a future, is what Thomas is ready to do. And don't get me wrong, I completely understand Hope not being ready to commit to yet another marriage so soon but, at some point, she has to realize that she cannot continue stringing Thomas along. He has needs as well. She should be mindful of that.

      I can't help but wonder if Thomas and Paris are doing this to truly see where Hope's heart is or to make her realize that she does want a future with Thomas after all.

    4. Milla, thank you! We had to hear over and over again how the Logan women only want the man when someone else wants them. Not the case at all. Katie hasn’t been trying to get Bill back now that he’s with Poppy. Katie is simply concerned about the situation. And that this woman will now be around her son. So she has every right to be concerned about Poppy, the opportunist. And it’s Bill who is bearing his soul to the LOVE OF HIS LIFE, Katie!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      There’s gonna be some interesting events ahead now that Poppy truly sees Katie as competition. My money’s on Katie and Bill reuniting. But that won’t stop Poppy. Poppy is going to end up being a scaled back version of Sheila. Especially if it was Poppy who poisoned Tom to get him out of the way.

      Thomas and Paris are both so incredibly stupid. This whole engagement is as transparent as a cheap shirt!!
      But I hope Hope doesn’t get pulled into the charade and ends up telling Thomas she will marry him after all. That would play right into Thomas’ hands. And subconsciously or consciously we all know Thomas really wants his life to be with Hope. Hold your ground, Hope!! He is NOT the man for you!!

    5. Lynn yes Katie has a very spot on feeling about Poppy. We all can see that she's not an honest person and got way too "lady of the mansion" way too soon. I also think Katie and Bill will reunite. I guess if it won't be with Brooke I'm also for Katie. She's a very smart woman and we can see they had a beautiful life together. Bill knows her perfectly and can trust her with his life.
      I can't see Hope now jumping directly into the "wait Thomas, I'll marry you" mode but I'm not excluding any possibility. I also don't believe her moments with Finn are over. Steffy will likely keep bullying her and Hope will retaliate.
      I somehow feel for Thomas these days. He really wants to be happy, married at long last and is trying so hard to move on from Hope. And that's when she's practically begging him to be with her. Old Thomas wouldn't do that. Paris is weird, she's def not the one for him.

    6. At this point I think Hope just needs to let Thomas do what Thomas says he wants to do. The marriage to Paris won’t last, that is if they get married at all.
      I think Hope should butt out and just let it be.
      I agree Paris is weird. She doesn’t have elegance about her. She just seems too much like a kid. I think in a way Paris and Thomas are perfect for each other because they are both so desperate to be married. Paris will marry any rich, powerful man who will have her. And Thomas just wants someone who will say YES to him and actually wear his ring!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    7. Yes Hope should let Thomas do what he said he wants to. And she said after their first conversation that she will respect his decision. She should stick to that.
      I actually would like to see Thomas married to Paris. Would be interesting for a sl no to go the predicable way.

    8. "But I hope Hope doesn’t get pulled into the charade and ends up telling Thomas she will marry him after all. That would play right into Thomas’ hands."

      Lynn, You are assuming that Thomas is playing some kind of game to get Hope to change her mind about marrying him however, we still don't know why Hope is adamant about not marrying him. Ridge asked her the question before and he (nor the viewers) ever got an answer because Hope just couldn't say why.

      Maybe the thought of losing Thomas forever might unlock whatever fears she has. I agree with Milla about not seeing Hope jumping into a marriage with Thomas just for the sake of him not marrying Paris. I really don't see it either. So, if she does do it, it has to be because of something more.

    9. Elle, after seeing Friday’s episode I think we can all agree that Thomas is playing games, otherwise why would he have proposed to Hope at his engagement party to Paris??!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Thomas is willing to settle for second best “Paris”. And Paris is perfectly fine being second best as long as she marries a rich Forrester man. The whole thing is beyond pathetic.
      And we will have to see on Monday how Hope responds. If she doesn’t get the opportunity to respond at Eric’s because Paris interrupts Thomas’ proposal to Hope (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣), then we will find out later next week what Hope’s next move will be. I still think she’s gonna tell Thomas she is still not ready for marriage.

    10. After seeing Friday's episode, no, I do not agree. How can you say that Thomas is willing to settle for Paris (if he cannot have Hope) yet say that he is playing games? Based on everything that he has said to Hope about him trying to move on with his life and Paris saying that they both lie in bed planning a future together, you believe that Thomas is playing games? I don't think this is a game to Thomas.

      Matter of fact, a lot of people think that Hope is the one playing games since she claims to love and want Thomas but cannot commit to a future with him yet, does not want him to marry Paris but instead, come back to her. And, based on spoilers for this week, she's fantasizing about Finn again. Who is really playing games here, Lynn? Thomas is trying to protect his heart by genuinely trying to move on from Hope.

    11. Elle, I have said multiple times that Hope is all over the place. I will be the first to admit she’s a mess! Hope doesn’t know what she wants.
      But Thomas does know what he wants - and that is Hope. And that’s why I say he’s playing games.

      My thinking is this…..
      Hope rejected him. Then as a result of the pressure from his very meddling sister, Thomas agreed to leave LA to get some time and space away from Hope. So he goes to Paris (the city) heartbroken, then Paris (the person) comes into his life and makes him feel happy and loved. So he decides to propose. But who does that after just 3 months when you are trying to HEAL from the fact that the one woman you loved your ENTIRE LIFE isn’t ready to commit??
      Thomas acts like it’s a race on the clock to get married. And that’s the part that seems very unrealistic and like he’s playing games. Once he actually marries Paris, he’s most likely going to regret it in a relatively short period of time. I honestly don’t see those two together at all.
      Do you honestly think Thomas wouldn’t still jump at the chance to be with Hope if she truly changed her mind? Paris will be a consolation prize no matter how you slice it. Thomas is trying hard to convince himself Paris is the one. But she won’t be.
      I am sooooooooo sick of hearing. “I asked you to marry me twice, and you turned me down twice.” If I were Paris, that alone would make me feel like a consolation prize.

  5. TY Bob. Have a great 4th of July!!

  6. I hope Bill and Katie get back together 🤞🏻 can see and feel the love they have for each other...Bill AND Katie should both beware of pill popping Poppy..
    She' s dangerous 👹...Thomas is fooling himself and Paris.. she' s going to get hurt...and in the meantime Hope can get comfort from Finn. Thank you Bob ❤️ Happy 4th of July to you and everyone 🇺🇸🎉

    1. "Pill popping Poppy" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Hold on, wasn't Brooke the love of Bill's life, that he was willing to have Justin kill him off by throwing him out of the Spencer jet?? These "creative" writers are unbelievable..

    3. Ummmm, for Bill to start craving Brooke again and hurt Katie all over again.. Let them do the co parenting thing.. Katie loved Bill unconditionally, despite his arrogance and everything else. In the earlies he was all warm and fuzzy. So Katie should protect her ❤heart..

    4. Wait, what? I wasn't watching back then. Bill wanted to "commit suicide" by having Justin throw him out of his jet? Why? Cause he was too scared to jump himself?

    5. I think the comment was about Justin throwing Ridge out of the helicopter, because Bill told him to, not Bill wanting to kill himself.

  7. I don't take Paris seriously at all lol

    1. I can't either. What's with her leveling threats then leaving her bottom lip hanging open. Is it supposed to be menacing? I noticed it since yesterday and it is bothering the heck out of me. 🤣🤣

    2. She's a very pretty girl though. I don't know if it's the change in hairstyle but she has some really pretty facial features and lovely skin.

    3. Agreed, that this time around they have improved Paris's appearance. Hair, make up. Whoa, did she give Hope a mouthful.. I'm intrigued as to what comes next! Catfight?? I think that Thomas is getting a kick out of this..

    4. Diamond White is a beautiful girl, but a poor actress. At least in the role of Paris. And why are all of these actors/actresses getting veneers??!! Whatever happened to just getting your teeth whitened, or braces. These veneers on Paris makes her speech distorted and gives her a mouth like a thoroughbred.

    5. Paris just got Hope to dig in tighter, and she looks like a sneaky coniving jealous bitch just like Poppy is. Now Hope is determined to get Thomas back. Guess Paris is going to show how desperate she is to marry anyone, especially someone with money. She has been that way from the beginning. Don’t forget how she was hot for Finn when Steffy offered her a room at the cliff house, she followed Finn around like a puppy. Seems she always latches onto men who already have a partner, just for the challenge. I don’t really think she will have Thomas’ heart because he’s still into Hope, whether he admits it or not.

    6. That's what they are? I never would have guessed. I just thought she was trying to give a menacing look to Hope. Well now, that explains it!

  8. Hope .......what the hell happened to your crush on Finn....Wow you move on fast...just got whiplash on this one

    1. I think it's safe to say that her crush was probably a rebound reaction to Thomas walking away from her.

  9. I want Thomas and Hope but she has to realise she really wants Thomas and not just the fact Thomas has Paris.
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Maybe Thomas and Paris getting married will make her realize that she does want to be his wife after all.

  10. poppy is threatened so she will do something stupid, bill will find out, end it with her, which leaves luna in a weird situation. until he also finds out that tom was the real father.

  11. Can someone explane why Donna is walking around in a bikini in her own house when she is having guests?

    1. Lmao. It's a 4th of July pool party, it seems. I say that because Paris also showed up in a swimsuit.

    2. I think it was supposed to be a 4th of July pool party. 🇺🇲 It turned into an engagement party. The fireworks are coming...🎆🎇 😂

    3. when you are having a pool party, it is customary to wear bathing suits.😉

    4. Was wondering why Brooke didn’t wear a bathing suit?

  12. Katie and Bill had one of the best love stories on this show next to Ridge and Broke. And I'm speaking about with all it's ups and downs their love for each others still remain. Ridge will always love Brooke and Bill will always love Katie, yes both men were misguided with other woman but home is where the heart is. Bill is just tired being alone and wants to know his daughter so he accepts poppy back into his life. Notice Bill asked about Katie's relationship with Carter, they even had a lil fun joke moment a out it because they realize they both still love each other. Why I'm I keep hearing the word children with Thomas and Paris. Is Paris pregnant? Is that why Thomas proposed so quickly? I guess she is going to lose the baby and he and hope will reunite. Why isn't Steffie and her brothers big engagement party? I bet she will be maid of honor. Can we please see Deacon digging in to toms past to find his family and possibly discovering who Killed Tom. Deacon is good at that stuff. Tom helped him find Sheila so it's only fitting that he be the one to find Toms murderer.

    1. I read that Deacon will be on the hunt for Tom’s killer this summer.

    2. LOL. Sherlock Sharpe! I love Deacon <3

    3. There's a huge difference between Bill and Katie and Ridge and Brooke. For the majority of Bill and Katie's marriage, Bill cheated on her. Matter of fact, he was downright horrible to her. Even to most recently, when he went to Brooke after Ridge ran off with Taylor. And as soon as Brooke said no, what did Bill do? Run to Katie. Bill always treated Katie like trash and no amount of romantic montages will make it go away.

  13. The intimate scenes, if you can call them that, between Paris and Thomas are so forced. Very difficult to watch

    1. Agreed. Same with Bill and Poppy. Cringe worthy.

  14. Paris and Thomas have no chemistry, you’re right it looks so forced. I think Paris is cute but she needs to get rid of that hairy ape forehead with some Nair!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Don’t hold back, Roseam!
