Monday, July 22, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Hope would do so much better to not flirt or throw herself at Finn. She is losing her her classy persona by acting that way. She could drive Stefy nuts if she drops the "attraction" angle and sticks with good friends. That will chap Stefy's hide too. Let Stefy worry about what's going on when nothing is going on.

    1. How about Holis Healthybod snaps out of it because Li misjudged the dose. He's in good condition and was able to fight it off. They need some new blood even though it would mean new gene-pools and no hint of incestuous relationships. Hope would be good with a new leading man. Thomas will show up with his next fraternity-minded endeavor but Hope has to move on.

  2. What a waste of time.
    Hope throwing herself to Finn!!! So slutty and cheap.

  3. Brooke was flawless in that dress 😍and Ridge's adoration is well deserved. I really hope he doesn't let his bratty daughter disrespect the love of his life.

    Ufff Hope's flirting was embarrassing... Way too Steffy-centric. Now wondering if it will have any effect on Finn. If Steffy behaves and respects him, instead of being her usual judgmental snooty self, I think he won't look at Hope. But if she doesn't... Who can tell. I just want her to stop with her embarrassing "Logan Logan" cry. It's very unattractive to be that hateful. And usually pushes men exactly towards the "bad" woman.

    1. I agree, Milla. Finn didn’t waver from his commitment to Steffy. And Hope absolutely embarrassed herself. I hope this shuts down Hope’s fantasies about Finn But I hope something happens that pushes Finn to start desiring Hope. I want Finn to chase Hope, not the other way around. I like the old Hope better…..before the Thomas debacle, and before all this Finn stuff. She has not changed for the better.
      Maybe she’ll realize that and start getting back to her old self.

    2. And Steffy whining about the Logans is beyond tiresome. It’s gonna be great when Steffy is told that Brooke will be the face and body of the bedroom line!! 🀣🀣🀣

    3. Lynn I also can't wait for Scooby to find out Sheila is out πŸ˜‚ seriously, how little thought can you put in things to go on and on how now Sheila's going to jail for real. Ever heard of motive, investigation, evidence? Steffy's smug face smacked with the truth is a treat 😁

    4. Milla, you’d think with all her formal detective training, she’d be a little better at this stuff. 🀣🀣🀣
      Maybe she just needs some ‘Scooby Snacks.’….that always worked in the cartoon. Lol.
      She’s absolutely gonna lose it when she finds out Sheila is free!!

    5. Omg the Scooby snacks πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘πŸΌ

  4. Replies
    1. She wants to drink so badly despite all the warnings she has been given and being told that she is too young for the crowd and to try to hang out with Faith. Faith is in University; Lucy is in high school. She really is not understanding this at all, Faith is being very kind.

    2. @Big fan. You commented on the wrong soap, your comment is about Y&R not B&B!!

  5. I personally can’t wait till the news of Sheila not being the cause of the drugs slaps two bitch Steffy in the face. The holier than mighty should step off her pedestal.
    She is not a great detective.
    Keep running to Liam with all of your personal life is not a great idea. He is lapping it up. Steffy you still have not admitted to your HUSBAND that you kissed LIAM. You have been unfaithful.
    You give your husband no credit for actually have a brain in his head either.
    He can think for himself. No one can make him have thoughts about Sheila. It is himself who has his thoughts. Telling him to stay in his lane and how to act is just degrading and outright boarding on being a bigger control freak than you are. You are becoming abusive to your husband telling him what to do, how to act, what to think.
    He is a grown man with a professional career.
    He will leave your ass if you continue.

  6. Hope hooking up with Finn would be fun to watch just to see Steffy brought down from her high horse. But if this were real life, Finn should shut her down immediately. If a married man's female friend has made it clear that she is attracted to him, and she is shamelessly flirting, he should tell her flat out: "We can't be friends. I don't want to put my marriage at risk". Then walk away. Not stand there and continue to have a conversation. I've seen it happen so many times when the man doesn't shut it down, then a line gets crossed later. Then he's wondering how it happened. Because he didn't shut it down early.
    Ridge and Brooke making out, and about to get busy at work. I guess like father like son. And like mother like daughter. But when you are of a certain age, and you live together, please wait until you you get home. And think of how hot you will be if you wait until later. But I do like them as a couple. I hope they will be one of those daytime couples who stay together decades like Victor and Nikki on Y&R.

  7. finn should firmly tell hope he's not interested. and yes, steffi is getting tedious with her logan rants. and i'm mad that they killed off hollis. he had a lot of potential. maybe the actor had a movie deal in the works...and i think poppy is the murderer though justin is a curious addition. i really don't like sheila as a 'changed woman'. she's much better at 'evil sheila'. i wish she'd get herself in trouble to a point that deacon leaves her. doesn't she have other children? why don't we ever hear about them?

    1. Wesa, are you sure Finn is not interested? Hope actually treats him like an adult that has a brain and can think for himself. That he has an opinion and is allowed to have feelings even if they are conflicted.
      He can at least voice what he is thinking about and not he immediately shut down and told to stay in his lane as Steffy put it and how to think and what he has to do.
      With Hope he is at least allowed to talk without judgement.
      That is is big difference from what he has been getting.
      What he has with a Steffy is sex. That seems to be it. No empathy or a safe place to let him talk about how he feels about being conflicted or that he was glad today that Sheila was not found to be involved.
      He is still confused and can at least say that to Hope without being threatened.

    2. Indeed, at some level Finn must be attracted to her. He is very comfortable around her and free to express his thoughts and feelings. But if his heart is with Steffie their is no hope for Hope, finn will continue to keep her around to fill that void he is not getting from Steffie meanwhile Hope will be falling deeper and deeper. Classic example of why men cheat. Finn will be tempted, not a man on this planet won't be tempted by a beautiful woman inside and out such as Hope. But if it continues that Finn is not allowed to be his true self around Steffie he might just start to have those romantic thoughts that hope has, but will he act on them?

  8. Brook and Ridge chemistry is fire. So much different than he and Taylors. I've never heard him speak of Taylor the way he just did Brooke.
    I think Hope handles Finn rejection very well. She made is same that it was just playful behaviour on her part. And she did admit to him brought it on. She only just realized herself that the way Stephie has been treating her since pushing Thomas away is what really drove her attraction for Finn. Though I don't support her going after a married man, and I don't think she even wants that for herself, but it seems Steffie is just pushing her off the edge. Be strong Hope don't let Steffie get under your skin and cause you to go against your own standards. It will bring hell to you.

  9. Hi Bob,can you please upload todays episode? Thanks

  10. hi Bob have you todays please xxxx
