Monday, July 29, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-29-24 Full episode B&B 29th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Stefy is guilty of exactly what she rails against Ridge about. Her 30 year feud is exactly what she did herself. Stefy dumped Liam for Finn. That's the same as Ridge breaking up with Taylor over Brooke. Why is Stefy allowed to break up and hurt anyone she wants to, but Ridge can't make the best life he can for himself? What if Kelly wants her father, (although her real father is a secret) Liam to be with Stefy forever as Stefy insists Ridge do with Taylor. Stefy in the unfeeling selfish unrelenting self absorption will say to Kelly, "Oh get over it."

    1. Go for it Katie! She is emerging as a new hero to actually protecting family. (As compared to Stefy assaulting Sheila under the guise of protecting family attacking her in her own home, punching, slapping and verbally abusing.) Katie actually has a cause. As beneficiaries to Bill's estate, Katie wants to prevent gold-digging guttersnipe Poppy from burrowing in sideways like bank robbers coming through a side wall at night.)

    2. Steffy did not left Liam for Finn, she was single when she met Finn

  2. RJ is so weak. Is not my place to tell but goes telly aunt katie!!! Hmmm.
    Katie wants to play detective and hero and all. Mind your own business. Bill moved on!!!
    And Hope come on, stay of Finn and Steffy marriage!!!!

    1. RJ is an idiot. Katie needs to get a life. Either you wanted Bill when he asked or you didn’t (suddenly you forgive him for Brooke, lol).
      Is the paternity test administered by a doctor that you confronted and she stated she administered not enough for you???
      Hope at least admits she is playing games. Better than what Steffy is admitting to (all out war for all these years or whatever the temper tantrum she has held on to cause she can’t get her way that Ridge won’t go back to Taylor cause she says he has to).

    2. agree, Katie was the gold digger and doesn’t want Bill but wants him on a hook. She’s ridiculous. She still considers that estate her house and conveniently forgets how Bill wanted Brooke and she was always his 2nd choice.

      She is just jealous. Harassing Poppy is all about Katie’s ego!

      Hope is so far out of line. Seriously the trip was planned for Steffy and Ridge now she acts like Steffy has no right to be there. Like Ridge and Brooke can’t afford to go in a romantic getaway 🙄🙄🙄

    3. Spoiler Alert!! After katie confronted Poppy, Katie got test done, and found Bill's not the father. Luna did her own test by Finn and got the same answer as Katie. The trust is gone for mommy dearest.

    4. @BBFan, all the HO......gan's are gold diggers......all sluts from the

    5. those Logan's all the same, manipulative and spoiled

  3. I just can't with Steffy wishing BROOKE would stay home 😂😂😂 As always Karma is her best friend.

    Omg Brooke looks exceptional in white 😍

    Bill and Justin have a great bromance chemistry. I still believe Justin had something to do with what's happened and that's because of him wanting to be in Bill's good graces.

    1. Milla, Brooke was spectacular! She is smokin’ hot! No doubt about it. The camera loves her. She is so natural and free when she models.

      Hope’s comment to Steffy about how Steffy should reconsider going since she was going to be a third wheel was spot on!! Steffy is always the one dishing out snark! It was so great seeing her being on the receiving end of it for once!!! Steffy’s face…..🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. I really liked Brooke in that coral pink the best. But she did look beautiful in all of them. I didn't know Zende was a photographer. Hmm?

    3. Forever yes he started off as a photographer and learned design later. It was strange he returned again to photography. And yes Brooke looked great in all of them. She's the true star of the show.

    4. @Lynn, she dishes out snark just like you do....bwaahaahaa :)

    5. @Bob can you please check some of those comments attacking personally people on this blog. For me this is unacceptable.

    6. A friend once gave me a wise bit of advice that I have remembered for years. He said: "It's not what they call you, it's what you answer to". That's a good one, right. As difficult as it might be at times, I try not to respond to juvenile name calling. Especially when I am confident that the name called does not describe me. I'm just here to to share in a discussion about a television show. That should be enjoyable. Name calling is not. 💕

  4. Brooke Wow, the looks botox and ɓoob jobs can buy!
    Also your stylist found perfect hair weave color to match your own locks.
    Way to go!

    1. To be clear, Steffy has had a nose job, lip filler, boob job and I’m quite certain Botox. And Steffy is almost 30 years younger than Brooke!

    2. Well you need some glasses, Lynn 🤣 Steffy had no boob job, look what she was wearing today, and no nosejob, if you look at older pictures 🤓

    3. She 100% had a nose job. Just not a very good one. And yes, she had a boob job too. Her boobs have just deflated from having so many kids. But yeah, she definitely had a boob job. And yes, I’m basing it on looking at old pics.

    4. She also had Butt injections. Check her older photos. They are subtle, but I definitely remember when she grew some humps

    5. Lol. Didn’t know about the fake bootie! But I believe it! Steffy is more plastic than Brooke. And as we know, Brooke could easily be Steffy’s mom!

    6. Owning horses and riding my whole life I can attest to the fact it's a workout that uses all your muscles. Especially thighs, stomach, chest and arms. That's why she is so toned but saying that, I think she's had her fair share of fillers botox etc. I'm confused why Justin is there and all of a sudden Bill's best buddy? Haven't been watching alot. Did Bill call him? Maybe to investigate Poppy??

    7. Agree about Steffi. Everything on her is fake. She's had those lips pumped so much I'm surprised they haven't exploded! Katie, you are no Jessica Fletcher 🤣 It's quite a leap for her to assume just because Poppy was at the same music festival as Tom that she killed him. How Many other 1000s of people were there? It just seems ridiculous that she has put this together based solely on the evidence she just threw up. Even if Poppy is the killer Katie couldn't deduce it from that weak ass evidence

    8. D - I’ve had horses my whole life too. And while tossing bales of hay, mucking stalls, saddling up and riding do develop muscles, the things we are referring to on Steffy have zero to do with riding, or responsibilities that come with horse ownership.
      Or were you referring to Brooke? Brooke is the equestrian in real life for sure.
      Steffy just has lots of fake going on. Way, way, way too much for someone who is still in their 30’s.

    9. I'm referring to Brooke. Her body is well toned, yes throwing around 30lb bales of hay and mucking horse shit is a work out initself as well as riding. To say that Steffy has way more fake going on? She is almost 40 from what I have heard, and think about it. Brooke probably started at the same age. Brooke has had alot of work done too. But so what, who cares. I was just asking why Justin mysteriously showed up and Bill and him are buddies again.

    10. I really need to catch up. 🫤

    11. OMG Lynn, mememememeeemee just mentioned Brooke's botox now you acting like a two year bringing Steffy into the botox mix, she mentioned Brooke and you act like a toddler .....grow up, the Loga's are ALL SLUTS!

    12. Shut up little u. No one wants to hear from you. You’re just a damn troll!! 🧌🧌🧌

  5. OMG, really Finn had to be there to see Brooke in lingery, so so stupid 🤣🤦‍♀️

  6. The demo permits for their apartment building? And they are the last holdouts. What? What kind of random thing is that?

    1. Super random indeed. What does it have to do with anything? And why are they holdouts? Aren't they Bill's new "family" aka benefiting from his billions and living in their new home?

    2. Btw Bill's face looks so weird every time around Poppy, like he's watching her, somehow reminds me of the energy around Sheila (even though he looked more like a zombie around her 😅).

    3. Milla, my guess is they had to drop that in because Katie is going to break into Poppy’s apartment to see if she can uncover some evidence on Poppy. They write this stuff on the fly. Lol.

    4. Milla, Bill and Poppy are a huge mismatch.
      Although I don’t think Katie should have just barged in like that. She should have knocked on the door, then berated her! 😂😂😂😂

  7. WHY!! is Dr Finnegan hanging around watching Brooke model lingerie !!!???

    1. I thought the exact same thing!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Here's Lynn...ALWAYS thinking the 'SAME THING' bwaahaahaa....toddler!

    3. Here’s little u being obsessed with me as usual. No comments from the troll unless she’s making one of her pathetic attempts to attack me. So sad and desperate! No one will talk to you little u??? Boo frickin hoo!!!!

  8. RJ should not have told that to Katie. She's not going to keep it to herself, as he asked. And it's really unfair and judgmental for Katie to refer to Poppy as a "drug addict"! That is a big leap, considering the limited info she was given. I hope Katie doesn't reopen the whole Zende and Luna situation. I think RJ and Luna are getting past all that. And I really don't think Poppy is the killer. It's hardly ever the person the writers are making look the guiltiest. They like to do the whole "look over here, look over here". Then it turns out to be someone else. I think it's Jack. Someone else here pointed out that Hollis spoke to the mystery person like it was someone he knew. And when Jack was talking to Li and Finn, he mentioned Hollis by name. Like they knew each other at least a little. Hmm.

    1. Spoiler Alert... Whoever it is, they have small feet. How Baker found those footprints to be the culprit is crazy.

  9. all these comments about Steffy b n b fans really need to refresh on memories and what Logans really are capable of
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Steffy is so beautiful ! Jealousy is Jealousy !

    2. I will act like toddler Lynn now and say....'i was thinking the exact same thing' bwaahaahaa....looks like the women on this blog LOVE to support the sluts from the valley :D Hope isn't a patch on Steffy.......pity Hope couldn't make her ex husband smile or is a complete BORE! The only woman that has EVER made Liam happy was Steffy.......go least you aren't false and two faced like ALL the HO......gan's :D

    3. Little u….you aren’t a toddler. You’re just dumb as dirt!!

  10. These are nothing but Steffy haters wanna talk shit about Steffy but not the Logans that have done far far worst. Did Brooke not sleep with 2 of her daughters fiancee? Did she not sleep with Bill while being married to Katie. And then to personally attack the Steffy actress is utter disgusting cause if they wanna go down that route. Hope is a flat chested actress and flat ass with cheap tacky blonde highlights. Hope offers nothing to the show but to daydream about married men and sleep around.

    1. I think in the same way ! Steffy is a beatiful girl ! love her dark hair !

  11. Brooke cheap as always
    Katie your not Bill's mam so back off
    Hope don't be a bitch

  12. RJ doesn't want to say anything to Katie about Poppy but told the whole of Forrester who would listen how he popped Luna's cherry. Where does this boys loyalties lie?
    On another note: KKL looked absolutely beautiful modelling today. How many film stars do you actually see these days at the same age looking so good?

  13. Luna won't be to happy with RJ telling Katie of all ppl.
    I hope she is really Bill's daughter according to the test.
    Why did they have to show Tom's face in memory. I can't listen to his voice and looking at those teeth eew.
    Don't like Katie's meddling. She is so.jealous.

  14. Will all of you stop going at each other
