Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-30-24 Full episode B&B 30th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-30-24 Full episode B&B 30th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Traveling with one too many people, so beg off Stefy.

    1. Like to see Ridge explain to Stefy how it is the exact same scenario that Ridge broke up with Taylor over Brooke as Stefy breaking up with Liam over Finn. Would Stefy like Kelly nagging her to death to get back with Liam, and causing a feud with Finn like Stefy's feud with Brooke ? How about if Kelly drags it out forever, making every cheap shot remark, and not even trying to get along. Stefy is passing along an ugly legacy to the poor child.

    2. Things must be slow in Hollywood. Funny man, Tom Arnold checking passports and tickets at the airport.

    3. Lol Mandy. First it was Tom (Clint Howard), now Tom Arnold at the airport. Maybe they are trying to boost ratings. I for one am losing interest in the show.

    4. oh Miss Poo.......Steffy calls it just like it is, Brooke is a HO....gan.....from the Valley....been through every single man on the show excepting for Tom....lol :D

    5. oh Miss Poo....the trip was planned WAY before between Ridge and Steffy HO....gan mother was invited AFTER the trip was planned, you need to brush up on your homework! Narcasist HO...pe is going to come short :D

  2. Hey Steffy, don't beat up , no harm no foul. It's a good thing that you're not going to Monte Carlo, maybe you'll have a front row seat to see the Ho operate and to realize that it's not about Sheila, but Get Finn away from you. All the talk about playing games, it's a big lie.. Stay woke Steff!!!!!

  3. Steffy has done nothing wrong! You "Logan" worshippers are out of your minds! I don't blame her for not wanting the "human wrecking ball" Brooke to go on the trip. Hope, is becoming just like her mother! I stand by my opinions. If you come for me, I will come for you. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINIONS, PERIOD.

    1. Exactly these steffy haters are way out of line coming at the actress in real life calling her all sorts of awful names. Its disgusting and low. These woman who hate steffy are nothing but miserable hags. These actors and actress work really hard for them to be harassed. And the hoelogans are nothing but hoes been through each others men brooke even more.

    2. Agreee Valinda!!👏🏻

    3. 100% NOEMI, the Logan lovers are nothing but sick and evil, they lead miserable lives and thing it's ok for woman to act like the HO....gan's do! You are right, they are sad, bitter and miserable. Just because Steffy calls it like it is and doesn't manipulate men into her bed doesn't make her a bad person, it's the HO....gan's that sleep with ANYTHING that has money!

  4. I loved Steffy's coordination today. The outfit, bag, luggage. It was a very classy look. And the color, with the cream and gold was beautiful

  5. logans fans are forgetting what Ridge had said earlier to Steffy about looking forward to much needed father daughter time so Logans Brooke did keep hinting she wanted to go she wanted to be Co CEO and Logans always get others pushed aside Lets remember Steffy is also Co Owner so she should be there and lets remember Brookes treatment of Taylor and Thomas and Steffy and even Brookes own families and Hope is just showing her true colours no longer hidden now Liam dumped her good
    thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Can't stand the Logans!!! Always have to be part of someone life!!!!

  6. Hahah Steffy 🤣 you should have listened to Hope, good luck now.
    I'm glad Poppy finally brought up Tom to Bill.
    Let's go to Monte Carlo ✈️ 🥂

    1. STFU you logan bootlicker. Steffy will have the last laugh when she smacks the cheap high lights off Hopes face. You people are disgusting just yesterday wanna of ya said Steffy for the streets your an utter filthy to dehumanize another woman like that. You should be ashamed of yourself. I said what I said.

    2. That's what Steffy gets for being so nasty 🤣

    3. As always 😅 Ridge reminded her like 2 times and all she did was snark about Brooke. Then Hope chases her waving that passport and she's still too arrogant to even look. That's Karma.

    4. Milla, so hilarious how we heard that Hope was going to “steal” Steffy’s passport. But all she actually tried to do was get it to her! But Stuffy in her usual bitchy tone dismissed Hope. So that’s on her!! Gonna miss your flight there, Stuffy!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      And the ONLY TWO people who need to be going are Ridge and Brooke. They are going to promote Brooke’s line - Steffy won’t be needed in the slightest. All she can do is whine and bitch about Brooke going….then DON’T go Stuffy!!! Problem solved!!
      Total karma for sure!!

    5. Lynn I must admit I feel a little bad for Steffy. Nothing goes her way these days and she was looking forward to that trip with her dad. But she has only herself to blame.

    6. Milla, I never feel bad for her. She is her own worst enemy. If she would quit being so nasty all the time, things might actually start going her way. But she just can’t help herself.

    7. That’s true Lynn. If she was kinder and worked on her hate issues, things may be different. But then it wouldn't be as fun for us 😅 it's the way they are building the character these days.

    8. I just can't 😂😂 some people are hilarious: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/84eAavUSXsqRF3ym/?mibextid=WC7FNe

    9. These sad Steffy lovers are so pathetic. They have all this hate in their hearts (their little black hearts) for us because we are able to recognize what a good person Hope is at her core. And Brooke straight up rocks. Yes, she remains the QUEEN of the show decades later!!!

      We need to get a life? I’d say they need to go get their heads checked at their next psychiatric visit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Talk about projection!! Hilarious!!!

    10. Lynn to be honest I'm not even reading any other posts besides yours these days. Ever since the people I care about (Elle, Mmysh, BBFan, Renee) are not posting and some aggressive weirdos came out of nowhere (which I'm disappointed Bob is not checking), I'm spending much less time here. If they are so fascinated by our conversations, leave them be.

    11. PS it must be a very painful lonely existence to be filled with that much hate, so I honestly don't care and wish them well.

  7. just speculating here, but i was wondering why justin has been around lately. i think deep down, bill is cautious about poppy & perhaps he hired justin to find out more about her. i also think the reason bill thought their night together was 'magical' is because she gave him her hallucinogenic drugs.

    1. Wesa I too was wondering why Justin all of a sudden showed up. Bill isn't stupid and for him to open up his bank account and offer Luna and Poppy anything they need or want?? It's not Bill's character, but I have missed alot lately.

  8. Hope should put that passport right back on the desk where she found it. And never mention that she ever saw it. Because if she really wanted to get it to Steffy she could have yelled out before the elevator doors closed "hey you forgot your passport"! Oh, well. Karma.
    As far as who should be going to Monte Carlo, all 3 of them should go since it is business related, but after the business is concluded one of the ladies should step up and be the bigger person. Brooke or Steffy could say "Ridge, I'm going to fly back home so you can have some time here with _______. You and I can come back another time". I don't think Monte Carlo is going anywhere. And I'm sure they can afford another trip. People need to learn how to compromise. 🤝

    1. I can see Finn dropping by the office, hoping to catch Steffy before she left to say bye and have a good trip. Hope knows Steffy will come to the office looking for her passport and make sure she keeps him there and be in a seductive scenario when Steffy walks in

  9. Yes it’s all planned with hope good on her, I say, that’s what u get steffy serves you right for doing what you did to hope , karma’s a bitch hey steffy

  10. I mean.... She tried to give her her paspoort 🤣 i would be over her b*tching ass to . Hope is a descent person ( with her Hogan flaws a side , we al have flaws) i think if it was the other way around she would not have that much hate in her heart and see that Steffy tries to give her her paspoort and even thank her for it 🤣🤣 Hogan or not if you keep being a awful judgemental little baby this is what you get Steffy 😊 have fun being stuck with hope 🤣🤣

    1. Hope doesn't have hate in her heart, that's the main difference and how the characters are opposed. She has her flaws, but hate, arrogance and bullying were never among them.

  11. PS ya'll get your head straight its just a tv show .... Dammnn . Dont be hating on an actress now 😅

  12. HO...pe is a NARCASIST! The trip was planned way before HO....gan mother was invited!
