Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. This episode wasn't so bad. I'm glad Steffy told RJ and Zende the truth about what Luna did. Why the hell is Hope there like fr all she is doing is giving Steffy and Finn the stinkeye. She annoying as hell. Like Finn don't want you honey and never will. And I'm glad Brooke told Hope the truth about the connection between Finn and Steffy. It aint Poppy's fault how Luna turned out. Poppy a nice lady and I hope Bill forgives her.

    1. Steffy and Finn are not this great love story ... together, Jacqui Mac carries each scene. It does not read well. She and Liam had chemistry. She and Wyatt had chemistry. Perhaps just because those 2 guys were better actors. But gees, can someone get Tanner a new acting coach

    2. @Dis One Liam is a scumbag and a waffler. He bounces back and forth between these 2 women and steffy saw the light and found a real man worthy of her love and that is faithful to her.

    3. I agree about Tanner, he's really bad! he's mono expressive...

      And also for once, the slut of the valley said the right words to her stalker bratz...

  2. That comment about your child doing something you cannot imagine is going to be Hope. I can see it coming. She refused to look at Finn and Steffy. I think she is going to do something to Steffy to get her out of the way.

    Maybe she has a medical or mental health issue that is fed by her lifelong belief that is superior to Steffy etc. She has always been jealous of Steffy and tried to thwart her whenever she could.

    She tried to come between Finn and Steffy years ago, even when they were dating.

    I’m sad for Hope. She can’t be happy because she’s entitled and when she doesn’t get what she believes she deserves she cannot stop until she forces it to happen.

    I see a lot of pain coming her way… Brooke said that too this week.

    I feel for RJ and Zende. That was very good of Brooke to apologise to Zende for giving him a rough go over Luna.

    Finn looked so uncomfortable when Hope was clinging on and acting like only she thinks he’s a hero blah blah. She has NO clue of his relationship with his wife .

    Good on Brooke saying that about Finn and Steffy’s love for each other.

    I’m glad the family stepped up to support each other.

    I’m dreading what Hope is going to pull next. Taylor saw it clearly on Hope’s face. I think Hope is going to dark places like Thomas did. That thought Hope has that she can make Finn see she’s better for him than his wife and give him what??? She is delusional… it’s an obsessive and very disordered thought process she’s having. She needs help.

    1. I agree highly Hope is sick mentally and brooke should take her to see a therapist. If things escalate between hope is because brooke didn't do enough to help her out.

    2. To be fair Brooke is trying her best. She cannot force Hope to so the right thing or get help. I just hope something truly horrible doesn’t happen. Hope has this look that shows all is not well upstairs.

    3. Noemi, you said above that it wasn't Poppy's fault how Luna turned out, but if things escalate between Hope, it is because Brooke didn't do enough to help her out. Why the difference between the 2 mother/daughter sets? Hope is much older than Luna & has a great deal more life experiences than Luna. Why is Hope's mommy expected to keep her in line & Luna's mommy gets a pass?

    4. @Renee Poppy didn't raise Luna to be a pyshopath she did the best she could as a single mother could do. And Luna hid her pyshothic tendencies unlike Hope who is showing signs of mental illness her obsession with Finn is off the charts and brooke has time now to stop something bad from happening and if brooke don't know that she is slow.

    5. Bill was suspicious of Luna's mental state after Luna kissed him, he could have done something, but didn't. He never dreamed how off Luna was. Hope, on the other hand, kissed Finn - a doctor - & he doesn't seem to see Hope as being mentally ill. Do you also see Liam as mentally ill since he was obsessed with Steffy & kissed her twice while she was married to Finn?

    6. I read somewhere that Hope will soon set her sights on someone else. Could it be Carter, to help her line survive?

    7. I don't see Hope as mentally ill. Sowing wild oats, yes. Mentally ill, no.

    8. Hope has had issues in the past where she had to visit a psychologist after she became addicted to prescription pills. Back then, Brooke did what she had to do to ensure that Hope got the help she needed. Hope is in her 30's now and wanting to go after a married man. When she was married to Liam, she went after Thomas, but did not want to be committed to him. I don't know if y'all are seeing a pattern here. Something is definitely off with Hope and I really don't know if it's psychological, emotional, mental or 'other.' Guess we will see as the storyline goes along.

    9. Hope is simply a narcissistic pervert

  3. Bill was a star today. I really hope they don’t saddle him with Katie.

    She’s very controlling and uses emotions to manipulate him, her son, etc. I can never forget when she tried to Nick to sleep with her when he was married to her niece Bridget. She used her health as an excuse for trying to seduce him and guilt him into giving her a dying wish.

    Katie used her health to keep Bill with her when he wanted to divorce her, again with emotional blackmail.

    She and Bill are toxic together. She needs someone else. Someone she doesn’t have history with, that Brooke doesn’t have history with.

    I still think Bill and Li would make a strong couple.

    1. yes, bill & li. bill & poppy didn't have chemistry. bill needs someone strong who can keep him in line and that's li.

    2. I know I'm in the minority here but I like the compassion and genuine caring between Bill and Poppy. I would like to see them have a real chance. I don't like Li.

      I fully agree however, that the ship has sailed for Bill and Katie. I cannot stand her. And BBFan, you're right. Katie always used her heart condition to get what she wanted.

    3. Did you notice the devious look Bill had at the end when he was hugging Poppy? He looks like he's still not sure about something.

    4. D, given that Liam was talking to Bill about Katie yesterday, since Poppy has basically ended their relationship, I figured that Bill was thinking about a possible reunion with Katie in that moment.

    5. Elle possibly and hope not, but I'm thinking maybe Justin found out more about Poppy and Luna nobody knows about yet. 😕 I'm hoping there will be more suspence to the SL instead of going back to the same old Taylor/Brooke/Ridge, Steffy/Hope/Finn etc. Maybe I'm reading too much into Bill's expression, but he's good at hiding things. He had that same look in his eyes when he was going through that whole Sheila charade.

  4. Brooke looks beautiful in that lavender it really suits her.

    I couldn’t believe Hope with that skirt up to her bum and the stilettos, she is on the prowl!

    1. Hope doesn't stop and it's getting rediculas she needs mental help asap. She has no reason to become obsessed with a man that clearly turned her down and chose his wife over and over. She's becoming fatal attraction.

    2. NOEMI, maybe Hope is thinking like Luna. Luna felt that she and Bill would have become an item eventually if she persisted. Hope is probably thinking the same - that Finn would choose her if she persists in her pursuit of him. That's delusional thinking though. Finn and Steffy are closer than ever!

    3. @Elle I highly agree with you.

  5. I was disappointed in RJ's reaction to the Luna situation. Taking blame because he brought her into the family without much emotion doesn't fit for the relationship he had with Luna. He should be upset and eventually angry that she played him also this time. He should be questioning conversations & basically shocked that she KILLED 2 people & kidnapped his sister. Instead, his attitude is sorry for my role & oh, well, that's life. C'mon, not a realistic response for a guy who was planning a future with a young lady that he was head over heels in love with. Perhaps, the actor was unable to do the scene...

    1. I agree, i feel he should have been very distraught, but he acted more concern for Steffie, as if this was a stray puppy he brought home and the puppy bit Steffie and gave her rabbies. RJ has slept with Luna and loved and cared for her deeply. But maybe his reaction is more fitting with this generation of young adults, resilience, it seems.

    2. Remember too, that RJ mentioned that he and Luna had not been close for some time. And given everything she was going through with losing Bill as a dad, and her mom being in prison, it didn't prompt RJ to close the gap that was between them and actually reach out to her. Maybe they just weren't as close as they once were. Another splitsville couple such as with Carter and Katie. Also, when he was blaming himself for bringing Luna into their lives, he spoke as if their relationship was a thing of the past.

    3. RJ is such a good guy. I hope they give him a sweet, loving GF soon…..who isn’t a psychopath!!

  6. Watching the former Greenlee stand bet Steffy and the former Zach Slater, now known as Ridge, playing Steffy's mother was just awkward. Not believing it AT ALL

  7. On a separate note, Poppy looked really pretty today. Hair and makeup was on point

    1. I agree, and her acting today had more substance, showing how vulnerable she can be. it showed her in a different light.

    2. Agreed. I've really been impressed with her performance in this storyline. She looked absolutely beautiful today.

    3. Agree she is beautiful and highly talented.

  8. I still want Steam Where was Liam?
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  9. i don't think hope is mentally unstable. i think she's just an entitled spoiled brat who wants what she wants regardless of who's in the way.
    the new taylor stinks.

    1. Hope is indeed acting like her younger self. The previous actress played the entitled brat to the hilt.

    2. KM did the entitled spoiled princess very well for sure! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who remembers what she truly is. She hasn’t changed much, she’s just better at hiding it. Well she was, now she’s back to being her selfish, self-centred self.

  10. oh boy here comes Hope, I think I mentioned some similarity with Hope and Luna before, they both had to grow up watching their mothers lived some ratchet lifestyle. Lunas mother was a golddigger and Brooke was just a digger. but not necessarily so, she too came from very humble beginnings and was so fascinated with the Forrester lifestyle that she actively sort out to meet the famous Ridge playboy forrester. And at that time he was dating Caroline the goody good girl, but Ridge wasnt all that into the rich Caroline Spencer he was more intrigued with the little poor valley girl. But Brooke contributed to the Forrester empire and earned her share of the pie, smart move. By the time Hope came around Brooke had already earned her wealth but still Hope grew up with her mom going from man to man searching for love. Poppy was chasing money Brooke chased love. Now Hope is acting out like her mother did, and its somewhat similar to Luna in that Luna was jealous of her cousin life style growing up, now we see Hope somewhat jealous of the life Steppie has with finn. She definetly has some resentment towards Steffie as Luna had towards her mother. Hope makes statements about Steffie not deserving Finn, and even now, she must know that that kiss almost caused Steffie her life, she still seemingly wants Finn. Thats what makes her behaviour scary. She can see how much Finn loves Steffie so she needs to give it up before she spirals out of control like Luna did. I pray the story dosent go in that direction where Hope becomes this other person. They say love can make you do some crazy things. It must have been very hard when Thomas and Douglas left. She is definely, probably not even aware, but she wants back at Steffie.

    1. Love your synopsis, Peggy. All true!

      I think that Hope will start to go down a dark path, and Thomas (I hope) will be the one to bring her back from the edge.

  11. Hope should not be having any one on one conversation with Finn. Even if it was brief, and she was calling him a hero. She should make an extra effort to steer clear of Finn. If only to show she is truly sorry for that kiss. And that she respects his marriage.
    The hug between Bill and Poppy was friendly and comforting, but no heat or romance. I think Bill is past that now. I don't see him going back to those feelings. I STILL DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM WITH KATIE AGAIN. Move on to someone different.
    I was happy to see RJ and Zende hug it out like dudes. Bros over psychos! 🤜🤛

    1. Hope isn’t sorry at all! She is sorry she upset Finn, but isn’t at all sorry for kissing him or causing issues in his marriage! She wants him to walk away from his family and be with her and Beth.

      Hope still doesn’t see that she insulted him and hurt him by disrespecting his marriage. She showed him she thought he’s the kind of guy who cheats in or dumps his wife and family for her. Finn isn’t Liam! Just because Liam slept with Hope while he was married and abandoned his baby daughter and ignored her to placate Hope’s need to be the centre of attention doesn’t mean Finn will.

      Hope is clearly still plotting how to get Finn. She seriously thought if she kissed him he would magically see she is better than Steffy etc etc. Hope acts like Finn is unhappy and doesn’t receive any love etc. That simply isn’t true.

      She had NO business going up to him. Finn was so clearly uncomfortable. That smile was a grimace and him to trying to be polite while getting away from her ASAP!

  12. I have a question. If Luna and her mom were struggling, how did she afford to go to designed school??? She obviously impressed Forrester creations with her design talent as she was hired as an intern. So next question, did she really go to design school or bought that from of the black internet too, fake designs she probably passed off as her own, fake resume, fake degree? hmmmm

    1. Everything that we thought we once knew about Luna seems to be incorrect. So who really knows on her schooling / training for the design world. Still wondering if she will be written off the show or rehabilitated? It would be ironic if ‘Doc’ turned out to be her psychiatrist after she kidnapped / starved and almost killed Steffy.

  13. Poppy is a really good actress. Doesn’t look like she and Bill are going to be in a serious relationship after what’s happened. But letting Poppy have the opportunity to show off her acting skills was nice.

    Hope is just hyper-focused on Finn because nothing else seems to be going on in her life. She could probably use some counseling, but she’s not crazy.
    And Finn sure seemed pleased with the compliment Hope gave him. He even flashed her a smile.

    I don’t like the way Steffy sprung that news on RJ about Luna’s motivation for ending up in Zende’s bed. That had to be a heartbreaking thing to hear. Steffy should have told RJ in private first if she felt the need to tell Zende the truth about what happened.

    The whole party thing was hokey. Seemed it would have been more appropriate to have people visit Steffy at the beach house to see how she was doing.

    The happy little couple - who are in my opinion are barf-worthy at the moment, definitely won’t stay this way for long.

    And lastly, I just gotta give Brooke props. She’s just an all-around classy lady. She is very chill when it comes to how she’s handling this whole thing with Taylor spending all this time with Ridge. She’s also doing her best to keep her grown-up daughter on the right track. And Brooke is even going out of her way to be kind to Steffy. Brooke is the best character on the show when it comes to actual character!!

    1. I must admit, Brooke has been behaving of late. Imo, it doesn't make her the best, character-wise, on the show. Brooke is still selfish, and can be a snob at times.

    2. 😂 Any excuse to get dressed up & go to Eric's for a party! 😂

      RJ's girlfriend killed Tom & Hollis. Cheers!🥂
      FC intern kidnapped FC Co-CEO. Cheers! 🥂
      Luna fooled everyone. Cheers! 🥂
      Poppy is out of jail & Luna is in jail. Cheers! 🥂
      Cheers to the Forresters! 🥂

    3. Also, hopefully Steffy wasn’t drinking alcohol. That would be very bad for someone after they just experienced days of dehydration.

  14. The return of the stalker and homewrecker...

    She will never give up... She wants him because he belongs to her rival Steffy...

    Now, this girl is pathological... She needs to go to a psychiatric hospital and put a straitjacket on her!

    She doesn't understand that a guy can tell her "no" and that a guy can not like a capricious bratz.

  15. @Meli, agree 100%.....the apple.....the tree.......same as her mommy sadly!

  16. Poppy made me cry, feel so sorry for her. oh HOpe.....you never learn your lesson do you....lol.....the jealousy on your face...lmfao :D Dont' worry, Taylor is watching you too.....lol.....just like she had to watch your mommy when you were a brat....oh wait, not were a brat, you still are a brat....lol

  17. Can’t believe that RJ and Zende are taking this info about Luna so lightly. But thankful it didn’t affect their relationship as cousins. When is Hope going to get a clue to leave Finn alone. Can’t see anyone keep on trying so hard to get a man to want her after being rebuked by him. I would be embarrassed enough to stay clear and not keep on complimenting him.

    1. 100% Roseam, it's quite disgusting, she's like her mommy.....it's no wonder HOpeless and Thomas were such a great couple, they both a little ding dong in the head...lol. HOpeless could have gotten some tips from Luna too but she missed the boat on that one seeing that Luna is in prison.

    2. Hope is indeed acting the way Brooke used to in the past. No matter how many times Ridge told Brooke no, she viciously went after him anyway. I will never forget when she tried to seduce him in the steam room and, when he decided to leave, she held on to his ankles and was being dragged on the floor as Ridge walked away. Lmao! B&B was good back then. Those were the days!

    3. Yup just like she did with Liam all those years too! Remember her throwing herself at Liam and making out while Steffy and Kelly were waiting at home for Liam? Or throwing herself at Liam in the hotel room while his pregnant wife was at home? Or …. List goes on! Liam was MARRIED to Steffy when Hope got pregnant with Beth!

  18. Bill has more Chemistry with Katie than anybody else that's why he is not even asking Poppy to stay although she has no apartment again..I guess he still think he has a chance with katie knowing how she was acting jealous.
    Ridge doesn't need to be rubbing Taylor's shoulder and legs and putting his hands around her so often.
    I wouldn't want my husband sticking next to his ex like that.

    1. Poppy told Bill that she is going to stay with Li as she needs to lean on family now and also, so that they can reconnect as sisters. Bill said he fully understood. It seems Poppy's mind was already made up.

    2. Bill and Katie have NO chemistry. Katie is clingy and needy and emotionally blackmails Bill using her health issues.

      The fact is Katie doesn’t w even want Bill. She just doesn’t want him with anyone else. God forbid he have another woman living in “her” house. They have been divorced for more years than they were married! She’s being completely selfish. I notice she still hasn’t apologised to Poppy for all the nasty lies she spread to everyone who would listen. Or all the mean nasty things she said to Poppy’s face!

      What a hypocrite! Katie is still fuming that Luna was the baddie instead of Poppy!
