Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. It's the most desperate blackmail, going to the enemy to beg for her marriage that she feels slipping from her power over Finn. She's already turned him into the biggest PWhip in the area, and that's not enough. Hope should let the line go. She should work under Brooke's line where Stefy can't reach her with her edicts and disciplines. Liam's kisses should be exposed, though since Stefy almost crucified Finn for his non-part as if he was guilty, and expose her hideous hypocrisy.

    1. So Witchypoo you are an advocate for Sheila and her bad behaviour, now an advocate for Hope and her bad behaviour. Interesting.

    2. So what your saying is that it is okay for Hope to be Brooke 2.0 and go after married man. And also Liam assaulted her by kissing her without her permission. And 3rd Steffy isn't the one going around fantazing about sleeping and kissing Liam. Then you defend Sheila 🤣🤣🤣 a murderous lunatic that terrorized half that town. I'd say your the hypocrite.

    3. hahaha Stilli, who hurt you?

  2. Better Hope with Finn and not Steffy with Finn. Steffy is getting boring

  3. Brooke shut the hell up wench 😡😡😡. Like you would literally bank roll FC if it means your precious Hope can keep her shitty ass line. And the nerve to act as though Steffy is to blame for her slutty daughter kissing Finn Is a wtf moment fr. Hate or Love Taylor she hit the nail on the head with Brooke. Brooke only praising Steffy cause she kept her line if steffy shut Hopes line Brooke would be singing a different tune. Finn your an idiot to sit here and be nice to a woman that clearly disrespected your marriage by kissing you 😡😡😡. You shouldn't want nothing to do with her. They need to end this stupid ass storyline with Hope cause it will get worst for her and then she will wonder why Steffy beat that ass. Find Taylor a new man cause Ridge is an idiot.

    1. Steffy has too much class to physically attack Hope. Though it would be fun to watch them battling it out!

      Otherwise spot on

    2. True true. But if Hope keeps pushing Steffys buttons it will likely happen lol. Hope shows no remorse for kissing Finn and she knows that. She wanna sit here say something to Steffy and then do a complete 180 and shit talk steffy to her whore mother.

    3. Does everyone forget when Steffy wouldn't leave Hope's husband Liam alone and slept with him - she is no saint !!

    4. BKing that is not a true statement!

      Steffy slept with Liam once while he was married to Hope!

      Steffy had 100% moved on and was minding her own business and no where near Liam and Hope! Liam believed very easily that his wife was cheating on him so he ran to Steffy. She tried numerous times to get him to go home and talk to his wife! He insisted his marriage was over and huge mistake!

      Steffy was drunk and stupid ONCE!

      Hope on the other hand relentlessly pursued married Liam and lived with him, slept with him, made out with him etc not once but many times over his 3 marriages to Steffy! So who is the one with an issue here??

    5. To be clear, I am NOT defending or condoning Steffy cheating! I am clarifying that she didn’t chase either of these men like you are claiming she was!

  4. Finn is as thick as 2 short planks!

    Wow he’s an idiot! Hope is so amazing she completely disrespected him and his marriage. She kissed him and tried to get him to cheat on his wife and you want them to get along?

    He’s definitely sending mixed signals now to Hope who is delusional enough to go after him again!

    This isn’t going to end well! Finn is a complete fool and is going to lose his family for a woman who isn’t worth it!

    He tells RJ one thing then we see him kissing Hope’s arse again 🙄🙄🙄

    Taylor was right! And Ridge is a such a pathetic man afraid to stand up to Brooke undermining his authority and treating him like a naughty child! Pathetic!

    1. After watching this just now,.I'll try and keep it short. Finn's male ego is getting the best of him. He's enjoying Hope's attraction to him. He just might not be the guy that would move mountains for Steffy, or he would have told Hope to back off when she said she had deeper feelings for him. Imo, there might be another side to him.
      Brooke's talk with Hope was a joke. She knows what's going on with her, but, it's ok sweetie. Her favorite line lately. Ridge?? What can you say, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He enjoys watching the two of them battle it out, but what Taylor was saying has him thinking.

    2. "Thick as 2 short planks!" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 I'm weak. 💀

  5. Hope apologies are a joke when you are still trying to figure out how to steal a man from his wife!!!

    Brooke was way out of her lane telling Steffy to forget about Hope coming on to her husband! Seriously?? Hope should get a free pass like always?

    Especially when she knows Hope has no intention of backing off!

    Steffy knows what Hope does when Steffy doesn’t watch carefully! Look at all the times Hope sneaked around with a married Liam making out with him, sleeping with him, trash talking his wife!

    1. Exactly and Finn should be ashamed of himself. Didn't Steffy ask you to stay from Hope yet here you are kissing her ass and giving her compliments and for what? To boost your ego? It wouldn't shock me if one day Steffy leaves him for good.

    2. Exactly Hope isn't becoming Brooke 2.0 she is Brooke 2.0.

    3. All you people on this blog are all fu_k in the head shut the hell up

    4. Bfan, well said!! Brooke does know, especially after Fridays show, when Brooke said not to do the things she did, and Hopes response was, maybe not do all the things, but if it’s following your heart!! Seriously, is Hope that delusional, to say that, knowing full well that Finns “heart” belongs fully to someone else🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I think she really thinks he will leave Steffy for her?? And yes, you are right about how sneaky Hope is.. At the party, she watched Steffy till she was out of sight, then hit Finn!! So yes, Steffy definitely has to keep her eyes wide open!! Brooke has always had a nerve, nothing new there!!

    5. Exactly Colly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  6. i get so frustrated with ridge, standing between these two women not saying anything. he needs to tell them BOTH to knock it off. he's so wishy washy.

    1. Someone needs to hit Ridge in the head with a pinecone to hopefully knock some sense into him.

  7. Wow Hope! Even knowing it could lead to the end of HFTF, you are chatting it up with Finn! And Finn is just as bad! All those compliments to Hope. Even just being pleasant and friendly with her is a huge mistake. It just reminds her of what a great guy you are. Then she's reminiscing and fantasizing again! They didn't learn anything! Ugh! Finn should just be really rude and nasty to her. Really hurt her feelings. Or just ignore her. Maybe getting her feelings hurt is the only way she will wake up, and move on. And something for Hope to try: Go hook up with some random guy (or guys). What's that old phrase? "The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else". It might sound slutty but I call it "an alternative kind of therapy". And many people were already calling her a slut anyway (and I don't agree with that term, just repeating it to make a point). 🍆🍑🛏🙊

    1. I agree with you 💯 and look at Finn not respecting Steffys feelings and warnings. Why would he sit there giving her compliments like look at what happened last time.


    1. Ona Hope had ended her engagement and relationship with Liam when the gondola happened! He was in love with Steffy he had moved on with her and CHOSE to marry her!

      Steffy made sure Hope couldn’t ruin her life with Liam because she changed her mind and suddenly decided she wanted him back!

      Hope was with Wyatt and Liam at the same time and was married to one brother while also carrying on with the other. So not seeing your point?

      Steffy made a mistake and Hope made just as many actually more if you count all the times she slept with Liam and chases him when he and Steffy were married! They were married 3 times too! No little angel there!

    2. Who defends Brooke lol? Brooke slept through the whole town and f_cked 2 of her daughters husbands and never apologized to Bridget either for doing so that's how little Hope was born a bastard out of an affair with Deacon Bridget's husband at the time. Hope don't even have Deacons last name she's a bastard lol. And she done pretty nasty stuff to Steffy when she was married to Liam. And now she wanna do the same with Finn.

    3. Well, Taylor is no saint....Ridge, Thorne, Eric, Nick , Buckingham and let's not forget Rick Forrester....and Steffy...well I'm sure we all remember her sleeping with Bill...her father -in-law...but of course that's all right...and sleeping with Liam while being in a relationship with Finn...before spitting out judgements, learn and Remember everyones' past.

    4. Taylor unlike Brooke wasn’t with those men or pursuing them when they were MARRIED to other people! Brooke made a sport out of it! She’s admitted it herself she was selfish and hurt a lot of people!

    5. I remember Liam coming to Steffy saying his marriage was over and her telling him to go home! Steffy wasn’t chasing Liam! She had moved on!

      Liam easily believed Hope would cheat ON him because of all the times she cheated WITH him while he was married to Steffy!

  9. So just as I said, this is Steffy’s way of keeping Hope in line!!!
    Of course Steffy isn’t worried about Hope turning into her mother because she cares about Hope. Steffy is threatening to cut HFTF if Hope talks to Finn or looks at him the wrong way. While I agree Hope should not be sabotaging Steffy’s marriage, this has nothing to do with Steffy trying to keep Hope from making bad decisions because she’s ‘concerned about Hope.’ This is about making sure Hope doesn’t mess with her marriage!
    And can someone please step on that bug-sized human….Taylor??!! She is so dang out of line!! Brooke should pick her up and toss her out of the office.
    Steffy has Hope right where she wants her. As I said yesterday, BLACKMAIL!!!
    And please don’t confuse my comment as me defending Hope’s fantasies or actions surrounding Finn. Hope has no right to try to sabotage Steffy’s marriage. I’m simply pointing out why HFTF hasn’t already been cut.
    And look at Finn…..totally engaging with Hope! This is on Finn for being too dumb to figure anything out!!! At least Hope told him their friendship is over. We’ll have to see how this plays out.

    1. Brooke was spot on - the only person who shouldn't be chiming in is the bug sized human 😂 but I wish again Brooke wasn't pushing in front of her about what would Ridge have done, let her go home and then discuss.
      I don't think Finn wants the friendship to be over. But he was also proper enough with Hope - not as encouraging as before but also warmer than after the kiss.

    2. I agree, Lynn. If Steffy cut HFTF, then she would have either no or little power over Hope. Hope would either leave the company or work on another existing line (like Brooke's Bedroom). Working on another line would make her part of that line's team, but too low in the organization for Steffy to micromanage.

  10. Another excuse for Hope!! This is on Finn!!🤦‍♀️

    1. It's always somebody else's fault. 😉

    2. The conversation, niceties and compliments he gave her at Il Giardino are on Finn. Not Hope’s behavior.
      Why isn’t Finn honoring Steffy’s wishes and staying away from Hope?? He should have said hello and goodbye. But instead he engages her. That’s on Finn! That was extremely stupid of him and I’m pretty sure you said something similar above, D.
      Finn has a listening problem it seems. First he didn’t listen to Steffy when it came to Sheila, now he’s not listening when it comes to Hope. Maybe this poor man does in fact have an issue being lead around by his balls!! Just sayin’!!

    3. Lynn, Finn didn’t go to Hope, they ran into each other at the restaurant.. Firstly, I don’t think Finn can be rude to anyone, it’s not in his nature, and it was a short casual chat.. But I agree, he shouldn’t be saying anything remotely flattering to her!! And the one “compliment” he said, was in context with the point he was trying to make, that they are both strong, accomplished, beautiful women, and they should stand together, not against each other, and honestly, it would be great to see that happen!! But then the show would be even more boring than it already is!! He didn’t just turn around and start flattering her out of nowhere!! But he needs to realise that she has feelings for him, as she just said to him, and therefore be very careful of what he does and says.. I honestly think he is just blind to attention from women.. My sister is blind to any form of flirting, she wouldn’t know if a man was into her to save her life! He even said he thought the kiss was to get back at Steffy, right after she all but said how much she cares about him and went straight over his head! He is written to be a bit daft in that sense! However, regardless, Hope knows damn well how committed and in love he is with his wife, so anything said to her, she should know by now is just that, a complement, and if she can’t control her feelings, then yes, she should distance herself, without Steffy having to put her on notice.. Steffy said, it was a warning she should NOT have to make, but she knows exactly what Hope is like, she won’t stop until she gets what she wants, and all but said it on Fridays show to Brooke.. Brooke has told her over and over and OVER, but she is not listening.. If this the only way Steffy can get Hope to stay away from her husband, then so be it, Steffy is right, she shouldn’t have to put Hope on notice.. So sorry, trying to pin it on Finn, just doesn’t cut it.. She can’t be “just friends” and she knows it!!

    4. Colly, yes I agree that she knows she can’t just be friends. And for fear of losing her line, she told him that. And then he proceeded to flatter her. I feel like I am echoing Steffy at this point. He just needs to stay clear of Hope. Hello Hope, nice seeing you. Bye Hope. That should have been the extent of the conversation. But as I said, he engaged her. And clearly Hope was feeling uncomfortable. I think Finn likes Hope. And I think Finn likes Sheila. And that drives Steffy absolutely nuts!! So that’s why I say that most recent interaction between the two of them was on Finn! He shouldn’t have engaged her.

  11. BWAAHAAHAA...the look on Ridge's face when he knew what Taylor was saying was spot on, love it :) why is HOpe shaking her head as if Steffy is in the wrong..lol....the victim, the narcissist, the apple....the tree.....lmfao :) shame, poor baby HOgan had to have mommy speak on behalf of her, HOgan has ALWAYS TOLD HOpe how she feels....like some of the miserable people on this blog....NO WONDER THEY LOVE THE HOGAN'S :)

    1. Steffy's Mommy was speaking on her behalf... and her Mommy doesn't work at FC. Anybody else have your Mommy come to your workplace & tell your coworkers to respect your role? That would be embarrassing.

    2. Renee, perfect!! 😂😂😂😂😂

  12. Please give Finn acting lessons! it looks like a robot..
    Personally, I found the storyboard more interesting with Liam!

  13. I just looked at yesterday's episode and I don't get what's all the uproar about Finn talking to Hope. They ran into each other. He did not go looking for her, nor she him. He congratulated her on her line not getting killed and he encouraged her to get along with his wife now that she has given her her line back.

    I also find it odd, or surprising actually, that Brooke and Hope are so up in arms about Steffy holding HFTF over Hope's head. I would think that they would be ecstatic about Hope being able to keep her line. Instead, they are upset because getting her line back means she won't be able to interact with Finn. I guess Hope is really upset because her plan to go after Steffy's husband again was just shot down! Good job, Steffy!

    1. I loved when Hope was talking about what shave did with Finn and Steffy shut her down and reminder her that it was what Hope DID TO Finn ! That he wanted no part of it! Hope was livid!!

  14. Elle, the reason for the uproar is to take focus off of Hope being responsible for the way she is acting, and redirect it to Finn and Steffy! As Steffy said, she shouldn’t have to warn Hope to stay away!! And judging by what Hope has been saying to her mother lately, especially on Fridays episode, she had no intentions whatsoever of staying away, but now she has no choice!! So bravo Steffy!! You gotta do what you gotta do.. Hope daydreaming of their friendship at the end, just proves it, she was not going to stay away, till she had NO choice!!
