Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-25-24 Full episode B&B 25th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-25-24 Full episode B&B 25th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Boring Logans again, only Steffy and Taylor save the episode.

  2. Taylor looks like Brooke's daughter. :D

  3. Boring dialogues about the same thing over and over again, bland relationship between Bill and Katie, zero chemistry between Brooke and Ridge, no catfights, no action, the same annoying characters, the lowest ratings in the history of the show. Brooke and the writers ruined this show. Watch the 2002 episodes with Taylor, Amber and Stephanie. Brooke was so proud that she would win Ridge Taylor back that when he dumped her she slept with her son-in-law and got pregnant with Hope. :D

    1. And when Brooke said Deacon seduced her they need to rewatch the Brooke moves and Bell tried to make it a love story when all I saw was a cheapbT drooling over her daughters husband.He she a man stay with her daughter knowing he didn't love her poor evil Brooke who had to keep hanging around Deacon

    2.'s her LIBIDO that every man is after, including Ridge....she's not his destiny, she's his LUSTINY....🤮

  4. Since when did Katie's position at Forester give her the power to offer jobs to people? Let alone her son, who as far as I know, has never showed interest in fashion.

    1. The same way Katie is the director of marketing lol! She’s a Logan! They get handed top jobs with no experience because they are Brooke’s family. It’s been that way since Brooke snared Eric lol.

    2. Entitlement. Talk about "keeping it in the family". Sounds like she doesn't want him working at Spencers.

    3. Yip, another half Logan taking over FC 🤣 they really think they own the company

    4. Pretty soon there will be more Logans working there than Foresters.

  5. Hahahaha…..look at Steffy pushing the idea of Taylor spending time with Ridge. I’m sure there will be more of this to come.
    And Steffy’s comment to Hope about how she’s ‘not’ trying to play matchmaker. Why even bring that up, Steffy??? It should be a non-issue since Ridge is committed to Brooke. Then Steffy’s back and forth comments with Hope….My mom is always gonna love my dad. 😂😂😂😂 And it begins!
    Steffy’s dress is cute. And I love that color on Brooke!!!
    Bill doesn’t miss a beat. Back on the Katie plan.
    Taylor looks so incredibly comfortable in Ridge’s arms. I think the quest for Ridge is going to happen even sooner than I anticipated! LMAO!

    1. Ah Lynn, only hearing and seeing what you want to hear and see. 😂😂 But I guess you were so focused on Steffy "pushing the idea of Taylor spending time with Ridge" that you did not hear Taylor say that she only needs her children and grandchildren in her life, she does not need a man. And I guess you were so focused on Taylor looking "so incredibly comfortable in Ridge's arms" that you did not realize that she DID NOT initiate that hug. It was Ridge AS USUAL with his "come here" iniitating a hug with Taylor. Don't you think he is ALWAYS so incredibly comfortable wanting Taylor in his arms or wanting to touch her or hold her?

    2. Lol Elle. I was trying to type pretty much the same thing on the laptop, when I hit something and it all disappeared. So switched to the phone.

    3. Taylor is taking comfort in everyone arms right now that she loves. And I think she has probably realized life is to short to waste energy on a man who doesn't know what he wants.

    4. Lynn is simply that most fans prefer Taylor with Ridge and do not want Brooke to be constantly favored, she is like a Mary Sue, a huge egoist who thinks everyone will forget about how she betrayed her daughters and sister and destroyed families. :D There are so many strong women in soaps and this whining hypocrite who abandoned her son Jack, took his mother Taylor away from him is supposed to be the show's lead woman? She's a horrible mother, sister, friend.

    5. Why are Brooke fans so upset about one hug Taylor gave at Ridge's initiative when Bridge kisses in every episode? Where's the chemistry and destiny and Brooke's Burdello's? Only with Brad Bell, I guess. :D

    6. Lynn is simply that most fans prefer Taylor with Ridge and do not want Brooke to be constantly favored, she is like a Mary Sue, a huge egoist who thinks everyone will forget about how she betrayed her daughters and sister and destroyed families. :D There are so many strong women in soaps and this whining hypocrite who abandoned her son Jack, took his mother Taylor away from him is supposed to be the show's lead woman? She's a horrible mother, sister, friend.

    7. Dodzua, we completely disagree on every single point. Sure, Brooke has a not so perfect past. And so does Taylor. So let’s try to focus on who they are today. In today’s world….Brooke is faithful and 100% committed to do what’s right. She loves her daughters, her sisters, etc. And she is trying at every turn to lead Hope down the right path. But she gets no credit for that?? Clearly you hate Brooke and 90 % of your posts focus on who she was 20 + years ago. On my posts I try to mostly stick with what I see happening today. No, I don’t like Taylor. You don’t like Brooke. We don’t agree. You certainly won’t change my mind. And I’m sure I won’t change yours. But here’s what I will say and have been saying….its just a matter of time before Steffy and Taylor are making it their mission to bring Ridge back to Taylor. It’s already starting to go in that direction, and it’s only gonna get worse.

    8. D & Elle, so what I notice today from your comments is an omission of defending Steffy’s words to both her mom and to Hope. I don’t have to “focus” too hard to see what’s right in front of us. Steffy is absolutely going to start down this path again. And Taylor will follow suit, because Taylor seems to have mind numb when it comes to thinking for herself. If Steffy believes Ridge and Taylor belong together, then Taylor gets hypnotized under that spell. It’s actually hilarious to watch. So stay tuned ladies. I know you know it was not a good day for Steffy gloating when it comes to her wanting her parents being a couple again.

    9. Oh little u, it must kill you every single day you see Ridge gush about how beautiful and sexy Brooke is. How she looks as good, if not better than she did decades ago. And how she’s the love of his life!!
      I never said Ridge didn’t love Taylor. He will always love the person who gave birth to two of his children. But he’s NOT IN LOVE with Taylor. He’s IN LOVE WITH BROOKE. And that ain’t changing.
      And it’s actually pretty sad that they had to bring in an actress that’s about 15 years younger than Brooke in real life to even compete with Brooke! That just proves what a rock star she is!!! Classy and beautiful - always!!!!

    10. Little u, don’t you have somewhere else to be besides ranting on my post?? You just thrive on stirring things up. Go comment on someone’s post who agrees with you.

    11. @Lynn, PISS OFF‼️ you are AS fake as what HOgan is‼️ Now run along, don't you have a Botox appointment today 👏👏👏

    12. @Lynn, for that I do apologise, I thought I had clicked on "reply" to Elle, that was indeed my mistake. Don't flatter yourself, I had zero intentions of communicating with trailer trash, my bad, no wonder I feel ill, it's the stench.

    13. Little u, you pathetic little child. Isn’t 3rd grade calling you??? You are most immature little piss on this blog!! And I love how you call me trailer trash. I’m sure that’s pure projection!! I live in one of the wealthiest states in the US. And my husband and I own 2 homes. But yeah, just keep going with your pathetic projection. Please stay under your rock where you belong!!!
      You are nothing more than a juvenile, disgusting little 🧌🧌🧌!!!

    14. Lynn, speaking for myself, I did not defend Steffy's words to Taylor because I simply do not see them the way you see them. It seemed to me that Steffy was pushing Taylor to spend time with Ridge because of the conversation she had with her father last week about convincing Taylor to stay in LA. It had nothing to do with her trying to push her parents together, imo.

      As for Steffy bringing up the matchmaker talk to Hope, she brought it up because the last time Taylor was in LA, Steffy was determined to get her parents back together and she and Hope had a few standoffs about it. Steffy was therefore probably just trying to let Hope know that it won't happen this time around. To me, that's a sign that she does not want to interfere with her father's current relationship.

    15. Elle, I think the very end of the episode or close to the end showed Steffy considering Hope’s question about whether or not Steffy wanted her parents together. Maybe tomorrow nothing will come of it. You never know with this lazy writing team. But I maintain time will show that Steffy absolutely starts pushing her parents together.
      It’s just what she does. She was very very disappointed in Thomas for the CPS fraud because of how it affected her family. If there’s a way for her parents to be together, she will push for it. She needs a project after all. She can’t spend all her time in the over-the-top mushy scenes with Finn. I’m sooooo over those as you might imagine. Lol

    16. Regarding Steffy pushing her parents together later on, that's if Taylor does not kick the bucket! As you said, time will tell.

    17. Ridge and Taylor had 3 children together! Steffy’s twin sister Pheobe died as a teenager.

    18. My comment earlier today, there was no omission of defending Steffy's words. I was commenting on Taylor's words "she doesn't need a man in her life to realize what she already has. The love of her kids and grandchildren, and why waste time, or energy fighting for a man that can change his mind like the switch of a light bulb, on or off. Brooke and Taylor don't deserve his BS. I also believe Steffy was sincere with her words of not playing a match maker anymore. Yes she would love her parents to get back together, but it's their decision, especially Ridge who doesn't know his ass from a hole n the ground.
      But I see big problems with Brooke and Ridge coming, but because of Hope. He knows there is more than what Brooke is letting on. He felt that tension in the room between both of them. Hope in no way has a handle on her feelings for Finn, or her obsession with Steffy, and wanting everything Steffy has. We will see where this goes.

    19. Elle, I think it’s just purely to push the agenda of “what is (going) to happen”, despite “nothing” at all to indicate that any of what is assumed to happen is or will happen.. And the desperation to see something that is not there at this point in time.. Lynn is already at the point of, see I told you, it’s happening 🤣🤣🤣 I saw nothing at all today, that shows anything is “happening “!! I agree with what you said, it’s a case of seeing only what she wants to see!!

    20. Ladies, we have seen it happen with Steffy over and over again. So yes, I am anticipating it going that way.
      But Steffy definitely made some very interesting comments today to both her mom and to Hope.
      And I can guess the future as much as any of us can on this soap. We pretty much all make predictions at one time or another. Steffy likes inserting herself in other’s lives. So yes, I expect it to go that way.
      As far as Ridge and Brooke having issues due to Hope’s indiscretions with Finn….Ridge has been the least concerned of anyone. He’s like….It was only a kiss, and she said it won’t happen again. He was actually quite dismissive of it. I don’t think it will be Hope’s bad behavior that drives a wedge between Brooke and Ridge. I think it’s gonna be Taylor’s diagnosis and subsequent recovery that’s gonna cause trouble.
      Colly, yes….I did do a little of….“See I told you!!”….😁😁😁. But mostly in response to Elle’s comment yesterday that the Forrester women were taking the high road. Lol

    21. Sorry, but I read that Ridge is going to break up with Brooke, to go back to Taylor.

    22. Ridge was dismissive of it because he didn't know the whole story and what Brooke was keeping to herself, and he's a man, enough said. And you can't anticipate what is going to happen when you just commented to Dodzia they all have not so perfect pasts. So focus on who they are now. Grown and more wiser.

    23. Brandy, and those spoilers are almost always accurate! Not!!

    24. D - sometimes you crack me up. You realize in the same comment that you told me I need to focus on who they are now and I shouldn’t predict things, you are literally predicting what Ridge will do regarding Brooke and Hope. We all make predictions daily about where we see the show going. So of course I can predict.

      Steffy has shown no growth in that area. The last time her mom was in town she was 100% pushing her parents together. Just because she said once recently that she isn’t going to try to get them back together is not particularly convincing. Not at all.

      Brooke has been a different person for YEARS, and we still have to hear daily about the HOgans. So let’s not even bother heading down this rabbit hole.

    25. I did predict that Hope would not marry Thomas. I did predict that Finn was NOT Luna’s dad.

      I incorrectly predicted that Hope would never have a sexual relationship with Thomas. I still have nightmares about that one!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Replies
    1. @Iris, Ooh I was shaking in my shoes from bossy boots, I had to delete my comments as I accidentally commented on her post....God forbid 🤣🤣🤣 Logan lovers HATE THE TRUTH 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Bossy Boots….thats actually funny! We don’t hate the truth….we just hate your horribly annoying and juvenile approach.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So Steffy goes and chats to Hopeless and is being very sincere and once again Hopeless puts words into Steffy's mouth and twists Steffy's words in order to start an argument, just shows how insecure the HOgan's REALLY are 🤣🤣 Taylor is going through a really hard time and accepts a hug from Ridge that HE initiated and the HOgan lovers accuse Taylor of "coming onto him" 🤣 his still very much in tune with Taylor, he knows something is bothering Taylor. Just goes to show that some people on this blog have ZERO compassion 🤣 Hopeless really needs to stop causing friction and rolling her eyes, it makes her look MORE miserable than she already is, no wonder she can't find a man 🤣

    I've ALWAYS liked the new Taylor, she's tiny and petite and down to earth, thank God she doesn't parade around in her underwear 🤣 the thing that keeps men coming back for more when it comes to HOgan is her libido, Ridge THINKS she's his destiny but in fact she's his LUSTINY 🤮

    Hiring MORE half Logan's to work at Forester 🤣🤣🤣🤣 now the question remains, will HOgan go running back to Billy Boy and upset Katie who has one foot in the door 🤣 let's see just how much HOgan has "changed" according to the HOgan lovers 🤣🤮

  8. Brooke lovely as ever in her red outfit she’s so beautiful for her age

    1. Georgie 1, yes!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Brooke is beautiful (for any age)! ♥️

  9. Steffy wears a horrible dress,it doesn't do justice to her body.

    1. I agree! The top of the dress seemed to flatten her. Not as figure flattering as most outfits Steffy wears.

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  11. I'm so tired of hope and rjs Bridget and ricks mom brook and her borring bedroom line a line that Stephanie Eric's wife despised hated 😒 1000TH PERCENT
