Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-18-24 Full episode B&B 18th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-18-24 Full episode B&B 18th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. This one Taylor is so lackluster. Can't possibly compete with Brooke...

    1. Brooke, in order to compete with Taylor, needed the Forresters to say goodbye to the Taylor doll and the head writer of the series to change. :D Ridge dumped Brooke for Taylor in 1993 (the birth of Bridget, who was then considered Bridge's daughter), in 1998 and 2001. Then Brad Bell decided that the series was supposed to be boring, irritating trash and changed it to The Brooke and the Boring.

    2. Agree, Lara. This Taylor doesn’t hold a candle to Brooke. I have zero idea why they cast her in this role.

    3. Lynn maybe that's why they cast her 😀

    4. You are so wrong Lara, Taylor is so peacefull, no drama. Brooke is always full of drama. Brooke can't compete with Taylor!

    5. Milla, makes sense!
      Nikki, that also makes sense. That will be sad if the character dies, but at least we’ll have a new SL. Right now there’s not a lot going on on the show.

    6. As I've said before, I think that if they would've cast this actress as a new character she would've been great, but casting her as Taylor ☹️... I'm sorry...she just doesn't really fit the role of dr.Taylor Hayes 🤷🏼‍♀️

    7. I like her as Taylor. She's not as touchy feely and carefree as the last one. She seems more grounded. She may not have that fire in her like original Taylor but I like her calmness. It's as Iris said, she's peaceful and no drama.

    8. Oh there most likely will be some drama as soon as she tells Ridge she still loves him and he will always be the love of her life even though he is with Brooke. If she announces she is dying, then I’ll cut her some slack. Otherwise, she just a conniving little slut!!

    9. Lynn, you just can’t wait 🤣🤣🤣

    10. You got that right, Colly. Just like all the pretalk about what Brooke’s talk with Finn was gonna be about. 😂😂😂😂

    11. And it was spot on Lynn, Brooke hasn’t changed a bit!! She was so far out of line!! firstly going to him, secondly what she said!! Telling him she doesn’t trust his wife, because her daughter kissed him.. Telling him he needs to forget about it! Asking him to defend hope to his wife!! Omg!! Oh, I don’t want to cause you any problems in your marriage, but please can you talk to Steffy and be the one to end this feud, LMFO!! She doesn’t care if it causes problems in his marriage, and she damn well knows it will!! She never ceases to amaze me! Who does something like that?? Brooke, that’s who! I wonder what Ridge will think about it? If he finds out that is!! Brooke certainly is “BOLD” 🤣🤣🤣

    12. Oh Colly, you are being far too overly dramatic about what took place with Brooke and Finn. You’re acting like she was suggesting Finn dump Steffy for Hope the way you’re going on and on. If Taylor did something similar….like inject herself, you would turn a blind eye.
      The gist of what Brooke said is that she wants the feud to end and she wants Finn to facilitate it. That’s pretty much all she said. Again, no big deal. And what does that have to do with Brooke not changing? Again, she’s not trying to steal someone’s husband, she just wants some peace between the families. Sorry but I completely disagree with your assessment. Oh and by the way… guess is that Finn does exactly what Brooke is wanting him to do, even though at the moment he is backing Steffy. You know how much of a pushover Finn is, and he has said countless times how much he wants the feud to end. Don’t be surprised if in coming episodes he tries to make that happen. The Hope / Finn thing is nowhere near over. That’s clear as day.

    13. Really Lynn, dramatic you say?? 🤣🤣🤣 bullshit Lynn!! She wants the feud to end because Hope got herself in the shit by going after Steffy’s husband 🤣🤣🤣 She even admitted when Hope told her she kissed Finn, Brooke lost it, saying oh great, now Steffy is going restart the feud! Why is that, because Hope couldn’t control herself. Well, maybe your daughter shouldn’t have made things sooo much worse!!. And now she expects Finn to be the one to end it!! Come on Lynn, I thought you were smarter than that 🤣🤣🤣 And yes he might, but not because Brooke wants him to!! And did you hear the things he said to Brooke?? The fact of the matter Lynn, is Brooke is only so worried now, that her last resort is to go to Finn, because she knows damn well her daughter won’t be able to control herself, and will screw up again, because she has no intention to stay away until Steffy had to force her hand, and that was made evident with the things Hope said just before the meeting!! 🤦‍♀️

    14. And after your big speech about nasty toxic talk, there you go calling Taylor a conniving little slut 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so basically in your rant, it’s the opposing team only want to call each other out??

    15. Brooke wasn't even implying Finn dump Steffy. She wants Finn to forget about the kiss? lmao when he is totally over it and told Brooke as much. It's Brooke coming to him, when it's her own daughter that can't forget about the kiss, and needs serious help. But Brooke turns a blind eye to that. And then asks him to facilitate the feud? It's a joke. I do also think there might be another side to Finn we haven't seen yet, but it's no excuse for what Brooke is doing to protect her Hope.

    16. Colly, as I said….feel free to count the name calling. I guarantee you will come up with more name calling from your side of the fence. And actually I complimented you, Elle and BBFAN in stating that you ladies were far better than some of disgusting nastiness that has become this blog. For the most part, you ladies don’t name call in every comment. But others do, and that’s what I was referring to. Congratulations for identifying my conniving little slut comment. Now take the time to count the nastiness from your side of the fence. I’m sure you won’t though, because that won’t support your narrative.

    17. I will agree that Brooke wants to end the feud to protect Hope at this moment in time. But let’s not forget that Brooke has been telling Hope how inappropriate her behavior is for MONTHS!!!! Long, long, long before the kiss! So what was Brooke’s motivation all those 50 times, Colly?? You just can’t bring yourself to admit that Brooke has been wonderful when it comes to Brooke trying to steer Hope away from Finn. I also recall Brooke telling Steffy when Ridge was bringing her on as an executive that she was wanting to stop this decades long rivalry. But of course Steffy wanted nothing to do with it. She’d much rather badmouth the Logans to Ridge and Finn every opportunity she gets. That brings her much more satisfaction!!! 😂😂😂😂😂. Man Steffy, knock that chip off your shoulder! Had you not messed with Hope’s personal life in the first place, none of this would even be happening.
      Oh and I almost forgot….it was glorious when Ridge finally told Steffy…..Quit blaming Brooke!! It was me who left, it was me who chose Brooke. But does Steffy blame her dad for anything?? Of course not!!!
      So as I said, in this particular moment Brooke is trying to protect Hope. But that has only been true for 5 minutes. Prior to that….FOR MONTHS….Brooke has been trying to get Hope to do the right thing for the SAKE OF DOING THE RIGHT THING!!

    18. Sorry, I forgot one thing. Brooke was also initially turning down the role Ridge offered her because she didn’t want to create tension with Steffy. Brooke - the big person that she is - actually considered Steffy when Ridge originally pitched his idea. Ridge had to literally convince Brooke to take the role because she kept turning him down for Steffy’s sake. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    19. D - I didn’t say Brooke was implying Finn should dump Steffy for Hope. What I said was….Colly was acting so indignant about my comment that it seemed like that’s what she may as well have done. Because that’s the only way Colly’s indignation would be justified.

    20. Lynn, I have only been back for not long, and at first I did think Brooke was doing it for the right reasons, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt till very recently.. I believe her motivation is that hopes line is severely on the rocks, and Brooke knew if Hope tried anything with Finn, she would have been let go, which is what should have happened in my opinion.. I repeat what I said above, the way Brooke was with Ridge yesterday, she can see she can’t manipulate him to protect and save Hope if she does any more, which is fair enough, and Hope made it clear on Friday, she wasn’t done, until Steffy warned her, so now Brooke is panicking and the last resort to save Hopes ass is Finn, Ridge is out, steffy is definately out, so she runs to Finn, which was HIGHLY inappropriate in my opinion and to trash his wife, then ask him to put his marriage on the line, for HER daughter.. so no, I repeat, Brooke in my opinion, has not changed.. she did the same with Liam, trashed steffy.. This is what Brooke always does!

    21. Colly sorry to jump in but what was Brooke's motivation to keep Hope away from Finn during those months? There wasn't any line on the line? Or you assume just because she wants to protect Hope now, she always had some alterior motive. What was it? And you see that mama's do that on this show. Stephanie did it. Taylor is also there and defending Steffy and going to talk to Brooke to make her keep Hope in check (wtf). They defend their daughters relentlessly on what they think is being attacked - their marriage or their career. Doesn't make it right considering it's grown women who can do it themselves. Doesn't make the way they do it ideal. But all do it, doesn't make what Brooke is doing any more evil.

    22. Colly, if you have only been back for a short time (not sure if you also missed episodes) but if you have, then that would explain your position on Brooke. But if you have been watching the show daily, then I gotta say I think you are straight up wrong about Brooke. She is absolutely very different. And it’s clear she has been trying to make Hope be respectful of Steffy’s marriage because it’s the right thing to do.

  2. It's obvious it will never ever occur to Steffy to even admit to *herself* that Finn is so much better than her in terms of honesty. Both kisses were unrequited but only one spouse told the other.

    The way she carries herself and the faces she makes (esp the lips 🤣) again looks like a parody of mean girls. Btw I wonder if she and her mom ever noticed how no man ever goes with the Logan hating agenda. The more they bring it up, the more the men are compelled to defend them 😅
    Taylor please quit rambling the same thing over and over. I still hope she wasn't in Monaco because of some health issue as rumors say. I don't want anybody dying on this show.

    1. Let's say Steffy were to tell Finn what Liam did then what? What will that accomplish? As far as I'm concerned Finn told Liam to back the hell off Steffy or there will be consequences. As far as Liam is concerned he can't not be in Steffys life due to Kelly and if Liam wanted to he could file a full custody for Kelly and all of us don't want That to happen between Steffy and Liam. Kelly and Hayes belong with Steffy like how Beth belongs with Hope. Though you never ever see Hope with Beth.

    2. I don't think this in any way involves the children. Why would Liam want sole custody and what does it have to do with their kisses? Liam and Steffy can very well be in each other's lives. But latest when Finn confessed he was kissed by Hope and said how much total honesty means to him, Steffy could have returned the same honesty.
      Besides the honesty between them, what it would accomplish is that Steffy finally gets a tiny little bit off her high horse judging everyone.

    3. Yea but ya keep making it as though Steffy initiated those kisses when she didn't. And it's not fair ya keep blaming her for Liams nasty ass kissing her and assaulting her like that. And Steffy doesn't go around judging everyone. She tells the truth about the Logan women and their repeated behavior. I mean look at what Hope is currently doing and what she did? And Hope admitted to Brooke she didn't regret those kisses at all and that she will continue to pursue Finn. Finn don't want her ass.

    4. I don't believe anyone (definitely not me) has said Steffy initiated the kisses. Finn didn't either. But he was honest. Steffy's honesty towards her husband (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with Hope. But again I don't understand why you are fighting me on this when you wrote yourself that she should confess?! Which one is it?
      And about her "truth", we can disagree.

    5. Milla, you are correct. There is zero difference. Not sure why this continues to be complicated when it’s so dang simple.

      Hope kissed Finn. Finn didn’t initiate it and he told Hope that could never happen again. And he proceeded to tell Steffy what Hope had done.

      Liam kissed Steffy. Steffy didn’t initiate it and she told Liam it could never happen again. But Steffy DIDN’T tell Finn what Liam had done.

      There is only one key difference in these two scenarios….that being the person’s honesty with their spouse. Finn is honest. And Steffy is dishonest. There are absolutely no differences otherwise.

    6. Lynn I know!! But every time that's mentioned, people bring up Hope and Liam and what not (even their children?) when those people don't matter. It's only about Steffy and Finn and the honesty they share. Every spouse should tell the other, simple as that.

    7. I can't believe Liam and Steffy's kisses are still being brought up. It was over a year ago (April 2023). What does it matter? Steffy did what she thought was right AT THE TIME. Now, a year later, Hope kisses Finn and he was honest about it so, Steffy should just bring up what happened over a year ago? It really does not serve any purpose except, maybe, for the Steffy non-supporters to get some sort of satisfaction that she was honest. Then what? Back to hating Steffy?

      We always hear about certain storylines that are beaten to death by certain fanbases. Well, this one is right there with them.

    8. Elle are you kidding me?! Here things from 30 years ago are being brought up and you say nothing but complain about 2023? And the fact that Steffy has been keeping it for a year, yet lashing out at Finn immediately after he shared, only speaks worse for her, not better.
      It's only been "beaten to death" because it's showing Steffy's colors, if it was Hope I very very much doubt you would complain.

    9. And I explained twice (in this thread only) very very clearly what purpose it has, I'm not going to say it again.

    10. @Elle I said the same thing. What good would it do to bring something up that happened over a year ago? If Steffy does tell Finn like I said before let the chips fall where they may im not gonna sit on this blog back and forthing like some kid.

    11. Milla, yes, it's old news as far as I am concerned. And there are a lot of things I don't complain about here. And I am not clear on the purpose for wanting Steffy to confess. You said Finn is so much better than Steffy in terms of honesty, so you want her to confess so she can be as good as Finn where honesty is concerned? Why? Would it make you like her any better? I doubt it.

    12. Yet that's exactly what you came on my thread to do even though you literally wrote "Steffy should just tell Finn" 🤦🏻‍♀️

    13. Elle if Steffy ever showed any kind of self-reflection I would like her better. I like anybody if they are a little less hypocritical. But it's not about me liking Steffy, it's about fairness which she hardly ever shows.
      Yes I see you only complain about the thing that concerns Steffy. None of the other much much older crap thar is brought not daily but hourly you call "old news". So sorry, but that doesn't convince me.

    14. Well, to be fair, there are a lot of things on this show that are unfair but people pick and choose who to demand/expect fairness from.

      I get what you are saying about Steffy but, imo, it's not wrong of her to be that way. It's just the way she is. We go around expecting Steffy to be like Finn or Hope when we all know she is not.

    15. Elle yes, I agree people pick and choose, we all do. It just blew my mind that the first time I see you mention something being old news (also in an argument, I'm not talking just in supporting your fellows) is about 2023, it's basically yesterday in soap time 😀😀
      About it not being wrong we can disagree. I continue to believe that if it was happening to Hope you wouldn't say that.

    16. But you would make the same parallel. I'm not saying that you should treat them 100% equally, it's not possible. I'm saying that each group sees and brings up the things that support their viewpoint. It's only normal.

    17. I like Hope. I don't agree with what she is doing but generally, I like her. I supported her when she was with Thomas and Steffy was being a real B to her. And if she acted the way Steffy acts, I suspect I would still support her as being a strong, badass chick. Lol.

    18. We can indeed agree about it being normal for fanbases to support who they like and bash who they don't like. I'm not a strong supporter of any one side (as I always say, I only unconditionally support Thomas). If they do good, I will support them, and if they don't, I will bash them. Hope and Brooke are misbehaving these days. Not being their best selves at all! I was especially disappointed in Brooke today.

    19. My comment disappeared. I said that to me Brooke's visit today was so pointless, she should have known nothing would come out of it. Finn barely got off the hook for (as per Steffy) sharing the blame for the kisses, did Brooke expect him to bring up that sore subject gain and defend Hope? 😅 he's not stupid. He wouldn't even mention that he ran into Hope.

    20. Elle, Elle, Elle….really?? I am literally LMAO at the position you are taking. Why not mention to your fellow fans that bringing up Brooke’s 20 + year ago past on a daily basis….(multiple times a day) needs to stop?!!! Talk about something that is NO LONGER RELEVANT!!!! IT’S RIDICULOUS!!!
      You know what I’d very much like to see on this blog….people actually calling out comments that are completely irrelevant to today’s B&B world REGARDLESS of the characters they support. What I find to be true is that if they are on your side (character wise), you refuse to call them out for their toxic nonsense. And I’m not saying just you, but your entire Steffy team. The ones who are actually reasonable anyway. There are some that are so far down the rabbit hole, they can’t do anything but throw out nasty insults. But it sure would be nice if you ladies (the original bloggers) could show some objectivity.
      A year ago is like yesterday in soap time….just like Milla said! So bringing up the Liam kiss since it was identical to the circumstances of the Hope kiss (which we talk about nonstop) seems reasonable.
      So let’s stop talking about what Brooke did in her 30’s since she is now in her 60’s!!!! Talk about irrelevant!!! And let’s go ahead and talk about who Hope is today…she’s confused and acting out of character based on the Hope we know. And yes, Hope is behaving badly. But beyond that, we should not have to hear over and over and over and over and over again what HO’s they are!! We are all f’ing sick and tired of it!!

    21. Lynn so well put. There's so much that can be brought up on Taylor's past, including how she killed a wife and mother, but I'd be happy if that is not mentioned if the reasonable original bloggers BBfan, Colly etc (that are worth interacting with) would stop bringing up what Brooke did 30 years ago. It's a bit harder to do with Steffy and Hope because we believe Steffy is hypocritical considering she targeted multiple committed/married men (Oliver, Liam, Bill) while others like to bring up how Hope slept with Liam when he wasn't divorced.
      And the circumstances of the kisses are absolutely identical and something that anyone would bring up if it supported their agenda.

    22. Milla, it’s true…you and I don’t always agree. We both state our positions and move on. But I hardly ever hear the Steffy fans (most of them anyway) call her out for anything!!! I say daily that Hope should not go after Finn and she is behaving badly. When in the world do we hear the same about Steffy?? And the latest….we are the “Hope ass kissers or butt lickers” or whatever nonsense they are spreading. What I see is total allegiance (so yeah, butt licking / kissing or what ever the hell they want to call it) to Steffy!!!! PROJECTION AT ITS FINEST!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    23. Wow, Lynn, Lynn,Lynn!! Where do I begin!! asking someone on the same side to “call out” their fellow fan!! I have never EVER seen ANY of you do that to each other, EVER, when there was PLENTY of and STILL IS “toxic nonsense”, and reason to, PLENTY, particularly when Mmysh, who was the absolute worst for both nastiness and the past, was here and I still see plenty of it from “your side”!! And speaking of being “so far down the rabbit hole throwing out “nasty comments”, your comments have been a lot of the “nastiest and toxic” in the majority of comments regarding Steffy and Taylor!! We too are all so “f’ing sick and tired” of the nastiness spewed from your side also!! You are blind to yours and others from “your side”nastiness towards the characters you don’t like.. You don’t get to dictate how far back anyone goes when defending someone, or anything else.. A year you say?? Is ok , because it suites your ladies agendas at the moment?? Yes, no surprise there!! It’s high time you stop telling people what they can and can’t do Lynn, because it only ever suites you.. So PLEASE get off your high horse Lynn!! LMFAO!!!

    24. Colly, you are clearly triggered. Take some deep breaths and relax. And please don’t copy every word I say and throw it back at me. Have your own thoughts. It’s really quite simple. If you actually read what was written instead of going on a tirade, you’d see that I was talking to Elle because she seems to think the Liam kiss is somehow now irrelevant. Why don’t you pick an episode, any episode actually….and count the amount of times you see derogatory name calling of the Logan women vs the name calling of the Forrester women….I’ll be waiting! 😂😂😂😂😂
      In the meantime….chill!!

    25. Ladies I almost choked when I read the comments about fans going back a year etc when literally certain Lfans literally go back 17 years or so to when Steffy was a teen or what 20 and crucify her adnauseum for mistakes she made!

      I also choked when Liam said Hope wouldn’t target a family! Has he forgotten her targeting HIS family, his pregnant wife and them fiance and newborn daughter??? It is so convenient!

      Brooke definitely is acting like Finn can’t stop thinking about Hope and the kiss like he’s fantasizing about her !!! Seriously!!!

      She had a cheek telling him to tell Steffy to end the feud, lying and pretending Hope is innocent when she has straight up told her mother she wants and deserves Finn more than Steffy! She had told her she isn’t going to stop so how the hell does Brooke stand there lecturing Finn for her daughter’s bad behaviour!!!

      Brooke is acting like Finn is struggling against his romantic feelings (which he DOESN’T have!!!!) for Hope!

      She absolutely is trying to cause a huge rift in his marriage! How dare she make this all Steffy’s fault ! And how dare she go around promising Hope won’t try anything when she KNOWS Hope is still targeting Finn and determined to have him for herself!

    26. I can't believe some of the BS I'm reading. Bringing up the past? It was ok for Lfans, "fellow" fans to bring up the past, even going back further than 17 yrs. Mmysh was always complimented on her eidetic memory for it, and anyone that had a different opinion was changing the facts, or pathetic, delusional and now you have to watch what thread you comment on unless you agree, or don't have a different opinion. Sorry not much to say about todays show, it was pretty boring. G'night ladies.

    27. My comments aren't showing up.😴 ☹️

    28. Lynn, is that all you got to use?? The same old childish bullshit when your called out on your hypocrisy, demands, and rules of the blog!! Honestly, it sounds a bit childish when you say shit like “oh, don’t copy my words, get your own thoughts” boohoohoo 🤦‍♀️ and clearly you can’t read either, because you can’t seem to differentiate the difference between sarcasm and what inverted brackets are used for?? Secondly, you think people are stupid I think, because you claim you were and to be clear on this, your words, “responding to Elle”, yet your rant was directed at everyone who likes those that you don’t!!

      I agree with Elle, when she said that it’s normal for people to support their favorites and bash who they don’t like, which not only does everyone else do, but you do very well!! And that certain people pick and choose who they demand respect from!! Does that sound familiar?? And that was my point to you, only I was a little more direct!! Lynn, at the end of the day, everyone has their own opinions, and it’s not up to anyone to tell others what people can and cannot say.. But I see very contradictory comments stating, not to bring up the past and then do it themselves!! And It doesn’t matter if only it’s a year and a half ago if we want to be a bit more accurate, if it’s not part the current storyline playing at the moment, then it’s the past!! And in regards to your last question you are “waiting” for me to answer, the blog until recently was dominated by those who support the Logan’s, but it seems there’s many more fans that support the other side, so could it be that is the reason you see more Logan bashing?? Either way, you have always made very derivative and nasty comments towards Steffy and Taylor and Thomas!

    29. Colly if we follow your logic nobody (in this case sadly Elle) should be able to come and tell me what I can bring up and how it's old news it's my damn right? Because that's how it started here. And I can tell them don't come and tell me what I can and can't post? Okay.

    30. BBFan sorry but you're the queen of bringing up stuff from the truly ancient past. Nobody goes back as far as you do, 17 years is modern history compared to where you go to write over and over the same things about Brooke.

    31. And Colly for the record I wouldn't tell Elle that, because I consider it ultimately childish to go with "don't tell me what to do". I'm not your mama and this is not the play pen. But the truth is that this is how it started - with her saying she can't believe I'm still bringing it up, we'll it's my damn right. And she "defined" the 1 year as old news not me. I was happy to discuss with her firstly because she's reasonable and we always manage to reach an understanding and secondly because she writes normal length posts that are to the point without dragging all kinds of needless stuff.

    32. Colly, you didn’t call me out on my hypocrisy. You just parroted my words back to me. The rules of the blog are simple….that no one goes after people personally. It’s supposed to be about the show, not personal insults. When the nastiness turns toward the other bloggers….its not OK.
      Again, you are very triggered. I do not have this same level of crazed reaction when talking with Elle or D. You get way too worked up for my liking. Somehow I seem to really get under your skin. Probably better we just don’t do our back and forths. Just not wanting or needing the drama.

    33. Lynn very reasonable and mature reaction. I think I'll follow your lead because I'm tired. I think us 4-5 spent more time arguing on the last episodes than they did filming them.

    34. Milla, I’m sure you’re right on the arguing vs filming. Lol. Or at the very least arguing vs writing…..which they probably spend about 15 mins a day based on the boring dialogue of the show.
      But seriously, I can’t imagine any of us on this blog having that kind of time! Too many things in our real lives to be doing. 😊

  3. Brooke shut up and stop making Steffy out to be the bad guy she did the same with Liam and this is getting old and repetitive. Keep your daughter away from Finn and that's the end of it. Is as though Brooke is offended Finn didn't want Hope. These Logan women are entitled bitchs. Steffy should just tell Finn what Liam did and let the chips fall when they may. Taylor move on from Ridge he isn't worth your beautiful time and energy. Taylor needs a real man that loves only her only. And I hope Taylor isn't sick that'd be very sad for the entire family.

    1. OK here seems you agree Steffy should tell Finn 😀😀

    2. @NOEMI the word BITCH in an understatement, both HOgans now running to Finn to bad mouth his wife to his face....he was laughing about Brooke when he told Steffy....he was quite abrupt to HOgan too, doesn't seem like these two HO'S will be able to manipulate Finn like they thought they could....Liam was suckered by them but Finn,the ain't stupid 👏👏👏 can't wait for Ridge to find out she went to see Finn, he will be upset then she will seduce him as per usual then all will be forgiven just for OLD NOOKY 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @unknown This is new for Brooke that she can't manipulate a man to do her bidding. I was aghast when she told Finn "maybe you can end this war between Steffy and Hope forever." Manipulation 101!

    4. Brookes a piece of trash always will be one too. Did you not see how she manipulates Ridge against his own daughter steffy? It is completely disgusting and disturbing. BuT bUt Steffy..... 🥴🥴🥴, thats all these Logan fans say.

    5. Brookes a piece of trash always will be one too. Did you not see how she manipulates Ridge against his own daughter steffy? It is completely disgusting and disturbing. BuT bUt Steffy..... 🥴🥴🥴, thats all these Logan fans say.

    6. This is the first man Brooke can’t seduce, like you said Elle. She doesn’t know what to do with a man who won’t get in his knees and throw away his wife and life when a Logan looks his way! She is used to using sex to get whatever she wants! Same with Hope she’s been doing it for years!

      Steffy is right to be worried about what Hope will do next to get her way! Steffy went through over a decade of Hope chasing her husband so no shocker she’s concerned! Especially given that Brooke was the driving force behind that and now she’s gone to Finn demanding be put Steffy in her place!

      WT actual F??

    7. Brooke is a MASTER manipulator, always has been, and is very apparent after yesterday with Ridge and today with Finn, always will be.. When Steffy told Ridge and Taylor that she supported the line but under the condition Hope stays away from her husband, Ridge said and you have every right to.. So he agrees with Steffy on this, and so he should.. I hear many Brooke and Hope supporters complain that Steffy has Finn under the thumb, well so does Brooke if we want to go there!! She has always manipulated Ridge and every other man for that matter to get what she wants and suite her agenda!

      Elle, I wasnt shocked by anything Brooke said to Finn!! She has always done that, when Steffy was married to Liam, she would always go to him to badmouth Steffy to him, and tell how much better Hope was for him!! This is nothing new, except for the fact that Finn didn’t tolerate her 🤣🤣

    8. Brava well said Colly and Elle!

    9. lol by the way it’s a joke saying a year in Real time is like yesterday in Soapy time more like it’s 5 yrs or more of we go by SORAS characters including the children of Steffy and Hope!!!

      I think that a character’s history with another character that completely forms their current interactions is fair game! Just because some viewers weren’t watching and didn’t see their favourite doing nasty things to others doesn’t make them not true!

      I’m personally sick of hearing how Hope is this sweet, kind, innocent person and Steffy is the evil witch!

      Hope absolutely targeted Steffy her marriage every single time she was married to Liam and when she was engaged to Liam!

      I have the rationale that it isn’t wrong since Hope was dating Liam first! Hope was also engaged and BROKE her engagement to Liam!

      It doesn’t entitle her to lifetime rights to Liam!

      It’s the same rationale with Brooke meeting Ridge before Taylor! Ridge was engaged to Caro when he met Brooke who desperately wanted his lifestyle and money!

      Remember her stalking him through the tabloids??

      Yet Hope is targeting Finn and she has NO history and is still be defended by some fans just because they hate Steffy.

      Steffy has certainly made mistakes but she has owned them!

      I remember Brooke and Hope throwing things in Steffy’s face for years and her apologies even when they weren’t directly involved but felt they had a right to lecture her!

      So Steffy defending her marriage is 100% appropriate and her husband AGREES!!!

    10. I really love how Steffy’s one act of cheating on Liam with Bill is constantly brought up which was almost a decade ago! However Brooke sleeping with her stepson repeatedly, brother in laws and son in laws and having a child with two of them is to be forgotten and never spoken of!!!

      Someone brought up Bridget that Ridge thought was his… she was conceived while Brooke was married to Eric!!! Ridge’s father and while Brooke was lying and saying she could only be Ridge’s to break up his marriage.

      I remember Hope demanding that Liam divorce Steffy all 3 times they were married! Hope sleeping with Liam and demanding he end his marriage etc!

      It wasn’t just about Beth! Hope was relentless, yet Steffy is always painted as the bad one etc etc.

      Personally, I’m sick of the hypocrisy!

    11. BBFan would it have been better for Hope and Liam to carry on while he's married to Steffy? 😅I think if he wanted to be with her, demanding he ends his marriage is only right. I doubt that she was stlking him or forcing herself on him, that he wanted to be with Steffy but monster Hope would turn him into pile of shit if he stayed?

    12. BBFan would it have been better for Hope and Liam to carry on while he's married to Steffy? 😅I think if he wanted to be with her, demanding he ends his marriage is only right. I doubt that she was stlking him or forcing herself on him, that he wanted to be with Steffy but monster Hope would turn him into pile of sht if he stayed?

    13. It would have been better for NOT to be having an affair with a MARRIED man and then acting like she’s the queen of morals !!! What a joke!

      A great example of not calling Hope out for sleeping with a married man!

      She WANTED Steffy’s husband!

      Shen felt ENTITLED to Steffy’s husband.

      She CHASED and TARGETED Steffy’s husband!

      She SLEPT with and had an AFFAIR with Steffy’s husband!

      She broke up Steffy’s marriage multiple times!

      Which Steffy DID NOT do to Hope!!!

      But all we EVER hear is how Steffy was mean to Hope!

    14. Gosh sorry I brought it up, quite a reaction 🙊

  4. Watching Ridge with Taylor even when Eric was in the room, Ridge is at peace, Taylor brings him peace and NO drama. He always seems to be walking on egg shells around HOgan‼️ Ridge is flirting with her in full force‼️ I can't wait for Steffy to tell Ridge and Taylor that HOgan went to see Finn 🤣 note HOgans manipulative tone too while talking to Finn 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Finn finds it rather funny that BOTH HOgan's are coming to him to bad mouth his wife to his face. How thick skinned are these two HOgan's, one being the company mattress and the other heading there 🤣 Come on Ridge, open your eyes, peace over drama, married the HOgan 8 times and you STILL have drama...what's it gonna take‼️

    1. Simple....He loves Brooke more...🤷🏽‍♀️ I think he just likes Taylor desperately pining away for him like a little puppy dog, but ultimately, he wants Brooke more. Taylor will just get her feelings hurt all over again.

    2. Taylor brings him peace and he knows it. There's always drama with HOgan. In my opinion, he loves his destiny's libido more.

  5. Please don't push Taylor and Ridge back together....ugh...he was just telling Brooke that she is the love of his life when they were in Monaco. 😕

  6. dear god, don't let the script go back to a brooke vs taylor vying for ridge. i do not like this new taylor, who condemns hope for going after finn when you can see by her coyness and eye batting at ridge that she isn't thinking the same thing. maybe thomas should come back & hope and paris can go at it.

    1. I don't get it, either. Oh wait, Ridge and Brooke aren't married and Taylor and Ridge have a history, so it's completely ok for Taylor to act like that. *facepalm*
      I also hope they are not going for another round of this R/B/T triangle..

  7. No these things shouldn't be happening to Steffy, let us not forget her past with men, Hope was with Liam 1st, Steffy went after him, Hope was with Wyatt next, then Steffy wanted him, Steffy had Hope stuck in a sky lift so she couldn't get to Liam (that's pretty low down).
    When Liam thought Hope kissed Thomas (was a manican) he ran straight to Steffy & Steffy was ready to drop Finn like a hot potato for Liam.
    Brooke was with Ridge 1st, before he ever met Taylor and Taylor standing there talking about women going after married men, she's like to lay a big one in Ridge right now!!
    Whole lot of this is the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. I guess some of the people currently watching the show weren't back then. Steffy and Taylor are actually what they continue to call Hope and Brooke. Not to mention Taylor had relations with Ridges brother and at one point I think Eric too.

    2. Why would anyone want to bring up Steffy’s and Taylor’s past when it’s so much easier to just say HOpe and HOgan 50 times a day?? 😂😂😂😂

    3. Taylor 's past included Thorne, Eric, Nick, dr.buckingham and Rick a few others...and Steffy...well as we all remember, went to sleep with her father -in-law (Bill)...and slept with Liam while she was in a relationship with Finn...also married Wyatt, let's not forget I think that Mommy and daughter should keep their mouths shut and get on with their lives.... because KARMA doesn't forgive or forget!!! It will come around when you least expect it 😁

    4. Absolument bien résumé Roxy!
      Steffy et Taylor les fausses oies blanches qui font et ont fait autant que Brooke et Hope ! Sous prétexte que Steffy veut mettre son passé derrière et à soit disant évolué, elle en devient amnésique ...autant au crédit de Taylor qui à couché avec tous les ex de Brooke et qui à trompé ridge avec son collègue James Warwick et à bien gardé ce secret..2 vraies salopes hypocrites mère et fille ...1 bon vrai karma leur ferait du bien! une.bonne fois pour toutes !!

    5. Roxy, I was with you until you said "Steffy was ready to drop Finn like a hot potato for Liam." Are you forgetting that Liam was the one who wanted to drop Hope like a hot potato because he thought she kissed Thomas? He was all "oh, we can be like that (happy) again" and, "how serious are you and Finn?" It was Steffy who shot him down and was terrified of losing Finn over what happened with Liam. She did not even want Finn to know, that's how terrified she was of losing Finn. So to say that Steffy was ready to drop Finn like a hot potato is simply not true.

    6. Elle, since you brought it up….thank you for mentioning that Steffy had zero issue with lying to Finn in that instance as well. Liam insisted he had to be honest with Hope, which ultimately forced Steffy to tell Finn the truth. But she fought the idea of telling Finn the truth multiple times. That’s just who she is. Her boyfriends / husbands are on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS! And apparently she seems to always determine they DON’T NEED TO KNOW!! 😂😂😂😂

    7. Lynn 😅😅 the need to know basis. And Steffy certainly didn't shoot Liam down. When they woke up, she was asking him what the night meant and he was the one who clearly said (in a newly sober state of mind) I'm married to Hope.

    8. Lynn, I figured you would come on here and say exactly what you said. As I was typing it, your words were already ringing in my ear.

    9. Elle, well there you go. 😂😂😂😂

    10. Elle, doesn’t make what I said any less true.

    11. So funny I remember Liam and Wyatt fighting over Steffy! Hope was also with both brothers! You seem to forget that Hope married Wyatt to get back at Liam because he didn’t meet her ultimatum and like the spoiled brat she is she ran off with Wyatt!

      Hope sabotaged her own relationships from the beginning but of course it is all Steffy’s fault! And whoever brought up Oliver forgets it was Brooke who cheated on Ridge with a minor and Hope’s boyfriend! Not Steffy!!!

    12. Ariel you may want to watch those episodes again since Steffy in NO WAY went to sleep with Bill while married to Liam!

      Liam cheated on Steffy with Sally Spectra the Younger, and Steffy fled to her grandfather’s house! Alone, didn’t tell anyone where she was!

      Bill had Justin illegally track her down, Bill forced his way into the guest house, despite Steffy telling him to leave numerous times!

      Bill spent hours bashing his own son and telling Steffy she deserved better etc. She was utterly distraught and vulnerable!

      That is the One and only time she slept with Bill!!! She was horrified by what she had done!

      Taylor was single so were the men she was sleeping with!

      Brooke and Hope both chased and slept with married men!

      Hope was relentless trying to break up Steffy and Liam’s marriages! That was all 3 of them! Before Steffy had ever cheated on Liam he cheated on her numerous times WITH Hope!!!

      Brooke I won’t list because we all know her long cheating past!

      Taylor NEVER slept with her daughter’s husbands and certainly didn’t get pregnant with them… Hope is walking talking proof that Brooke did !!!

    13. BBFan as I like to say under every one of your claims about Steffy's cheating - what else could she have done other than sleep with Bill?! It was only normal 🤣 and Liam when he came to her house and she told him to go but he didn't - well same, basically you say it's only normal to shag a guy for his persistence and none of her fault. You just can't not make excuses for her 😂😂 but nobody fing cares about justifications she cheated on her husband and her boyfriend and was ready to hide it but damn pregnancies liked her.

    14. Milla, I said at the time and many times after that Steffy was wrong to cheat!! Whatever the reason! She admitted she was wrong to do it too!

      What I have never seen or heard is Hope admitting she’s wrong for cheating with Steffy’s husband and certainly never apologised!!

      I’ve never seen you or any of the Hope supporters ever call her out for sleeping with Liam MANY time when he was married to Steffy! I’m not even talking about the last marriage when Beth was conceived!!

      Hope lost her virginity to Liam and he was very married!

      She moved in with him and demanded a divorce when his WIFE had miscarriage !!

      Steffy wasn’t cheating or doing anything but living with her husband Liam!

      You refuse to read or comment on that but are happy to jump on me and wrongly say I condone Steffy cheating! I don’t I just am sick of hearing Stefft being accused of chasing Bill or chasing Liam to sleep with them in those two instances which DID NOT HAPPEN!!

    15. BBFan I'm glad you admit Steffy's cheating was wrong, I just always only see the justifications and the admission came when I pointed out.
      I'm sure it wasn't right for Hope to sleep with Liam when he wasn't divorced (I'm putting it like this because I wasn't watching) but I read that he was separated and promising Hope that they are end game. But in the spirit of following my own words, I won't go on and on and justify it. I'll say it was wrong no matter what he said.
      (However I still believe in terms of betrayal cheating on someone goes higher than cheating with. Hope owes no fidelity to Steffy but Steffy did to Liam and Finn. But being technically the other woman is still not okay.)
      Now if you can do the same about claiming how we bring stuff up from 20 years ago, yet that story with Hope sleeping with Liam is literally from the same period 😅

    16. PS I never said Steffy chased Bill or Liam in those instances. I very well remember how the cheating happened and that she was minding her own business when they came to her. All I'm saying is that she could have tried not sleeping with them 😂

  8. Oh Brooke, just when I was starting to give you the benefit of the doubt that you had changed, you go and do this. Like mother, like daughter. Both of them are homewreckers. Why in the world would Brooke go to Finn to:

    1. Tell him what Steffy did.
    2. Encourage him to defend Hope and try to get Steffy to lighten up on Hope.

    Now I have to question whether Brooke really wants to see the demise of Finn and Steffy's marriage so that Hope can have him. Why would she do that? These are 2 grown women and she knows that Hope was very wrong to do what she did. Why is she going to Finn and acting like Finn is actually thinking about the kiss with Hope? I'm so glad Finn told her as it is. Woman! I AM moving on. I'm here at my office. You came to me. Tell her Finn!

    I absolutely love that Finn is not falling for their crapola. He is fully supportive of Steffy. Bravo Finn!

    1. I love how half these Logan fans bring up Taylor's past with men when Taylor hooked up with these men they were single at the time unlike Brooke that slept with all these men when they were in relationships or married and she also slept with 2 of Bridget's husbands and got knocked up twice by both. And Brooke never apologized to her daughter for sleeping with her husbands. Why do you think Bridget isn't in L.A she don't want Brooke near her husband and child. Thar tells alot. Taylor never slept with Steffys husbands so there's that. And Taylor is a better woman than Brooke. The logans use sex and manipulation to get men. So sick of these hypocritical Logan ass kissers.

    2. That's true, NOEMI. And everyone, including the Logan supporters know that's how it went down. Brooke was relentless in targeting and running after other women's husbands - and bragged about it to their faces too. Didn't she also have divorce papers drawn up for Macy and demanded that she sign them so that she (Brooke) could be with Thorne? Taylor never did anything like that. But, of course, they will never admit it because admitting it means admitting that Brooke is far worse than Taylor. So instead, it's better to just say that Taylor had as much men as Brooke did. I'm just glad that the writers know exactly who they made Brooke to be and frequently remind the viewers about her past.

    3. Exactly and Hope was just as relentless!

      Brooke is so far out of line! She is absolutely trying to ruin his marriage and fully expected Finn to back Hope! What a shock she got when he said he loves and fully supports his wife!

      Brooke tells Hope not to go after Finn then goes to Finn telling him to go against his wife to bolster Hope WTF???

    4. And it's not just that, BBFan. Brooke went over there to tell Finn about what Steffy did after the meeting. I keep questioning why she would do that. Was she expecting him to go home and berate Steffy for being duplicitous? She had no business telling him that.

    5. Brooke is doing what she always did with Liam! She bad mouthed his wife, praised Hope and tried to make Liam see that her daughter was better than his wife etc etc!

      Brooke is deliberately putting her oar in to cause a rift between Finn and Hope!

      Brooke’s missing the point there would be NO battle between them if Hope wasn’t targeting Steffy’s Husband!

      This started because Hope was using Thomas and Steffy advised her brother not to go down the dark path and to give up on being with Hope! He wisely moved on!

      Hope didn’t want to work on her line! She resented being given facts about how bad her line was doing and instead blamed Steffy for the mess that HOPE made of her own life!

      Like the very immature woman she is, Hope took NO personal responsibility and blamed someone else.

      She has become obsessed with Finn and hurting Steffy! She wants her way and like she has ALWAYS done doesn’t care who gets hurt as long as she gets her way!

      Brooke says one thing to Hope then the opposite y bashing Steffy and sneaking behind her back and trying to guilt Finn into making Steffy change and give Hope a free pass!

  9. no steffie Hope isnt becoming like her mother, she is becoming like your mother, both pursuing married men.

    1. Well since Ridge isn’t married I’m confused about your statement??

    2. First of Peggy. Taylor never went after no married men she got involved with these men when they were single and Taylor sure as hell didn't sleep with 2 of steffys husbands and got knocked up like how Brooke did and how are you here to defend brooke that slept with married men and destroyed marriages like wtf.
